1 -- | This module defines the 'Configuration' type, which is just a
2 -- wrapper around all of the configuration options we accept on the
10 import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default ( Default( def ) )
12 import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC (
13 OptionalConfiguration(..),
16 -- | The main configuration data type. This will be passed to most of
17 -- the important functions once it has been created.
21 database :: Maybe String,
23 detail_query :: String,
25 password :: Maybe String,
27 summary_query :: String,
28 username :: Maybe String }
32 -- | A Configuration with all of its fields set to their default
35 instance Default Configuration where
39 detail_query = def_detail_query,
43 summary_query = def_summary_query,
46 def_summary_query = "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) " ++
51 def_detail_query = "SELECT domain,username " ++
55 -- | Merge a 'Configuration' with an 'OptionalConfiguration'. This is
56 -- more or less the Monoid instance for 'OptionalConfiguration', but
57 -- since the two types are different, we have to repeat ourselves.
59 merge_optional :: Configuration
60 -> OC.OptionalConfiguration
62 merge_optional cfg opt_cfg =
64 (OC.merge_maybes (database cfg) (OC.database opt_cfg))
65 (merge (detail cfg) (OC.detail opt_cfg))
66 (merge (detail_query cfg) (OC.detail_query opt_cfg))
67 (OC.merge_maybes (host cfg) (OC.host opt_cfg))
68 (OC.merge_maybes (password cfg) (OC.password opt_cfg))
69 (OC.merge_maybes (port cfg) (OC.port opt_cfg))
70 (merge (summary_query cfg) (OC.summary_query opt_cfg))
71 (OC.merge_maybes (username cfg) (OC.username opt_cfg))
73 -- | If the thing on the right is Just something, return that
74 -- something, otherwise return the thing on the left.
75 merge :: a -> Maybe a -> a