]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - mailbox-count.git/blob - mailbox-count.cabal
src/OptionalConfiguration.hs: don't derive Typeable.
[mailbox-count.git] / mailbox-count.cabal
1 name: mailbox-count
2 version: 0.0.3
3 cabal-version: >= 1.8
4 author: Michael Orlitzky
5 maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
6 license: AGPL-3
7 license-file: doc/LICENSE
8 bug-reports: mailto:michael@orlitzky.com
9 category: Mail, Utils
10 build-type: Simple
11 extra-source-files:
12 doc/mailbox-countrc.example
13 doc/man1/mailbox-count.1
14 test/fixtures/postfixadmin.sqlite3
15 synopsis:
16 Count mailboxes in a SQL database.
17 description:
18 /Usage/:
19 .
20 @
21 mailbox-count [OPTIONS]
22 @
23 .
24 Mailbox-count produces a simple count of mailboxes that exist
25 per-domain in some SQL database. The default queries are compatible
26 with the schema used by PostfixAdmin <http://postfixadmin.sourceforge.net/>,
27 but it is possible to supply your own queries via the @--summary-query@
28 and @--detail-query@ options.
29 .
30 The summary report lists each domain, along with the number of
31 mailboxes owned by that domain. The order is determined by the summary
32 query, which lists the domains alphabetically by default.
33 .
34 The default detail report shows the same, but also contains a list of
35 each individual mailbox (again in alphabetical order) belonging to the
36 domains.
37 .
38 /Input/:
39 .
40 None.
41 .
42 /Output/:
43 .
44 Either a summary, or detailed report (with @--detail@) of the
45 number of mailboxes per-domain contained in the database.
46 .
47 /Options/:
48 .
49 @
50 \--database
51 @
52 .
53 The name of the database (or file, if SQLite) to which we should
54 connect.
55 .
56 Default: The name of the current user (Postgres only).
57 .
58 @
59 \--detail
60 @
61 .
62 Produce a detailed report listing all mailboxes by domain.
63 .
64 @
65 \--detail-query
66 @
67 .
68 SQL query used to produce the detail report. This should return the
69 set of all (domain, username) pairs. See the default value for an
70 example.
71 .
72 Default: \"SELECT domain,username FROM mailbox ORDER BY domain;\"
73 .
74 @
75 \--host
76 @
77 .
78 Hostname where the database is located (Postgres-only).
79 .
80 Default: None, a UNIX domain socket connection is attempted (Postgres only)
81 .
82 @
83 \--password
84 @
85 .
86 Password used to connect to the database (Postgres-only).
87 .
88 Default: None (assumes passwordless authentication)
89 .
90 @
91 \--port
92 @
93 Port number used to connect to the database (Postgres-only).
94 .
95 Default: None, a UNIX domain socket connection is attempted (Postgres only)
96 .
97 @
98 \--summary-query
99 @
100 .
101 SQL query used to produce the summary report. This should return
102 (domain, user count) pairs. See the default value for an
103 example.
104 .
105 Default: \"SELECT domain,COUNT(username) FROM mailbox GROUP BY domain
106 ORDER BY domain;\"
107 .
108 @
109 \--username
110 @
111 .
112 Username used to connect to the database (Postgres-only).
113 .
114 Default: The current user
115 .
116 /Examples/:
117 .
118 The default summary report:
119 .
120 @
121 $ mailbox-count --database=postfixadmin.sqlite3
122 Summary (number of mailboxes per domain)
123 \----------------------------------------
124 example.com: 3
125 example.invalid: 1
126 example.net: 2
127 example.org: 1
128 @
129 .
130 The more detailed report:
131 .
132 @
133 $ mailbox-count --detail --database=postfixadmin.sqlite3
134 Detail (list of all mailboxes by domain)
135 \----------------------------------------
136 example.com (3):
137 &#x20; user1
138 &#x20; user3
139 &#x20; user5
141 example.invalid (1):
142 &#x20; user7
144 example.net (2):
145 &#x20; user2
146 &#x20; user4
148 example.org (1):
149 &#x20; user6
150 @
154 executable mailbox-count
155 build-depends:
156 base >= 4.8 && < 5,
157 cmdargs >= 0.10,
158 configurator >= 0.2,
159 containers >= 0.5,
160 directory >= 1.2,
161 filepath >= 1.3,
162 HDBC >= 2.4,
163 HDBC-postgresql >= 2.3,
164 HDBC-sqlite3 >= 2.3,
165 MissingH >= 1.2,
166 semigroups >= 0.18,
167 tasty >= 0.8,
168 tasty-hunit >= 0.8
169 main-is:
170 Main.hs
172 hs-source-dirs:
173 src/
175 other-modules:
176 Configuration
177 CommandLine
178 OptionalConfiguration
179 -- WARNING: the Paths_mailbox_count module is automatically generated by
180 -- Cabal itself. We don't want it included in the release tarballs,
181 -- since we typically want the paths that the user has configured.
182 -- Nevertheless, Cabal will complain if we don't include it here.
183 Paths_mailbox_count
184 Report
187 test-suite testsuite
188 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
189 hs-source-dirs: src test
190 main-is: TestSuite.hs
191 build-depends:
192 base >= 4.8 && < 5,
193 cmdargs >= 0.10,
194 configurator >= 0.2,
195 containers >= 0.5,
196 directory >= 1.2,
197 filepath >= 1.3,
198 HDBC >= 2.4,
199 HDBC-postgresql >= 2.3,
200 HDBC-sqlite3 >= 2.3,
201 MissingH >= 1.2,
202 semigroups >= 0.18,
203 tasty >= 0.8,
204 tasty-hunit >= 0.8
208 test-suite doctests
209 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
210 hs-source-dirs: test
211 main-is: Doctests.hs
212 build-depends:
213 base >= 4.8 && < 5,
214 -- Additional test dependencies.
215 doctest >= 0.9,
216 filemanip >= 0.3.6
220 source-repository head
221 type: git
222 location: http://gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com/mailbox-count.git
223 branch: master