]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/htsn-import.git/blob - TSN/XML/GameInfo.hs
Allow "TBA" laps in TSN.XML.AutoRacingSchedule.
[dead/htsn-import.git] / TSN / XML / GameInfo.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 -- | GameInfo represents a collection of DTDs that we don't really
9 -- handle but want to make available. The raw XML gets stored in the
10 -- database along with the XML_File_ID, but we don't parse any of it.
11 --
12 -- See also: TSN.XML.SportInfo
13 --
14 module TSN.XML.GameInfo (
15 dtds,
16 gameinfo_tests,
17 parse_xml,
18 -- * WARNING: these are private but exported to silence warnings
19 GameInfoConstructor(..) )
20 where
22 -- System imports.
23 import Data.Either ( rights )
24 import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime )
25 import Database.Groundhog (
26 countAll,
27 migrate,
28 runMigration,
29 silentMigrationLogger )
30 import Database.Groundhog.Generic ( runDbConn )
31 import Database.Groundhog.Sqlite ( withSqliteConn )
32 import Database.Groundhog.TH (
33 groundhog,
34 mkPersist )
35 import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
36 import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
37 import Text.XML.HXT.Core ( XmlTree )
38 import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml ( xshow )
40 -- Local imports.
41 import TSN.Codegen ( tsn_codegen_config )
42 import TSN.DbImport (
43 DbImport(..),
44 ImportResult(..),
45 run_dbmigrate )
46 import TSN.Parse (
47 parse_message,
48 parse_xmlfid,
49 parse_xml_time_stamp )
50 import TSN.XmlImport ( XmlImport(..) )
51 import Xml (
52 FromXml(..),
53 ToDb(..),
54 unsafe_read_document )
57 -- | The DTDs for everything that we consider "Game Info."
58 --
59 -- TODO: This is the list from the old implementation. We need to
60 -- make sure that we are really receiving XML for these DTDs
61 -- (i.e. the names are correct).
62 --
63 dtds :: [String]
64 dtds =
65 [ "CBASK_Lineup_XML.dtd",
66 "cbaskpreviewxml.dtd",
67 "cflpreviewxml.dtd",
68 "Matchup_NBA_NHL_XML.dtd",
69 "mlbpreviewxml.dtd",
70 "MLB_Gaming_Matchup_XML.dtd",
71 "MLB_Lineup_XML.dtd",
72 "MLB_Matchup_XML.dtd",
73 "MLS_Preview_XML.dtd",
74 "NBA_Gaming_Matchup_XML.dtd",
75 "NBA_Playoff_Matchup_XML.dtd",
76 "NBALineupXML.dtd",
77 "nbapreviewxml.dtd",
78 "NCAA_FB_Preview_XML.dtd",
79 "nflpreviewxml.dtd",
80 "NFL_NCAA_FB_Matchup_XML.dtd", -- missing DTD
81 "nhlpreviewxml.dtd",
82 "recapxml.dtd",
83 "WorldBaseballPreviewXML.dtd" -- missing DTD
84 ]
87 -- | XML representation of a GameInfo \<message\>.
88 --
89 data Message =
90 Message {
91 xml_dtd :: String,
92 xml_xml_file_id :: Int,
93 xml_time_stamp :: UTCTime,
94 xml_xml :: String }
95 deriving (Eq, Show)
98 -- | Attempt to parse a 'Message' from an 'XmlTree'. If we cannot,
99 -- we fail with an error message.
100 --
101 parse_xml :: String -> XmlTree -> Either String Message
102 parse_xml dtdname xmltree = do
103 xmlfid <- parse_xmlfid xmltree
104 timestamp <- parse_xml_time_stamp xmltree
105 message <- parse_message xmltree
106 return $ Message dtdname (fromInteger xmlfid) timestamp (xshow [message])
109 -- | Database representation of a 'Message'.
110 --
111 data GameInfo =
112 GameInfo {
113 db_dtd :: String,
114 db_xml_file_id :: Int,
115 db_time_stamp :: UTCTime,
116 db_xml :: String }
119 instance ToDb Message where
120 -- | The database analogue of a 'Message' is an 'GameInfo'.
121 type Db Message = GameInfo
123 instance FromXml Message where
124 -- | The XML to DB conversion is trivial here.
125 --
126 from_xml Message{..} = GameInfo {
127 db_dtd = xml_dtd,
128 db_xml_file_id = xml_xml_file_id,
129 db_time_stamp = xml_time_stamp,
130 db_xml = xml_xml }
133 -- | This allows us to insert the XML representation 'Message'
134 -- directly.
135 --
136 instance XmlImport Message
139 --
140 -- Database code
141 --
143 instance DbImport Message where
144 dbmigrate _ =
145 run_dbmigrate $ migrate (undefined :: GameInfo)
147 -- | We import a 'Message' by inserting the whole thing at
148 -- once. Nothing fancy going on here.
149 dbimport msg = do
150 insert_xml_ msg
151 return ImportSucceeded
154 -- | The database schema for GameInfo is trivial; all we need is for
155 -- the XML_File_ID to be unique.
156 --
157 mkPersist tsn_codegen_config [groundhog|
158 - entity: GameInfo
159 constructors:
160 - name: GameInfo
161 uniques:
162 - name: unique_game_info
163 type: constraint
164 # Prevent multiple imports of the same message.
165 fields: [db_xml_file_id]
166 |]
169 --
170 -- Tasty Tests
171 --
173 -- | A list of all tests for this module.
174 --
175 gameinfo_tests :: TestTree
176 gameinfo_tests =
177 testGroup
178 "GameInfo tests"
179 [ test_parse_xml_succeeds,
180 test_dbimport_succeeds ]
183 -- | Sample XML documents for GameInfo types.
184 --
185 gameinfo_test_files :: [FilePath]
186 gameinfo_test_files =
187 [ "test/xml/gameinfo/CBASK_Lineup_XML.xml",
188 "test/xml/gameinfo/cbaskpreviewxml.xml",
189 "test/xml/gameinfo/cflpreviewxml.xml",
190 "test/xml/gameinfo/Matchup_NBA_NHL_XML.xml",
191 "test/xml/gameinfo/MLB_Gaming_Matchup_XML.xml",
192 "test/xml/gameinfo/MLB_Lineup_XML.xml",
193 "test/xml/gameinfo/MLB_Matchup_XML.xml",
194 "test/xml/gameinfo/mlbpreviewxml.xml",
195 "test/xml/gameinfo/MLS_Preview_XML.xml",
196 "test/xml/gameinfo/NBA_Gaming_Matchup_XML.xml",
197 "test/xml/gameinfo/NBALineupXML.xml",
198 "test/xml/gameinfo/NBA_Playoff_Matchup_XML.xml",
199 "test/xml/gameinfo/NCAA_FB_Preview_XML.xml",
200 "test/xml/gameinfo/nbapreviewxml.xml",
201 "test/xml/gameinfo/nflpreviewxml.xml",
202 "test/xml/gameinfo/nhlpreviewxml.xml",
203 "test/xml/gameinfo/recapxml.xml" ]
206 -- | Make sure we can parse every element of 'gameinfo_test_files'.
207 --
208 test_parse_xml_succeeds :: TestTree
209 test_parse_xml_succeeds =
210 testGroup "parse_xml" $ map check gameinfo_test_files
211 where
212 check t = testCase t $ do
213 x <- unsafe_read_document t
214 let result = parse_xml "dummy" x
215 let actual = case result of -- isRight appears in base-4.7
216 Left _ -> False
217 Right _ -> True
218 let expected = True
219 actual @?= expected
222 -- | Ensure that each element of 'gameinfo_test_files' can be imported
223 -- by counting the total number of database records (after
224 -- importing) and comparing it against the length of
225 -- 'gameinfo_test_files'.
226 --
227 test_dbimport_succeeds :: TestTree
228 test_dbimport_succeeds = testCase "dbimport succeeds" $ do
229 xmltrees <- mapM unsafe_read_document gameinfo_test_files
230 let msgs = rights $ map (parse_xml "dummy") xmltrees
231 actual <- withSqliteConn ":memory:" $ runDbConn $ do
232 runMigration silentMigrationLogger $ do
233 migrate (undefined :: GameInfo)
234 mapM_ dbimport msgs
235 countAll (undefined :: GameInfo)
237 actual @?= expected
238 where
239 expected = length gameinfo_test_files