]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/htsn-import.git/blob - src/TSN/XML/SportInfo.hs
Disable TSN.XML.MLBBoxScore in preparation for a release.
[dead/htsn-import.git] / src / TSN / XML / SportInfo.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 -- | SportInfo represents a collection of DTDs that we don't really
9 -- handle but want to make available. The raw XML gets stored in the
10 -- database along with the XML_File_ID, but we don't parse any of it.
11 --
12 -- This is almost completely redundant with "TSN.XML.GameInfo", but
13 -- the redundancy is necessary: we need separate message types so
14 -- that we can have separate 'DbImport' instances. It would take
15 -- more code/work to abstract (if it's even possible) than to
16 -- duplicate.
17 --
18 module TSN.XML.SportInfo (
19 dtds,
20 parse_xml,
21 sport_info_tests,
22 -- * WARNING: these are private but exported to silence warnings
23 SportInfoConstructor(..) )
24 where
26 -- System imports.
27 import Data.Either ( rights )
28 import Data.String.Utils ( replace )
29 import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime )
30 import Database.Groundhog (
31 countAll,
32 insert_,
33 migrate )
34 import Database.Groundhog.Generic ( runDbConn, runMigrationSilent )
35 import Database.Groundhog.Sqlite ( withSqliteConn )
36 import Database.Groundhog.TH (
37 defaultCodegenConfig,
38 groundhog,
39 mkPersist )
40 import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
41 import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
42 import Text.XML.HXT.Core ( XmlTree )
43 import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml ( xshow )
45 -- Local imports.
46 import TSN.DbImport (
47 DbImport(..),
48 ImportResult(..),
49 run_dbmigrate )
50 import TSN.Parse (
51 ParseError,
52 parse_message,
53 parse_xmlfid,
54 parse_xml_time_stamp )
55 import Xml ( unsafe_read_document )
58 -- | The DTDs for everything that we consider \"Sport Info.\"
59 --
60 dtds :: [String]
61 dtds =
62 [ "CBASK_3PPctXML.dtd",
63 "Cbask_All_Tourn_Teams_XML.dtd",
64 "CBASK_AssistsXML.dtd",
65 "Cbask_Awards_XML.dtd",
66 "CBASK_BlocksXML.dtd",
67 "Cbask_Conf_Standings_XML.dtd",
68 "Cbask_DivII_III_Indv_Stats_XML.dtd",
69 "Cbask_DivII_Team_Stats_XML.dtd",
70 "Cbask_DivIII_Team_Stats_XML.dtd",
71 "CBASK_FGPctXML.dtd",
72 "CBASK_FoulsXML.dtd",
73 "CBASK_FTPctXML.dtd",
74 "Cbask_Indv_No_Avg_XML.dtd",
75 "Cbask_Indv_Scoring_XML.dtd",
76 "Cbask_Indv_Shooting_XML.dtd",
77 "CBASK_MinutesXML.dtd",
78 "Cbask_Polls_XML.dtd",
79 "CBASK_ReboundsXML.dtd",
80 "CBASK_ScoringLeadersXML.dtd",
81 "Cbask_Team_Scoring_Rebound_Margin_XML.dtd",
82 "Cbask_Team_Scoring_XML.dtd",
83 "Cbask_Team_Shooting_Pct_XML.dtd",
84 "Cbask_Team_ThreePT_Made_XML.dtd",
85 "Cbask_Team_ThreePT_PCT_XML.dtd",
86 "Cbask_Team_Win_Pct_XML.dtd",
87 "Cbask_Top_Twenty_Five_XML.dtd",
88 "CBASK_TopTwentyFiveResult_XML.dtd",
89 "Cbask_Tourn_Awards_XML.dtd",
90 "Cbask_Tourn_Champs_XML.dtd",
91 "Cbask_Tourn_Indiv_XML.dtd",
92 "Cbask_Tourn_Leaders_XML.dtd",
93 "Cbask_Tourn_MVP_XML.dtd",
94 "Cbask_Tourn_Records_XML.dtd",
95 "LeagueScheduleXML.dtd",
96 "minorscoresxml.dtd",
97 "Minor_Baseball_League_Leaders_XML.dtd",
98 "Minor_Baseball_Standings_XML.dtd",
99 "Minor_Baseball_Transactions_XML.dtd",
100 "mlbbattingavgxml.dtd",
101 "mlbdoublesleadersxml.dtd",
102 "MLBGamesPlayedXML.dtd",
103 "MLBGIDPXML.dtd",
104 "MLBHitByPitchXML.dtd",
105 "mlbhitsleadersxml.dtd",
106 "mlbhomerunsxml.dtd",
107 "MLBHRFreqXML.dtd",
108 "MLBIntWalksXML.dtd",
109 "MLBKORateXML.dtd",
110 "mlbonbasepctxml.dtd",
111 "MLBOPSXML.dtd",
112 "MLBPlateAppsXML.dtd",
113 "mlbrbisxml.dtd",
114 "mlbrunsleadersxml.dtd",
115 "MLBSacFliesXML.dtd",
116 "MLBSacrificesXML.dtd",
117 "MLBSBSuccessXML.dtd",
118 "mlbsluggingpctxml.dtd",
119 "mlbstandxml.dtd",
120 "mlbstandxml_preseason.dtd",
121 "mlbstolenbasexml.dtd",
122 "mlbtotalbasesleadersxml.dtd",
123 "mlbtriplesleadersxml.dtd",
124 "MLBWalkRateXML.dtd",
125 "mlbwalksleadersxml.dtd",
126 "MLBXtraBaseHitsXML.dtd",
127 "MLB_ERA_Leaders.dtd",
128 "MLB_Fielding_XML.dtd",
129 "MLB_Pitching_Appearances_Leaders.dtd",
130 "MLB_Pitching_Balks_Leaders.dtd",
131 "MLB_Pitching_CG_Leaders.dtd",
132 "MLB_Pitching_ER_Allowed_Leaders.dtd",
133 "MLB_Pitching_Hits_Allowed_Leaders.dtd",
134 "MLB_Pitching_Hit_Batters_Leaders.dtd",
135 "MLB_Pitching_HR_Allowed_Leaders.dtd",
136 "MLB_Pitching_IP_Leaders.dtd",
137 "MLB_Pitching_Runs_Allowed_Leaders.dtd",
138 "MLB_Pitching_Saves_Leaders.dtd",
139 "MLB_Pitching_Shut_Outs_Leaders.dtd",
140 "MLB_Pitching_Starts_Leaders.dtd",
141 "MLB_Pitching_Strike_Outs_Leaders.dtd",
142 "MLB_Pitching_Walks_Leaders.dtd",
143 "MLB_Pitching_WHIP_Leaders.dtd",
144 "MLB_Pitching_Wild_Pitches_Leaders.dtd",
145 "MLB_Pitching_Win_Percentage_Leaders.dtd",
146 "MLB_Pitching_WL_Leaders.dtd",
147 "NBA_Team_Stats_XML.dtd",
148 "NBA3PPctXML.dtd",
149 "NBAAssistsXML.dtd",
150 "NBABlocksXML.dtd",
151 "nbaconfrecxml.dtd",
152 "nbadaysxml.dtd",
153 "nbadivisionsxml.dtd",
154 "NBAFGPctXML.dtd",
155 "NBAFoulsXML.dtd",
156 "NBAFTPctXML.dtd",
157 "NBAMinutesXML.dtd",
158 "NBAReboundsXML.dtd",
159 "NBAScorersXML.dtd",
160 "nbastandxml.dtd",
161 "NBAStealsXML.dtd",
162 "nbateamleadersxml.dtd",
163 "nbatripledoublexml.dtd",
164 "NBATurnoversXML.dtd",
165 "NCAA_Conference_Schedule_XML.dtd",
166 "nflfirstdownxml.dtd",
167 "NFLFumbleLeaderXML.dtd",
168 "NFLGrassTurfDomeOutsideXML.dtd",
169 "NFLGiveTakeXML.dtd",
170 "NFLInside20XML.dtd",
171 "NFLInterceptionLeadersXML.dtd",
172 "NFLKickoffsXML.dtd",
173 "NFLMondayNightXML.dtd",
174 "NFLPassingLeadersXML.dtd",
175 "NFLPassLeadXML.dtd",
176 "NFLQBStartsXML.dtd",
177 "NFLReceivingLeadersXML.dtd",
178 "NFLRushingLeadersXML.dtd",
179 "NFLSackLeadersXML.dtd",
180 "nflstandxml.dtd",
181 "NFLTackleFFLeadersXML.dtd",
182 "NFLTeamRankingsXML.dtd",
183 "NFLTopKickoffReturnXML.dtd",
184 "NFLTopPerformanceXML.dtd",
185 "NFLTopPuntReturnXML.dtd",
186 "NFLTotalYardageXML.dtd",
187 "NFLYardsXML.dtd",
188 "NFL_KickingLeaders_XML.dtd",
189 "NFL_NBA_Draft_XML.dtd",
190 "NFL_PuntingLeaders_XML.dtd",
191 "NFL_Roster_XML.dtd",
192 "NFL_Team_Stats_XML.dtd",
193 "Transactions_XML.dtd",
194 "Weekly_Sched_XML.dtd",
195 "WNBA_Team_Leaders_XML.dtd",
196 "WNBA3PPctXML.dtd",
197 "WNBAAssistsXML.dtd",
198 "WNBABlocksXML.dtd",
199 "WNBAFGPctXML.dtd",
200 "WNBAFoulsXML.dtd",
201 "WNBAFTPctXML.dtd",
202 "WNBAMinutesXML.dtd",
203 "WNBAReboundsXML.dtd",
204 "WNBAScorersXML.dtd",
205 "wnbastandxml.dtd",
206 "WNBAStealsXML.dtd",
207 "WNBATurnoversXML.dtd" ]
210 -- | This serves as both the database and XML representation of a
211 -- SportInfo \<message\>.
212 --
213 data SportInfo =
214 SportInfo {
215 dtd :: String,
216 xml_file_id :: Int,
217 time_stamp :: UTCTime,
218 xml :: String }
219 deriving (Eq, Show)
222 -- | Attempt to parse a 'SportInfo' from an 'XmlTree'. If we cannot,
223 -- we fail with an error message.
224 --
225 parse_xml :: String -> XmlTree -> Either ParseError SportInfo
226 parse_xml dtdname xmltree = do
227 xmlfid <- parse_xmlfid xmltree
228 timestamp <- parse_xml_time_stamp xmltree
229 message <- parse_message xmltree
230 return $ SportInfo dtdname xmlfid timestamp (xshow [message])
233 --
234 -- Database code
235 --
237 instance DbImport SportInfo where
238 dbmigrate _ =
239 run_dbmigrate $ migrate (undefined :: SportInfo)
241 -- | We import a 'SportInfo' by inserting the whole thing at
242 -- once. Nothing fancy going on here.
243 dbimport msg = do
244 insert_ msg
245 return ImportSucceeded
248 -- | The database schema for SportInfo is trivial; all we need is for
249 -- the XML_File_ID to be unique.
250 --
251 mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog|
252 - entity: SportInfo
253 dbName: sport_info
254 constructors:
255 - name: SportInfo
256 uniques:
257 - name: unique_sport_info
258 type: constraint
259 # Prevent multiple imports of the same message.
260 fields: [xml_file_id]
261 |]
264 --
265 -- Tasty Tests
266 --
268 -- | A list of all tests for this module.
269 --
270 sport_info_tests :: TestTree
271 sport_info_tests =
272 testGroup
273 "SportInfo tests"
274 [ test_accessors,
275 test_parse_xml_succeeds,
276 test_dbimport_succeeds ]
279 -- | Make sure the accessors work and that we can parse one file. Ok,
280 -- so the real point of this is to make the unused fields (dtd, xml,
281 -- ...) warning go away without having to mangle the groundhog code.
282 --
283 test_accessors :: TestTree
284 test_accessors = testCase "we can access a parsed sport_info" $ do
285 xmltree <- unsafe_read_document "test/xml/sportinfo/wnbastandxml.xml"
286 let Right t = parse_xml "wnbastandxml.dtd" xmltree
287 let a1 = dtd t
288 let ex1 = "wnbastandxml.dtd"
289 let a2 = xml_file_id t
290 let ex2 = 2011
291 let a3 = show $ time_stamp t
292 let ex3 = "2009-09-27 19:50:00 UTC"
293 let a4 = take 9 (xml t)
294 let ex4 = "<message>"
295 let actual = (a1,a2,a3,a4)
296 let expected = (ex1,ex2,ex3,ex4)
297 actual @?= expected
300 -- | Sample XML documents for SportInfo types.
301 --
302 sport_info_test_files :: [FilePath]
303 sport_info_test_files =
304 map (change_suffix . add_path) dtds
305 where
306 add_path = ("test/xml/sportinfo/" ++ )
307 change_suffix = replace ".dtd" ".xml"
310 -- | Make sure we can parse every element of 'sport_info_test_files'.
311 --
312 test_parse_xml_succeeds :: TestTree
313 test_parse_xml_succeeds =
314 testGroup "parse_xml" $ map check sport_info_test_files
315 where
316 check t = testCase t $ do
317 x <- unsafe_read_document t
318 let result = parse_xml "dummy" x
319 let actual = case result of -- isRight appears in base-4.7
320 Left _ -> False
321 Right _ -> True
322 let expected = True
323 actual @?= expected
326 -- | Ensure that each element of 'sport_info_test_files' can be imported
327 -- by counting the total number of database records (after
328 -- importing) and comparing it against the length of
329 -- 'sport_info_test_files'.
330 --
331 test_dbimport_succeeds :: TestTree
332 test_dbimport_succeeds = testCase "dbimport succeeds" $ do
333 xmltrees <- mapM unsafe_read_document sport_info_test_files
334 let msgs = rights $ map (parse_xml "dummy") xmltrees
335 actual <- withSqliteConn ":memory:" $ runDbConn $ do
336 runMigrationSilent $
337 migrate (undefined :: SportInfo)
338 mapM_ dbimport msgs
339 countAll (undefined :: SportInfo)
341 actual @?= expected
342 where
343 expected = length sport_info_test_files