]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/harbl.git/blob - src/Network/DNS/RBL.hs
Fix parsing of labels beginning with digits.
[dead/harbl.git] / src / Network / DNS / RBL.hs
1 module Network.DNS.RBL ( lookup_single )
2 where
4 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (
5 append,
6 intercalate,
7 pack,
8 split )
9 import Data.IP ( IPv4 )
10 import Data.List ( intercalate )
11 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
12 import Network.DNS (
13 DNSError,
14 Resolver,
15 defaultResolvConf,
16 lookupA,
17 makeResolvSeed,
18 withResolver )
20 import Network.DNS.RBL.Domain ( UserDomain )
21 import Network.DNS.RBL.IPv4Pattern ( addresses )
22 import Network.DNS.RBL.Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
23 import Network.DNS.RBL.Site ( Site(..), Weight(..) )
25 -- | A dumb wrapper around an IP address input as a 'String'.
26 --
27 newtype Host = Host String
28 instance Pretty Host where pretty_show (Host h) = h
31 -- | In most applications, you will want to know /why/ a host is
32 -- blacklisted. This type stores those details: the site on which
33 -- the host was listed, and the return codes that we got back from
34 -- the blacklist.
35 data ListingDetails = ListingDetails Site [IPv4]
38 -- | Create a nice \"error\" message from a host and the details of
39 -- why it was listed.
40 --
41 listing_message :: Host -> ListingDetails -> String
42 listing_message host (ListingDetails (Site d _ w) codes) =
43 "host " ++ (pretty_show host) ++ " " ++
44 "listed on " ++ (pretty_show d) ++ " " ++
45 "with return code(s) " ++ return_codes ++ " " ++
46 "having weight " ++ (pretty_show w)
47 where
48 return_codes :: String
49 return_codes = intercalate "," (map show codes)
52 -- | This code is stolen from 'Network.DNS.lookupRDNS', which I'm
53 -- pretty sure I wrote anyway.
54 --
55 dnslookup :: Resolver -> UserDomain -> Host -> IO (Either DNSError [IPv4])
56 dnslookup rlv rbl (Host ip) = lookupA rlv dom
57 where
58 -- ByteString constants.
59 dot = BS.pack "."
60 suffix = BS.pack $ "." ++ (pretty_show rbl)
62 octets = BS.split '.' (BS.pack ip)
63 reverse_ip = BS.intercalate dot (reverse octets)
64 dom = reverse_ip `BS.append` suffix
68 -- | Look up the given @host@ on a single RBL, and return the number
69 -- of \"points\" it scores. If the host is listed, it should score the
70 -- weight of the given blacklist. Otherwise, it scores zero.
71 --
72 lookup_single :: Host -> Site -> IO Int
73 lookup_single host site = do
74 rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
75 withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookup_single' resolver host site
78 -- | See 'lookup_single'.
79 --
80 -- The \"prime\" version of this function takes a pre-existing
81 -- resolver as an argument for performance reasons.
82 --
83 lookup_single' :: Resolver -> Host -> Site -> IO Int
84 lookup_single' resolver host (Site d p (Weight w)) = do
85 response <- dnslookup resolver d host
86 case response of
87 Left _ -> return 0 -- Not listed
88 Right ipv4s ->
89 case p of
90 -- No pattern given, but we got a hit.
91 Nothing -> return w
92 Just pat -> do
93 let ipv4_strings = map show ipv4s
94 let codes = addresses pat
95 let hits = map (`elem` codes) ipv4_strings
96 if or hits -- if any of the returned addresses match the pattern
97 then return w
98 else return 0
101 -- | Look up the given @host@ on all of the white/blacklists contained
102 -- in @sites@. Return the total \"score\" for the @host@; that is,
103 -- the sum of the weights for each site whose pattern the host
104 -- matches.
105 --
106 lookup_simple :: Host -> [Site] -> IO Int
107 lookup_simple host sites = do
108 rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
109 withResolver rs $ \resolver -> do
110 results <- mapM (lookup_single' resolver host) sites
111 return $ sum results
113 -- | Look up the given @host@ on all of the white/blacklists contained
114 -- in @sites@. If the results, multiplied by their weights, add up to
115 -- (at least) @threshold@, then @True@ is returned; that is, the
116 -- @host@ is \"listed\". Otherwise, @False@ is returned.
117 --
118 lookup_threshold :: Host -> [Site] -> Int -> IO Bool
119 lookup_threshold host sites threshold = do
120 score <- lookup_simple host sites
121 if score >= threshold
122 then return True
123 else return False
126 -- | See 'lookup_single_details'. The \"prime\" version here takes an
127 -- additional @resolver@ argument for performance reasons.
128 --
129 lookup_single_details' :: Resolver
130 -> Host
131 -> Site
132 -> IO (Maybe ListingDetails)
133 lookup_single_details' resolver host site@(Site d p (Weight w)) = do
134 response <- dnslookup resolver d host
135 case response of
136 Left _ -> return Nothing -- Not listed, no error to report
137 Right ipv4s ->
138 case p of
139 -- No pattern given, but we got a hit.
140 Nothing -> return $ Just (ListingDetails site ipv4s)
141 Just pat -> do
142 let ipv4_strings = map show ipv4s
143 let codes = addresses pat
144 let hits = map (`elem` codes) ipv4_strings
145 if or hits -- if any of the returned addresses match the pattern
146 then return $ Just (ListingDetails site ipv4s)
147 else return Nothing
150 -- | Look up a single...
151 lookup_single_details :: Host
152 -> Site
153 -> IO (Maybe ListingDetails)
154 lookup_single_details host site = do
155 rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
156 withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookup_single_details' resolver host site
159 lookup_details :: Host -> [Site] -> IO [ListingDetails]
160 lookup_details host sites = do
161 rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
162 withResolver rs $ \resolver -> do
163 results <- mapM (lookup_single_details' resolver host) sites
164 return $ catMaybes results