]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - postfix-logwatch.git/blob - postfix-logwatch
Whitespace/comment cleanup.
[postfix-logwatch.git] / postfix-logwatch
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -T
3 ##########################################################################
4 # Postfix-logwatch: written and maintained by:
5 #
6 # Mike "MrC" Cappella <mike (at) cappella (dot) us>
7 # http://logreporters.sourceforge.net/
8 #
9 # Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports regarding this
10 # program/module to the email address above. I will respond as quickly
11 # as possible. [MrC]
12 #
13 # Questions regarding the logwatch program itself should be directed to
14 # the logwatch project at:
15 # http://sourceforge.net/projects/logwatch/support
16 #
17 #######################################################
18 ### All work since Dec 12, 2006 (logwatch CVS revision 1.28)
19 ### Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Mike Cappella
20 ###
21 ### Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
22 ### http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
23 ### All modifications and contributions by other persons to
24 ### this script are assumed to have been donated to the
25 ### Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
26 ### and licensing terms. If you want to make contributions
27 ### under your own copyright or a different license this
28 ### must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
29 ### Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
30 ### contributions. If you have made significant
31 ### contributions to this script and want to claim
32 ### copyright please contact logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net.
33 ##########################################################
35 ##########################################################################
36 # The original postfix logwatch filter was written by
37 # Kenneth Porter, and has had many contributors over the years.
38 #
39 # CVS log removed: see Changes file for postfix-logwatch at
40 # http://logreporters.sourceforge.net/
41 # or included with the standalone postfix-logwatch distribution
42 ##########################################################################
44 ##########################################################################
45 #
46 # Test data included via inline comments starting with "#TD"
47 #
49 #use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
51 package Logreporters;
52 use 5.008;
53 use strict;
54 use warnings;
55 no warnings "uninitialized";
56 use re 'taint';
58 our $Version = '1.40.03';
59 our $progname_prefix = 'postfix';
61 # Specifies the default configuration file for use in standalone mode.
62 my $config_file = "/usr/local/etc/${progname_prefix}-logwatch.conf";
64 # support postfix long (2.9+) or short queue ids
65 my $re_QID_s = qr/[A-Z\d]+/;
66 my $re_QID_l = qr/(?:NOQUEUE|[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ\d]+)/;
67 our $re_QID;
69 # The enhanced status codes can contain two-digit (or more) numbers;
70 # for example, "550 5.7.23".
71 our $re_DSN = qr/(?:(?:\d{3})?(?: ?\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?)/;
72 our $re_DDD = qr/(?:(?:conn_use=\d+ )?delay=-?[\d.]+(?:, delays=[\d\/.]+)?(?:, dsn=[\d.]+)?)/;
74 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/Utils.pm
75 package Logreporters::Utils;
77 use 5.008;
78 use strict;
79 use re 'taint';
80 use warnings;
82 BEGIN {
83 use Exporter ();
85 $VERSION = '1.003';
86 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
87 @EXPORT = qw(&formathost &get_percentiles &get_percentiles2 &get_frequencies &commify &unitize
88 &get_usable_sectvars &add_section &begin_section_group &end_section_group
89 &get_version &unique_list);
90 @EXPORT_OK = qw(&gen_test_log);
91 }
93 use subs qw (@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
96 # Formats IP and hostname for even column spacing
97 #
98 sub formathost($ $) {
99 # $_[0] : hostip
100 # $_[1] : hostname;
102 if (! $Logreporters::Config::Opts{'unknown'} and $_[1] eq 'unknown') {
103 return $_[0];
104 }
106 return sprintf "%-$Logreporters::Config::Opts{'ipaddr_width'}s %s",
107 $_[0] eq '' ? '*unknown' : $_[0],
108 $_[1] eq '' ? '*unknown' : lc $_[1];
109 }
111 # Add a new section to the end of a section table
112 #
113 sub add_section($$$$$;$) {
114 my $sref = shift;
115 die "Improperly specified Section entry: $_[0]" if !defined $_[3];
117 my $entry = {
118 CLASS => 'DATA',
119 NAME => $_[0],
120 DETAIL => $_[1],
121 FMT => $_[2],
122 TITLE => $_[3],
123 };
124 $entry->{'DIVISOR'} = $_[4] if defined $_[4];
125 push @$sref, $entry;
126 }
128 {
129 my $group_level = 0;
131 # Begin a new section group. Groups can nest.
132 #
133 sub begin_section_group($;@) {
134 my $sref = shift;
135 my $group_name = shift;
136 my $entry = {
138 NAME => $group_name,
139 LEVEL => ++$group_level,
140 HEADERS => [ @_ ],
141 };
142 push @$sref, $entry;
143 }
145 # Ends a section group.
146 #
147 sub end_section_group($;@) {
148 my $sref = shift;
149 my $group_name = shift;
150 my $entry = {
152 NAME => $group_name,
153 LEVEL => --$group_level,
154 FOOTERS => [ @_ ],
155 };
156 push @$sref, $entry;
157 }
158 }
160 # Generate and return a list of section table entries or
161 # limiter key names, skipping any formatting entries.
162 # If 'namesonly' is set, limiter key names are returned,
163 # otherwise an array of section array records is returned.
164 sub get_usable_sectvars(\@ $) {
165 my ($sectref,$namesonly) = @_;
166 my (@sect_list, %unique_names);
168 foreach my $sref (@$sectref) {
169 #print "get_usable_sectvars: $sref->{NAME}\n";
170 next unless $sref->{CLASS} eq 'DATA';
171 if ($namesonly) {
172 $unique_names{$sref->{NAME}} = 1;
173 }
174 else {
175 push @sect_list, $sref;
176 }
177 }
178 # return list of unique names
179 if ($namesonly) {
180 return keys %unique_names;
181 }
182 return @sect_list;
183 }
185 # Print program and version info, preceeded by an optional string, and exit.
186 #
187 sub get_version() {
189 print STDOUT "@_\n" if ($_[0]);
190 print STDOUT "$Logreporters::progname: $Logreporters::Version\n";
191 exit 0;
192 }
195 # Returns a list of percentile values given a
196 # sorted array of numeric values. Uses the formula:
197 #
198 # r = 1 + (p(n-1)/100) = i + d (Excel method)
199 #
200 # r = rank
201 # p = desired percentile
202 # n = number of items
203 # i = integer part
204 # d = decimal part
205 #
206 # Arg1 is an array ref to the sorted series
207 # Arg2 is a list of percentiles to use
209 sub get_percentiles(\@ @) {
210 my ($aref,@plist) = @_;
211 my ($n, $last, $r, $d, $i, @vals, $Yp);
213 $last = $#$aref;
214 $n = $last + 1;
215 #printf "%6d" x $n . "\n", @{$aref};
217 #printf "n: %4d, last: %d\n", $n, $last;
218 foreach my $p (@plist) {
219 $r = 1 + ($p * ($n - 1) / 100.0);
220 $i = int ($r); # integer part
221 # domain: $i = 1 .. n
222 if ($i == $n) {
223 $Yp = $aref->[$last];
224 }
225 elsif ($i == 0) {
226 $Yp = $aref->[0];
227 print "CAN'T HAPPEN: $Yp\n";
228 }
229 else {
230 $d = $r - $i; # decimal part
231 #p = Y[i] + d(Y[i+1] - Y[i]), but since we're 0 based, use i=i-1
232 $Yp = $aref->[$i-1] + ($d * ($aref->[$i] - $aref->[$i-1]));
233 }
234 #printf "\np(%6.2f), r: %6.2f, i: %6d, d: %6.2f, Yp: %6d", $p, $r, $i, $d, $Yp;
235 push @vals, $Yp;
236 }
238 return @vals;
239 }
241 sub get_num_scores($) {
242 my $scoretab_r = shift;
244 my $totalscores = 0;
246 for (my $i = 0; $i < @$scoretab_r; $i += 2) {
247 $totalscores += $scoretab_r->[$i+1]
248 }
250 return $totalscores;
251 }
253 # scoretab
254 #
255 # (score1, n1), (score2, n2), ... (scoreN, nN)
256 # $i $i+1
257 #
258 # scores are 0 based (0 = 1st score)
259 sub get_nth_score($ $) {
260 my ($scoretab_r, $n) = @_;
262 my $i = 0;
263 my $n_cur_scores = 0;
264 #print "Byscore (", .5 * @$scoretab_r, "): "; for (my $i = 0; $i < $#$scoretab_r / 2; $i++) { printf "%9s (%d) ", $scoretab_r->[$i], $scoretab_r->[$i+1]; } ; print "\n";
266 while ($i < $#$scoretab_r) {
267 #print "Samples_seen: $n_cur_scores\n";
268 $n_cur_scores += $scoretab_r->[$i+1];
269 if ($n_cur_scores >= $n) {
270 #printf "range: %s %s %s\n", $i >= 2 ? $scoretab_r->[$i - 2] : '<begin>', $scoretab_r->[$i], $i+2 > $#$scoretab_r ? '<end>' : $scoretab_r->[$i + 2];
271 #printf "n: $n, i: %8d, n_cur_scores: %8d, score: %d x %d hits\n", $i, $n_cur_scores, $scoretab_r->[$i], $scoretab_r->[$i+1];
272 return $scoretab_r->[$i];
273 }
275 $i += 2;
276 }
277 print "returning last score $scoretab_r->[$i]\n";
278 return $scoretab_r->[$i];
279 }
281 sub get_percentiles2(\@ @) {
282 my ($scoretab_r, @plist) = @_;
283 my ($n, $last, $r, $d, $i, @vals, $Yp);
285 #$last = $#$scoretab_r - 1;
286 $n = get_num_scores($scoretab_r);
287 #printf "\n%6d" x $n . "\n", @{$scoretab_r};
289 #printf "\n\tn: %4d, @$scoretab_r\n", $n;
290 foreach my $p (@plist) {
291 ###print "\nPERCENTILE: $p\n";
292 $r = 1 + ($p * ($n - 1) / 100.0);
293 $i = int ($r); # integer part
294 if ($i == $n) {
295 #print "last:\n";
296 #$Yp = $scoretab_r->[$last];
297 $Yp = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, $n);
298 }
299 elsif ($i == 0) {
300 #$Yp = $scoretab_r->[0];
301 print "1st: CAN'T HAPPEN\n";
302 $Yp = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, 1);
303 }
304 else {
305 $d = $r - $i; # decimal part
306 #p = Y[i] + d(Y[i+1] - Y[i]), but since we're 0 based, use i=i-1
307 my $ithvalprev = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, $i);
308 my $ithval = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, $i+1);
309 $Yp = $ithvalprev + ($d * ($ithval - $ithvalprev));
310 }
311 #printf "p(%6.2f), r: %6.2f, i: %6d, d: %6.2f, Yp: %6d\n", $p, $r, $i, $d, $Yp;
312 push @vals, $Yp;
313 }
315 return @vals;
316 }
320 # Returns a list of frequency distributions given an incrementally sorted
321 # set of sorted scores, and an incrementally sorted list of buckets
322 #
323 # Arg1 is an array ref to the sorted series
324 # Arg2 is a list of frequency buckets to use
325 sub get_frequencies(\@ @) {
326 my ($aref,@blist) = @_;
328 my @vals = ( 0 ) x (@blist);
329 my @sorted_blist = sort { $a <=> $b } @blist;
330 my $bucket_index = 0;
332 OUTER: foreach my $score (@$aref) {
333 #print "Score: $score\n";
334 for my $i ($bucket_index .. @sorted_blist - 1) {
335 #print "\tTrying Bucket[$i]: $sorted_blist[$i]\n";
336 if ($score > $sorted_blist[$i]) {
337 $bucket_index++;
338 }
339 else {
340 #printf "\t\tinto Bucket[%d]\n", $bucket_index;
341 $vals[$bucket_index]++;
342 next OUTER;
343 }
344 }
345 #printf "\t\tinto Bucket[%d]\n", $bucket_index - 1;
346 $vals[$bucket_index - 1]++;
347 }
349 return @vals;
350 }
352 # Inserts commas in numbers for easier readability
353 #
354 sub commify ($) {
355 return undef if ! defined ($_[0]);
357 my $text = reverse $_[0];
358 $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
359 return scalar reverse $text;
360 }
362 # Unitize a number, and return appropriate printf formatting string
363 #
364 sub unitize($ $) {
365 my ($num, $fmt) = @_;
366 my $kilobyte = 2**10;
367 my $megabyte = 2**20;
368 my $gigabyte = 2**30;
369 my $terabyte = 2**40;
371 if ($num >= $terabyte) {
372 $num /= $terabyte;
373 $fmt .= '.3fT';
374 } elsif ($num >= $gigabyte) {
375 $num /= $gigabyte;
376 $fmt .= '.3fG';
377 } elsif ($num >= $megabyte) {
378 $num /= $megabyte;
379 $fmt .= '.3fM';
380 } elsif ($num >= $kilobyte) {
381 $num /= $kilobyte;
382 $fmt .= '.3fK';
383 } else {
384 $fmt .= 'd ';
385 }
387 return ($num, $fmt);
388 }
390 # Returns a sublist of the supplied list of elements in an unchanged order,
391 # where only the first occurrence of each defined element is retained
392 # and duplicates removed
393 #
394 # Borrowed from amavis 2.6.2
395 #
396 sub unique_list(@) {
397 my ($r) = @_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \@_; # accept list, or a list ref
398 my (%seen);
399 my (@unique) = grep { defined($_) && !$seen{$_}++ } @$r;
401 return @unique;
402 }
404 # Generate a test maillog file from the '#TD' test data lines
405 # The test data file is placed in /var/tmp/maillog.autogen
406 #
407 # arg1: "postfix" or "amavis"
408 # arg2: path to postfix-logwatch or amavis-logwatch from which to read '#TD' data
409 #
410 # Postfix TD syntax:
411 # TD<service><QID>(<count>) log entry
412 #
413 sub gen_test_log($) {
414 my $scriptpath = shift;
416 my $toolname = $Logreporters::progname_prefix;
417 my $datafile = "/var/tmp/maillog-${toolname}.autogen";
419 die "gen_test_log: invalid toolname $toolname" if ($toolname !~ /^(postfix|amavis)$/);
421 eval {
422 require Sys::Hostname;
423 require Fcntl;
424 } or die "Unable to create test data file: required module(s) not found\n$@";
426 my $syslogtime = localtime;
427 $syslogtime =~ s/^....(.*) \d{4}$/$1/;
429 my ($hostname) = split /\./, Sys::Hostname::hostname();
431 # # avoid -T issues
432 # delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
434 my $flags = &Fcntl::O_CREAT|&Fcntl::O_WRONLY|&Fcntl::O_TRUNC;
435 sysopen(FH, $datafile, $flags) or die "Can't create test data file: $!";
436 print "Generating test log data file from $scriptpath: $datafile\n";
438 my $id;
439 @ARGV = ($scriptpath);
440 if ($toolname eq 'postfix') {
441 my %services = (
442 DEF => 'smtpd',
443 bQ => 'bounce',
444 cN => 'cleanup',
445 cQ => 'cleanup',
446 lQ => 'local',
447 m => 'master',
448 p => 'pickup',
449 pQ => 'pickup',
450 ppQ => 'pipe',
451 pfw => 'postfwd',
452 pg => 'postgrey',
453 pgQ => 'postgrey',
454 ps => 'postsuper',
455 qQ => 'qmgr',
456 s => 'smtp',
457 sQ => 'smtp',
458 sd => 'smtpd',
459 sdN => 'smtpd',
460 sdQ => 'smtpd',
461 spf => 'policy-spf',
462 vN => 'virtual',
463 vQ => 'virtual',
464 );
465 $id = 'postfix/smtp[12345]';
467 while (<>) {
468 if (/^\s*#TD([a-zA-Z]*[NQ]?)(\d+)?(?:\(([^)]+)\))? (.*)$/) {
469 my ($service,$count,$qid,$line) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
471 #print "SERVICE: %s, QID: %s, COUNT: %s, line: %s\n", $service, $qid, $count, $line;
473 if ($service eq '') {
474 $service = 'DEF';
475 }
476 die ("No such service: \"$service\": line \"$_\"") if (!exists $services{$service});
478 $id = $services{$service} . '[123]';
479 $id = 'postfix/' . $id unless $services{$service} eq 'postgrey';
480 #print "searching for service: \"$service\"\n\tFound $id\n";
481 if ($service =~ /N$/) { $id .= ': NOQUEUE'; }
482 elsif ($service =~ /Q$/) { $id .= $qid ? $qid : ': DEADBEEF'; }
484 $line =~ s/ +/ /g;
485 $line =~ s/^ //g;
486 #print "$syslogtime $hostname $id: \"$line\"\n" x ($count ? $count : 1);
487 print FH "$syslogtime $hostname $id: $line\n" x ($count ? $count : 1);
488 }
489 }
490 }
491 else { #amavis
492 my %services = (
493 DEF => 'amavis',
494 dcc => 'dccproc',
495 );
496 while (<>) {
497 if (/^\s*#TD([a-z]*)(\d+)? (.*)$/) {
498 my ($service,$count,$line) = ($1, $2, $3);
499 if ($service eq '') {
500 $service = 'DEF';
501 }
502 die ("No such service: \"$service\": line \"$_\"") if (!exists $services{$service});
503 $id = $services{$service} . '[123]:';
504 if ($services{$service} eq 'amavis') {
505 $id .= ' (9999-99)';
506 }
507 print FH "$syslogtime $hostname $id $line\n" x ($count ? $count : 1)
508 }
509 }
510 }
512 close FH or die "Can't close $datafile: $!";
513 }
515 1;
517 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/Config.pm
518 package Logreporters::Config;
520 use 5.008;
521 use strict;
522 use re 'taint';
523 use warnings;
526 BEGIN {
527 use Exporter ();
529 $VERSION = '1.002';
530 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
531 @EXPORT = qw(&init_run_mode &add_option &get_options &init_cmdline &get_vars_from_file
532 &process_limiters &process_debug_opts &init_getopts_table_common &zero_opts
533 @Optspec %Opts %Configvars @Limiters %line_styles $fw1 $fw2 $sep1 $sep2
535 );
536 }
538 use subs @EXPORT;
540 our @Optspec = (); # options table used by Getopts
542 our %Opts = (); # program-wide options
543 our %Configvars = (); # configuration file variables
544 our @Limiters;
546 # Report separator characters and widths
547 our ($fw1,$fw2) = (22, 10);
548 our ($sep1,$sep2) = ('=', '-');
550 use Getopt::Long;
553 BEGIN {
554 import Logreporters::Utils qw(&get_usable_sectvars);
555 }
557 our %line_styles = (
558 truncate => 0,
559 wrap => 1,
560 full => 2,
561 );
563 sub init_run_mode($);
564 sub confighash_to_cmdline(\%);
565 sub get_vars_from_file(\% $);
566 sub process_limiters(\@);
567 sub add_option(@);
568 sub get_options($);
569 sub init_getopts_table_common(@);
570 sub set_supplemental_reports($$);
571 # debug constants
572 sub D_CONFIG () { 1<<0 }
573 sub D_ARGS () { 1<<1 }
574 sub D_VARS () { 1<<2 }
575 sub D_TREE () { 1<<3 }
576 sub D_SECT () { 1<<4 }
577 sub D_UNMATCHED () { 1<<5 }
579 sub D_TEST () { 1<<30 }
580 sub D_ALL () { 1<<31 }
582 my %debug_words = (
583 config => D_CONFIG,
584 args => D_ARGS,
585 vars => D_VARS,
586 tree => D_TREE,
587 sect => D_SECT,
588 unmatched => D_UNMATCHED,
590 test => D_TEST,
591 all => 0xffffffff,
592 );
594 # Clears %Opts hash and initializes basic running mode options in
595 # %Opts hash by setting keys: 'standalone', 'detail', and 'debug'.
596 # Call early.
597 #
598 sub init_run_mode($) {
599 my $config_file = shift;
600 $Opts{'debug'} = 0;
602 # Logwatch passes a filter's options via environment variables.
603 # When running standalone (w/out logwatch), use command line options
604 $Opts{'standalone'} = exists ($ENV{LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL}) ? 0 : 1;
606 # Show summary section by default
607 $Opts{'summary'} = 1;
609 if ($Opts{'standalone'}) {
610 process_debug_opts($ENV{'LOGREPORTERS_DEBUG'}) if exists ($ENV{'LOGREPORTERS_DEBUG'});
611 }
612 else {
613 $Opts{'detail'} = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'};
614 # XXX
615 #process_debug_opts($ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'}) if exists ($ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'});
616 }
618 # first process --debug, --help, and --version options
619 add_option ('debug=s', sub { process_debug_opts($_[1]); 1});
620 add_option ('version', sub { &Logreporters::Utils::get_version(); 1;});
621 get_options(1);
623 # now process --config_file, so that all config file vars are read first
624 add_option ('config_file|f=s', sub { get_vars_from_file(%Configvars, $_[1]); 1;});
625 get_options(1);
627 # if no config file vars were read
628 if ($Opts{'standalone'} and ! keys(%Configvars) and -f $config_file) {
629 print "Using default config file: $config_file\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
630 get_vars_from_file(%Configvars, $config_file);
631 }
632 }
634 sub get_options($) {
635 my $pass_through = shift;
636 #$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "*** $_[0]*** options error\n" };
637 # ensure we're called after %Opts is initialized
638 die "get_options: program error: %Opts is emtpy" unless exists $Opts{'debug'};
640 my $p = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
642 if ($pass_through) {
643 $p->configure(qw(pass_through permute));
644 }
645 else {
646 $p->configure(qw(no_pass_through no_permute));
647 }
648 #$p->configure(qw(debug));
650 if ($Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS) {
651 print "\nget_options($pass_through): enter\n";
652 printf "\tARGV(%d): ", scalar @ARGV;
653 print @ARGV, "\n";
654 print "\t$_ ", defined $Opts{$_} ? "=> $Opts{$_}\n" : "\n" foreach sort keys %Opts;
655 }
657 if ($p->getoptions(\%Opts, @Optspec) == 0) {
658 print STDERR "Use ${Logreporters::progname} --help for options\n";
659 exit 1;
660 }
661 if ($Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS) {
662 print "\t$_ ", defined $Opts{$_} ? "=> $Opts{$_}\n" : "\n" foreach sort keys %Opts;
663 printf "\tARGV(%d): ", scalar @ARGV;
664 print @ARGV, "\n";
665 print "get_options: exit\n";
666 }
667 }
669 sub add_option(@) {
670 push @Optspec, @_;
671 }
673 # untaint string, borrowed from amavisd-new
674 sub untaint($) {
675 no re 'taint';
677 my ($str);
678 if (defined($_[0])) {
679 local($1); # avoid Perl taint bug: tainted global $1 propagates taintedness
680 $str = $1 if $_[0] =~ /^(.*)$/;
681 }
683 return $str;
684 }
686 sub init_getopts_table_common(@) {
687 my @supplemental_reports = @_;
689 print "init_getopts_table_common: enter\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
691 add_option ('help', sub { print STDOUT Logreporters::usage(undef); exit 0 });
692 add_option ('gen_test_log=s', sub { Logreporters::Utils::gen_test_log($_[1]); exit 0; });
693 add_option ('detail=i');
694 add_option ('nodetail', sub {
695 # __none__ will set all limiters to 0 in process_limiters
696 # since they are not known (Sections table is not yet built).
697 push @Limiters, '__none__';
698 # 0 = disable supplemental_reports
699 set_supplemental_reports(0, \@supplemental_reports);
700 });
701 add_option ('max_report_width=i');
702 add_option ('summary!');
703 add_option ('show_summary=i', sub { $Opts{'summary'} = $_[1]; 1; });
704 # untaint ipaddr_width for use w/sprintf() in Perl v5.10
705 add_option ('ipaddr_width=i', sub { $Opts{'ipaddr_width'} = untaint ($_[1]); 1; });
707 add_option ('sect_vars!');
708 add_option ('show_sect_vars=i', sub { $Opts{'sect_vars'} = $_[1]; 1; });
710 add_option ('syslog_name=s');
711 add_option ('wrap', sub { $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{$_[0]}; 1; });
712 add_option ('full', sub { $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{$_[0]}; 1; });
713 add_option ('truncate', sub { $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{$_[0]}; 1; });
714 add_option ('line_style=s', sub {
715 my $style = lc($_[1]);
716 my @list = grep (/^$style/, keys %line_styles);
717 if (! @list) {
718 print STDERR "Invalid line_style argument \"$_[1]\"\n";
719 print STDERR "Option line_style argument must be one of \"wrap\", \"full\", or \"truncate\".\n";
720 print STDERR "Use $Logreporters::progname --help for options\n";
721 exit 1;
722 }
723 $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{lc($list[0])};
724 1;
725 });
727 add_option ('limit|l=s', sub {
728 my ($limiter,$lspec) = split(/=/, $_[1]);
729 if (!defined $lspec) {
730 printf STDERR "Limiter \"%s\" requires value (ex. --limit %s=10)\n", $_[1],$_[1];
731 exit 2;
732 }
733 foreach my $val (split(/(?:\s+|\s*,\s*)/, $lspec)) {
734 if ($val !~ /^\d+$/ and
735 $val !~ /^(\d*)\.(\d+)$/ and
736 $val !~ /^::(\d+)$/ and
737 $val !~ /^:(\d+):(\d+)?$/ and
738 $val !~ /^(\d+):(\d+)?:(\d+)?$/)
739 {
740 printf STDERR "Limiter value \"$val\" invalid in \"$limiter=$lspec\"\n";
741 exit 2;
742 }
743 }
744 push @Limiters, lc $_[1];
745 });
747 print "init_getopts_table_common: exit\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
748 }
750 sub get_option_names() {
751 my (@ret, @tmp);
752 foreach (@Optspec) {
753 if (ref($_) eq '') { # process only the option names
754 my $spec = $_;
755 $spec =~ s/=.*$//;
756 $spec =~ s/([^|]+)\!$/$1|no$1/g;
757 @tmp = split /[|]/, $spec;
758 #print "PUSHING: @tmp\n";
759 push @ret, @tmp;
760 }
761 }
762 return @ret;
763 }
765 # Set values for the configuration variables passed via hashref.
766 # Variables are of the form ${progname_prefix}_KEYNAME.
767 #
768 # Because logwatch lowercases all config file entries, KEYNAME is
769 # case-insensitive.
770 #
771 sub init_cmdline() {
772 my ($href, $configvar, $value, $var);
774 # logwatch passes all config vars via environment variables
775 $href = $Opts{'standalone'} ? \%Configvars : \%ENV;
777 # XXX: this is cheeze: need a list of valid limiters, but since
778 # the Sections table is not built yet, we don't know what is
779 # a limiter and what is an option, as there is no distinction in
780 # variable names in the config file (perhaps this should be changed).
781 my @valid_option_names = get_option_names();
782 die "Options table not yet set" if ! scalar @valid_option_names;
784 print "confighash_to_cmdline: @valid_option_names\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
785 my @cmdline = ();
786 while (($configvar, $value) = each %$href) {
787 if ($configvar =~ s/^${Logreporters::progname_prefix}_//o) {
788 # distinguish level limiters from general options
789 # would be easier if limiters had a unique prefix
790 $configvar = lc $configvar;
791 my $ret = grep (/^$configvar$/i, @valid_option_names);
792 if ($ret == 0) {
793 print "\tLIMITER($ret): $configvar = $value\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
794 push @cmdline, '-l', "$configvar" . "=$value";
795 }
796 else {
797 print "\tOPTION($ret): $configvar = $value\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
798 unshift @cmdline, $value if defined ($value);
799 unshift @cmdline, "--$configvar";
800 }
801 }
802 }
803 unshift @ARGV, @cmdline;
804 }
806 # Obtains the variables from a logwatch-style .conf file, for use
807 # in standalone mode. Returns an ENV-style hash of key/value pairs.
808 #
809 sub get_vars_from_file(\% $) {
810 my ($href, $file) = @_;
811 my ($var, $val);
813 print "get_vars_from_file: enter: processing file: $file\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
815 my $message = undef;
816 my $ret = stat ($file);
817 if ($ret == 0) { $message = $!; }
818 elsif (! -r _) { $message = "Permission denied"; }
819 elsif ( -d _) { $message = "Is a directory"; }
820 elsif (! -f _) { $message = "Not a regular file"; }
822 if ($message) {
823 print STDERR "Configuration file \"$file\": $message\n";
824 exit 2;
825 }
827 my $prog = $Logreporters::progname_prefix;
828 open FILE, '<', "$file" or die "unable to open configuration file $file: $!";
829 while (<FILE>) {
830 chomp;
831 next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore all whitespace lines
832 next if (/^\*/); # ignore logwatch's *Service lines
833 next if (/^\s*#/); # ignore comment lines
834 if (/^\s*\$(${prog}_[^=\s]+)\s*=\s*"?([^"]+)"?$/o) {
835 ($var,$val) = ($1,$2);
836 if ($val =~ /^(?:no|false)$/i) { $val = 0; }
837 elsif ($val =~ /^(?:yes|true)$/i) { $val = 1; }
838 elsif ($val eq '') { $var =~ s/${prog}_/${prog}_no/; $val = undef; }
840 print "\t\"$var\" => \"$val\"\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
842 $href->{$var} = $val;
843 }
844 }
845 close FILE or die "failed to close configuration handle for $file: $!";
846 print "get_vars_from_file: exit\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
847 }
849 sub process_limiters(\@) {
850 my ($sectref) = @_;
852 my ($limiter, $var, $val, @errors);
853 my @l = get_usable_sectvars(@$sectref, 1);
855 if ($Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS) {
856 print "process_limiters: enter\n";
857 print "\tLIMITERS: @Limiters\n";
858 }
859 while ($limiter = shift @Limiters) {
860 my @matched = ();
862 printf "\t%-30s ",$limiter if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
863 # disable all limiters when limiter is __none__: see 'nodetail' cmdline option
864 if ($limiter eq '__none__') {
865 $Opts{$_} = 0 foreach @l;
866 next;
867 }
869 ($var,$val) = split /=/, $limiter;
871 if ($val eq '') {
872 push @errors, "Limiter \"$var\" requires value (ex. --limit limiter=10)";
873 next;
874 }
876 # try exact match first, then abbreviated match next
877 if (scalar (@matched = grep(/^$var$/, @l)) == 1 or scalar (@matched = grep(/^$var/, @l)) == 1) {
878 $limiter = $matched[0]; # unabbreviate limiter
879 print "MATCH: $var: $limiter => $val\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
880 # XXX move limiters into section hash entry...
881 $Opts{$limiter} = $val;
882 next;
883 }
884 print "matched=", scalar @matched, ": @matched\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
886 push @errors, "Limiter \"$var\" is " . (scalar @matched == 0 ? "invalid" : "ambiguous: @matched");
887 }
888 print "\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
890 if (@errors) {
891 print STDERR "$_\n" foreach @errors;
892 exit 2;
893 }
895 # Set the default value of 10 for each section if no limiter exists.
896 # This allows output for each section should there be no configuration
897 # file or missing limiter within the configuration file.
898 foreach (@l) {
899 $Opts{$_} = 10 unless exists $Opts{$_};
900 }
902 # Enable collection for each section if a limiter is non-zero.
903 foreach (@l) {
904 #print "L is: $_\n";
905 #print "DETAIL: $Opts{'detail'}, OPTS: $Opts{$_}\n";
906 $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{$_} = (($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) && $Opts{$_}) ? 1 : 0;
907 }
908 #print "OPTS: \n"; map { print "$_ => $Opts{$_}\n"} keys %Opts;
909 #print "COLLECTING: \n"; map { print "$_ => $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{$_}\n"} keys %Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting;
910 }
912 # Enable/disable supplemental reports
913 # arg1: 0=off, 1=on
914 # arg2,...: list of supplemental report keywords
915 sub set_supplemental_reports($$) {
916 my ($onoff,$aref) = @_;
918 $Opts{$_} = $onoff foreach (@$aref);
919 }
921 sub process_debug_opts($) {
922 my $optstring = shift;
924 my @errors = ();
925 foreach (split(/\s*,\s*/, $optstring)) {
926 my $word = lc $_;
927 my @matched = grep (/^$word/, keys %debug_words);
929 if (scalar @matched == 1) {
930 $Opts{'debug'} |= $debug_words{$matched[0]};
931 next;
932 }
934 if (scalar @matched == 0) {
935 push @errors, "Unknown debug keyword \"$word\"";
936 }
937 else { # > 1
938 push @errors, "Ambiguous debug keyword abbreviation \"$word\": (matches: @matched)";
939 }
940 }
941 if (@errors) {
942 print STDERR "$_\n" foreach @errors;
943 print STDERR "Debug keywords: ", join (' ', sort keys %debug_words), "\n";
944 exit 2;
945 }
946 }
948 # Zero the options controlling level specs and those
949 # any others passed via Opts key.
950 #
951 # Zero the options controlling level specs in the
952 # Detailed section, and set all other report options
953 # to disabled. This makes it easy via command line to
954 # disable the entire summary section, and then re-enable
955 # one or more sections for specific reports.
956 #
957 # eg. progname --nodetail --limit forwarded=2
958 #
959 sub zero_opts ($ @) {
960 my $sectref = shift;
961 # remaining args: list of Opts keys to zero
963 map { $Opts{$_} = 0; print "zero_opts: $_ => 0\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;} @_;
964 map { $Opts{$_} = 0 } get_usable_sectvars(@$sectref, 1);
965 }
967 1;
969 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/TreeData.pm
970 package Logreporters::TreeData;
972 use 5.008;
973 use strict;
974 use re 'taint';
975 use warnings;
976 no warnings "uninitialized";
978 BEGIN {
979 use Exporter ();
981 $VERSION = '1.001';
982 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
983 @EXPORT = qw(%Totals %Counts %Collecting $END_KEY);
984 @EXPORT_OK = qw(&printTree &buildTree);
986 }
988 use subs @EXPORT_OK;
990 BEGIN {
991 import Logreporters::Config qw(%line_styles);
992 }
994 # Totals and Counts are the log line accumulator hashes.
995 # Totals: maintains per-section grand total tallies for use in Summary section
996 # Counts: is a multi-level hash, which maintains per-level key totals.
997 our (%Totals, %Counts);
999 # The Collecting hash determines which sections will be captured in
1000 # the Counts hash. Counts are collected only if a section is enabled,
1001 # and this hash obviates the need to test both existence and
1002 # non-zero-ness of the Opts{'keyname'} (either of which cause capture).
1003 # XXX The Opts hash could be used ....
1004 our %Collecting = ();
1006 sub buildTree(\% $ $ $ $ $);
1007 sub printTree($ $ $ $ $);
1008 =pod
1009 [ a:b:c, ... ]
1011 which would be interpreted as follows:
1013 a = show level a detail
1014 b = show at most b items at this level
1015 c = minimun count that will be shown
1016 =cut
1018 sub printTree($ $ $ $ $) {
1019 my ($treeref, $lspecsref, $line_style, $max_report_width, $debug) = @_;
1020 my ($entry, $line);
1021 my $cutlength = $max_report_width - 3;
1023 my $topn = 0;
1024 foreach $entry (sort bycount @$treeref) {
1025 ref($entry) ne "HASH" and die "Unexpected entry in tree: $entry\n";
1027 #print "LEVEL: $entry->{LEVEL}, TOTAL: $entry->{TOTAL}, HASH: $entry, DATA: $entry->{DATA}\n";
1029 # Once the top N lines have been printed, we're done
1030 if ($lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{topn}) {
1031 if ($topn++ >= $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{topn} ) {
1032 print ' ', ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3), "...\n"
1033 unless ($debug) and do {
1034 $line = ' ' . ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3) . '...';
1035 printf "%-130s L%d: topn reached(%d)\n", $line, $entry->{LEVEL} + 1, $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{topn};
1036 };
1037 last;
1038 }
1039 }
1041 # Once the item's count falls below the given threshold, we're done at this level
1042 # unless a top N is specified, as threshold has lower priority than top N
1043 elsif ($lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{threshold}) {
1044 if ($entry->{TOTAL} <= $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{threshold}) {
1045 print ' ', ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3), "...\n"
1046 unless ($debug) and do {
1047 $line = ' ' . (' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3)) . '...';
1048 printf "%-130s L%d: threshold reached(%d)\n", $line, $entry->{LEVEL} + 1, $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{threshold};
1049 };
1050 last;
1051 }
1052 }
1054 $line = sprintf "%8d%s%s", $entry->{TOTAL}, ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 2), $entry->{DATA};
1056 if ($debug) {
1057 printf "%-130s %-60s\n", $line, $entry->{DEBUG};
1058 }
1060 # line_style full, or lines < max_report_width
1062 #printf "MAX: $max_report_width, LEN: %d, CUTLEN $cutlength\n", length($line);
1063 if ($line_style == $line_styles{'full'} or length($line) <= $max_report_width) {
1064 print $line, "\n";
1065 }
1066 elsif ($line_style == $line_styles{'truncate'}) {
1067 print substr ($line,0,$cutlength), '...', "\n";
1068 }
1069 elsif ($line_style == $line_styles{'wrap'}) {
1070 my $leader = ' ' x 8 . ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 2);
1071 print substr ($line, 0, $max_report_width, ''), "\n";
1072 while (length($line)) {
1073 print $leader, substr ($line, 0, $max_report_width - length($leader), ''), "\n";
1074 }
1075 }
1076 else {
1077 die ('unexpected line style');
1078 }
1080 printTree ($entry->{CHILDREF}, $lspecsref, $line_style, $max_report_width, $debug) if (exists $entry->{CHILDREF});
1081 }
1082 }
1084 my $re_IP_strict = qr/\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\b/;
1085 # XXX optimize this using packed default sorting. Analysis shows speed isn't an issue though
1086 sub bycount {
1087 # Sort by totals, then IP address if one exists, and finally by data as a string
1089 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "*** PLEASE REPORT:\n*** $_[0]*** Unexpected: \"$a->{DATA}\", \"$b->{DATA}\"\n" };
1091 $b->{TOTAL} <=> $a->{TOTAL}
1093 ||
1095 pack('C4' => $a->{DATA} =~ /^$re_IP_strict/o) cmp pack('C4' => $b->{DATA} =~ /^$re_IP_strict/o)
1097 ||
1099 $a->{DATA} cmp $b->{DATA}
1100 }
1102 #
1103 # Builds a tree of REC structures from the multi-key %Counts hashes
1104 #
1105 # Parameters:
1106 # Hash: A multi-key hash, with keys being used as category headings, and leaf data
1107 # being tallies for that set of keys
1108 # Level: This current recursion level. Call with 0.
1109 #
1110 # Returns:
1111 # Listref: A listref, where each item in the list is a rec record, described as:
1112 # DATA: a string: a heading, or log data
1113 # TOTAL: an integer: which is the subtotal of this item's children
1114 # LEVEL: an integer > 0: representing this entry's level in the tree
1115 # CHILDREF: a listref: references a list consisting of this node's children
1116 # Total: The cummulative total of items found for a given invocation
1117 #
1118 # Use the special key variable $END_KEY, which is "\a\a" (two ASCII bell's) to end a,
1119 # nested hash early, or the empty string '' may be used as the last key.
1121 our $END_KEY = "\a\a";
1123 sub buildTree(\% $ $ $ $ $) {
1124 my ($href, $max_level_section, $levspecref, $max_level_global, $recurs_level, $show_unique, $debug) = @_;
1125 my ($subtotal, $childList, $rec);
1127 my @treeList = ();
1128 my $total = 0;
1130 foreach my $item (sort keys %$href) {
1131 if (ref($href->{$item}) eq "HASH") {
1132 #print " " x ($recurs_level * 4), "HASH: LEVEL $recurs_level: Item: $item, type: \"", ref($href->{$item}), "\"\n";
1134 ($subtotal, $childList) = buildTree (%{$href->{$item}}, $max_level_section, $levspecref, $max_level_global, $recurs_level + 1, $debug);
1136 if ($recurs_level < $max_level_global and $recurs_level < $max_level_section) {
1137 # me + children
1138 $rec = {
1139 DATA => $item,
1140 TOTAL => $subtotal,
1141 LEVEL => $recurs_level,
1142 CHILDREF => $childList,
1143 };
1145 if ($debug) {
1146 $rec->{DEBUG} = sprintf "L%d: levelspecs: %2d/%2d/%2d/%2d, Count: %10d",
1147 $recurs_level + 1, $max_level_global, $max_level_section,
1148 $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{topn}, $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{threshold}, $subtotal;
1149 }
1150 push (@treeList, $rec);
1151 }
1152 }
1153 else {
1154 if ($item ne '' and $item ne $END_KEY and $recurs_level < $max_level_global and $recurs_level < $max_level_section) {
1155 $rec = {
1156 DATA => $item,
1157 TOTAL => $href->{$item},
1158 LEVEL => $recurs_level,
1159 #CHILDREF => undef,
1160 };
1161 if ($debug) {
1162 $rec->{DEBUG} = sprintf "L%d: levelspecs: %2d/%2d/%2d/%2d, Count: %10d",
1163 $recurs_level, $max_level_global, $max_level_section,
1164 $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{topn}, $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{threshold}, $href->{$item};
1165 }
1166 push (@treeList, $rec);
1167 }
1168 $subtotal = $href->{$item};
1169 }
1171 $total += $subtotal;
1172 }
1174 #print " " x ($recurs_level * 4), "LEVEL $recurs_level: Returning from recurs_level $recurs_level\n";
1176 return ($total, \@treeList);
1177 }
1179 1;
1181 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/RegEx.pm
1182 package Logreporters::RegEx;
1184 use 5.008;
1185 use strict;
1186 use re 'taint';
1187 use warnings;
1189 BEGIN {
1190 use Exporter ();
1192 $VERSION = '1.000';
1193 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1194 # @EXPORT = qw($re_IP);
1195 @EXPORT_OK = qw();
1196 }
1198 # IPv4 and IPv6
1199 # See syntax in RFC 2821 IPv6-address-literal,
1200 # eg. IPv6:2001:630:d0:f102:230:48ff:fe77:96e
1201 #our $re_IP = '(?:(?:::(?:ffff:|FFFF:)?)?(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}|(?:(?:IPv6:)?[\da-fA-F]{0,4}:){2}(?:[\da-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}[\da-fA-F]{0,4})';
1203 # Modified from "dartware" case at http://forums.dartware.com/viewtopic.php?t=452#
1204 #our $re_IP = qr/(?:(?:(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){7}(?:[\da-f]{1,4}|:))|(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){6}(?::[\da-f]{1,4}|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){5}(?:(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){4}(?:(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){1,3})|(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4})?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){3}(?:(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){1,4})|(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){0,2}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){2}(?:(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){1,5})|(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){0,3}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[\da-f]{1,4}:){1}(?:(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){1,6})|(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){0,4}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?::(?:(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){1,7})|(?:(?::[\da-f]{1,4}){0,5}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(?:%.+)?)|(?:(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}(?:\d{1,3}))/i;
1206 # IPv4 only
1207 #our $re_IP = qr/(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}(?:\d{1,3})/;
1209 1;
1211 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/Reports.pm
1212 package Logreporters::Reports;
1214 use 5.008;
1215 use strict;
1216 use re 'taint';
1217 use warnings;
1218 no warnings "uninitialized";
1220 BEGIN {
1221 use Exporter ();
1223 $VERSION = '1.002';
1224 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1225 @EXPORT = qw(&inc_unmatched &print_unmatched_report &print_percentiles_report2
1226 &print_summary_report &print_detail_report);
1227 @EXPORT_OK = qw();
1228 }
1230 use subs @EXPORT_OK;
1232 BEGIN {
1233 import Logreporters::Config qw(%Opts $fw1 $fw2 $sep1 $sep2 &D_UNMATCHED &D_TREE);
1234 import Logreporters::Utils qw(&commify &unitize &get_percentiles &get_percentiles2);
1235 import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts &buildTree &printTree);
1236 }
1238 my (%unmatched_list);
1240 our $origline; # unmodified log line, for error reporting and debug
1242 sub inc_unmatched($) {
1243 my ($id) = @_;
1244 $unmatched_list{$origline}++;
1245 print "UNMATCHED($id): \"$origline\"\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_UNMATCHED;
1246 }
1248 # Print unmatched lines
1249 #
1250 sub print_unmatched_report() {
1251 return unless (keys %unmatched_list);
1253 print "\n\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
1254 foreach my $line (sort {$unmatched_list{$b}<=>$unmatched_list{$a} } keys %unmatched_list) {
1255 printf "%8d %s\n", $unmatched_list{$line}, $line;
1256 }
1257 }
1259 =pod
1260 ****** Summary ********************************************************
1261 2 Miscellaneous warnings
1263 20621 Total messages scanned ---------------- 100.00%
1264 662.993M Total bytes scanned 695,198,092
1265 ======== ================================================
1267 19664 Ham ----------------------------------- 95.36%
1268 19630 Clean passed 95.19%
1269 34 Bad header passed 0.16%
1271 942 Spam ---------------------------------- 4.57%
1272 514 Spam blocked 2.49%
1273 428 Spam discarded (no quarantine) 2.08%
1275 15 Malware ------------------------------- 0.07%
1276 15 Malware blocked 0.07%
1279 1978 SpamAssassin bypassed
1280 18 Released from quarantine
1281 1982 Allowlisted
1282 3 Denylisted
1283 12 MIME error
1284 51 Bad header (debug supplemental)
1285 28 Extra code modules loaded at runtime
1286 =cut
1287 # Prints the Summary report section
1288 #
1289 sub print_summary_report (\@) {
1290 my ($sections) = @_;
1291 my ($keyname,$cur_level);
1292 my @lines;
1294 my $expand_header_footer = sub {
1295 my $line = undef;
1297 foreach my $horf (@_) {
1298 # print blank line if keyname is newline
1299 if ($horf eq "\n") {
1300 $line .= "\n";
1301 }
1302 elsif (my ($sepchar) = ($horf =~ /^(.)$/o)) {
1303 $line .= sprintf "%s %s\n", $sepchar x 8, $sepchar x 50;
1304 }
1305 else {
1306 die "print_summary_report: unsupported header or footer type \"$horf\"";
1307 }
1308 }
1309 return $line;
1310 };
1312 if ($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) {
1313 my $header = "****** Summary ";
1314 print $header, '*' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - length $header), "\n\n";
1315 }
1317 my @headers;
1318 foreach my $sref (@$sections) {
1319 # headers and separators
1320 die "Unexpected Section $sref" if (ref($sref) ne 'HASH');
1322 # Start of a new section group.
1323 # Expand and save headers to output at end of section group.
1324 if ($sref->{CLASS} eq 'GROUP_BEGIN') {
1325 $cur_level = $sref->{LEVEL};
1326 $headers[$cur_level] = &$expand_header_footer(@{$sref->{HEADERS}});
1327 }
1329 elsif ($sref->{CLASS} eq 'GROUP_END') {
1330 my $prev_level = $sref->{LEVEL};
1332 # If this section had lines to output, tack on headers and footers,
1333 # removing extraneous newlines.
1334 if ($lines[$cur_level]) {
1335 # squish multiple blank lines
1336 if ($headers[$cur_level] and substr($headers[$cur_level],0,1) eq "\n") {
1337 if ( ! defined $lines[$prev_level][-1] or $lines[$prev_level][-1] eq "\n") {
1338 $headers[$cur_level] =~ s/^\n+//;
1339 }
1340 }
1342 push @{$lines[$prev_level]}, $headers[$cur_level] if $headers[$cur_level];
1343 push @{$lines[$prev_level]}, @{$lines[$cur_level]};
1344 my $f = &$expand_header_footer(@{$sref->{FOOTERS}});
1345 push @{$lines[$prev_level]}, $f if $f;
1346 $lines[$cur_level] = undef;
1347 }
1349 $headers[$cur_level] = undef;
1350 $cur_level = $prev_level;
1351 }
1353 elsif ($sref->{CLASS} eq 'DATA') {
1354 # Totals data
1355 $keyname = $sref->{NAME};
1356 if ($Totals{$keyname} > 0) {
1357 my ($numfmt, $desc, $divisor) = ($sref->{FMT}, $sref->{TITLE}, $sref->{DIVISOR});
1359 my $fmt = '%8';
1360 my $extra = ' %25s';
1361 my $total = $Totals{$keyname};
1363 # Z format provides unitized or unaltered totals, as appropriate
1364 if ($numfmt eq 'Z') {
1365 ($total, $fmt) = unitize ($total, $fmt);
1366 }
1367 else {
1368 $fmt .= "$numfmt ";
1369 $extra = '';
1370 }
1372 if ($divisor and $$divisor) {
1373 # XXX generalize this
1374 if (ref ($desc) eq 'ARRAY') {
1375 $desc = @$desc[0] . ' ' . @$desc[1] x (42 - 2 - length(@$desc[0]));
1376 }
1378 push @{$lines[$cur_level]},
1379 sprintf "$fmt %-42s %6.2f%%\n", $total, $desc,
1380 $$divisor == $Totals{$keyname} ? 100.00 : $Totals{$keyname} * 100 / $$divisor;
1381 }
1382 else {
1383 my $new_line;
1384 if ($extra eq '') {
1385 $new_line = sprintf("$fmt %-23s \n", $total, $desc);
1386 }
1387 else {
1388 $new_line = sprintf("$fmt %-23s $extra\n",
1389 $total,
1390 $desc,
1391 commify ($Totals{$keyname}));
1392 }
1393 push @{$lines[$cur_level]}, $new_line
1394 }
1395 }
1396 }
1397 else {
1398 die "print_summary_report: unexpected control...";
1399 }
1400 }
1401 print @{$lines[0]};
1402 print "\n";
1403 }
1405 # Prints the Detail report section
1406 #
1407 # Note: side affect; deletes each key in Totals/Counts
1408 # after printout. Only the first instance of a key in
1409 # the Section table will result in Detail output.
1410 sub print_detail_report (\@) {
1411 my ($sections) = @_;
1412 my $header_printed = 0;
1414 return unless (keys %Counts);
1416 #use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
1418 foreach my $sref ( @$sections ) {
1419 next unless $sref->{CLASS} eq 'DATA';
1420 # only print detail for this section if DETAIL is enabled
1421 # and there is something in $Counts{$keyname}
1422 next unless $sref->{DETAIL};
1423 next unless exists $Counts{$sref->{NAME}};
1425 my $keyname = $sref->{NAME};
1426 my $max_level = undef;
1427 my $print_this_key = 0;
1429 my @levelspecs = ();
1430 clear_level_specs($max_level, \@levelspecs);
1431 if (exists $Opts{$keyname}) {
1432 $max_level = create_level_specs($Opts{$keyname}, $Opts{'detail'}, \@levelspecs);
1433 $print_this_key = 1 if ($max_level);
1434 }
1435 else {
1436 $print_this_key = 1;
1437 }
1438 #print_level_specs($max_level,\@levelspecs);
1440 # at detail 5, print level 1, detail 6: level 2, ...
1442 #print STDERR "building: $keyname\n";
1443 my ($count, $treeref) =
1444 buildTree (%{$Counts{$keyname}}, defined ($max_level) ? $max_level : 11,
1445 \@levelspecs, $Opts{'detail'} - 4, 0, $Opts{'debug'} & D_TREE);
1447 if ($count > 0) {
1448 if ($print_this_key) {
1449 my $desc = $sref->{TITLE};
1450 $desc =~ s/^\s+//;
1452 if (! $header_printed) {
1453 my $header = "****** Detail ($max_level) ";
1454 print $header, '*' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - length $header), "\n";
1455 $header_printed = 1;
1456 }
1457 printf "\n%8d %s %s\n", $count, $desc,
1458 $Opts{'sect_vars'} ?
1459 ('-' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - 18 - length($desc) - length($keyname))) . " [ $keyname ] -" :
1460 '-' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - 12 - length($desc))
1461 }
1463 printTree ($treeref, \@levelspecs, $Opts{'line_style'}, $Opts{'max_report_width'},
1464 $Opts{'debug'} & D_TREE);
1465 }
1466 #print STDERR "Total size Counts: ", total_size(\%Counts), "\n";
1467 #print STDERR "Total size Totals: ", total_size(\%Totals), "\n";
1468 $treeref = undef;
1469 $Totals{$keyname} = undef;
1470 delete $Totals{$keyname};
1471 delete $Counts{$keyname};
1472 }
1473 #print "\n";
1474 }
1476 =pod
1478 Print out a standard percentiles report
1480 === Delivery Delays Percentiles ===============================================================
1481 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 98% 100%
1482 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1483 Before qmgr 0.01 0.70 1.40 45483.70 72773.08 81869.54 87327.42 90966.00
1484 In qmgr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
1485 Conn setup 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 1.36 1.53 1.63 1.70
1486 Transmission 0.03 0.47 0.92 1.61 2.02 2.16 2.24 2.30
1487 Total 0.05 1.18 2.30 45486.15 72776.46 81873.23 87331.29 90970.00
1488 ===============================================================================================
1490 === Postgrey Delays Percentiles ===========================================================
1491 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 98% 100%
1492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1493 Postgrey 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00
1494 ===========================================================================================
1496 tableref:
1497 data table: ref to array of arrays, first cell is label, subsequent cells are data
1498 title:
1499 table's title
1500 percentiles_str:
1501 string of space or comma separated integers, which are the percentiles
1502 calculated and output as table column data
1503 =cut
1504 sub print_percentiles_report2($$$) {
1505 my ($tableref, $title, $percentiles_str) = @_;
1507 return unless @$tableref;
1509 my $myfw2 = $fw2 - 1;
1510 my @percents = split /[ ,]/, $percentiles_str;
1512 # Calc y label width from the hash's keys. Each key is padded with the
1513 # string "#: ", # where # is a single-digit sort index.
1514 my $y_label_max_width = 0;
1515 for (@$tableref) {
1516 $y_label_max_width = length($_->[0]) if (length($_->[0]) > $y_label_max_width);
1517 }
1519 # Titles row
1520 my $col_titles_str = sprintf "%-${y_label_max_width}s" . "%${myfw2}s%%" x @percents , ' ', @percents;
1521 my $table_width = length($col_titles_str);
1523 # Table header row
1524 my $table_header_str = sprintf "%s %s ", $sep1 x 3, $title;
1525 $table_header_str .= $sep1 x ($table_width - length($table_header_str));
1527 print "\n", $table_header_str;
1528 print "\n", $col_titles_str;
1529 print "\n", $sep2 x $table_width;
1531 my (@p, @coldata, @xformed);
1532 foreach (@$tableref) {
1533 my ($title, $ref) = ($_->[0], $_->[1]);
1534 #xxx my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$_->[1]};
1536 my @byscore = ();
1538 for my $bucket (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$ref) {
1539 #print "Key: $title: Bucket: $bucket = $ref->{$bucket}\n";
1540 # pairs: bucket (i.e. key), tally
1541 push @byscore, $bucket, $ref->{$bucket};
1542 }
1545 my @p = get_percentiles2 (@byscore, @percents);
1546 printf "\n%-${y_label_max_width}s" . "%${fw2}.2f" x scalar (@p), $title, @p;
1547 }
1549 =pod
1550 foreach (@percents) {
1551 #printf "\n%-${y_label_max_width}s" . "%${fw2}.2f" x scalar (@p), substr($title,3), @p;
1552 printf "\n%3d%%", $title;
1553 foreach my $val (@{shift @xformed}) {
1554 my $unit;
1555 if ($val > 1000) {
1556 $unit = 's';
1557 $val /= 1000;
1558 }
1559 else {
1560 $unit = '';
1561 }
1562 printf "%${fw3}.2f%-2s", $val, $unit;
1563 }
1564 }
1565 =cut
1567 print "\n", $sep1 x $table_width, "\n";
1568 }
1570 sub clear_level_specs($ $) {
1571 my ($max_level,$lspecsref) = @_;
1572 #print "Zeroing $max_level rows of levelspecs\n";
1573 $max_level = 0 if (not defined $max_level);
1574 for my $x (0..$max_level) {
1575 $lspecsref->[$x]{topn} = undef;
1576 $lspecsref->[$x]{threshold} = undef;
1577 }
1578 }
1580 # topn = 0 means don't limit
1581 # threshold = 0 means no min threshold
1582 sub create_level_specs($ $ $) {
1583 my ($optkey,$gdetail,$lspecref) = @_;
1585 return 0 if ($optkey eq "0");
1587 my $max_level = $gdetail; # default to global detail level
1588 my (@specsP1, @specsP2, @specsP3);
1590 #printf "create_level_specs: key: %s => \"%s\", max_level: %d\n", $optkey, $max_level;
1592 foreach my $sp (split /[\s,]+/, $optkey) {
1593 #print "create_level_specs: SP: \"$sp\"\n";
1594 # original level specifier
1595 if ($sp =~ /^\d+$/) {
1596 $max_level = $sp;
1597 #print "create_level_specs: max_level set: $max_level\n";
1598 }
1599 # original level specifier + topn at level 1
1600 elsif ($sp =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d+)$/) {
1601 if ($1) { $max_level = $1; }
1602 else { $max_level = $gdetail; } # top n specified, but no max level
1604 # force top N at level 1 (zero based)
1605 push @specsP1, { level => 0, topn => $2, threshold => 0 };
1606 }
1607 # newer level specs
1608 elsif ($sp =~ /^::(\d+)$/) {
1609 push @specsP3, { level => undef, topn => 0, threshold => $1 };
1610 }
1611 elsif ($sp =~ /^:(\d+):(\d+)?$/) {
1612 push @specsP2, { level => undef, topn => $1, threshold => defined $2 ? $2 : 0 };
1613 }
1614 elsif ($sp =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)?:(\d+)?$/) {
1615 push @specsP1, { level => ($1 > 0 ? $1 - 1 : 0), topn => $2 ? $2 : 0, threshold => $3 ? $3 : 0 };
1616 }
1617 else {
1618 print STDERR "create_level_specs: unexpected levelspec ignored: \"$sp\"\n";
1619 }
1620 }
1622 #foreach my $sp (@specsP3, @specsP2, @specsP1) {
1623 # printf "Sorted specs: L%d, topn: %3d, threshold: %3d\n", $sp->{level}, $sp->{topn}, $sp->{threshold};
1624 #}
1626 my ($min, $max);
1627 foreach my $sp ( @specsP3, @specsP2, @specsP1) {
1628 ($min, $max) = (0, $max_level);
1630 if (defined $sp->{level}) {
1631 $min = $max = $sp->{level};
1632 }
1633 for my $level ($min..$max) {
1634 #printf "create_level_specs: setting L%d, topn: %s, threshold: %s\n", $level, $sp->{topn}, $sp->{threshold};
1635 $lspecref->[$level]{topn} = $sp->{topn} if ($sp->{topn});
1636 $lspecref->[$level]{threshold} = $sp->{threshold} if ($sp->{threshold});
1637 }
1638 }
1640 return $max_level;
1641 }
1643 sub print_level_specs($ $) {
1644 my ($max_level,$lspecref) = @_;
1645 for my $level (0..$max_level) {
1646 printf "LevelSpec Row %d: %3d %3d\n", $level, $lspecref->[$level]{topn}, $lspecref->[$level]{threshold};
1647 }
1648 }
1651 1;
1653 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/RFC3463.pm
1654 package Logreporters::RFC3463;
1656 use 5.008;
1657 use strict;
1658 use re 'taint';
1659 use warnings;
1661 BEGIN {
1662 use Exporter ();
1664 $VERSION = '1.000';
1665 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1666 @EXPORT = qw(&get_dsn_msg);
1667 }
1669 use subs @EXPORT;
1671 #-------------------------------------------------
1672 # Enhanced Mail System Status Codes (aka: extended status codes)
1673 #
1674 # RFC 3463 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3463.txt
1675 # RFC 4954 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4954.txt
1676 #
1677 # Class.Subject.Detail
1678 #
1679 my %dsn_codes = (
1680 class => {
1681 '2' => 'Success',
1682 '4' => 'Transient failure',
1683 '5' => 'Permanent failure',
1684 },
1686 subject => {
1687 '0' => 'Other/Undefined status',
1688 '1' => 'Addressing status',
1689 '2' => 'Mailbox status',
1690 '3' => 'Mail system status',
1691 '4' => 'Network & routing status',
1692 '5' => 'Mail delivery protocol status',
1693 '6' => 'Message content/media status',
1694 '7' => 'Security/policy status',
1695 },
1697 detail => {
1698 '0.0' => 'Other undefined status',
1699 '1.0' => 'Other address status',
1700 '1.1' => 'Bad destination mailbox address',
1701 '1.2' => 'Bad destination system address',
1702 '1.3' => 'Bad destination mailbox address syntax',
1703 '1.4' => 'Destination mailbox address ambiguous',
1704 '1.5' => 'Destination mailbox address valid',
1705 '1.6' => 'Mailbox has moved',
1706 '1.7' => 'Bad sender\'s mailbox address syntax',
1707 '1.8' => 'Bad sender\'s system address',
1709 '2.0' => 'Other/Undefined mailbox status',
1710 '2.1' => 'Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages',
1711 '2.2' => 'Mailbox full',
1712 '2.3' => 'Message length exceeds administrative limit.',
1713 '2.4' => 'Mailing list expansion problem',
1715 '3.0' => 'Other/Undefined mail system status',
1716 '3.1' => 'Mail system full',
1717 '3.2' => 'System not accepting network messages',
1718 '3.3' => 'System not capable of selected features',
1719 '3.4' => 'Message too big for system',
1721 '4.0' => 'Other/Undefined network or routing status',
1722 '4.1' => 'No answer from host',
1723 '4.2' => 'Bad connection',
1724 '4.3' => 'Routing server failure',
1725 '4.4' => 'Unable to route',
1726 '4.5' => 'Network congestion',
1727 '4.6' => 'Routing loop detected',
1728 '4.7' => 'Delivery time expired',
1730 '5.0' => 'Other/Undefined protocol status',
1731 '5.1' => 'Invalid command',
1732 '5.2' => 'Syntax error',
1733 '5.3' => 'Too many recipients',
1734 '5.4' => 'Invalid command arguments',
1735 '5.5' => 'Wrong protocol version',
1736 '5.6' => 'Authentication Exchange line too long',
1738 '6.0' => 'Other/Undefined media error',
1739 '6.1' => 'Media not supported',
1740 '6.2' => 'Conversion required & prohibited',
1741 '6.3' => 'Conversion required but not supported',
1742 '6.4' => 'Conversion with loss performed',
1743 '6.5' => 'Conversion failed',
1745 '7.0' => 'Other/Undefined security status',
1746 '7.1' => 'Delivery not authorized, message refused',
1747 '7.2' => 'Mailing list expansion prohibited',
1748 '7.3' => 'Security conversion required but not possible',
1749 '7.4' => 'Security features not supported',
1750 '7.5' => 'Cryptographic failure',
1751 '7.6' => 'Cryptographic algorithm not supported',
1752 '7.7' => 'Message integrity failure',
1753 },
1755 # RFC 4954
1756 complete => {
1757 '2.7.0' => 'Authentication succeeded',
1758 '4.7.0' => 'Temporary authentication failure',
1759 '4.7.12' => 'Password transition needed',
1760 '5.7.0' => 'Authentication required',
1761 '5.7.8' => 'Authentication credentials invalid',
1762 '5.7.9' => 'Authentication mechanism too weak',
1763 '5.7.11' => 'Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism',
1764 },
1765 );
1767 # Returns an RFC 3463 DSN messages given a DSN code
1768 #
1769 sub get_dsn_msg ($) {
1770 my $dsn = shift;
1771 my ($msg, $class, $subject, $detail);
1773 return "*DSN unavailable" if ($dsn =~ /^$/);
1775 unless ($dsn =~ /^(\d)\.((\d{1,3})\.\d{1,3})$/) {
1776 print "Error: not a DSN code $dsn\n";
1777 return "Invalid DSN";
1778 }
1780 $class = $1; $subject = $3; $detail = $2;
1782 #print "DSN: $dsn, Class: $class, Subject: $subject, Detail: $detail\n";
1784 if (exists $dsn_codes{'class'}{$class}) {
1785 $msg = $dsn_codes{'class'}{$class};
1786 }
1787 if (exists $dsn_codes{'subject'}{$subject}) {
1788 $msg .= ': ' . $dsn_codes{'subject'}{$subject};
1789 }
1790 if (exists $dsn_codes{'complete'}{$dsn}) {
1791 $msg .= ': ' . $dsn_codes{'complete'}{$dsn};
1792 }
1793 elsif (exists $dsn_codes{'detail'}{$detail}) {
1794 $msg .= ': ' . $dsn_codes{'detail'}{$detail};
1795 }
1797 #print "get_dsn_msg: $msg\n" if ($msg);
1798 return $dsn . ': ' . $msg;
1799 }
1801 1;
1803 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/PolicySPF.pm
1804 package Logreporters::PolicySPF;
1806 use 5.008;
1807 use strict;
1808 use re 'taint';
1809 use warnings;
1811 BEGIN {
1812 use Exporter ();
1814 $VERSION = '1.000';
1815 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1816 @EXPORT = qw(&postfix_policy_spf);
1817 }
1819 use subs @EXPORT;
1821 BEGIN {
1822 import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts $END_KEY);
1823 import Logreporters::Utils;
1824 import Logreporters::Reports qw(&inc_unmatched);
1825 }
1827 # Handle postfix/policy_spf entries
1828 #
1829 # Mail::SPF::Result
1830 # Pass the SPF record designates the host to be allowed to send accept
1831 # Fail the SPF record has designated the host as NOT being allowed to send reject
1832 # SoftFail the SPF record has designated the host as NOT being allowed to send but is in transition accept but mark
1833 # Neutral the SPF record specifies explicitly that nothing can be said about validity accept
1834 # None the domain does not have an SPF record or the SPF record does not evaluate to a result accept
1835 # PermError a permanent error has occured (eg. badly formatted SPF record) unspecified
1836 # TempError a transient error has occured accept or reject
1838 sub postfix_policy_spf($) {
1839 my $line = shift;
1841 if (
1842 $line =~ /^Attribute: / or
1843 # handler sender_policy_framework: is decisive.
1844 $line =~ /^handler [^:]+/ or
1845 # decided action=REJECT Please see http://www.openspf.org/why.html?sender=jrzjcez%40telecomitalia.it&ip=
1846 $line =~ /^decided action=/ or
1848 # pypolicyd-spf-0.7.1
1849 #
1850 # Read line: "request=smtpd_access_policy"
1851 # Found the end of entry
1852 # Config: {'Mail_From_reject': 'Fail', 'PermError_reject': 'False', 'HELO_reject': 'SPF_Not_Pass', 'defaultSeedOnly': 1, 'debugLevel': 4, 'skip_addresses': ',::ffff:,::1//128', 'TempError_Defer': 'False'}
1853 # spfcheck: pyspf result: "['Pass', 'sender SPF authorized', 'helo']"
1854 # ERROR: Could not match line "#helo pass and mfrom none"
1855 # Traceback (most recent call last):
1856 # File "/usr/local/bin/policyd-spf", line 405, in <module>
1857 # line = sys.stdin.readline()
1858 # KeyboardInterrupt
1859 $line =~ /^Read line: "/ or
1860 $line =~ /^Found the end of entry$/ or
1861 $line =~ /^Config: \{/ or
1862 $line =~ /^spfcheck: pyspf result/ or
1863 $line =~ /^Starting$/ or
1864 $line =~ /^Normal exit$/ or
1865 $line =~ /^ERROR: Could not match line/ or
1866 $line =~ /^Traceback / or
1867 $line =~ /^KeyboardInterrupt/ or
1868 $line =~ /^\s\s+/
1869 )
1870 {
1871 #print "IGNORING...\n\tORIG: $::OrigLine\n";
1872 return
1873 }
1875 # Keep policy-spf warnings in its section
1876 if (my ($warn,$msg) = $line =~ /^warning: ([^:]+): (.*)$/) {
1877 #TDspf warning: ignoring garbage: # No SPF
1879 $msg =~ s/^# ?//;
1880 $Totals{'policyspf'}++;
1881 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'*Warning'}{ucfirst $warn}{$msg}{$END_KEY}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'});
1882 return;
1883 }
1885 # pypolicyd-spf-0.7.1
1887 # Fail; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1888 # Fail; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=<>; receiver=bogus@example.net
1889 # Neutral; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1890 # None; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1891 # None; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1892 # None; identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1893 # None; identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1894 # Pass; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=<>; receiver=bogus@example.net
1895 # Permerror; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=bogus2@example.net
1896 # Softfail; identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=example.com; envelope-from=f@example.com; receiver=yahl@example.org
1897 if ($line =~ /^(Pass|Fail|None|Neutral|Permerror|Softfail|Temperror); (.*)$/) {
1898 my $result = $1;
1899 my %params = $2 =~ /([-\w]+)=([^;]+)/g;
1900 #$params{'s'} = '*unknown' unless $params{'s'};
1901 $Totals{'policyspf'}++;
1902 if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'}) {
1903 my ($id) = $params{'identity'};
1904 $id =~ s/mailfrom/envelope-from/;
1906 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'Policy Action'}{"SPF: $result"}{join(': ',$params{'identity'},$params{$id})}{$params{'client-ip'}}{$params{'receiver'}}++;
1907 }
1908 return;
1909 }
1910 elsif ($line =~ /^ERROR /) {
1911 $line =~ s/^ERROR //;
1912 $Totals{'warningsother'}++; return unless ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'warningsother'});
1913 $Counts{'warningsother'}{"$Logreporters::service_name: $line"}++;
1914 return;
1915 }
1917 # Strip QID if it exists, and trailing ": ", leaving just the message.
1918 $line =~ s/^(?:$Logreporters::re_QID|): //;
1920 # other ignored
1921 if (
1922 $line =~ /^SPF \S+ \(.+?\): .*$/ or
1923 $line =~ /^Mail From/ or
1924 $line =~ /^:HELO check failed/ or # log entry has no space after :
1925 $line =~ /^testing:/
1926 )
1927 {
1928 #TDspf testing: stripped sender=jrzjcez@telecomitalia.it, stripped rcpt=hengstberger@adv.at
1929 # postfix-policyd-spf-perl-2.007
1930 #TDspf SPF pass (Mechanism 'ip4:' matched): Envelope-from: foo@example.com
1931 #TDspf SPF pass (Mechanism 'ip4:' matched): Envelope-from: anyone@sample.net
1932 #TDspf SPF pass (Mechanism 'ip4:' matched): HELO/EHLO (Null Sender): mailout2.example.com
1933 #TDspf SPF fail (Mechanism '-all' matched): HELO/EHLO: mailout1.example.com
1934 #TDspf SPF none (No applicable sender policy available): Envelope-from: efrom@example.com
1935 #TDspf SPF permerror (Included domain 'example.com' has no applicable sender policy): Envelope-from: efrom@example.com
1936 #TDspf SPF permerror (Maximum DNS-interactive terms limit (10) exceeded): Envelope-from: efrom@example.com
1937 #TDspf Mail From (sender) check failed - Mail::SPF->new(, , test.DNSreport.com) failed: 'identity' option must not be empty
1938 #TDspf HELO check failed - Mail::SPF->new(, , ) failed: Missing required 'identity' option
1940 #TDspf SPF not applicable to localhost connection - skipped check
1942 #print "IGNORING...\n\tLINE: $line\n\tORIG: \"$Logreporters::Reports::origline\"\n";
1943 return;
1944 }
1946 my ($action, $domain, $ip, $message, $mechanism);
1947 ($domain, $ip, $message, $mechanism) = ('*unknown', '*unknown', '', '*unavailable');
1948 #print "LINE: '$line'\n";
1950 # postfix-policyd-spf-perl: http://www.openspf.org/Software
1951 if ($line =~ /^Policy action=(.*)$/) {
1952 $line = $1;
1954 #: Policy action=DUNNO
1955 return if $line =~ /^DUNNO/;
1956 # Policy action=PREPEND X-Comment: SPF not applicable to localhost connection - skipped check
1957 return if $line =~ /^PREPEND X-Comment: SPF not applicable to localhost connection - skipped check$/;
1959 #print "LINE: '$line'\n";
1960 if ($line =~ /^DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=\[?(.*?)\]?: (.*) of .*$/) {
1961 my ($lookup,$message) = ($1,$2);
1962 # Policy action=DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=[]: Time-out on DNS 'SPF' lookup of '[]'
1963 # Policy action=DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=example.com: 'SERVFAIL' error on DNS 'SPF' lookup of 'example.com'
1964 $message =~ s/^(.*?) on (DNS SPF lookup)$/$2: $1/;
1965 $message =~ s/'//g;
1966 $Totals{'policyspf'}++;
1967 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'Policy Action'}{'defer_if_permit'}{$message}{$lookup}{$END_KEY}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'});
1968 return;
1969 }
1971 if ($line =~ /^550 Please see http:\/\/www\.openspf\.org\/Why\?(.*)$/) {
1972 # Policy action=550 Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?s=mfrom&id=from%40example.com&ip=
1973 # Policy action=550 Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?s=helo;id=mailout03.example.com;ip=;r=mx1.example.net
1974 # Policy action=550 Please see http://www.openspf.org/Why?id=someone%40example.com&ip=
1976 my %params;
1977 for (split /[&;]/, $1) {
1978 my ($id,$val) = split /=/, $_;
1979 $params{$id} = $val;
1980 }
1981 $params{'id'} =~ s/^.*%40//;
1982 $params{'s'} = '*unknown' unless $params{'s'};
1983 #print "Please see...:\n\tMessage: $message\n\tIP: $ip\n\tDomain: $domain\n";
1984 $Totals{'policyspf'}++;
1985 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'Policy Action'}{'550 reject'}{'See http://www.openspf.org/Why?...'}{$params{'s'}}{$params{'ip'}}{$params{'id'}}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'});
1986 return;
1987 }
1989 if ($line =~ /^[^:]+: (none|pass|fail|softfail|neutral|permerror|temperror) \((.+?)\) receiver=[^;]+(?:; (.*))?$/) {
1990 # iehc is identity, envelope-from, helo, client-ip
1991 my ($result,$message,$iehc,$subject) = ($1,$2,$3,undef);
1992 my %params = ();
1993 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: pass (bounces.example.com ... _spf.example.com: is authorized to use 'from@bounces.example.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'ip4:' matched)) receiver=sample.net; identity=mfrom; envelope-from="from@bounces.example.com"; helo=out.example.com; client-ip=
1995 # Note: "identity=mailfrom" new in Mail::SPF version 2.006 Aug. 17
1996 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: pass (example.com: is authorized to use 'from@example.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'ip4:' matched)) receiver=mx.example.com; identity=mailfrom; envelope-from="from@example.com"; helo=example.com; client-ip=
1998 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: none (example.com: No applicable sender policy available) receiver=sample.net; identity=mfrom; envelope-from="f@example.com"; helo=example.com; client-ip=
2000 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: neutral (example.com: Domain does not state whether sender is authorized to use 'f@example.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism '?all' matched)) receiver=sample.net identity=mfrom; envelope-from="f@example.com"; helo="[]"; client-ip=
2002 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: none (example.com: No applicable sender policy available) receiver=sample.net; identity=helo; helo=example.com; client-ip=
2003 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: none (example.com: No applicable sender policy available) receiver=mx1.example
2005 #print "LINE: $iehc\n";
2006 if ($iehc) {
2007 %params = $iehc =~ /([-\w]+)=([^;]+)/g;
2009 if (exists $params{'identity'}) {
2010 $params{'identity'} =~ s/identity=//;
2011 if ($params{'identity'} eq 'mfrom' or $params{'identity'} eq 'mailfrom') {
2012 $params{'identity'} = 'mail from';
2013 }
2014 $params{'identity'} = uc $params{'identity'};
2015 }
2016 $params{'envelope-from'} =~ s/"//g if exists $params{'envelope-from'};
2017 #($helo = $params{'helo'}) =~ s/"//g if exists $params{'helo'};
2018 $ip = $params{'client-ip'} if exists $params{'client-ip'};
2019 }
2021 $message =~ s/^([^:]+): // and $subject = $1;
2023 if ($message =~ /^No applicable sender policy available$/) {
2024 $message = 'No sender policy';
2025 }
2026 elsif ($message =~ s/^(Junk encountered in mechanism) '(.*?)'/$1/) {
2027 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: permerror (example.com: Junk encountered in mechanism 'a:') receiver=example.net; identity=mfrom; envelope-from="ef@example.com"; helo=h; client-ip=
2028 $ip = formathost ($ip, 'mech: ' . $2);
2029 }
2030 elsif ($message =~ s/^(Included domain) '(.*?)' (has no .*)$/$1 $3/) {
2031 #TDspf Policy action=PREPEND Received-SPF: permerror (example.com: Included domain 's.example.net' has no applicable sender policy) receiver=x.sample.com; identity=mfrom; envelope-from="ef@example.com"; helo=example.net; client-ip=
2032 $subject .= " (included: $2)";
2033 }
2034 elsif ($message =~ /^Domain does not state whether sender is authorized to use '.*?' in '\S+' identity \(mechanism '(.+?)' matched\)$/) {
2035 # Domain does not state whether sender is authorized to use 'returns@example.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism '?all' matched))
2036 ($mechanism,$message) = ($1,'Domain does not state if sender authorized to use');
2037 }
2038 elsif ($message =~ /^(\S+) is (not )?authorized( by default)? to use '.*?' in '\S+' identity(?:, however domain is not currently prepared for false failures)? \(mechanism '(.+?)' matched\)$/) {
2039 # Sender is not authorized by default to use 'from@example.com' in 'mfrom' identity, however domain is not currently prepared for false failures (mechanism '~all' matched))
2040 # is authorized by default to use 'from@example.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'all' matched))
2041 $message = join (' ',
2042 $1 eq 'Sender' ? 'Sender' : 'IP', # canonicalize IP address
2043 $2 ? 'not authorized' : 'authorized',
2044 $3 ? 'by default to use' : 'to use',
2045 );
2046 $mechanism = $4;
2047 }
2048 elsif ($message =~ /^Maximum DNS-interactive terms limit \S+ exceeded$/) {
2049 $message = 'Maximum DNS-interactive terms limit exceeded';
2050 }
2051 elsif ($message =~ /^Invalid IPv4 prefix length encountered in (.*)$/) {
2052 $subject .= " (invalid: $1)";
2053 $message = 'Invalid IPv4 prefix length encountered';
2054 }
2056 #print "Result: $result, Identity: $params{'identity'}, Mech: $mechanism, Subject: $subject, IP: $ip\n";
2057 $Totals{'policyspf'}++;
2058 if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'}) {
2059 $message = join (' ', $message, $params{'identity'}) if exists $params{'identity'};
2060 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'Policy Action'}{"SPF $result"}{$message}{'mech: ' .$mechanism}{$subject}{$ip}++
2061 }
2062 return;
2063 }
2065 inc_unmatched('postfix_policy_spf(2)');
2066 return;
2067 }
2069 =pod
2070 Mail::SPF::Query
2071 libmail-spf-query-perl 1:1.999
2073 XXX incomplete
2075 Some possible smtp_comment results:
2076 pass "localhost is always allowed."
2077 none "SPF", "domain of sender $query->{sender} does not designate mailers
2078 unknown $explanation, "domain of sender $query->{sender} does not exist"
2079 $query->{spf_error_explanation}, $query->is_looping
2080 $query->{spf_error_explanation}, $directive_set->{hard_syntax_error}
2081 $query->{spf_error_explanation}, "Missing SPF record at $query->{domain}"
2082 error $query->{spf_error_explanation}, $query->{error}
2084 $result $explanation, $comment, $query->{directive_set}->{orig_txt}
2086 Possible header_comment results:
2087 pass "$query->{spf_source} designates $ip as permitted sender"
2088 fail "$query->{spf_source} does not designate $ip as permitted sender"
2089 softfail "transitioning $query->{spf_source} does not designate $ip as permitted sender"
2090 /^unknown / "encountered unrecognized mechanism during SPF processing of $query->{spf_source}"
2091 unknown "error in processing during lookup of $query->{sender}"
2092 neutral "$ip is neither permitted nor denied by domain of $query->{sender}"
2093 error "encountered temporary error during SPF processing of $query->{spf_source}"
2094 none "$query->{spf_source} does not designate permitted sender hosts"
2095 "could not perform SPF query for $query->{spf_source}" );
2096 =cut
2098 #TDspf 39053DC: SPF none: smtp_comment=SPF: domain of sender user@example.com does not designate mailers, header_comment=sample.net: domain of user@example.com does not designate permitted sender hosts
2099 #TDspf : SPF none: smtp_comment=SPF: domain of sender user@example.com does not designate mailers, header_comment=sample.net: domain of user@example.com does not designate permitted sender hosts
2100 #TDspf : SPF pass: smtp_comment=Please see http://www.openspf.org/why.html?sender=user%40example.com&ip= example.com MX mail.example.com A, header_comment=example.com: domain of user@example.com designates as permitted sender
2101 #TDspf : SPF fail: smtp_comment=Please see http://www.openspf.org/why.html?sender=user%40example.com&ip=, header_comment=sample.net: domain of user@example.com does not designate as permitted sender
2102 #TDspf : : SPF none: smtp_comment=SPF: domain of sender does not designate mailers, header_comment=mx1.example.com: domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts
2104 if (my ($result, $reply) = ($line =~ /^(SPF [^:]+): (.*)$/)) {
2106 #print "result: $result\n\treply: $reply\n\tORIG: \"$Logreporters::Reports::origline\"\n";
2108 if ($reply =~ /^(?:smtp_comment=)(.*)$/) {
2109 $reply = $1;
2111 # SPF none
2112 if ($reply =~ /^SPF: domain of sender (?:(?:[^@]+@)?(\S+) )?does not designate mailers/) {
2113 $domain = $1 ? $1 : '*unknown';
2114 #print "result: $result: domain: $domain\n";
2115 }
2116 elsif ($reply =~ /^Please see http:\/\/[^\/]+\/why\.html\?sender=(?:.+%40)?([^&]+)&ip=([^&]+)/) {
2117 ($domain,$ip) = ($1,$2);
2118 #print "result: $result: domain: $domain, IP: $ip\n";
2119 }
2121 # SPF unknown
2122 elsif ($reply =~ /^SPF record error: ([^,]+), .*: error in processing during lookup of (?:[^@]+\@)?(\S+)/) {
2123 ($message, $domain) = ($1, $2);
2124 #print "result: $result: domain: $domain, Problem: $message\n";
2125 }
2126 elsif ($reply =~ /^SPF record error: ([^,]+), .*: encountered unrecognized mechanism during SPF processing of domain (?:[^@]+\@)?(\S+)/) {
2127 ($message, $domain) = ($1,$2);
2128 #print "result: \"$result\": domain: $domain, Problem: $message\n";
2129 $result = "SPF permerror" if ($result =~ /SPF unknown mx-all/);
2130 }
2131 else {
2132 inc_unmatched('postfix_policy_spf(3)');
2133 return;
2134 }
2135 }
2136 else {
2137 inc_unmatched('postfix_policy_spf(4)');
2138 return;
2139 }
2141 $Totals{'policyspf'}++;
2142 if ($message) {
2143 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'Policy Action'}{$result}{$domain}{$ip}{$message}{$END_KEY}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'});
2144 }
2145 else {
2146 $Counts{'policyspf'}{'Policy Action'}{$result}{$domain}{$ip}{$END_KEY}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policyspf'});
2147 }
2148 return;
2149 }
2152 inc_unmatched('postfix_policy_spf(5)');
2153 }
2155 1;
2157 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/Postfwd.pm
2158 package Logreporters::Postfwd;
2160 use 5.008;
2161 use strict;
2162 use re 'taint';
2163 use warnings;
2165 BEGIN {
2166 use Exporter ();
2168 $VERSION = '1.000';
2169 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
2170 @EXPORT = qw(&postfix_postfwd);
2171 }
2173 use subs @EXPORT;
2175 BEGIN {
2176 import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts $END_KEY);
2177 import Logreporters::Utils;
2178 import Logreporters::Reports qw(&inc_unmatched);
2179 }
2181 # postfwd: http://postfwd.org/
2182 #
2183 #
2184 sub postfix_postfwd($) {
2185 my $line = shift;
2187 return if (
2188 #TDpfw [STATS] Counters: 213000 seconds uptime, 39 rules
2189 #TDpfw [LOGS info]: compare rbl: "example.com[]" -> "localrbl.local"
2190 #TDpfw [DNSBL] object listed on rbl:list.dnswl.org (answer:, time: 0s)
2191 $line =~ /^\[STATS\] / or
2192 $line =~ /^\[DNSBL\] / or
2193 $line =~ /^\[LOGS info\]/ or
2194 $line =~ /^Process Backgrounded/ or
2195 $line =~ /^Setting [ug]id to/ or
2196 $line =~ /^Binding to TCP port/ or
2197 $line =~ /^terminating\.\.\./ or
2198 $line =~ /^Setting status interval to \S+ seconds/ or
2199 $line =~ /^postfwd .+ ready for input$/ or
2200 $line =~ /postfwd .+ (?:starting|terminated)/
2201 );
2203 my ($type,$rule,$id,$action,$host,$hostip,$recipient);
2205 if ($line =~ /^\[(RULES|CACHE)\] rule=(\d+), id=([^,]+), client=([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\], sender=.*?, recipient=<(.*?)>,.*? action=(.*)$/) {
2206 #TDpfw [RULES] rule=0, id=OK_DNSWL, client=example.com[], sender=<f@example.com>, recipient=<to@sample.net>, helo=<example.com>, proto=ESMTP, state=RCPT, delay=0s, hits=OK_DNSWL, action=DUNNO
2207 #TDpfw [CACHE] rule=14, id=GREY_NODNS, client=unknown[], sender=<f@example.net>, recipient=<to@sample.com>, helo=<example.com>, proto=ESMTP, state=RCPT, delay=0s, hits=SET_NODNS;EVAL_DNSBLS;EVAL_RHSBLS;GREY_NODNS, action=greylist
2208 ($type,$rule,$id,$host,$hostip,$recipient,$action) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
2209 $recipient = '*unknown' if (not defined $recipient);
2210 $Counts{'postfwd'}{"Rule $rule"}{$id}{$action}{$type}{$recipient}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'postfwd'});
2211 }
2212 elsif (($line =~ /Can't connect to TCP port/) or
2213 ($line =~ /Pid_file already exists for running process/)
2214 )
2215 {
2216 $line =~ s/^[-\d\/:]+ //; # strip leading date/time stamps 2009/07/18-20:09:49
2217 $Totals{'warningsother'}++; return unless ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'warningsother'});
2218 $Counts{'warningsother'}{"$Logreporters::service_name: $line"}++;
2219 return;
2220 }
2222 # ignoring [DNSBL] lines
2223 #elsif ($line =~ /^\[DNSBL\] object (\S+) listed on (\S+) \(answer: ([^,]+), .*\)$/) {
2224 # #TDpfw [DNSBL] object listed on rbl:list.dnswl.org (answer:, time: 0s)
2225 # ($type,$rbl) = split (/:/, $2);
2226 # $Counts{'postfwd'}{"DNSBL: $type"}{$rbl}{$1}{$3}{''}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'postfwd'});
2227 #}
2228 else {
2229 inc_unmatched('postfwd');
2230 return;
2231 }
2233 $Totals{'postfwd'}++;
2234 }
2236 1;
2238 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/Postgrey.pm
2239 package Logreporters::Postgrey;
2241 use 5.008;
2242 use strict;
2243 use re 'taint';
2244 use warnings;
2246 my (%pgDelays,%pgDelayso);
2248 BEGIN {
2249 use Exporter ();
2251 $VERSION = '1.000';
2252 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
2253 @EXPORT = qw(&postfix_postgrey &print_postgrey_reports);
2254 }
2256 use subs @EXPORT;
2258 BEGIN {
2259 import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts $END_KEY);
2260 import Logreporters::Utils;
2261 import Logreporters::Config qw(%Opts);
2262 import Logreporters::Reports qw(&inc_unmatched &print_percentiles_report2);
2263 }
2265 # postgrey: http://postgrey.schweikert.ch/
2266 #
2267 # Triplet: (client IP, envelope sender, envelope recipient address)
2268 #
2269 sub postfix_postgrey($) {
2270 my $line = shift;
2272 return if (
2273 #TDpg cleaning up old logs...
2274 #TDpg cleaning up old entries...
2275 #TDpg cleaning clients database finished. before: 207, after: 207
2276 #TDpg cleaning main database finished. before: 3800, after: 2539
2277 #TDpg delayed 603 seconds: client=10.0.example.com, from=anyone@sample.net, to=joe@example.com
2279 #TDpg Setting uid to "504"
2280 #TDpg Setting gid to "1002 1002"
2281 #TDpg Process Backgrounded
2282 #TDpg 2008/03/08-15:54:49 postgrey (type Net::Server::Multiplex) starting! pid(21961)
2283 #TDpg Binding to TCP port 10023 on host
2284 #TDpg 2007/01/25-14:58:24 Server closing!
2285 #TDpg Couldn't unlink "/var/run/postgrey.pid" [Permission denied]
2286 #TDpg ignoring garbage: <help>
2287 #TDpg unrecognized request type: ''
2288 #TDpg rm /var/spool/postfix/postgrey/log.0000000002
2289 #TDpg 2007/01/25-14:48:00 Pid_file already exists for running process (4775)... aborting at line 232 in file /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/Net/Server.pm
2292 $line =~ /^cleaning / or
2293 $line =~ /^delayed / or
2294 $line =~ /^cleaning / or
2295 $line =~ /^Setting [ug]id/ or
2296 $line =~ /^Process Backgrounded/ or
2297 $line =~ /^Binding to / or
2298 $line =~ /^Couldn't unlink / or
2299 $line =~ /^ignoring garbage: / or
2300 $line =~ /^unrecognized request type/ or
2301 $line =~ /^rm / or
2302 # unanchored last
2303 $line =~ /Pid_file already exists/ or
2304 $line =~ /postgrey .* starting!/ or
2305 $line =~ /Server closing!/
2306 );
2308 my ($action,$reason,$delay,$host,$ip,$sender,$recip);
2310 if ($line =~ /^(?:$Logreporters::re_QID: )?action=(.*?), reason=(.*?)(?:, delay=(\d+))?, client_name=(.*?), client_address=(.*?)(?:, sender=(.*?))?(?:, +recipient=(.*))?$/o) {
2311 #TDpg action=greylist, reason=new, client_name=example.com, client_address=, sender=from@example.com, recipient=to@sample.net
2312 #TDpgQ action=greylist, reason=new, client_name=example.com, client_address=, sender=from@example.com
2313 #TDpgQ action=pass, reason=triplet found, client_name=example.com, client_address=, sender=from@example.com, recipient=to@sample.net
2314 #TDpg action=pass, reason=triplet found, client_name=example.com, client_address=, sender=from@example.com, recipient=to@sample.net
2315 #TDpg action=pass, reason=triplet found, client_name=example.com, client_address=, recipient=to@sample.net
2316 #TDpg action=pass, reason=triplet found, delay=99, client_name=example.com, client_address=, recipient=to@sample.net
2317 ($action,$reason,$delay,$host,$ip,$sender,$recip) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
2318 $reason =~ s/^(early-retry) \(.* missing\)$/$1/;
2319 $recip = '*unknown' if (not defined $recip);
2320 $sender = '' if (not defined $sender);
2322 $Totals{'postgrey'}++;
2323 if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'postgrey'}) {
2324 $Counts{'postgrey'}{"\u$action"}{"\u$reason"}{formathost($ip,$host)}{$recip}{$sender}++;
2326 if (defined $delay and $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'postgrey_delays'}) {
2327 $pgDelays{'1: Total'}{$delay}++;
2329 push @{$pgDelayso{'Postgrey'}}, $delay
2330 }
2331 }
2332 }
2333 elsif ($line =~ /^whitelisted: (.*?)(?:\[([^]]+)\])?$/) {
2334 #TDpg: whitelisted: example.com[]
2335 $Totals{'postgrey'}++;
2336 if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'postgrey'}) {
2337 $Counts{'postgrey'}{'Whitelisted'}{defined $2 ? formathost($2,$1) : $1}{$END_KEY}++;
2338 }
2339 }
2340 elsif ($line =~ /^tarpit whitelisted: (.*?)(?:\[([^]]+)\])?$/) {
2341 #TDpg: tarpit whitelisted: example.com[]
2342 $Totals{'postgrey'}++;
2343 if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'postgrey'}) {
2344 $Counts{'postgrey'}{'Tarpit whitelisted'}{defined $2 ? formathost($2,$1) : $1}{$END_KEY}++;
2345 }
2346 }
2347 else {
2348 inc_unmatched('postgrey');
2349 }
2351 return;
2352 }
2354 sub print_postgrey_reports() {
2355 #print STDERR "pgDelays memory usage: ", commify(Devel::Size::total_size(\%pgDelays)), "\n";
2357 if ($Opts{'postgrey_delays'}) {
2358 my @table;
2359 for (sort keys %pgDelays) {
2360 # anon array ref: label, array ref of $Delay{key}
2361 push @table, [ substr($_,3), $pgDelays{$_} ];
2362 }
2363 if (@table) {
2364 print_percentiles_report2(\@table, "Postgrey Delays Percentiles", $Opts{'postgrey_delays_percentiles'});
2365 }
2366 }
2367 }
2369 1;
2371 #MODULE: ../Logreporters/PolicydWeight.pm
2372 package Logreporters::PolicydWeight;
2374 use 5.008;
2375 use strict;
2376 use re 'taint';
2377 use warnings;
2379 BEGIN {
2380 use Exporter ();
2382 $VERSION = '1.000';
2383 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
2384 @EXPORT = qw(&postfix_policydweight);
2385 }
2387 use subs @EXPORT;
2389 BEGIN {
2390 import Logreporters::Reports qw(&inc_unmatched);
2391 import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts);
2392 import Logreporters::Utils;
2393 }
2395 # Handle postfix/policydweight entries
2396 #
2397 sub postfix_policydweight($) {
2398 my $line = shift;
2399 my ($r1, $code, $reason, $reason2);
2401 if (
2402 $line =~ /^weighted check/ or
2403 $line =~ /^policyd-weight .* started and daemonized/ or
2404 $line =~ /^(cache|child|master): / or
2405 $line =~ /^cache (?:spawned|killed)/ or
2406 $line =~ /^child \d+ exited/ or
2407 $line =~ /^Daemon terminated/ or
2408 $line =~ /^Daemon terminated/
2409 )
2410 {
2411 #print "$OrigLine\n";
2412 return;
2413 }
2415 if ($line =~ s/^decided action=//) {
2416 $line =~ s/; delay: \d+s$//; # ignore, eg.: "delay: 3s"
2417 #print "....\n\tLINE: $line\n\tORIG: '$Logreporters::Reports::origline'\n";
2418 if (($code,$r1) = ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s+(.*)$/ )) {
2419 my @problems = ();
2420 for (split /; */, $r1) {
2422 if (/^Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged\. Ask your Mail\/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get removed from DNSBLs/ ) {
2423 push @problems, 'spam/forged: bad DNS/hit DNSRBLs';
2424 }
2425 elsif (/^Your MTA is listed in too many DNSBLs/) {
2426 push @problems, 'too many DNSBLs';
2427 }
2428 elsif (/^temporarily blocked because of previous errors - retrying too fast\. penalty: \d+ seconds x \d+ retries\./) {
2429 push @problems, 'temp blocked: retrying too fast';
2430 }
2431 elsif (/^Please use DynDNS/) {
2432 push @problems, 'use DynDNS';
2433 }
2434 elsif (/^please relay via your ISP \([^)]+\)/) {
2435 push @problems, 'use ISP\'s relay';
2436 }
2437 elsif (/^in (.*)/) {
2438 push @problems, $1;
2439 }
2440 elsif (m#^check http://rbls\.org/\?q=#) {
2441 push @problems, 'see http://rbls.org';
2442 }
2443 elsif (/^MTA helo: .* \(helo\/hostname mismatch\)/) {
2444 push @problems, 'helo/hostname mismatch';
2445 }
2446 elsif (/^No DNS entries for your MTA, HELO and Domain\. Contact YOUR administrator\s+/) {
2447 push @problems, 'no DNS entries';
2448 }
2449 else {
2450 push @problems, $_;
2451 }
2452 }
2454 $reason = $code; $reason2 = join (', ', @problems);
2455 }
2456 elsif ($line =~ s/^DUNNO\s+//) {
2457 #decided action=DUNNO multirecipient-mail - already accepted by previous query; delay: 0s
2458 $reason = 'DUNNO'; $reason2 = $line;
2459 }
2460 elsif ($line =~ s/^check_greylist//) {
2461 #decided action=check_greylist; delay: 16s
2462 $reason = 'Check greylist'; $reason2 = $line;
2463 }
2464 elsif ($line =~ s/^PREPEND X-policyd-weight:\s+//) {
2465 #decided action=PREPEND X-policyd-weight: using cached result; rate: -7.6; delay: 0s
2466 if ($line =~ /(using cached result); rate:/) {
2467 $reason = 'PREPEND X-policyd-weight: mail accepted'; $reason2 = "\u$1";
2468 }
2469 else {
2470 #decided action=PREPEND X-policyd-weight: NOT_IN_SBL_XBL_SPAMHAUS=-1.5 P0F_LINUX=0 <client=> <helo=example.com> <from=f@example.com> <to=t@sample.net>, rate: -7.6; delay: 2s
2471 $reason = 'PREPEND X-policyd-weight: mail accepted'; $reason2 = 'Varies';
2472 }
2473 }
2474 else {
2475 return;
2476 }
2477 }
2478 elsif ($line =~ /^err/) {
2479 # coerrce policyd-weight err's into general warnings
2480 $Totals{'startuperror'}++;
2481 $Counts{'startuperror'}{'Service: policyd-weight'}{$line}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'startuperror'});
2482 return;
2483 }
2484 else {
2485 inc_unmatched('policydweight');
2486 return;
2487 }
2489 $Totals{'policydweight'}++;
2490 $Counts{'policydweight'}{$reason}{$reason2}++ if ($Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{'policydweight'});
2491 }
2493 1;
2496 package Logreporters;
2498 BEGIN {
2499 import Logreporters::Utils;
2500 import Logreporters::Config;
2501 import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts %Collecting printTree buildTree $END_KEY);
2502 import Logreporters::RegEx;
2503 import Logreporters::Reports;
2504 import Logreporters::RFC3463;
2505 import Logreporters::PolicySPF;
2506 import Logreporters::Postfwd;
2507 import Logreporters::Postgrey;
2508 import Logreporters::PolicydWeight;
2509 }
2510 use 5.008;
2511 use strict;
2512 use warnings;
2513 no warnings "uninitialized";
2514 use re 'taint';
2516 use File::Basename;
2517 our $progname = fileparse($0);
2519 my @supplemental_reports = qw(delays postgrey_delays);
2521 # Default values for various options. These are used
2522 # to reset default values after an option has been
2523 # disabled (via undef'ing its value). This allows
2524 # a report to be disabled via config file or --nodetail,
2525 # but reenabled via subsequent command line option
2526 my %Defaults = (
2527 detail => 10, # report level detail
2528 max_report_width => 100, # maximum line width for report output
2529 line_style => undef, # lines > max_report_width, 0=truncate,1=wrap,2=full
2530 syslog_name => 'postfix', # service name (postconf(5), syslog_name)
2531 sect_vars => 0, # show section vars in detail report hdrs
2532 unknown => 1, # show 'unknown' in address/hostname pairs
2533 ipaddr_width => 15, # width for printing ip addresses
2534 long_queue_ids => 0, # enable long queue ids (2.9+)
2535 delays => 1, # show message delivery delays report
2536 delays_percentiles => '0 25 50 75 90 95 98 100', # percentiles shown in delays report
2537 reject_reply_patterns => '5.. 4.. warn', # reject reply grouping patterns
2538 postgrey_delays => 1, # show postgrey delays report
2539 postgrey_delays_percentiles => '0 25 50 75 90 95 98 100', # percentiles shown in postgrey delays report
2540 );
2542 my $usage_str = <<"END_USAGE";
2543 Usage: $progname [ ARGUMENTS ] [logfile ...]
2544 ARGUMENTS can be one or more of options listed below. Later options
2545 override earlier ones. Any argument may be abbreviated to an unambiguous
2546 length. Input is read from the named logfile(s), or STDIN.
2548 --debug AREAS provide debug output for AREAS
2549 --help print usage information
2550 --version print program version
2552 --config_file FILE, -f FILE use alternate configuration file FILE
2553 --ignore_services PATTERN ignore postfix/PATTERN services
2554 --syslog_name PATTERN only consider log lines that match
2555 syslog service name PATTERN
2557 --detail LEVEL print LEVEL levels of detail
2558 (default: 10)
2559 --nodetail set all detail levels to 0
2560 --[no]summary display the summary section
2562 --ipaddr_width WIDTH use WIDTH chars for IP addresses in
2563 address/hostname pairs
2564 --line_style wrap|full|truncate disposition of lines > max_report_width
2565 (default: truncate)
2566 --full same as --line_style=full
2567 --truncate same as --line_style=truncate
2568 --wrap same as --line_style=wrap
2569 --max_report_width WIDTH limit report width to WIDTH chars
2570 (default: 100)
2571 --limit L=V, -l L=V set level limiter L with value V
2572 --[no]long_queue_ids use long queue ids
2573 --[no]unknown show the 'unknown' hostname in
2574 formatted address/hostnames pairs
2575 --[no]sect_vars [do not] show config file var/cmd line
2576 option names in section titles
2578 --recipient_delimiter C split delivery addresses using
2579 recipient delimiter char C
2580 --reject_reply_patterns "R1 [R2 ...]" set reject reply patterns used in
2581 to group rejects to R1, [R2 ...],
2582 where patterns are [45][.0-9][.0-9]
2583 or "Warn" (default: 5.. 4.. Warn)
2584 Supplimental reports
2585 --[no]delays [do not] show msg delays percentiles report
2586 --delays_percentiles "P1 [P2 ...]" set delays report percentiles to
2587 P1 [P2 ...] (range: 0...100)
2588 --[no]postgrey_delays [do not] show postgrey delays percentiles
2589 report
2590 --postgrey_delays_percentiles "P1 [P2 ...]"
2591 set postgrey delays report percentiles to
2592 P1 [P2 ...] (range: 0...100)
2595 my @RejectPats; # pattern list used to match against reject replys
2596 my @RejectKeys; # 1-to-1 with RejectPats, but with 'x' replacing '.' (for report output)
2597 my (%DeferredByQid, %SizeByQid, %AcceptedByQid, %Delays);
2599 # local prototypes
2600 sub usage;
2601 sub init_getopts_table;
2602 sub init_defaults;
2603 sub build_sect_table;
2604 sub postfix_bounce;
2605 sub postfix_cleanup;
2606 sub postfix_panic;
2607 sub postfix_fatal;
2608 sub postfix_error;
2609 sub postfix_warning;
2610 sub postfix_script;
2611 sub postfix_postsuper;
2612 sub process_delivery_attempt;
2613 sub cleanhostreply;
2614 sub strip_ftph;
2615 sub get_reject_key;
2616 sub expand_bare_reject_limiters;
2617 sub create_ignore_list;
2618 sub in_ignore_list;
2619 sub header_body_checks;
2620 sub milter_common;
2622 # lines that match any RE in this list will be ignored.
2623 # see create_ignore_list();
2624 my @ignore_list = ();
2626 # The Sections table drives Summary and Detail reports. For each entry in the
2627 # table, if there is data avaialable, a line will be output in the Summary report.
2628 # Additionally, a sub-section will be output in the Detail report if both the
2629 # global --detail, and the section's limiter variable, are sufficiently high (a
2630 # non-existent section limiter variable is considered to be sufficiently high).
2631 #
2632 my @Sections = ();
2634 # List of reject variants. See also: "Add reject variants" below, and conf file(s).
2635 my @RejectClasses = qw(
2636 rejectrelay rejecthelo rejectdata rejectunknownuser rejectrecip rejectsender
2637 rejectclient rejectunknownclient rejectunknownreverseclient rejectunverifiedclient
2638 rejectrbl rejectheader rejectbody rejectcontent rejectsize rejectmilter rejectproxy
2639 rejectinsufficientspace rejectconfigerror rejectverify rejectetrn rejectlookupfailure
2640 );
2642 # Dispatch table of the list of supported policy services
2643 # XXX have add-ins register into the dispatch table
2644 my @policy_services = (
2645 [ qr/^postfwd/, \&Logreporters::Postfwd::postfix_postfwd ],
2646 [ qr/^postgrey/, \&Logreporters::Postgrey::postfix_postgrey ],
2647 [ qr/^policyd?-spf/, \&Logreporters::PolicySPF::postfix_policy_spf ],
2648 [ qr/^policyd-?weight/, \&Logreporters::PolicydWeight::postfix_policydweight ],
2649 );
2651 # Initialize main running mode and basic opts
2652 init_run_mode($config_file);
2654 # Configure the Getopts options table
2655 init_getopts_table();
2657 # Place configuration file/environment variables onto command line
2658 init_cmdline();
2660 # Initialize default values
2661 init_defaults();
2663 # Process command line arguments, 0=no_permute,no_pass_through
2664 get_options(0);
2666 # Build the Section table, after reject_reply_patterns is final
2667 build_sect_table();
2669 # Expand bare rejects before generic processing
2670 expand_bare_reject_limiters();
2672 # Run through the list of Limiters, setting the limiters in %Opts.
2673 process_limiters(@Sections);
2675 # Set collection for any enabled supplemental sections
2676 foreach (@supplemental_reports) {
2677 $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{$_} = (($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) && $Opts{$_}) ? 1 : 0;
2678 }
2680 if (! defined $Opts{'line_style'}) {
2681 # default line style to full if detail >= 11, or truncate otherwise
2682 $Opts{'line_style'} =
2683 ($Opts{'detail'} > 10) ? $line_styles{'full'} : $line_styles{'truncate'};
2684 }
2686 # Set the QID RE to capture either pre-2.9 short style or 2.9+ long style.
2687 $re_QID = $Opts{'long_queue_ids'} ? $re_QID_l : $re_QID_s;
2689 # Create the list of REs used to match against log lines
2690 create_ignore_list();
2692 # Notes:
2693 #
2694 # - IN REs, always use /o flag or qr// at end of RE when RE uses interpolated vars
2695 # - In REs, email addresses may be empty "<>" - capture using *, not + ( eg. from=<.*?> )
2696 # - See additional notes below, search for "Note:".
2697 # - XXX indicates change, fix or thought required
2700 # Main processing loop
2701 #
2702 LINE: while ( <> ) {
2703 chomp;
2704 s/\s+$//;
2705 next unless length $_;
2707 $Logreporters::Reports::origline = $_;
2709 # Linux: Jul 1 20:08:06 mailhost postfix/smtpd[4379]: connect from unknown[]
2710 # FreeBSD: Jul 1 20:08:06 <mail.info> mailhost postfix/smtpd[4379]: connect from unknown[]
2711 # Aug 17 15:16:12 mailhost postfix/cleanup[14194]: [ID 197553 mail.info] EC2B339E5: message-id=<2616.EC2B339E5@example.com>
2712 # Dec 25 05:20:28 mailhost policyd-spf[14194]: [ID 27553 mail.info] ... policyd-spf stuff ...
2714 next unless /^[A-Z][a-z]{2} [ \d]\d \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (?:<[^>]+> )?(\S+) ($Opts{'syslog_name'}(?:\/([^:[]+))?)(?:\[\d+\])?: (?:\[ID \d+ \w+\.\w+\] )?(.*)$/o;
2716 our $service_name = $3;
2717 my ($mailhost,$server_name,$p1) = ($1,$2,$4);
2719 $service_name = $server_name unless $service_name;
2721 # ignored postfix services...
2722 next if $service_name eq 'postlog';
2723 next if $service_name =~ /^$Opts{'ignore_services'}$/o;
2725 # common log entries up front
2726 if ($p1 =~ s/^connect from //) {
2727 #TD25 connect from sample.net[]
2728 #TD connect from mail.example.com[2001:dead:beef::1]
2729 #TD connect from localhost.localdomain[]
2730 #TD connect from unknown[unknown]
2731 $Totals{'connectioninbound'}++;
2732 next unless ($Collecting{'connectioninbound'});
2734 my $host = $p1; my $hostip;
2735 if (($host,$hostip) = ($host =~ /^([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\]/)) {
2736 $host = formathost($hostip,$host);
2737 }
2738 $Counts{'connectioninbound'}{$host}++;
2739 next;
2740 }
2742 if ($p1 =~ /^disconnect from /) {
2743 #TD25 disconnect from sample.net[]
2744 #TD disconnect from mail.example.com[2001:dead:beef::1]
2745 $Totals{'disconnection'}++;
2746 next;
2747 }
2749 if ($p1 =~ s/^connect to //) {
2750 next if ($p1 =~ /^subsystem /);
2751 $Totals{'connecttofailure'}++;
2752 next unless ($Collecting{'connecttofailure'});
2754 my ($host,$hostip,$reason,$port) = ($p1 =~ /^([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: (.*?)(?:\s+\(port (\d+)\))?$/);
2755 # all "connect to" messages indicate a problem with the connection
2756 #TDs connect to example.org[]: Connection refused (port 25)
2757 #TDs connect to mail.sample.com[]: No route to host (port 25)
2758 #TDs connect to sample.net[]: read timeout (port 25)
2759 #TDs connect to mail.example.com[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
2760 #TDs connect to mail.example.com[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting (port 25)
2761 #TDs connect to ipv6-1.example.com[2001:dead:beef::1]: Connection refused (port 25)
2762 #TDs connect to ipv6-2.example.com[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]: Connection refused (port 25)
2763 #TDs connect to ipv6-3.example.com[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:4171]: Connection refused (port 25)
2764 #TDs connect to ipv6-4.example.com[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]: Connection refused (port 25)
2765 #TDs connect to ipv6-5.example.com[1080::8:800:200C:417A]: Connection refused (port 25)
2766 #TDs connect to ipv6-6.example.com[::]: Connection refused (port 25)
2767 #TDs connect to ipv6-7.example.com[::FFFF:]: Connection refused (port 25)
2768 #TDs connect to ipv6-8.example.com[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]: Connection refused (port 25)
2769 #TDs connect to mail.example.com[]: server refused to talk to me: 452 try later (port 25)
2771 $host = join(' :', $host, $port) if ($port and $port ne '25');
2772 # Note: See ConnectToFailure below
2773 if ($reason =~ /^server (refused to talk to me): (.*)$/) {
2774 $Counts{'connecttofailure'}{ucfirst($1)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{$2}++;
2775 } else {
2776 $Counts{'connecttofailure'}{ucfirst($reason)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{''}++;
2777 }
2778 next;
2779 }
2781 =pod
2782 real 3m43.997s
2783 user 3m39.038s
2784 sys 0m3.005s
2785 =pod
2786 # Handle before panic, fatal, warning, so that service-specific code gets first crack
2787 # XXX replace w/dispatch table for add-ins, so user's can add their own...
2788 if ($service_name eq 'postfwd') { postfix_postfwd($p1); next; }
2789 if ($service_name eq 'postgrey') { postfix_postgrey($p1); next; }
2790 if ($service_name =~ /^policyd?-spf/) { postfix_policy_spf($p1); next; } # postfix/policy-spf
2791 if ($service_name =~ /^policyd-?weight/) { postfix_policydweight($p1); next; } # postfix/policydweight
2793 =cut
2794 # Handle policy service handlers before panic, fatal, warning, etc.
2795 # messages so that service-specific code gets first crack.
2796 # 5:25
2797 foreach (@policy_services) {
2798 if ($service_name =~ $_->[0]) {
2799 &{$_->[1]}($p1);
2800 next LINE;
2801 }
2802 };
2803 #=cut
2805 # ^warning: ...
2806 # ^fatal: ...
2807 # ^panic: ...
2808 # ^error: ...
2809 if ($p1 =~ /^warning: +(.*)$/) { postfix_warning($1); next; }
2810 if ($p1 =~ /^fatal: +(.*)$/) { postfix_fatal($1); next; }
2811 if ($p1 =~ /^panic: +(.*)$/) { postfix_panic($1); next; }
2812 if ($p1 =~ /^error: +(.*)$/) { postfix_error($1); next; }
2814 # output by all services that use table lookups - process before specific messages
2815 if ($p1 =~ /(?:lookup )?table (?:[^ ]+ )?has changed -- (?:restarting|exiting)$/) {
2816 #TD table hash:/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman(0,lock|fold_fix) has changed -- restarting
2817 #TD table hash:/etc/postfix/helo_checks has changed -- restarting
2818 $Totals{'tablechanged'}++;
2819 next;
2820 }
2822 # postfix/postscreen and postfix/verify services
2823 if ($service_name eq 'postscreen'
2824 or $service_name eq 'verify') { postfix_postscreen($p1); next; } # postfix/postscreen, postfix/verify
2825 if ($service_name eq 'dnsblog') { postfix_dnsblog($p1); next; } # postfix/dnsblog
2826 if ($service_name =~ /^cleanup/) { postfix_cleanup($p1); next; } # postfix/cleanup*
2827 if ($service_name =~ /^bounce/) { postfix_bounce($p1); next; } # postfix/bounce*
2828 if ($service_name eq 'postfix-script') { postfix_script($p1); next; } # postfix/postfix-script
2829 if ($service_name eq 'postsuper') { postfix_postsuper($p1); next; } # postfix/postsuper
2831 # ignore tlsproxy for now
2832 if ($service_name eq 'tlsproxy') { next; } # postfix/tlsproxy
2834 my ($helo, $relay, $from, $origto, $to, $domain, $status,
2835 $type, $reason, $reason2, $filter, $site, $cmd, $qid,
2836 $rej_type, $reject_name, $host, $hostip, $dsn, $reply, $fmthost, $bytes);
2838 $rej_type = undef;
2840 # ^$re_QID: ...
2841 if ($p1 =~ s/^($re_QID): //o) {
2842 $qid = $1;
2844 next if ($p1 =~ /^host \S*\[\S*\] said: 4\d\d/); # deferrals, picked up in "status=deferred"
2846 if ($p1 =~ /^removed\s*$/ ) {
2847 # Note: See REMOVED elsewhere
2848 # 52CBDC2E0F: removed
2849 delete $SizeByQid{$qid} if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
2850 $Totals{'removedfromqueue'}++;
2851 next;
2852 }
2854 # coerce into general warning
2855 if (($p1 =~ /^Cannot start TLS: handshake failure/) or
2856 ($p1 =~ /^non-E?SMTP response from/)) {
2857 postfix_warning($p1);
2858 next;
2859 }
2861 if ($p1 eq 'status=deferred (bounce failed)') {
2862 #TDqQ status=deferred (bounce failed)
2863 $Totals{'bouncefailed'}++;
2864 next;
2865 }
2867 # this test must preceed access checks below
2868 #TDsQ replace: header From: "Postmaster" <postmaster@webmail.example.com>: From: "Postmaster" <postmaster@webmail.example.org>
2869 if ($service_name eq 'smtp' and header_body_checks($p1)) {
2870 next;
2871 }
2873 # Postfix access actions
2874 # REJECT optional text...
2875 # DISCARD optional text...
2876 # HOLD optional text...
2877 # WARN optional text...
2878 # FILTER transport:destination
2879 # REDIRECT user@domain
2880 # BCC user@domain (2.6 experimental branch)
2881 # The following actions are indistinguishable in the logs
2882 # 4NN text
2883 # 5NN text
2884 # DEFER_IF_REJECT optional text...
2885 # DEFER_IF_PERMIT optional text...
2886 # UCE restriction...
2887 # The following actions are not logged
2888 # PREPEND headername: headervalue
2889 # DUNNO
2890 #
2891 # Reject actions based on remote client information:
2892 # - one of host name, network address, envelope sender
2893 # or
2894 # - recipient address
2896 # Template of access controls. Rejects look like the first line, other access actions the second.
2897 # ftph is envelope from, envelope to, proto and helo.
2898 # QID: ACTION STAGE from host[hostip]: DSN trigger: explanation; ftph
2899 # QID: ACTION STAGE from host[hostip]: trigger: explanation; ftph
2901 # $re_QID: reject: RCPT|MAIL|CONNECT|HELO|DATA from ...
2902 # $re_QID: reject_warning: RCPT|MAIL|CONNECT|HELO|DATA from ...
2903 if ($p1 =~ /^(reject(?:_warning)?|discard|filter|hold|redirect|warn|bcc|replace): /) {
2904 my $action = $1;
2905 $p1 = substr($p1, length($action) + 2);
2907 if ($p1 !~ /^(RCPT|MAIL|CONNECT|HELO|EHLO|DATA|VRFY|ETRN|END-OF-MESSAGE) from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: (.*)$/) {
2908 inc_unmatched('unexpected access');
2909 next;
2910 }
2911 my ($stage,$host,$hostip,$p1) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
2912 my ($efrom,$eto,$proto,$helo) = strip_ftph($p1);
2914 # QID: ACTION STAGE from host[hostip]: DSN trigger: explanation; ftph
2915 #TDsdN reject_warning: VRFY from host[]: 450 4.1.2 <<1F4@bs>>: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found; to=<<1F4@bs>> proto=SMTP helo=<friend>
2916 #TDsdN reject: VRFY from host[]: 550 5.1.1 <:>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; to=<:> proto=SMTP helo=<>
2917 #TDsdN reject: VRFY from host[]: 450 4.1.8 <to@example.com>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP
2918 #TDsdN reject: VRFY from host[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org; http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=; to=<u> proto=SMTP
2919 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 450 4.1.2 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.net>
2920 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 550 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.net>
2921 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 550 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.net>
2922 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 550 5.1.1 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual address table; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost>
2923 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 450 4.1.1 <to@sample.net>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2924 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 550 5.5.0 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>
2925 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 450 <to@example.net>: Recipient address rejected: Greylisted; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2926 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 454 4.7.1 <to@sample.net>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>
2927 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 454 4.7.1 <to@sample.net>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2928 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 450 4.1.2 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.net>
2929 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 554 <to@example.net>: Recipient address rejected: Please see http://www.openspf.org/why.html?sender=from%40example.net&ip=; from=<from@example.net> to=<to@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<to@example.com>
2930 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 550 <to@example.net>: Recipient address rejected: undeliverable address: host example.net[] said: 550 <unknown@example.net>: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command); from=<from@example.com> to=<unknown@example.net> proto=SMTP helo=<mail.example.com>
2931 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 554 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: Please see http://spf.pobox.com/why.html?sender=user%40example.com&ip=; from=<user@example.com> to=<to@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
2932 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 554 <to@sample.net>: Relay access denied; from=<f@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>
2933 #TDsdN reject_warning: HELO from host[]: 554 <to@sample.net>: Relay access denied; proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>
2934 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 450 4.1.8 <f@sample.net>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from=<f@sample.com> to=<to@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.net>
2935 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 450 4.1.8 <f@sample.net>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from=<f@sample.com> to=<to@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.net>
2936 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 550 <f@example.net>: Sender address rejected: undeliverable address: host example.net[] said: 550 <f@example.net>: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command); from=<f@example.net> to=<eto@example.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>
2937 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 554 <host[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<friend>
2938 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 554 <host[]>: Client host rejected: Optional text; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<friend>
2939 #TDsdN reject: CONNECT from host[]: 503 5.5.0 <host[10.0.1]>: Client host rejected: Improper use of SMTP command pipelining; proto=SMTP
2941 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from unk[]: 450 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2942 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from unk[]: 450 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2943 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from unk[]: 450 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []; proto=ESMTP
2944 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from unk[]: 550 5.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname, []
2945 #TDsdN reject: CONNECT from unk[unknown]: 421 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname, [unknown]; proto=SMTP
2947 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org; http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<friend>
2948 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org; http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<friend>
2949 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 554 Service denied; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?; from=<bogus@example.com> to=<user@example.org> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2950 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 454 4.7.1 <localhost>: Helo command rejected: Access denied; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<localhost>
2951 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 454 4.7.1 <localhost>: Helo command rejected: Access denied; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<localhost>
2952 #TDsdN reject: EHLO from host[]: 504 5.5.2 <bogus>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname; proto=SMTP helo=<bogus>
2953 #TDsdQ reject: DATA from host[]: 550 5.5.3 <DATA>: Data command rejected: Multi-recipient bounce; from=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost>
2954 #TDsdN reject: ETRN from host[]: 554 5.7.1 <example.com>: Etrn command rejected: Access denied; proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2955 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 452 Insufficient system storage; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@sample.net>
2956 #TDsdN reject_warning: RCPT from host[]: 451 4.3.5 Server configuration error; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2957 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from host[]: 450 Server configuration problem; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@sample.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.net>
2958 #TDsdN reject: MAIL from host[]: 552 Message size exceeds fixed limit; proto=ESMTP helo=<localhost>
2959 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from unk[]: 554 5.7.1 <unk[]>: Unverified Client host rejected: Access denied; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@sample.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.net>
2960 #TDsdN reject: MAIL from host[]: 451 4.3.0 <f@example.com>: Temporary lookup failure; from=<f@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
2962 # reject, reject_warning
2963 if ($action =~ /^reject/) {
2964 my ($recip);
2966 if ($p1 !~ /^($re_DSN) (.*)$/o) {
2967 inc_unmatched('reject1');
2968 next;
2969 }
2970 ($dsn,$p1) = ($1,$2);
2971 $fmthost = formathost($hostip,$host);
2973 # reject_warning override temp or perm reject types
2974 $rej_type = ($action eq 'reject_warning' ? 'warn' : get_reject_key($dsn));
2976 if ($Collecting{'byiprejects'} and substr($rej_type,0,1) eq '5') {
2977 $Counts{'byiprejects'}{$fmthost}++;
2978 }
2980 if ($stage eq 'VRFY') {
2981 if ($p1 =~ /^(?:<(\S*)>: )?(.*);$/) {
2982 my ($trigger,$reason) = ($1,$2);
2983 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectverify" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
2985 if ($reason =~ /^Service unavailable; Client host \[[^]]+\] (blocked using [^;]*);/) {
2986 $reason = join (' ', 'Client host blocked using', $1);
2987 $trigger = '';
2988 }
2989 $Counts{$reject_name}{$reason}{$fmthost}{ucfirst($trigger)}++;
2990 } else {
2991 inc_unmatched('vrfyfrom');
2992 }
2993 next;
2994 }
2996 # XXX there may be several semicolon-separated messages
2997 # Recipient address rejected: Unknown users and via check_recipient_access
2998 if ($p1 =~ /^<(.*)>: Recipient address rejected: ([^;]*);/) {
2999 ($recip,$reason) = ($1,$2);
3001 my ($localpart,$domainpart);
3002 # Unknown users; local mailbox, alias, virtual, relay user, unspecified
3003 if ($recip eq '') { ($localpart, $domainpart) = ('<>', '*unspecified'); }
3004 else {
3005 ($localpart, $domainpart) = split (/@/, lc $recip);
3006 ($localpart, $domainpart) = ($recip, '*unspecified') if ($domainpart eq '');
3007 }
3009 if ($reason =~ s/^User unknown *//) {
3010 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectunknownuser" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3012 my ($table) = ($reason =~ /^in ((?:\w+ )+table)/);
3013 $table = 'Address table unavailable' if ($table eq ''); # when show_user_unknown_table_name=no
3014 $Counts{$reject_name}{ucfirst($table)}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$fmthost}++;
3015 } else {
3016 # check_recipient_access
3017 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectrecip" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3019 if ($reason =~ m{^Please see http://[^/]+/why\.html}) {
3020 $reason = 'SPF reject';
3021 }
3022 elsif ($reason =~ /^undeliverable address: host ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? said:/) {
3023 $reason = 'undeliverable address: remote host rejected recipient';
3024 }
3025 $Counts{$reject_name}{ucfirst($reason)}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$fmthost}++;
3026 }
3028 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^<(.*?)>.* Relay access denied/) {
3029 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectrelay" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3030 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$eto}++;
3032 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^<(.*)>: Sender address rejected: (.*);/) {
3033 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectsender" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3034 ($from,$reason) = ($1,$2);
3036 if ($reason =~ /^undeliverable address: host ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? said:/) {
3037 $reason = 'undeliverable address: remote host rejected sender';
3038 }
3039 $Counts{$reject_name}{ucfirst($reason)}{$fmthost}{$from ne '' ? $from : '<>'}++;
3041 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^(?:<.*>: )?Unverified Client host rejected: /) {
3042 # check_reverse_client_hostname_access (postfix 2.6+)
3043 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectunverifiedclient" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3044 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$helo}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3046 } elsif ($p1 =~ s/^(?:<.*>: )?Client host rejected: //) {
3047 # reject_unknown_client
3048 # client IP->name mapping fails
3049 # name->IP mapping fails
3050 # name->IP mapping =! client IP
3051 if ($p1 =~ /^cannot find your hostname/) {
3052 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectunknownclient" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3053 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$helo}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3054 }
3055 # reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname (no PTR record for client's IP)
3056 elsif ($p1 =~ /^cannot find your reverse hostname/) {
3057 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectunknownreverseclient" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3058 $Counts{$reject_name}{$hostip}++
3059 }
3060 else {
3061 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectclient" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3062 $p1 =~ s/;$//;
3063 $Counts{$reject_name}{ucfirst($p1)}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3064 }
3065 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^Service (?:temporarily )?(?:unavailable|denied)[^;]*; (?:(?:Unverified )?Client host |Sender address |Helo command )?\[[^ ]*\] blocked using ([^;]+);/) {
3066 # Note: similar code below: search RejectRBL
3068 # postfix 2.1
3069 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from example.com[]: 554 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
3070 # postfix 2.3+
3071 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from example.com[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@example.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>
3072 #TDsdN reject: RCPT from example.com[]: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using Trend Micro RBL+. Please see http://www.mail-abuse.com/cgi-bin/lookup?ip_address=; Mail from blocked using Trend Micro Email Reputation database. Please see <http://www.mail-abuse.com/cgi-bin/lookup?>; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@example.net> proto=SMTP helo=<>
3074 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectrbl" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3075 ($site,$reason) = ($1 =~ /^(.+?)(?:$|(?:[.,] )(.*))/);
3076 $reason =~ s/^reason: // if ($reason);
3077 $Counts{$reject_name}{$site}{$fmthost}{$reason ? $reason : ''}++;
3079 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^<.*>: Helo command rejected: (.*);$/) {
3080 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejecthelo" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3081 $Counts{$reject_name}{ucfirst($1)}{$fmthost}{$helo}++;
3083 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^<.*>: Etrn command rejected: (.*);$/) {
3084 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectetrn" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3085 $Counts{$reject_name}{ucfirst($1)}{$fmthost}{$helo}++;
3087 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^<.*>: Data command rejected: (.*);$/) {
3088 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectdata" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3089 $Counts{$reject_name}{$1}{$fmthost}{$helo}++;
3091 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^Insufficient system storage;/) {
3092 $Totals{'warninsufficientspace'}++; # force display in Warnings section also
3093 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectinsufficientspace" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3094 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3096 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^Server configuration (?:error|problem);/) {
3097 $Totals{'warnconfigerror'}++; # force display in Warnings section also
3098 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectconfigerror" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3099 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3101 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^Message size exceeds fixed limit;$/) {
3102 # Postfix responds with this message after a MAIL FROM:<...> SIZE=nnn command, where postfix consider's nnn excessive
3103 # Note: similar code below: search RejectSize
3104 # Note: reject_warning does not seem to occur
3105 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectsize" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3106 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3108 } elsif ($p1 =~ /^<(.*?)>: Temporary lookup failure;/) {
3109 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectlookupfailure" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3110 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++;
3112 # This would capture all other rejects, but I think it might be more useful to add
3113 # additional capture sections based on user reports of uncapture lines.
3114 #
3115 #} elsif ( ($reason) = ($p1 =~ /^([^;]+);/)) {
3116 # $Totals{$rej_type . 'rejectother'}++;
3117 # $Counts{$rej_type . 'rejectother'}{$reason}++;
3118 } else {
3119 inc_unmatched('rejectother');
3120 }
3121 }
3122 # end of $re_QID: reject:
3124 # QID: ACTION STAGE from host[hostip]: trigger: reason; ftph
3125 #
3126 #TDsdN warn: RCPT from host[]: TEST access WARN action; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.com>
3127 #TDsdN warn: RCPT from host[]: ; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.net>
3128 #TDsdN discard: RCPT from host[]: <from@example.com>: Sender address TEST DISCARD action; from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.com>
3129 #TDsdN discard: RCPT from host[]: <host[]>: Client host TEST DISCARD action w/ip(client_checks); from=<f@sample.com> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.com>
3130 #TDsdN discard: RCPT from host[]: <host[]>: Unverified Client host triggers DISCARD action; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
3131 #TDsdN hold: RCPT from host[]: <eto@example.com>: Recipient address triggers HOLD action; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<>
3132 #TDsdN hold: RCPT from host[]: <dummy>: Helo command optional text...; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<dummy>
3133 #TDsdN hold: RCPT from host[]: <dummy>: Helo command triggers HOLD action; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<dummy>
3134 #TDsdN hold: DATA from host[]: <dummy>: Helo command triggers HOLD action; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<dummy>
3135 #TDsdN filter: RCPT from host[]: <>: Sender address triggers FILTER filter:somefilter; from=<> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.com>
3136 #TDsdN filter: RCPT from host[]: <eto@example.com>: Recipient address triggers FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10024; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.net>
3137 #TDsdN redirect: RCPT from host[]: <example.com[]>: Client host triggers REDIRECT root@localhost; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<localhost>
3138 #TDsdN redirect: RCPT from host[]: <eto@example.com>: Recipient address triggers REDIRECT root@localhost; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@example.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.com>
3140 # BCC action (postfix 2.6+)
3141 #TDsdN bcc: RCPT from host[]: <user@example.com>: Sender address triggers BCC root@localhost; from=<f@sample.net> to=<eto@sample.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.net>
3143 # $re_QID: discard, filter, hold, redirect, warn, bcc, replace ...
3144 else {
3145 my $trigger;
3146 ($trigger,$reason) = ($p1 =~ /^(?:<(\S*)>: )?(.*);$/ );
3147 if ($trigger eq '') { $trigger = '*unavailable'; }
3148 else { $trigger =~ s/^<(.+)>$/$1/; }
3149 $reason = '*unavailable' if ($reason eq '');
3150 $fmthost = formathost ($hostip,$host);
3152 # reason -> subject text
3153 # subject -> "Helo command" : smtpd_helo_restrictions
3154 # subject -> "Client host" : smtpd_client_restrictions
3155 # subject -> "Unverified Client host" : smtpd_client_restrictions
3156 # subject -> "Client certificate" : smtpd_client_restrictions
3157 # subject -> "Sender address" : smtpd_sender_restrictions
3158 # subject -> "Recipient address" : smtpd_recipient_restrictions
3160 # subject -> "Data command" : smtpd_data_restrictions
3161 # subject -> "End-of-data" : smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions
3162 # subject -> "Etrn command" : smtpd_etrn_restrictions
3164 # text -> triggers <ACTION> action|triggers <ACTION> <destination>|optional text...
3166 my ($subject, $text) =
3167 ($reason =~ /^((?:Recipient|Sender) address|(?:Unverified )?Client host|Client certificate|(?:Helo|Etrn|Data) command|End-of-data) (.+)$/o);
3169 if ($action eq 'filter') {
3170 $Totals{'filtered'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'filtered'});
3171 # See "Note: Counts" before changing $Counts below re: Filtered
3172 $text =~ s/triggers FILTER //;
3173 if ($subject eq 'Recipient address') { $Counts{'filtered'}{$text}{$subject}{$trigger}{$efrom}{$fmthost}++; }
3174 elsif ($subject =~ /Client host$/) { $Counts{'filtered'}{$text}{$subject}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++; }
3175 else { $Counts{'filtered'}{$text}{$subject}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++; }
3176 }
3177 elsif ($action eq 'redirect') {
3178 $Totals{'redirected'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'redirected'});
3179 $text =~ s/triggers REDIRECT //;
3180 # See "Note: Counts" before changing $Counts below re: Redirected
3181 if ($subject eq 'Recipient address') { $Counts{'redirected'}{$text}{$subject}{$trigger}{$efrom}{$fmthost}++; }
3182 elsif ($subject =~ /Client host$/) { $Counts{'redirected'}{$text}{$subject}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++; }
3183 else { $Counts{'redirected'}{$text}{$subject}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++; }
3184 }
3185 # hold, discard, and warn allow "optional text"
3186 elsif ($action eq 'hold') {
3187 $Totals{'hold'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'hold'});
3188 # See "Note: Counts" before changing $Counts below re: Hold
3189 $subject = $reason unless $text eq 'triggers HOLD action';
3190 if ($subject eq 'Recipient address') { $Counts{'hold'}{$subject}{$trigger}{$efrom}{$fmthost}++; }
3191 elsif ($subject =~ /Client host$/) { $Counts{'hold'}{$subject}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++; }
3192 else { $Counts{'hold'}{$subject}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++; }
3193 }
3194 elsif ($action eq 'discard') {
3195 $Totals{'discarded'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'discarded'});
3196 # See "Note: Counts" before changing $Counts below re: Discarded
3197 $subject = $reason unless $text eq 'triggers DISCARD action';
3198 if ($subject eq 'Recipient address') { $Counts{'discarded'}{$subject}{$trigger}{$efrom}{$fmthost}++; }
3199 elsif ($subject =~ /Client host$/) { $Counts{'discarded'}{$subject}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++; }
3200 else { $Counts{'discarded'}{$subject}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++; }
3201 }
3202 elsif ($action eq 'warn') {
3203 $Totals{'warned'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warned'});
3204 $Counts{'warned'}{$reason}{$fmthost}{$eto}{''}++;
3205 # See "Note: Counts" before changing $Counts above...
3206 }
3207 elsif ($action eq 'bcc') {
3208 $Totals{'bcced'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'bcced'});
3209 # See "Note: Counts" before changing $Counts below re: Filtered
3210 $text =~ s/triggers BCC //o;
3211 if ($subject eq 'Recipient address') { $Counts{'bcced'}{$text}{$subject}{$trigger}{$efrom}{$fmthost}++; }
3212 elsif ($subject =~ /Client host$/) { $Counts{'bcced'}{$text}{$subject}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$efrom}++; }
3213 else { $Counts{'bcced'}{$text}{$subject}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++; }
3214 }
3215 else {
3216 die "Unexpected ACTION: '$action'";
3217 }
3218 }
3219 }
3221 elsif ($p1 =~ s/^client=(([^ ]*)\[([^ ]*)\](?::(?:\d+|unknown))?)//) {
3222 my ($hip,$host,$hostip) = ($1,$2,$3);
3224 # Increment accepted when the client connection is made and smtpd has a QID.
3225 # Previously, accepted was being incorrectly incremented when the first qmgr
3226 # "from=xxx, size=nnn ..." line was seen. This is erroneous when the smtpd
3227 # client connection occurred outside the date range of the log being analyzed.
3228 $AcceptedByQid{$qid} = $hip;
3229 $Totals{'msgsaccepted'}++;
3231 #TDsdQ client=unknown[]
3232 #TDsdQ client=unknown[]:unknown
3233 #TDsdQ client=unknown[]:10025
3234 #TDsd client=example.com[], helo=example.com
3235 #TDsdQ client=mail.example.com[2001:dead:beef::1]
3237 #TDsdQ client=localhost[], sasl_sender=someone@example.com
3238 #TDsdQ client=example.com[], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=anyone@sample.net
3239 #TDsdQ client=example.com[], sasl_method=LOGIN, sasl_username=user@example.com, sasl_sender=<id352ib@sample.net>
3240 #TDsdQ client=unknown[], sasl_sender=user@examine.com
3241 next if ($p1 eq '');
3242 my ($method,$user,$sender) = ($p1 =~ /^(?:, sasl_method=([^,]+))?(?:, sasl_username=([^,]+))?(?:, sasl_sender=<?(.*)>?)?$/);
3244 # sasl_sender occurs when AUTH verb is present in MAIL FROM, typically used for relaying
3245 # the username (eg. sasl_username) of authenticated users.
3246 if ($sender or $method or $user) {
3247 $Totals{'saslauth'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'saslauth'});
3248 $method ||= '*unknown method';
3249 $user ||= '*unknown user';
3250 $Counts{'saslauth'}{$user . ($sender ? " ($sender)" : '')}{$method}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
3251 }
3252 }
3254 # ^$re_QID: ... (not access(5) action)
3255 elsif ($p1 =~ /^from=<(.*?)>, size=(\d+), nrcpt=(\d+)/) {
3256 my ($efrom,$bytes,$nrcpt) = ($1,$2,$3);
3257 #TDsdQ from=<FROM: SOME USER@example.com>, size=4051, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
3258 #TDsdQ(12) from=<anyone@example.com>, size=25302, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
3259 #TDsdQ from=<from@example.com>, size=5529, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
3260 #TDsdQ from=<from@example.net, @example.com>, size=5335, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
3262 # Distinguish bytes accepted vs. bytes delivered due to multiple recips
3264 # Increment bytes accepted on the first qmgr "from=..." line...
3265 next if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
3266 $SizeByQid{$qid} = $bytes;
3267 # ...but only when the smtpd "client=..." line has been seen too.
3268 # This under-counts when the smtpd "client=..." connection log entry and the
3269 # qmgr "from=..." log entry span differnt periods (as fed to postfix-logwatch).
3270 next if (! exists $AcceptedByQid{$qid});
3272 $Totals{'bytesaccepted'} += $bytes;
3274 $Counts{'envelopesenders'}{$efrom ne '' ? $efrom : '<>'}++ if ($Collecting{'envelopesenders'});
3275 if ($Collecting{'envelopesenderdomains'}) {
3276 my ($localpart, $domain);
3277 if ($efrom eq '') { ($localpart, $domain) = ('<>', '*unknown'); }
3278 else { ($localpart, $domain) = split (/@/, lc $efrom); }
3280 $Counts{'envelopesenderdomains'}{$domain ne '' ? $domain : '*unknown'}{$localpart}++;
3281 }
3282 delete $AcceptedByQid{$qid}; # prevent incrementing BytesAccepted again
3283 }
3285 ### sent, forwarded, bounced, softbounce, deferred, (un)deliverable
3286 elsif ($p1 =~ s/^to=<(.*?)>,(?: orig_to=<(.*?)>,)? relay=([^,]*).*, ($re_DDD), status=(\S+) //o) {
3287 ($relay,$status) = ($3,$5);
3289 my ($to,$origto,$localpart,$domainpart,$dsn,$p1) = process_delivery_attempt ($1,$2,$4,$p1);
3291 #TD 552B6C20E: to=<to@sample.com>, relay=mail.example.net[]:25, delay=1021, delays=1020/0.04/0.56/0.78, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as 6EAC4719EB)
3292 #TD 552B6C20E: to=<to@sample.com>, relay=mail.example.net[]:25, conn_use=2 delay=1021, delays=1020/0.04/0.56/0.78, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as 6EAC4719EB)
3293 #TD DD925BBE2: to=<to@example.net>, orig_to=<to-ext@example.net>, relay=mail.example.net[2001:dead:beef::1], delay=2, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as 5221227246)
3295 ### sent
3296 if ($status eq 'sent') {
3297 if ($p1 =~ /forwarded as /) {
3298 $Totals{'bytesforwarded'} += $SizeByQid{$qid} if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
3299 $Totals{'forwarded'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'forwarded'});
3300 $Counts{'forwarded'}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$origto}++;
3301 }
3302 else {
3303 if ($service_name eq 'lmtp') {
3304 $Totals{'bytessentlmtp'} += $SizeByQid{$qid} if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
3305 $Totals{'sentlmtp'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'sentlmtp'});
3306 $Counts{'sentlmtp'}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$origto}++;
3307 }
3308 elsif ($service_name eq 'smtp') {
3309 $Totals{'bytessentsmtp'} += $SizeByQid{$qid} if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
3310 $Totals{'sent'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'sent'});
3311 $Counts{'sent'}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$origto}++;
3312 }
3313 # virtual, command, ...
3314 else {
3315 $Totals{'bytesdelivered'} += $SizeByQid{$qid} if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
3316 $Totals{'delivered'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'delivered'});
3317 $Counts{'delivered'}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$origto}++;
3318 }
3319 }
3320 }
3322 elsif ($status eq 'deferred') {
3323 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=none, delay=27077, delays=27077/0/0.57/0, dsn=4.4.3, status=deferred (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=example.com type=MX: Host not found, try again)
3324 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=none, delay=141602, status=deferred (connect to mx1.example.com[]: Connection refused)
3325 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=none, delay=141602, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to example.com[]: Connection refused)
3326 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=none, delay=306142, delays=306142/0.04/0.18/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to example.com[]: Connection refused)
3327 #TDsQ to=<to@example.org>, relay=example.org[], delay=48779, status=deferred (lost connection with mail.example.org[] while sending MAIL FROM)
3328 #TDsQ to=<to@sample.net>, relay=sample.net, delay=26541, status=deferred (conversation with mail.example.com timed out while sending end of data -- message may be sent more than once)
3329 #TDsQ to=<to@sample.net>, relay=sample.net[]:25, delay=322, delays=0.04/0/322/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (conversation with example.com[] timed out while receiving the initial server greeting)
3330 #TDsQ to=<to@localhost>, orig_to=<toalias@localhost>, relay=none, delay=238024, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: transport is unavailable)
3332 # XXX postfix reports dsn=5.0.0, host's reply may contain its own dsn's such as 511 and #5.1.1
3333 # XXX should these be used instead?
3334 #TDsQ to=<to@sample.net>, relay=sample.net[]:25, delay=5.7, delays=0.05/0.02/5.3/0.3, dsn=4.7.1, status=deferred (host sample.net[] said: 450 4.7.1 <to@sample.net>: Recipient address rejected: Greylisted (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3335 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=79799, delays=79797/0.02/0.4/1.3, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host example.com[] said: 450 <to@example.com>: User unknown in local recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3336 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=97, delays=0.03/0/87/10, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host example.com[] said: 450 <to@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: undeliverable address: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3338 ($reply,$fmthost) = cleanhostreply($p1,$relay,$to,$domainpart);
3340 $Totals{'deferred'}++ if ($DeferredByQid{$qid}++ == 0);
3341 $Totals{'deferrals'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'deferrals'});
3342 $Counts{'deferrals'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{$reply}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$fmthost}++;
3343 }
3345 ### bounced
3346 elsif ($status eq 'bounced' or $status eq 'SOFTBOUNCE') {
3347 # local agent
3348 #TDlQ to=<envto@example.com>, relay=local, delay=2.5, delays=2.1/0.22/0/0.21, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user: "friend")
3350 # smtp agent
3351 #TDsQ to=<envto@example.com>, orig_to=<envto>, relay=sample.net[]:25, delay=22, delays=0.02/0.09/22/0.07, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host sample.net[] said: 551 invalid address (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
3353 #TDsQ to=<envto@example.com>, relay=sample.net[]:25, delay=11, delays=0.13/0.07/0.98/0.52, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host sample.net[] said: 550 MAILBOX NOT FOUND (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3354 #TDsQ to=<envto@example.com>, orig_to=<envto>, relay=sample.net[]:25, delay=22, delays=0.02/0.09/22/0.07, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host sample.net[] said: 551 invalid address (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
3357 #TDsQ to=<envto@example.com>, relay=none, delay=0.57, delays=0.57/0/0/0, dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for sample.net loops back to myself)
3358 #TDsQ to=<>, relay=none, delay=1, status=bounced (mail for sample.net loops back to myself)
3359 #TDsQ to=<envto@example.com>, relay=none, delay=0, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=unknown.com type=A: Host not found)
3360 # XXX verify these...
3361 #TD EB0B8770: to=<to@example.com>, orig_to=<postmaster>, relay=none, delay=1, status=bounced (User unknown in virtual alias table)
3362 #TD EB0B8770: to=<to@example.com>, orig_to=<postmaster>, relay=sample.net[], delay=1.1, status=bounced (User unknown in relay recipient table)
3363 #TD D8962E54: to=<anyone@example.com>, relay=local, conn_use=2 delay=0.21, delays=0.05/0.02/0/0.14, dsn=4.1.1, status=SOFTBOUNCE (unknown user: "to")
3364 #TD F031C832: to=<to@sample.net>, orig_to=<alias@sample.net>, relay=local, delay=0.17, delays=0.13/0.01/0/0.03, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user: "to")
3366 #TD C76431E2: to=<login@sample.net>, relay=local, delay=2, status=SOFTBOUNCE (host sample.net[] said: 450 <login@sample.com>: User unknown in local recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3367 #TD 04B0702E: to=<anyone@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=12, delays=6.5/0.01/0.03/5.1, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host example.com[] said: 550 5.1.1 User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3368 #TD 9DAC8B2D: to=<to@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=1.4, delays=0.04/0/0.27/1.1, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host example.com[] said: 511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkuser) (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3369 #TD 79CB702D: to=<to@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=0.3, delays=0.04/0/0.61/0.8, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host example.com[] said: 550 <to@example.com>, Recipient unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3370 #TD 88B7A079: to=<to@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=45, delays=0.03/0/5.1/40, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host example.com[] said: 550-"The recipient cannot be verified. Please check all recipients of this 550 message to verify they are valid." (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3371 #TD 47B7B074: to=<to@example.com>, relay=example.com[]:25, delay=6.6, delays=6.5/0/0/0.11, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host example.com[] said: 550 5.1.1 <to@example.com> User unknown; rejecting (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3372 #TDppQ to=<withheld>, relay=dbmail-pipe, delay=0.15, delays=0.09/0.01/0/0.06, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced (Command died with signal 11: "/usr/sbin/dbmail-smtp")
3375 # See same code elsewhere "Note: Bounce"
3376 ### local bounce
3377 # XXX local v. remote bounce seems iffy, relative
3378 if ($relay =~ /^(?:none|local|virtual|127\.0\.0\.1|maildrop|avcheck)/) {
3379 $Totals{'bouncelocal'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'bouncelocal'});
3380 $Counts{'bouncelocal'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{$domainpart}{ucfirst($p1)}{$localpart}++;
3381 }
3382 else {
3383 $Totals{'bounceremote'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'bounceremote'});
3384 ($reply,$fmthost) = cleanhostreply($p1,$relay,$to,$domainpart);
3385 $Counts{'bounceremote'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$fmthost}{$reply}++;
3386 }
3387 }
3390 elsif ($status =~ 'undeliverable') {
3391 #TDsQ to=<u@example.com>, relay=sample.com[], delay=0, dsn=5.0.0, status=undeliverable (host sample.com[] refused to talk to me: 554 5.7.1 example.com Connection not authorized)
3392 #TDsQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=mx.example.com[]:25, conn_use=2, delay=5.5, delays=0.03/0/0.21/5.3, dsn=5.0.0, status=undeliverable-but-not-cached (host mx.example.com[] said: 550 RCPT TO:<to@example.com> User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command))
3393 #TDvQ to=<u@example.com>, relay=virtual, delay=0.14, delays=0.06/0/0/0.08, dsn=5.1.1, status=undeliverable (unknown user: "u@example.com")
3394 #TDlQ to=<to@example.com>, relay=local, delay=0.02, delays=0.01/0/0/0, dsn=5.1.1, status=undeliverable-but-not-cached (unknown user: "to")
3395 $Totals{'undeliverable'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'undeliverable'});
3396 if ($p1 =~ /^unknown user: ".+?"$/) {
3397 $Counts{'undeliverable'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{'Unknown user'}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$origto ? $origto : ''}++;
3398 }
3399 else {
3400 my ($reply,$fmthost) = cleanhostreply($p1,'',$to ne '' ? $to : '<>',$domainpart);
3401 $Counts{'undeliverable'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{$reply}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$fmthost}++;
3402 }
3403 }
3405 elsif ($status eq 'deliverable') {
3406 # address verification, sendmail -bv deliverable reports
3407 #TDvQ to=<u@example.com>, relay=virtual, delay=0.09, delays=0.03/0/0/0.06, dsn=2.0.0, status=deliverable (delivers to maildir)
3408 $Totals{'deliverable'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'deliverable'});
3409 my $dsn = ($p1 =~ s/^($re_DSN) // ? $1 : '*unavailable');
3410 $Counts{'deliverable'}{$dsn}{$p1}{$origto ? "$to ($origto)" : $to}++;
3411 }
3413 else {
3414 # keep this as the last condition in this else clause
3415 inc_unmatched('unknownstatus');
3416 }
3417 } # end of sent, forwarded, bounced, softbounce, deferred, (un)deliverable
3419 # pickup
3420 elsif ($p1 =~ /^(uid=\S* from=<.*?>)/) {
3421 #TDpQ2 uid=0 from=<root>
3422 $AcceptedByQid{$qid} = $1;
3423 $Totals{'msgsaccepted'}++;
3424 }
3426 elsif ($p1 =~ /^from=<(.*?)>, status=expired, returned to sender$/) {
3427 #TDqQ from=<from@example.com>, status=expired, returned to sender
3428 $Totals{'returnedtosender'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'returnedtosender'});
3429 $Counts{'returnedtosender'}{$1 ne '' ? $1 : '<>'}++;
3430 }
3432 elsif ($p1 =~ s/^host ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? refused to talk to me://) {
3433 #TDsQ host mail.example.com[] refused to talk to me: 553 Connections are being blocked due to previous incidents of abuse
3434 #TDsQ host mail.example.com[] refused to talk to me: 501 Connection from (XY) rejected
3435 # Note: See ConnectToFailure above
3436 $Totals{'connecttofailure'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'connecttofailure'});
3437 $Counts{'connecttofailure'}{'Refused to talk to me'}{formathost($2,$1)}{$p1}++;
3438 }
3440 elsif ($p1 =~ /^lost connection with ([^[]*)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? (while .*)$/) {
3441 # outbound smtp
3442 #TDsQ lost connection with sample.net[] while sending MAIL FROM
3443 #TDsQ lost connection with sample.net[] while receiving the initial server greeting
3444 $Totals{'connectionlostoutbound'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'connectionlostoutbound'});
3445 $Counts{'connectionlostoutbound'}{ucfirst($3)}{formathost($2,$1)}++;
3446 }
3448 elsif ($p1 =~ /^conversation with ([^[]*)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? timed out (while .*)$/) {
3449 #TDsQ conversation with sample.net[] timed out while receiving the initial SMTP greeting
3450 # Note: see TimeoutInbound below
3451 $Totals{'timeoutinbound'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'timeoutinbound'});
3452 $Counts{'timeoutinbound'}{ucfirst($3)}{formathost($2,$1)}{''}++;
3453 }
3455 elsif ($p1 =~ /^enabling PIX (<CRLF>\.<CRLF>) workaround for ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?/ or
3456 $p1 =~ /^enabling PIX workarounds: (.*) for ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?/) {
3457 #TDsQ enabling PIX <CRLF>.<CRLF> workaround for example.com[]
3458 #TDsQ enabling PIX <CRLF>.<CRLF> workaround for mail.sample.net[]:25
3459 #TDsQ enabling PIX workarounds: disable_esmtp delay_dotcrlf for spam.example.org[]:25
3460 $Totals{'pixworkaround'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'pixworkaround'});
3461 $Counts{'pixworkaround'}{$1}{formathost($3,$2)}++;
3462 }
3464 # milter-reject, milter-hold, milter-discard
3465 elsif ($p1 =~ s/^milter-//) {
3466 milter_common($p1);
3467 }
3469 elsif ($p1 =~ s/^SASL (\[CACHED\] )?authentication failed; //) {
3470 #TDsQ SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server smtp.example.com[]: no mechanism available
3471 #TDsQ SASL authentication failed; server example.com[] said: 535 Error: authentication failed
3472 #TDsQ SASL [CACHED] authentication failed; server example.com[] said: 535 Error: authentication failed
3473 # see saslauthfail elsewhere
3475 $Totals{'saslauthfail'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'saslauthfail'});
3476 my $cached = $1;
3478 if ($p1 =~ /^(authentication protocol loop with server): ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/) {
3479 ($reason,$host,$hostip,$reason2) = ($1,$2,$3,'');
3480 }
3481 elsif ($p1 =~ /^(cannot authenticate to server) ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: (.*)$/) {
3482 ($reason,$host,$hostip,$reason2) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
3483 }
3484 elsif ($p1 =~ /^server ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? said: (.+)$/) {
3485 ($reason,$host,$hostip,$reason2) = ('server ... said',$1,$2,$3);
3486 }
3487 else {
3488 inc_unmatched('saslauthfail');
3489 next;
3490 }
3492 $reason .= ': ' . $reason2 if $reason2;
3493 $Counts{'saslauthfail'}{$cached . $reason}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
3494 }
3496 else {
3497 # keep this as the last condition in this else clause
3498 inc_unmatched('unknownqid') if ! in_ignore_list ($p1);
3499 }
3500 }
3501 # end of $re_QID section
3503 elsif ($p1 =~ /^(timeout|lost connection) (after [^ ]+)(?: \((?:approximately )?(\d+) bytes\))? from ([^[]*)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/) {
3504 my ($lort,$reason,$bytes,$host,$hostip) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
3505 if ($lort eq 'timeout') {
3506 # see also TimeoutInbound in $re_QID section
3507 #TDsd timeout after RSET from example.com[]
3508 #TDsd timeout after DATA (6253 bytes) from example.com[]
3510 $Totals{'timeoutinbound'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'timeoutinbound'});
3511 $Counts{'timeoutinbound'}{ucfirst($reason)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{commify($bytes)}++;
3512 } else {
3513 #TDsd lost connection after CONNECT from mail.example.com[]
3514 # postfix 2.5:20071003
3515 #TDsd lost connection after DATA (494133 bytes) from localhost[]
3516 # postfix 2.6:20080621
3517 #TDsd lost connection after DATA (approximately 0 bytes) from example.com[]
3519 $Totals{'connectionlostinbound'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'connectionlostinbound'});
3520 $Counts{'connectionlostinbound'}{ucfirst($reason)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{commify($bytes)}++;
3521 }
3522 }
3524 elsif ($p1 =~ /^(reject(?:_warning)?): RCPT from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: ($re_DSN) Service (?:temporarily )?(?:unavailable|denied)[^;]*; (?:(?:Unverified )?Client host |Sender address |Helo command )?\[[^ ]*\] blocked using ([^;]+);/o) {
3525 my ($rej_type,$host,$hostip,$dsn,) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
3526 ($site,$reason) = ($5 =~ /^(.+?)(?:$|(?:[.,] )(.*))/);
3527 $reason =~ s/^reason: // if ($reason);
3528 $rej_type = ($rej_type =~ /_warning/ ? 'warn' : get_reject_key($dsn));
3529 # Note: similar code above: search RejectRBL
3531 # This section required: postfix didn't always log QID (eg. postfix 1.1)
3532 # Also, "reason:" was probably always present in this case, but I'm not certain
3533 # postfix 1.1
3534 #TDsd reject_warning: RCPT from example.com[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using orbz.org, reason: Open relay. Please see http://orbz.org/?; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@sample.net>
3535 #TDsd reject: RCPT from example.com[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using orbz.org, reason: Open relay. Please see http://orbz.org/?; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@example.net>
3536 #TDsd reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net, reason: Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?; from=<from@example.net> to=<to@example.com>
3537 #TDsd reject: RCPT from example.com[]: 554 Service unavailable; [] blocked using sbl.spamhaus.org, reason: http://www.spamhaus.org/SBL/sbl.lasso?query=B12057; from=<from@example.net> to=<to@example.com>
3539 if ($Collecting{'byiprejects'} and substr($rej_type,0,1) eq '5') {
3540 $fmthost = formathost($hostip,$host);
3541 $Counts{'byiprejects'}{$fmthost}++;
3542 }
3544 $Totals{$reject_name = "${rej_type}rejectrbl" }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3545 $Counts{$reject_name}{$site}{$fmthost ? $fmthost : formathost($hostip,$host)}{$reason ? $reason : ''}++;
3546 }
3548 # proxy-reject, proxy-accept
3549 elsif ($p1 =~ s/^proxy-(reject|accept): ([^:]+): //) {
3550 # 2.7
3551 #TDsdN proxy-accept: END-OF-MESSAGE: 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 9BE3547AFE; from=<senderexample.com> to=<recipientexample.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<client.example.com>
3552 #TDsdN proxy-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE: 554 5.7.0 Reject, id=11912-03 - INFECTED: Eicar-Test-Signature; from=<root@example.com> to=<root@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
3553 #TDsdN proxy-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE: ; from=<user@example.com> to=<user@example.org> proto=SMTP helo=<mail.example.net>
3555 next if $1 eq 'accept'; #ignore accepts
3557 my ($stage) = ($2);
3558 my ($efrom,$eto,$proto,$helo) = strip_ftph($p1);
3560 my ($dsn,$reject_name);
3561 ($dsn,$reply) = ($1,$2) if $p1 =~ /^($re_DSN) (.*)$/o;
3563 # DSN may not be present. Can occur, for example, when queue
3564 # file size limit is reached, which is logged as a Warning.
3565 # Ignore these, since they can't be add to any reject section
3566 # (no SMTP reply code).
3567 if (! defined $dsn) {
3568 next;
3569 }
3571 $Totals{$reject_name = get_reject_key($dsn) . 'rejectproxy' }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3572 $Counts{$reject_name}{$stage}{$reply}{$eto}++;
3573 }
3575 ### smtpd_tls_loglevel >= 1
3576 # Server TLS messages
3577 elsif (($status,$host,$hostip,$type) = ($p1 =~ /^(?:(Anonymous|Trusted|Untrusted) )?TLS connection established from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: (.*)$/)) {
3578 #TDsd TLS connection established from example.com[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
3579 # Postfix 2.5+: status: Untrusted or Trusted
3580 #TDsd Untrusted TLS connection established from example.com[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
3581 #TDsd Anonymous TLS connection established from localhost[]: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
3583 $Totals{'tlsserverconnect'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'tlsserverconnect'});
3584 $Counts{'tlsserverconnect'}{$status ? "$status: $type" : $type}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
3585 }
3587 # Client TLS messages
3588 elsif ( ($status,$host,$type) = ($p1 =~ /^(?:(Verified|Trusted|Untrusted|Anonymous) )?TLS connection established to ([^ ]*): (.*)$/o)) {
3589 #TD TLS connection established to example.com: TLSv1 with cipher AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
3590 # Postfix 2.5+: peer verification status: Untrusted, Trusted or Verified when
3591 # server's trust chain is valid and peername is matched
3592 #TD Verified TLS connection established to[]:26: TLSv1 with cipher DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
3594 $Totals{'tlsclientconnect'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'tlsclientconnect'});
3595 $Counts{'tlsclientconnect'}{$status ? "$status: $type" : $type}{$host}++;
3596 }
3598 # smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer=yes
3599 elsif ($p1 =~ /^Host offered STARTTLS: \[(.*)\]$/o) {
3600 #TD Host offered STARTTLS: [mail.example.com]
3601 $Totals{'tlsoffered'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'tlsoffered'});
3602 $Counts{'tlsoffered'}{$1}++;
3603 }
3605 ### smtpd_tls_loglevel >= 1
3606 elsif ($p1 =~ /^Unverified: (.*)/o) {
3607 #TD Unverified: subject_CN=(www|smtp|mailhost).(example.com|sample.net), issuer=someuser
3608 $Totals{'tlsunverified'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'tlsunverified'});
3609 $Counts{'tlsunverified'}{$1}++;
3610 }
3612 # Note: no QID
3613 elsif (($host,$hostip,$dsn,$from,$to) = ($p1 =~ /^reject: RCPT from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: ([45]52) Message size exceeds fixed limit; from=<(.*?)> to=<(.*?)>/)) {
3614 #TD reject: RCPT from size.example.com[]: 452 Message size exceeds fixed limit; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@sample.net>
3615 #TD reject: RCPT from size.example.com[]: 552 Message size exceeds fixed limit; from=<from@example.com> to=<to@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
3616 # Note: similar code above: search RejectSize
3617 # Note: reject_warning does not seem to occur
3618 if ($Collecting{'byiprejects'} and substr($dsn,0,1) eq '5') {
3619 $fmthost = formathost($hostip,$host);
3620 $Counts{'byiprejects'}{$fmthost}++;
3621 }
3622 $Totals{$reject_name = get_reject_key($dsn) . 'rejectsize' }++; next unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
3623 $Counts{$reject_name}{$fmthost ? $fmthost : formathost($hostip,$host)}{$to}{$from ne '' ? $from : '<>'}++;
3624 }
3626 elsif ($p1 =~ /looking for plugins in (.*)$/) {
3627 #TD looking for plugins in '/usr/lib/sasl2', failed to open directory, error: No such file or directory
3628 $Totals{'warnconfigerror'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warnconfigerror'});
3629 $Counts{'warnconfigerror'}{$1}++;
3630 }
3632 # SMTP/ESMTP protocol violations
3633 elsif ($p1 =~ /^(improper command pipelining) (after \S+) from ([^[]*)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?/) {
3634 # ProtocolViolation
3635 #TDsd postfix/smtpd[24928]: improper command pipelining after RCPT from unknown[]
3636 my ($error,$stage,$host,$hostip) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
3637 $Totals{'smtpprotocolviolation'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'smtpprotocolviolation'});
3638 $Counts{'smtpprotocolviolation'}{ucfirst($error)}{ucfirst($stage)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
3639 }
3641 elsif ($p1 =~ /^(too many errors) (after [^ ]*)(?: \((?:approximately )?\d+ bytes\))? from ([^[]*)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/) {
3642 my ($error,$stage,$host,$hostip) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
3643 #TDsd too many errors after AUTH from sample.net[]
3644 #TDsd too many errors after DATA (0 bytes) from 1-0-0-10.example.com[]
3645 $Totals{'smtpprotocolviolation'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'smtpprotocolviolation'});
3646 $Counts{'smtpprotocolviolation'}{ucfirst($error)}{ucfirst($stage)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
3647 }
3649 # coerce these into general warnings
3650 elsif ( $p1 =~ /^cannot load Certificate Authority data/ or
3651 $p1 =~ /^SSL_connect error to /)
3652 {
3653 #TDsQ Cannot start TLS: handshake failure
3654 #TDsd cannot load Certificate Authority data
3655 #TDs SSL_connect error to mail.example.com: 0
3657 postfix_warning($p1);
3658 }
3660 else {
3661 # add to the unmatched list if not on the ignore_list
3662 inc_unmatched('final') if ! in_ignore_list ($p1);
3663 }
3664 }
3666 ########################################
3667 # Final tabulations, and report printing
3669 for my $code (@RejectKeys) {
3670 for my $type (@RejectClasses) {
3671 $Totals{'totalrejects' . $code} += $Totals{$code . $type};
3672 }
3674 if ($code =~ /^5/o) {
3675 $Totals{'totalrejects'} += $Totals{'totalrejects' . $code};
3676 }
3677 }
3679 # XXX this was naive - the goal was to avoid recounting messages
3680 # released from quarantine, but externally introduced messages may
3681 # contain resent-message-id; trying to track only internally resent
3682 # messages does not seem useful.
3683 # make some corrections now, due to double counting
3684 #$Totals{'msgsaccepted'} -= $Totals{'resent'} if ($Totals{'msgsaccepted'} >= $Totals{'resent'});
3686 $Totals{'totalacceptplusreject'} = $Totals{'msgsaccepted'} + $Totals{'totalrejects'};
3688 # Print the Summary report if any key has non-zero data.
3689 # Note: must explicitely check for any non-zero data,
3690 # as Totals always has some keys extant.
3691 #
3692 if ($Opts{'summary'}) {
3693 for (keys %Totals) {
3694 if ($Totals{$_}) {
3695 print_summary_report (@Sections);
3696 last;
3697 }
3698 }
3699 }
3701 # Print the Detail report, if detail is sufficiently high
3702 #
3703 if ($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) {
3704 print_detail_report(@Sections);
3706 if ($Opts{'delays'}) {
3707 my @table;
3708 for (sort keys %Delays) {
3709 # anon array ref: label, array ref of $Delay{key}
3710 push @table, [ substr($_,3), $Delays{$_} ];
3711 }
3712 if (@table) {
3713 print_percentiles_report2(\@table, "Delivery Delays Percentiles", $Opts{'delays_percentiles'});
3714 }
3715 }
3717 print_postgrey_reports();
3719 }
3721 # Finally, print any unmatched lines
3722 #
3723 print_unmatched_report();
3725 #
3726 # End of main
3727 #
3728 ##################################################
3730 # Create the list of REs against which log lines are matched.
3731 # Lines that match any of the patterns in this list are ignored.
3732 #
3733 # Note: This table is created at runtime, due to a Perl bug which
3734 # I reported as perl bug #56202:
3735 #
3736 # http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=56202
3737 #
3738 sub create_ignore_list() {
3739 # top 3 hitters up front
3740 push @ignore_list, qr/^statistics:/;
3741 push @ignore_list, qr/^setting up TLS connection (?:from|to)/;
3742 push @ignore_list, qr/^Verified: /;
3743 push @ignore_list, qr/^skipped, still being delivered/;
3745 # SSL info at/above mail.info level
3746 push @ignore_list, qr/^read from [a-fA-F\d]{8}/;
3747 push @ignore_list, qr/^write to [a-fA-F\d]{8}/;
3748 push @ignore_list, qr/^[a-f\d]{4} [a-f\d]{2}/;
3749 push @ignore_list, qr/^[a-f\d]{4} - <SPACES/;
3750 push @ignore_list, qr/^[<>]+ /;
3752 push @ignore_list, qr/^premature end-of-input (?:on|from) .* socket while reading input attribute name$/;
3753 push @ignore_list, qr/^certificate peer name verification failed/;
3754 push @ignore_list, qr/^Peer certi?ficate could not be verified$/; # missing i was a postfix typo
3755 push @ignore_list, qr/^Peer cert verify depth=/;
3756 push @ignore_list, qr/^Peer verification:/;
3757 push @ignore_list, qr/^Server certificate could not be verified/;
3758 push @ignore_list, qr/^cannot load .SA certificate and key data/;
3759 push @ignore_list, qr/^tlsmgr_cache_run_event/;
3760 push @ignore_list, qr/^SSL_accept/;
3761 push @ignore_list, qr/^SSL_connect:/;
3762 push @ignore_list, qr/^connection (?:closed|established)/;
3763 push @ignore_list, qr/^delete smtpd session/;
3764 push @ignore_list, qr/^put smtpd session/;
3765 push @ignore_list, qr/^save session/;
3766 push @ignore_list, qr/^Reusing old/;
3767 push @ignore_list, qr/^looking up session/;
3768 push @ignore_list, qr/^lookup smtpd session/;
3769 push @ignore_list, qr/^lookup \S+ type/;
3770 push @ignore_list, qr/^xsasl_(?:cyrus|dovecot)_/;
3771 push @ignore_list, qr/^watchdog_/;
3772 push @ignore_list, qr/^read smtpd TLS/;
3773 push @ignore_list, qr/^open smtpd TLS/;
3774 push @ignore_list, qr/^write smtpd TLS/;
3775 push @ignore_list, qr/^read smtp TLS cache entry/;
3776 push @ignore_list, qr/^starting TLS engine$/;
3777 push @ignore_list, qr/^initializing the server-side TLS/;
3778 push @ignore_list, qr/^global TLS level: /;
3779 push @ignore_list, qr/^auto_clnt_/;
3780 push @ignore_list, qr/^generic_checks:/;
3781 push @ignore_list, qr/^inet_addr_/;
3782 push @ignore_list, qr/^mac_parse:/;
3783 push @ignore_list, qr/^cert has expired/;
3784 push @ignore_list, qr/^daemon started/;
3785 push @ignore_list, qr/^master_notify:/;
3786 push @ignore_list, qr/^rewrite_clnt:/;
3787 push @ignore_list, qr/^rewrite stream/;
3788 push @ignore_list, qr/^dict_/;
3789 push @ignore_list, qr/^send attr /;
3790 push @ignore_list, qr/^match_/;
3791 push @ignore_list, qr/^input attribute /;
3792 push @ignore_list, qr/^Run-time/;
3793 push @ignore_list, qr/^Compiled against/;
3794 push @ignore_list, qr/^private\//;
3795 push @ignore_list, qr/^reject_unknown_/; # don't combine or shorten these reject_ patterns
3796 push @ignore_list, qr/^reject_unauth_/;
3797 push @ignore_list, qr/^reject_non_/;
3798 push @ignore_list, qr/^permit_/;
3799 push @ignore_list, qr/^idle timeout/;
3800 push @ignore_list, qr/^get_dns_/;
3801 push @ignore_list, qr/^dns_/;
3802 push @ignore_list, qr/^chroot /;
3803 push @ignore_list, qr/^process generation/;
3804 push @ignore_list, qr/^fsspace:/;
3805 push @ignore_list, qr/^master disconnect/;
3806 push @ignore_list, qr/^resolve_clnt/;
3807 push @ignore_list, qr/^ctable_/;
3808 push @ignore_list, qr/^extract_addr/;
3809 push @ignore_list, qr/^mynetworks:/;
3810 push @ignore_list, qr/^name_mask:/;
3811 #TDm reload -- version 2.6-20080814, configuration /etc/postfix
3812 #TDm reload configuration /etc/postfix
3813 push @ignore_list, qr/^reload (?:-- version \S+, )?configuration/;
3814 push @ignore_list, qr/^terminating on signal 15$/;
3815 push @ignore_list, qr/^verify error:num=/;
3816 push @ignore_list, qr/^verify return:/;
3817 push @ignore_list, qr/^nss_ldap: /;
3818 push @ignore_list, qr/^discarding EHLO keywords: /;
3819 push @ignore_list, qr/^sql auxprop plugin/;
3820 push @ignore_list, qr/^sql plugin/;
3821 push @ignore_list, qr/^sql_select/;
3822 push @ignore_list, qr/^auxpropfunc error/;
3823 push @ignore_list, qr/^commit transaction/;
3824 push @ignore_list, qr/^begin transaction/;
3825 push @ignore_list, qr/^maps_find: /;
3826 push @ignore_list, qr/^check_access: /;
3827 push @ignore_list, qr/^check_domain_access: /;
3828 push @ignore_list, qr/^check_mail_access: /;
3829 push @ignore_list, qr/^check_table_result: /;
3830 push @ignore_list, qr/^mail_addr_find: /;
3831 push @ignore_list, qr/^mail_addr_map: /;
3832 push @ignore_list, qr/^mail_flow_put: /;
3833 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_addr_one: /;
3834 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_connect_addr: /;
3835 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_connect_unix: trying: /;
3836 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_find_self: /;
3837 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_get: /;
3838 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_fputs: /;
3839 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_parse_destination: /;
3840 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_sasl_passwd_lookup: /;
3841 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtpd_check_/;
3842 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtpd_chat_notify: /;
3843 push @ignore_list, qr/^been_here: /;
3844 push @ignore_list, qr/^set_eugid: /;
3845 push @ignore_list, qr/^deliver_/;
3846 push @ignore_list, qr/^flush_send_file: queue_id/;
3847 push @ignore_list, qr/^milter_macro_lookup/;
3848 push @ignore_list, qr/^milter8/;
3849 push @ignore_list, qr/^skipping non-protocol event/;
3850 push @ignore_list, qr/^reply: /;
3851 push @ignore_list, qr/^event: /;
3852 push @ignore_list, qr/^trying... /;
3853 push @ignore_list, qr/ all milters$/;
3854 push @ignore_list, qr/^vstream_/;
3855 push @ignore_list, qr/^server features/;
3856 push @ignore_list, qr/^skipping event/;
3857 push @ignore_list, qr/^Using /;
3858 push @ignore_list, qr/^rec_(?:put|get): /;
3859 push @ignore_list, qr/^subject=/;
3860 push @ignore_list, qr/^issuer=/;
3861 push @ignore_list, qr/^pref /; # yes, multiple spaces
3862 push @ignore_list, qr/^request: \d/;
3863 push @ignore_list, qr/^done incoming queue scan$/;
3864 push @ignore_list, qr/^qmgr_/;
3865 push @ignore_list, qr/^trigger_server_accept_fifo: /;
3866 push @ignore_list, qr/^proxymap stream/;
3867 push @ignore_list, qr/^(?:start|end) sorted recipient list$/;
3868 push @ignore_list, qr/^connecting to \S+ port /;
3869 push @ignore_list, qr/^Write \d+ chars/;
3870 push @ignore_list, qr/^Read \d+ chars/;
3871 push @ignore_list, qr/^(?:lookup|delete) smtp session/;
3872 push @ignore_list, qr/^delete smtp session/;
3873 push @ignore_list, qr/^(?:reloaded|remove|looking for) session .* cache$/;
3874 push @ignore_list, qr/^(?:begin|end) \S+ address list$/;
3875 push @ignore_list, qr/^mapping DSN status/;
3876 push @ignore_list, qr/^record [A-Z]/;
3877 push @ignore_list, qr/^dir_/;
3878 push @ignore_list, qr/^transport_event/;
3879 push @ignore_list, qr/^read [A-Z](?: |$)/;
3880 push @ignore_list, qr/^relay: /;
3881 push @ignore_list, qr/^why: /;
3882 push @ignore_list, qr/^fp: /;
3883 push @ignore_list, qr/^path: /;
3884 push @ignore_list, qr/^level: /;
3885 push @ignore_list, qr/^recipient: /;
3886 push @ignore_list, qr/^delivered: /;
3887 push @ignore_list, qr/^queue_id: /;
3888 push @ignore_list, qr/^queue_name: /;
3889 push @ignore_list, qr/^user: /;
3890 push @ignore_list, qr/^sender: /;
3891 push @ignore_list, qr/^offset: /;
3892 push @ignore_list, qr/^offset: /;
3893 push @ignore_list, qr/^verify stream disconnect/;
3894 push @ignore_list, qr/^event_request_timer: /;
3895 push @ignore_list, qr/^smtp_sasl_authenticate: /;
3896 push @ignore_list, qr/^flush_add: /;
3897 push @ignore_list, qr/^disposing SASL state information/;
3898 push @ignore_list, qr/^starting new SASL client/;
3899 push @ignore_list, qr/^error: dict_ldap_connect: /;
3900 push @ignore_list, qr/^error: to submit mail, use the Postfix sendmail command/;
3901 push @ignore_list, qr/^local_deliver[:[]/;
3902 push @ignore_list, qr/^_sasl_plugin_load /;
3903 push @ignore_list, qr/^exp_type: /;
3904 push @ignore_list, qr/^wakeup [\dA-Z]/;
3905 push @ignore_list, qr/^defer (?:site|transport) /;
3906 push @ignore_list, qr/^local: /;
3907 push @ignore_list, qr/^exp_from: /;
3908 push @ignore_list, qr/^extension: /;
3909 push @ignore_list, qr/^owner: /;
3910 push @ignore_list, qr/^unmatched: /;
3911 push @ignore_list, qr/^domain: /;
3912 push @ignore_list, qr/^initializing the client-side TLS engine/;
3913 push @ignore_list, qr/^header_token: /;
3914 push @ignore_list, qr/^(?:PUSH|POP) boundary/;
3915 push @ignore_list, qr/^recipient limit \d+$/;
3916 push @ignore_list, qr/^scan_dir_next: found/;
3917 push @ignore_list, qr/^open (?:btree|incoming)/;
3918 push @ignore_list, qr/^Renamed to match inode number/;
3919 push @ignore_list, qr/^cleanup_[^:]+:/;
3920 push @ignore_list, qr/^(?:before|after) input_transp_cleanup: /;
3921 push @ignore_list, qr/^event_enable_read: /;
3922 push @ignore_list, qr/^report recipient to all milters /;
3923 push @ignore_list, qr/_action = defer_if_permit$/;
3924 push @ignore_list, qr/^reject_invalid_hostname: /;
3925 push @ignore_list, qr/^cfg_get_/;
3926 push @ignore_list, qr/^sacl_check: /;
3928 # non-anchored
3929 #push @ignore_list, qr/: Greylisted for /;
3930 push @ignore_list, qr/certificate verification (?:depth|failed for)/;
3931 push @ignore_list, qr/re-using session with untrusted certificate, look for details earlier in the log$/;
3932 push @ignore_list, qr/socket: wanted attribute: /;
3933 push @ignore_list, qr/ smtpd cache$/;
3934 push @ignore_list, qr/ old session$/;
3935 push @ignore_list, qr/fingerprint=/;
3936 push @ignore_list, qr/TLS cipher list "/;
3937 }
3939 # Evaluates a given line against the list of ignore patterns.
3940 #
3941 sub in_ignore_list($) {
3942 my $line = shift;
3944 foreach (@ignore_list) {
3945 if ($line =~ /$_/) {
3946 return 1;
3947 }
3948 }
3950 return 0;
3951 }
3953 # Accepts common fields from a standard delivery attempt, processing then
3954 # and returning modified values
3955 #
3956 sub process_delivery_attempt ($ $ $ $) {
3957 my ($to,$origto,$DDD,$reason) = @_;
3959 $reason =~ s/\((.*)\)/$1/; # Makes capturing nested parens easier
3960 # leave $to/$origto undefined, or strip < > chars if not null address (<>).
3961 defined $to and $to = ($to eq '') ? '<>' : lc $to;
3962 defined $origto and $origto = ($origto eq '') ? '<>' : lc $origto;
3963 my ($localpart, $domainpart) = split ('@', $to);
3964 ($localpart, $domainpart) = ($to, '*unspecified') if ($domainpart eq '');
3965 my ($dsn);
3967 # If recipient_delimiter is set, break localpart into user + extension
3968 # and save localpart in origto if origto is empty
3969 #
3970 if ($Opts{'recipient_delimiter'} and $localpart =~ /\Q$Opts{'recipient_delimiter'}\E/o) {
3972 # special cases: never split mailer-daemon or double-bounce
3973 # or owner- or -request if delim is "-" (dash).
3974 unless ($localpart =~ /^(?:mailer-daemon|double-bounce)$/i or
3975 ($Opts{'recipient_delimiter'} eq '-' and $localpart =~ /^owner-.|.-request$/i)) {
3976 my ($user,$extension) = split (/\Q$Opts{'recipient_delimiter'}\E/, $localpart, 2);
3977 $origto = $localpart if ($origto eq '');
3978 $localpart = $user;
3979 }
3980 }
3982 unless (($dsn) = ($DDD =~ /dsn=(\d\.\d+\.\d+)/o)) {
3983 $dsn = '';
3984 }
3986 if ($Collecting{'delays'} and $DDD =~ m{delay=([\d.]+)(?:, delays=([\d.]+)/([\d.]+)/([\d.]+)/([\d.]+))?}) {
3987 # Message delivery time stamps
3988 # delays=a/b/c/d, where
3989 # a = time before queue manager, including message transmission
3990 # b = time in queue manager
3991 # c = connection setup including DNS, HELO and TLS;
3992 # d = message transmission time.
3993 if (defined $2) {
3994 $Delays{'1: Before qmgr'}{$2}++;
3995 $Delays{'2: In qmgr'}{$3}++;
3996 $Delays{'3: Conn setup'}{$4}++;
3997 $Delays{'4: Transmission'}{$5}++;
3998 }
3999 $Delays{'5: Total'}{$1}++;
4000 }
4002 return ($to,$origto,$localpart,$domainpart,$dsn,$reason);
4003 }
4005 # Processes postfix/bounce messages
4006 #
4007 sub postfix_bounce($) {
4008 my $line = shift;
4009 my $type;
4011 $line =~ s/^(?:$re_QID): //o;
4012 if ($line =~ /^(sender|postmaster) non-delivery notification/o) {
4013 #TDbQ postmaster non-delivery notification: 7446BCD68
4014 #TDbQ sender non-delivery notification: 7446BCD68
4015 $type = 'Non-delivery';
4016 }
4017 elsif ($line =~ /^(sender|postmaster) delivery status notification/o ) {
4018 #TDbQ sender delivery status notification: 7446BCD68
4019 $type = 'Delivery';
4020 }
4021 elsif ($line =~ /^(sender|postmaster) delay notification: /o) {
4022 #TDbQ sender delay notification: AA61EC2F9A
4023 $type = 'Delayed';
4024 }
4025 else {
4026 inc_unmatched('bounce') if ! in_ignore_list($line);
4027 return;
4028 }
4030 $Totals{'notificationsent'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'notificationsent'});
4031 $Counts{'notificationsent'}{$type}{$1}++;
4032 }
4034 # Processes postfix/cleanup messages
4035 # cleanup always has a QID
4036 #
4037 sub postfix_cleanup($) {
4038 my $line = shift;
4039 my ($qid,$reply,$fmthost,$reject_name);
4041 ($qid, $line) = ($1, $2) if ($line =~ /^($re_QID): (.*)$/o );
4043 #TDcQ message-id=<C1BEA2A0.188572%from@example.com>
4044 return if ($line =~ /^message-id=/);
4046 # milter-reject, milter-hold, milter-discard
4047 if ($line =~ s/^milter-//) {
4048 milter_common($line);
4049 return;
4050 }
4052 ### cleanup bounced messages (always_bcc, recipient_bcc_maps, sender_bcc_maps)
4053 # Note: Bounce
4054 # See same code elsewhere "Note: Bounce"
4055 #TDcQ to=<envto@example.com>, relay=none, delay=0.11, delays=0.11/0/0/0, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced optional text...
4056 #TDcQ to=<envto@example.com>, orig_to=<envto>, relay=none, delay=0.13, delays=0.13/0/0/0, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced optional text...
4057 if ($line =~ /^to=<(.*?)>,(?: orig_to=<(.*?)>,)? relay=([^,]*).*, ($re_DDD), status=([^ ]+) (.*)$/o) {
4058 # ($to,$origto,$relay,$DDD,$status,$reason) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
4059 if ($5 ne 'bounced' and $5 ne 'SOFTBOUNCE') {
4060 inc_unmatched('cleanupbounce');
4061 return;
4062 }
4064 my ($to,$origto,$relay,$DDD,$reason) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$6);
4065 my ($localpart,$domainpart,$dsn);
4066 ($to,$origto,$localpart,$domainpart,$dsn,$reason) = process_delivery_attempt ($to,$origto,$DDD,$reason);
4068 ### local bounce
4069 # XXX local v. remote bounce seems iffy, relative
4070 if ($relay =~ /^(?:none|local|virtual|maildrop|127\.0\.0\.1|avcheck)/) {
4071 $Totals{'bouncelocal'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'bouncelocal'});
4072 $Counts{'bouncelocal'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{$domainpart}{ucfirst($reason)}{$localpart}++;
4073 }
4074 ### remote bounce
4075 else {
4076 ($reply,$fmthost) = cleanhostreply($reason,$relay,$to ne '' ? $to : '<>',$domainpart);
4077 $Totals{'bounceremote'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'bounceremote'});
4078 $Counts{'bounceremote'}{get_dsn_msg($dsn)}{$domainpart}{$localpart}{$fmthost}{$reply}++;
4079 }
4080 }
4082 # *header_checks and body_checks
4083 elsif (header_body_checks($line)) {
4084 return;
4085 }
4087 #TDcQ resent-message-id=4739073.1
4088 #TDcQ resent-message-id=<ARF+DXZwLECdxm@mail.example.com>
4089 #TDcQ resent-message-id=<B19-DVD42188E0example.com>? <120B11@samplepc>
4090 elsif ( ($line =~ /^resent-message-id=<?.+>?$/o )) {
4091 $Totals{'resent'}++;
4092 }
4094 #TDcN unable to dlopen .../sasl2/libplain.so.2: .../sasl2/libplain.so.2: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted
4095 elsif ($line =~ /^unable to dlopen /) {
4096 # strip extraneous doubling of library path
4097 $line = "$1$2 $3" if ($line =~ /(unable to dlopen )([^:]+: )\2(.+)$/);
4098 postfix_warning($line);
4099 }
4101 else {
4102 inc_unmatched('cleanup(last)') if ! in_ignore_list($line);
4103 }
4104 }
4106 =pod
4107 header_body_checks
4109 Handle cleanup's header_checks and body_checks, and smtp's smtp_body_checks/smtp_*header_checks
4111 Possible actions that log are:
4113 REJECT optional text...
4114 DISCARD optional text...
4115 FILTER transport:destination
4116 HOLD optional text...
4117 REDIRECT user@domain
4118 PREPEND text...
4119 REPLACE text...
4120 WARN optional text...
4122 DUNNO and IGNORE are not logged
4124 Returns:
4125 1: if line matched or handled
4126 0: otherwise
4127 =cut
4129 sub header_body_checks($)
4130 {
4131 my $line = shift;
4133 # bcc, discard, filter, hold, prepend, redirect, reject, replace, warning
4134 return 0 if ($line !~ /^[bdfhprw]/) or # short circuit alternation when no match possible
4135 ($line !~ /^(re(?:ject|direct|place)|filter|hold|discard|prepend|warning|bcc): (header|body|content) (.*)$/);
4137 my ($action,$part,$p3) = ($1,$2,$3);
4139 my ($trigger,$host,$eto,$p4,$fmthost,$reject_name);
4140 # $re_QID: reject: body ...
4141 # $re_QID: reject: header ...
4142 # $re_QID: reject: content ...
4145 if ($p3 =~ /^(.*) from ([^;]+); from=<.*?>(?: to=<(.*?)>)?(?: proto=\S*)?(?: helo=<.*?>)?(?:: (.*)|$)/) {
4146 ($trigger,$host,$eto,$p4) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
4148 # $action $part $trigger $host $eto $p4
4149 #TDcQ reject: body Subject: Cheap cialis from local; from=<root@localhost>: optional text...
4150 #TDcQ reject: body Quality replica watches!!! from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>: optional text...
4151 #TDcQ reject: header To: <user@example.com> from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: optional text...
4152 # message_reject_characters (postfix >= 2.3)
4153 #TDcQ reject: content Received: by example.com Postfix from example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=.example.com>: 5.7.1 disallowed character
4155 #TDcQ filter: header To: to@example.com from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: transport:destination
4156 #TDcQ hold: header Message-ID: <user@example.com> from localhost[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: optional text...
4157 #TDcQ hold: header Subject: Hold Test from local; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net>: optional text...
4158 #TDcQ hold: header Received: by example.com...from x from local; from=<efrom@example.com>
4159 #TDcQ hold: header Received: from x.com (x.com[])??by example.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 630BF??for <X>; Thu, 20 Oct 2006 13:27: from example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
4160 # hold: header Received: from [] by example.com Thu, 9 Jan 2008 18:06:06 -0500 from sample.net[]; from=<> to=<to@example.com> proto=SMTP helo=<sample.net>: faked header
4161 #TDcQ redirect: header From: "Attn Men" <attn@example.com> from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: user@domain
4162 #TDcQ redirect: header From: "Superman" <attn@example.com> from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: user@domain
4163 #TDcQ redirect: body Original drugs from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>: user@domain
4164 #TDcQ discard: header Subject: **SPAM** Blah... from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
4165 #TDcQ prepend: header Rubble: Mr. from localhost[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: text...
4166 #TDcQ replace: header Rubble: flintstone from localhost[]; from=<efrom@apple.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: text...
4167 #TDcQ warning: header Date: Tues, 99:34:67 from localhost[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: optional text...
4168 # BCC action (2.6 experimental branch)
4169 #TDcQ bcc: header To: to@example.com from hb.example.com[]; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>: user@domain
4171 # Note: reject_warning does not seem to occur
4172 }
4174 else {
4175 # smtp_body_checks, smtp_header_checks, smtp_mime_header_checks, smtp_nested_header_checks (postfix >= 2.5)
4176 #TDsQ replace: header Sender: <from@example.com> : Sender: <fm2@sample.net>
4178 $trigger = $p3; $host = ''; $eto = ''; $p4 = $part eq 'body' ? 'smtp_body_checks' : 'smtp_*header_checks';
4180 #inc_unmatched('header_body_checks');
4181 #return 1;
4182 }
4184 $trigger =~ s/\s+/ /g;
4185 $trigger = '*unknown reason' if ($trigger eq '');
4186 $eto = '*unknown' if ($eto eq '');
4188 my ($trig,$trig_opt,$text);
4189 if ($part eq 'header') { ($trig = $trigger) =~ s/^([^:]+:).*$/Header check "$1"/; }
4190 elsif ($part eq 'body') { $trig = "Body check"; }
4191 else { $trig = "Content check"; } # message_reject_characters (postfix >= 2.3)
4193 if ($p4 eq '') { $text = '*generic'; $trig_opt = $trig; }
4194 else { $text = $p4; $trig_opt = "$trig ($p4)"; }
4196 if ($host eq 'local') { $fmthost = formathost('', 'local'); }
4197 elsif ($host =~ /([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\]/) { $fmthost = formathost($2,$1); }
4198 else { $fmthost = '*unknown'; }
4200 # Note: Counts
4201 # Ensure each $Counts{key} accumulator is consistently
4202 # used with the same number of hash key levels throughout the code.
4203 # For example, $Counts{'hold'} below has 4 keys; ensure that every
4204 # other usage of $Counts{'hold'} also has 4 keys. Currently, it is
4205 # OK to set the last key as '', but only the last.
4207 if ($action eq 'reject') {
4208 $Counts{'byiprejects'}{$fmthost}++ if $Collecting{'byiprejects'};
4210 # Note: no temporary or reject_warning
4211 # Note: no reply code - force into a 5xx reject
4212 # XXX this won't be seen if the user has no 5.. entry in reject_reply_patterns
4213 $Totals{$reject_name = "5xxreject$part" }++;
4214 $Counts{$reject_name}{$text}{$eto}{$fmthost}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{$reject_name};
4215 }
4216 elsif ( $action eq 'filter' ) {
4217 $Totals{'filtered'}++;
4218 $Counts{'filtered'}{$text}{$trig}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++ if $Collecting{'filtered'};
4219 }
4220 elsif ( $action eq 'hold' ) {
4221 $Totals{'hold'}++;
4222 $Counts{'hold'}{$trig_opt}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{'hold'};
4223 }
4224 elsif ( $action eq 'redirect' ) {
4225 $Totals{'redirected'}++;
4226 $Counts{'redirected'}{$trig}{$text}{$eto}{$fmthost}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{'redirected'};
4227 }
4228 elsif ( $action eq 'discard' ) {
4229 $Totals{'discarded'}++;
4230 $Counts{'discarded'}{$trig}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{'discarded'};
4231 }
4232 elsif ( $action eq 'prepend' ) {
4233 $Totals{'prepended'}++;
4234 $Counts{'prepended'}{"$trig ($text)"}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{'prepended'};
4235 }
4236 elsif ( $action eq 'replace' ) {
4237 $Totals{'replaced'}++;
4238 $Counts{'replaced'}{"$trig ($text)"}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{'replaced'};
4239 }
4240 elsif ( $action eq 'warning' ) {
4241 $Totals{'warned'}++;
4242 $Counts{'warned'}{$trig}{$fmthost}{$eto}{$trigger}++ if $Collecting{'warned'};
4243 }
4244 elsif ( $action eq 'bcc' ) {
4245 $Totals{'bcced'}++;
4246 $Counts{'bcced'}{$text}{$trig}{$trigger}{$eto}{$fmthost}++ if $Collecting{'bcced'};
4247 }
4248 else {
4249 inc_unmatched('header_body_checks unexpected action');
4250 }
4252 return 1;
4253 }
4256 # Handle common milter actions:
4257 # milter-reject, milter-hold, milter-discard
4258 # which are created by both smtpd and cleanup
4259 #
4260 sub milter_common($) {
4261 my $line = shift;
4263 #TDsdN milter-reject: MAIL from milterS.example.com[]: 553 5.1.7 address incomplete; proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
4264 #TDsdN milter-reject: CONNECT from milterS.example.com[]: 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later; proto=SMTP
4265 #TDsdQ milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from milterS.example.com[]: 5.7.1 black listed URL host sample.com by ...uribl.com; from=<from@sample.com> to=<to@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
4266 #TDsdQ milter-hold: END-OF-MESSAGE from milterS.example.com[]: milter triggers HOLD action; from=<from@sample.com> to=<to@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<sample.com>
4268 #TDcQ milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from milterC.example.com[]: 5.7.1 Some problem; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@sample.net> proto=SMTP helo=<example.com>
4269 #TDcQ milter-reject: CONNECT from milterC.example.com[]: 5.7.1 Some problem; proto=SMTP
4270 #TDcQ milter-hold: END-OF-MESSAGE from milterC.example.com[]: milter triggers HOLD action; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
4271 #TDcQ milter-discard: END-OF-MESSAGE from milterC.example.com[]: milter triggers DISCARD action; from=<efrom@example.com> to=<eto@example.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<example.com>
4272 # 84B82AC8B3: milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from localhost[]: 5.7.1 Blocked
4274 my ($efrom,$eto,$proto,$helo) = strip_ftph($line);
4275 $line =~ s/;$//;
4277 if ($line =~ /^(reject|hold|discard): (\S+) from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: (.*)$/) {
4279 my ($action,$stage,$host,$hostip,$reply) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
4281 if ($action eq 'reject') {
4282 my ($dsn,$fmthost,$reject_name);
4283 ($dsn,$reply) = ($1,$2) if $reply =~ /^($re_DSN) (.*)$/o;
4285 if ($Collecting{'byiprejects'} and substr($dsn,0,1) eq '5') {
4286 $fmthost = formathost($hostip,$host);
4287 $Counts{'byiprejects'}{$fmthost}++;
4288 }
4289 # Note: reject_warning does not seem to occur
4290 # Note: See rejectmilter elsewhere
4291 $Totals{$reject_name = get_reject_key($dsn) . 'rejectmilter' }++; return unless ($Collecting{$reject_name});
4292 $Counts{$reject_name}{$stage}{$fmthost ? $fmthost : formathost($hostip,$host)}{$reply}++;
4293 }
4294 # milter-hold
4295 elsif ($action eq 'hold') {
4296 $Totals{'hold'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'hold'});
4297 $Counts{'hold'}{'milter'}{$stage}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{$eto}++;
4298 }
4299 # milter-discard
4300 else { # $action eq 'discard'
4301 $Totals{'discarded'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'discarded'});
4302 $Counts{'discarded'}{'milter'}{$stage}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{$eto}++;
4303 }
4305 }
4306 else {
4307 inc_unmatched('milter_common)');
4308 }
4309 }
4311 sub postfix_dnsblog {
4312 my $line = shift;
4314 #postfix/dnsblog[16943]: addr listed by domain bl.spamcop.net as
4315 #postfix/dnsblog[78598]: addr blocked by domain zen.spamhaus.org as
4316 if ($line =~ /^addr (\S+) (?:listed|blocked) by domain (\S+) as (\S+)$/) {
4317 $Counts{'dnsblog'}{$2}{$1}{$3}++ if $Collecting{'dnsblog'};
4318 }
4319 else {
4320 inc_unmatched('dnsblog') if ! in_ignore_list($line);
4321 return;
4322 }
4323 }
4325 sub postfix_postscreen {
4326 my $line = shift;
4328 return if (
4329 $line =~ /^cache / or
4330 $line =~ /discarding EHLO keywords: / or
4331 $line =~ /: discard_mask / or
4332 $line =~ /: sq=\d+ cq=\d+ event/ or
4333 $line =~ /: replacing command "/ or
4334 $line =~ /^(DATA|BDAT) without valid RCPT/
4335 );
4338 if (($line =~ /^(PREGREET) \d+ (?:after \S+)? from \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?/) or
4339 # PREGREET 20 after 0.31 from []:12345: HELO
4340 # HANGUP after 0.7 from []:12345
4341 ($line =~ /^(HANGUP) (?:after \S+)? from \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?/)) {
4342 $Counts{'postscreen'}{lc $1}{$2}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4343 }
4344 elsif ($line =~ /^((ALLOW|WHITE|BLACK|DENY)LISTED|PASS \S+) \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/) {
4345 # This will display two separate counts for e.g. "allowlisted"
4346 # and "whitelisted" if you change your configuration in the
4347 # middle of the day, but I don't see that as a huge problem.
4348 #
4349 # ALLOWLISTED []:17085
4350 # PASS NEW []:12345
4351 # PASS OLD []:12345
4352 $Counts{'postscreen'}{lc $1}{$2}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4353 }
4354 elsif ($line =~ /^DNSBL rank (\S+) for \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/) {
4355 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'dnsbl'}{$2}{$1}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4356 }
4358 elsif ($line =~ /^(CONNECT|COMMAND (?:(?:TIME|COUNT|LENGTH) LIMIT|PIPELINING)|NON-SMTP COMMAND|BARE NEWLINE) from \[([^\]]+)\]:\d+/) {
4359 # CONNECT from []:12345
4360 $Counts{'postscreen'}{lc($1)}{$2}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4361 }
4362 elsif ($line =~ /^DISCONNECT \[([^\]]+)\]:\d+$/) {
4363 # DISCONNECT []:12345
4364 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'disconnect'}{$1}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4365 }
4367 elsif ($line =~ /^NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: ($re_DSN) ([^;]+)/o) {
4368 #NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from []:12345: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client [] blocked using b.barracudacentral.org; from=<from@example.com>, to=<to@example.net>, proto=SMTP, helo=<example.com>
4369 my ($ip,$dsn,$msg) = ($1,$2,$3);
4371 if ($dsn =~ /^([54])/) {
4372 $Counts{'postscreen'}{$1 . 'xx reject'}{"$dsn $msg"}{$ip}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4373 }
4374 else {
4375 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'reject'}{"$dsn $msg"}{$ip}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4376 }
4377 }
4379 elsif ($line =~ /^(NOQUEUE: )?reject: (connect|CONNECT) from \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: (.+)$/) {
4380 # NOQUEUE: reject: CONNECT from []:7197: too many connections
4381 # NOQUEUE: reject: CONNECT from []:39410: all server ports busy
4382 # reject: connect from []:21225: all screening ports busy
4383 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'reject'}{"\u$4"}{$3}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4384 }
4386 elsif ($line =~ /^(?:(WHITE|ALLOW)LIST VETO) \[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/) {
4387 # WHITELIST VETO []:43579
4388 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'allowlist veto'}{$1}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4389 }
4391 elsif ($line =~ /^(entering|leaving) STRESS mode with (\d+) connections$/) {
4392 # entering STRESS mode with 90 connections
4393 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'stress mode: ' . $1}{$2}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4394 }
4396 elsif ($line =~ /^close database (\S+): No such file or directory/) {
4397 # close database /var/lib/postfix/postscreen_cache.db: No such file or directory (possible Berkeley DB bug)
4398 $Counts{'postscreen'}{'close database'}{$1}{$END_KEY}++ if $Collecting{'postscreen'};
4399 }
4401 else {
4402 inc_unmatched('postscreen') if ! in_ignore_list($line);
4403 return;
4404 }
4406 $Totals{'postscreen'}++;
4407 }
4410 # Handles postfix/postsuper lines
4411 #
4412 sub postfix_postsuper($) {
4413 my $line = shift;
4415 return if $line =~ /^Deleted: \d+ messages?$/;
4417 if ($line =~ /^Placed on hold: (\d+) messages?$/o) {
4418 #TDps Placed on hold: 2 messages
4419 # Note: See Hold elsewhere
4420 $Totals{'hold'} += $1; return unless ($Collecting{'hold'});
4421 $Counts{'hold'}{'Postsuper'}{'localhost'}{"bulk hold: $1"}{''} += $1;
4422 }
4423 elsif ($line =~ /^Released from hold: (\d+) messages?$/o) {
4424 #TDps Released from hold: 1 message
4425 $Totals{'releasedfromhold'} += $1;
4426 }
4427 elsif ($line =~ /^Requeued: (\d+) messages?$/o) {
4428 #TDps Requeued: 1 message
4429 $Totals{'requeued'} += $1;
4430 }
4431 elsif (my($qid,$p2) = ($line =~ /($re_QID): (.*)$/)) {
4432 # postsuper double reports the following 3 lines
4433 return if ($p2 eq 'released from hold');
4434 return if ($p2 eq 'placed on hold');
4435 return if ($p2 eq 'requeued');
4437 if ($p2 =~ /^removed\s*$/o) {
4438 # Note: See REMOVED elsewhere
4439 # 52CBDC2E0F: removed
4440 delete $SizeByQid{$qid} if (exists $SizeByQid{$qid});
4441 $Totals{'removedfromqueue'}++;
4442 }
4443 elsif (! in_ignore_list ($p2)) {
4444 inc_unmatched('postsuper2');
4445 }
4446 }
4447 elsif (! in_ignore_list ($line)) {
4448 inc_unmatched('postsuper1');
4449 }
4450 }
4452 # Handles postfix panic: lines
4453 #
4454 sub postfix_panic($) {
4455 #TD panic: myfree: corrupt or unallocated memory block
4456 $Totals{'panicerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'panicerror'});
4457 $Counts{'panicerror'}{ucfirst($1)}++;
4458 }
4460 # Handles postfix fatal: lines
4461 #
4462 sub postfix_fatal($) {
4463 my ($reason) = shift;
4465 if ($reason =~ /^\S*\(\d+\): Message file too big$/o) {
4466 #TD fatal: root(0): Message file too big
4467 $Totals{'fatalfiletoobig'}++;
4470 # XXX its not clear this is at all useful - consider falling
4471 # through to last case
4472 } elsif ( $reason =~ /^config variable (\S*): (.*)$/o ) {
4473 #TD fatal: config variable inet_interfaces: host not found:
4474 #TD fatal: config variable inet_interfaces: host not found: all:2525
4475 $Totals{'fatalconfigerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'fatalconfigerror'});
4476 $Counts{'fatalconfigerror'}{ucfirst($reason)}++;
4477 }
4478 else {
4479 #TD fatal: watchdog timeout
4480 #TD fatal: bad boolean configuration: smtpd_use_tls =
4482 #TDvN fatal: update queue file active/4B709F060E: File too large
4483 $reason =~ s/(^update queue file \w+\/)\w+:/$1*:/;
4485 $Totals{'fatalerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'fatalerror'});
4486 $Counts{'fatalerror'}{ucfirst($reason)}++;
4487 }
4488 }
4489 # Handles postfix fatal: lines
4490 #
4491 sub postfix_error($) {
4492 my ($reason) = shift;
4493 # postfix/postfix-script[4271]: error: unknown command: 'rel'
4495 $Totals{'error'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'fatalerror'});
4496 $Counts{'error'}{ucfirst($reason)}++;
4497 }
4499 # Handles postfix warning: lines
4500 # and additional lines coerced into warnings
4501 #
4502 sub postfix_warning($) {
4503 my ($warning) = shift;
4505 # Skip these
4506 return if ($warning =~ /$re_QID: skipping further client input$/o);
4507 return if ($warning =~ /^Mail system is down -- accessing queue directly$/o);
4508 return if ($warning =~ /^SASL authentication failure: (?:Password verification failed|no secret in database)$/o);
4509 return if ($warning =~ /^no MX host for .* has a valid A record$/o);
4510 return if ($warning =~ /^uid=\d+: Broken pipe$/o);
4512 #TD warning: connect to Connection refused
4513 #TD warning: problem talking to server Connection refused
4514 #TD warning: valid_ipv4_hostaddr: invalid octet count:
4516 my ($domain,$to,$type,$site,$helo,$cmd);
4517 my ($addr,$size,$hostip,$host,$port,$reason,$qid,$queue,$reason2,$process,$status,$service);
4519 if (($hostip,$host,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^(?:smtpd_peer_init: )?([^:]+): hostname ([^ ]+) verification failed: (.*)$/) or
4520 ($hostip,$reason,$host) = ($warning =~ /^(?:smtpd_peer_init: )?([^:]+): (address not listed for hostname) (.*)$/) or
4521 ($host,$reason,$hostip,$reason2) = ($warning =~ /^(?:smtpd_peer_init: )?hostname (\S+) (does not resolve to address) ([\d.]+)(: host not found, try again)?$/)) {
4522 #TD warning: hostname sample.com verification failed: Host not found
4523 #TD warning: smtpd_peer_init: hostname example.com verification failed: Name or service not known
4524 #TD warning: address not listed for hostname sample.net
4525 # post 2.8
4526 #TD warning: hostname 281.example.net does not resolve to address host not found, try again
4527 #TD warning: hostname 281.example.net does not resolve to address
4529 $reason .= $reason2 if $reason2;
4530 $Totals{'hostnameverification'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'hostnameverification'});
4531 $Counts{'hostnameverification'}{ucfirst($reason)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
4533 } elsif (($warning =~ /^$re_QID: queue file size limit exceeded$/o) or
4534 ($warning =~ /^uid=\d+: File too large$/o)) {
4535 $Totals{'warnfiletoobig'}++;
4537 } elsif ($warning =~ /^database (?:[^ ]*) is older than source file ([\w\/]+)$/o) {
4538 #TD warning: database /etc/postfix/client_checks.db is older than source file /etc/postfix/client_checks
4539 $Totals{'databasegeneration'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'databasegeneration'});
4540 $Counts{'databasegeneration'}{$1}++;
4542 } elsif (($reason,$qid,$reason2) = ($warning =~ /^(open active) ($re_QID): (.*)$/o) or
4543 ($reason,$qid,$reason2) = ($warning =~ /^qmgr_active_corrupt: (save corrupt file queue active) id ($re_QID): (.*)$/o) or
4544 ($qid,$reason,$reason2) = ($warning =~ /^($re_QID): (write queue file): (.*)$/o)) {
4546 #TD warning: open active BDB9B1309F7: No such file or directory
4547 #TD warning: qmgr_active_corrupt: save corrupt file queue active id 4F4272F342: No such file or directory
4548 #TD warning: E669DE52: write queue file: No such file or directory
4550 $Totals{'queuewriteerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'queuewriteerror'});
4551 $Counts{'queuewriteerror'}{"$reason: $reason2"}{$qid}++;
4553 } elsif (($qid,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^qmgr_active_done_3_generic: remove ($re_QID) from active: (.*)$/o)) {
4554 #TD warning: qmgr_active_done_3_generic: remove AF0F223FC05 from active: No such file or directory
4555 $Totals{'queuewriteerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'queuewriteerror'});
4556 $Counts{'queuewriteerror'}{"remove from active: $reason"}{$qid}++;
4558 } elsif (($queue,$qid) = ($warning =~ /^([^\/]*)\/($re_QID): Error writing message file$/o )) {
4559 #TD warning: maildrop/C9E66ADF: Error writing message file
4560 $Totals{'messagewriteerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'messagewriteerror'});
4561 $Counts{'messagewriteerror'}{$queue}{$qid}++;
4563 } elsif (($process,$status) = ($warning =~ /^process ([^ ]*) pid \d+ exit status (\d+)$/o)) {
4564 #TD warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtp pid 9724 exit status 1
4565 $Totals{'processexit'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'processexit'});
4566 $Counts{'processexit'}{"Exit status $status"}{$process}++;
4568 } elsif ($warning =~ /^mailer loop: (.*)$/o) {
4569 #TD warning: mailer loop: best MX host for example.com is local
4570 $Totals{'mailerloop'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'mailerloop'});
4571 $Counts{'mailerloop'}{$1}++;
4573 } elsif ($warning =~ /^no (\S+) host for (\S+) has a valid address record$/) {
4574 #TDs warning: no MX host for example.com has a valid address record
4575 $Totals{'dnserror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'dnserror'});
4576 $Counts{'dnserror'}{"No $1 host has a valid address record"}{$2}{$END_KEY}++;
4578 } elsif ($warning =~ /^(Unable to look up \S+ host) (.+)$/) {
4579 #TDsd warning: Unable to look up MX host for example.com: Host not found
4580 #TDsd warning: Unable to look up MX host mail.example.com for Sender address from@example.com: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
4581 #TDsd warning: Unable to look up NS host ns1.example.logal for Sender address bounce@example.local: No address associated with hostname
4582 $Totals{'dnserror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'dnserror'});
4584 my ($problem,$target,$reason) = ($1, split(/: /,$2));
4585 $reason =~ s/, try again//;
4587 if ($target =~ /^for (\S+)$/) {
4588 $Counts{'dnserror'}{$problem}{ucfirst($reason)}{$1}{$END_KEY}++;
4589 }
4590 elsif ($target =~ /^(\S+)( for \S+ address) (\S+)$/) {
4591 $Counts{'dnserror'}{$problem . lc($2)}{ucfirst($reason)}{$1}{$3}++;
4592 }
4594 } elsif ($warning =~ /^((?:malformed|numeric) domain name in .+? of \S+ record) for (.*):(.*)?$/) {
4595 my ($problem,$domain,$reason) = ($1,$2,$3);
4596 #TDsd warning: malformed domain name in resource data of MX record for example.com:
4597 #TDsd warning: malformed domain name in resource data of MX record for example.com: mail.example.com\\032
4598 #TDsd warning: numeric domain name in resource data of MX record for sample.com:
4599 $Totals{'dnserror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'dnserror'});
4600 $Counts{'dnserror'}{ucfirst($problem)}{$domain}{$reason eq '' ? '*unknown' : $reason}{$END_KEY}++;
4602 } elsif ($warning =~ /^numeric hostname: ([\S]+)$/) {
4603 #TD warning: numeric hostname:
4604 $Totals{'numerichostname'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'numerichostname'});
4605 $Counts{'numerichostname'}{$1}++;
4607 } elsif ( ($host,$hostip,$port,$type,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::(\d+))? (sent \w+ header instead of SMTP command): (.*)$/) or
4608 ($type,$host,$hostip,$port,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^(non-E?SMTP command) from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::(\d+))?: (.*)$/) or
4609 ($type,$host,$hostip,$port,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^(?:$re_QID: )?(non-E?SMTP response) from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::(\d+))?:(?: (.*))?$/o)) {
4610 # ancient
4611 #TDsd warning: example.com[] sent message header instead of SMTP command: From: "Someone" <40245426501example.com>
4612 # current
4613 #TDsd warning: non-SMTP command from sample.net[]: Received: from (HELO bogus.sample.com)
4614 #TDs warning: 6B01A8DEF: non-ESMTP response from mail.example.com[]:25:
4616 $Totals{'smtpconversationerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'smtpconversationerror'});
4617 $host .= ' :' . $port if ($port and $port ne '25');
4618 $Counts{'smtpconversationerror'}{ucfirst($type)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{$reason}++;
4620 } elsif ($warning =~ /^valid_hostname: (.*)$/o) {
4621 #TD warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
4622 $Totals{'hostnamevalidationerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'hostnamevalidationerror'});
4623 $Counts{'hostnamevalidationerror'}{$1}++;
4625 } elsif (($host,$hostip,$type,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?: SASL (.*) authentication failed(.*)$/)) {
4626 #TDsd warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: bad protocol / cancel
4627 #TDsd warning: example.com[]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed
4628 # see saslauthfail elsewhere
4629 $Totals{'saslauthfail'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'saslauthfail'});
4630 if ($reason) { $reason = $type . $reason; }
4631 else { $reason = $type; }
4632 $Counts{'saslauthfail'}{$reason}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
4634 } elsif (($host,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^(\S+): RBL lookup error:.* Name service error for (?:name=)?\1(?: type=[^:]+)?: (.*)$/o)) {
4635 #TD warning: RBL lookup error: Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name= type=A: Host not found, try again
4637 #TD warning: RBL lookup error: Name service error for Host not found, try again
4638 $Totals{'rblerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'rblerror'});
4639 $Counts{'rblerror'}{$reason}{$host}++;
4641 } elsif (
4642 ($host,$hostip,$reason,$helo) = ($warning =~ /^host ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? (greeted me with my own hostname) ([^ ]*)$/ ) or
4643 ($host,$hostip,$reason,$helo) = ($warning =~ /^host ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? (replied to HELO\/EHLO with my own hostname) ([^ ]*)$/ )) {
4644 #TDs warning: host example.com[] greeted me with my own hostname example.com
4645 #TDs warning: host example.com[] replied to HELO/EHLO with my own hostname example.com
4646 $Totals{'heloerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'heloerror'});
4647 $Counts{'heloerror'}{ucfirst($reason)}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
4649 } elsif (($size,$host,$hostip) = ($warning =~ /^bad size limit "([^"]+)" in EHLO reply from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)?$/ )) {
4650 #TD warning: bad size limit "-679215104" in EHLO reply from example.com[]
4651 $Totals{'heloerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'heloerror'});
4652 $Counts{'heloerror'}{"Bad size limit in EHLO reply"}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{"$size"}++;
4654 } elsif ( ($host,$hostip,$cmd,$addr) = ($warning =~ /^Illegal address syntax from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? in ([^ ]*) command: (.*)/ )) {
4655 #TD warning: Illegal address syntax from example.com[] in MAIL command: user@sample.net
4656 $addr =~ s/[<>]//g unless ($addr eq '<>');
4657 $Totals{'illegaladdrsyntax'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'illegaladdrsyntax'});
4658 $Counts{'illegaladdrsyntax'}{$cmd}{$addr}{formathost($hostip,$host)}++;
4660 } elsif ($warning =~ /^(timeout|premature end-of-input) on (.+) while reading (.*)$/o
4661 or $warning =~ /^(malformed (?:base64|numerical)|unexpected end-of-input) from (.+) while reading (.*)$/o) {
4663 #TDs warning: premature end-of-input on private/anvil while reading input attribute name
4664 #TDs warning: timeout on private/anvil while reading input attribute data
4665 #TDs warning: unexpected end-of-input from socket while reading input attribute name
4666 #TDs warning: malformed base64 data from %s while reading input attribute data: ...
4667 #TDs warning: malformed numerical data from %s while reading input attribute data: ...
4669 $Totals{'attrerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'attrerror'});
4670 $Counts{'attrerror'}{$2}{$1}{$3}++;
4672 } elsif ($warning =~ /^(.*): (bad command startup -- throttling)/o) {
4673 #TD warning: /usr/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite: bad command startup -- throttling
4674 $Totals{'startuperror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'startuperror'});
4675 $Counts{'startuperror'}{ucfirst($2)}{$1}++;
4677 } elsif ($warning =~ /(problem talking to service [^:]*): (.*)$/o) {
4678 #TD warning: problem talking to service rewrite: Connection reset by peer
4679 #TD warning: problem talking to service rewrite: Success
4680 $Totals{'communicationerror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'communicationerror'});
4681 $Counts{'communicationerror'}{ucfirst($1)}{$2}++;
4683 } elsif (my ($map,$key) = ($warning =~ /^$re_QID: ([^ ]*) map lookup problem for (.*)$/o)) {
4684 #TD warning: 6F74F74431: virtual_alias_maps map lookup problem for root@example.com
4685 $Totals{'mapproblem'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'mapproblem'});
4686 $Counts{'mapproblem'}{$map}{$key}++;
4688 } elsif (($map,$reason) = ($warning =~ /^pcre map ([^,]+), (.*)$/o)) {
4689 #TD warning: pcre map /etc/postfix/body_checks, line 92: unknown regexp option "F": skipping this rule
4690 $Totals{'mapproblem'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'mapproblem'});
4691 $Counts{'mapproblem'}{$map}{$reason}++;
4693 } elsif (($reason) = ($warning =~ /dict_ldap_lookup: (.*)$/o)) {
4694 #TD warning: dict_ldap_lookup: Search error 80: Internal (implementation specific) error
4695 $Totals{'ldaperror'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'ldaperror'});
4696 $Counts{'ldaperror'}{$reason}++;
4698 } elsif (($type,$size,$host,$hostip,$service) = ($warning =~ /^(.+) limit exceeded: (\d+) from ([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\](?::\d+)? for service (.*)/ )) {
4699 #TDsd warning: Connection concurrency limit exceeded: 51 from example.com[] for service smtp
4700 #TDsd warning: Connection rate limit exceeded: 20 from mail.example.com[] for service smtp
4701 #TDsd warning: Connection rate limit exceeded: 30 from unknown[unknown] for service smtp
4702 #TDsd warning: Recipient address rate limit exceeded: 21 from example.com[] for service smtp
4703 #TDsd warning: Message delivery request rate limit exceeded: 11 from example.com[] for service smtp
4704 #TDsd warning: New TLS session rate limit exceeded: 49 from example.com[] for service smtp
4705 $Totals{'anvil'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'anvil'});
4706 $Counts{'anvil'}{$service}{$type}{formathost($hostip,$host)}{$size}++;
4708 } elsif (my ($extname,$intname,$limit) = ($warning =~ /service "([^"]+)" \(([^)]+)\) has reached its process limit "([^"]+)":/o)) {
4709 #TD warning: service "smtp" (25) has reached its process limit "50": new clients may experience noticeable delays
4710 $Totals{'processlimit'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'processlimit'});
4711 $Counts{'processlimit'}{'See http://www.postfix.org/STRESS_README.html'}{"$extname ($intname)"}{$limit}++;
4713 } else {
4714 #TDsd warning: No server certs available. TLS won't be enabled
4715 #TDs warning: smtp_connect_addr: bind <localip>: Address already in use
4717 # These two messages follow ProcessLimit message above
4718 #TDm warning: to avoid this condition, increase the process count in master.cf or reduce the service time per client
4719 #TDm warning: see http://www.postfix.org/STRESS_README.html for examples of stress-dependent configuration settings
4720 return if ($warning =~ /^to avoid this condition,/o);
4721 return if ($warning =~ /^see http:\/\/www\.postfix\.org\/STRESS_README.html/o);
4723 #TDsd warning: 009314BD9E: read timeout on cleanup socket
4724 $warning =~ s/^$re_QID: (read timeout on \S+ socket)/$1/;
4726 #TDsd warning: Read failed in network_biopair_interop with errno=0: num_read=0, want_read=11
4727 #TDs warning: Read failed in network_biopair_interop with errno=0: num_read=0, want_read=11
4728 $warning =~ s/^(Read failed in network_biopair_interop) with .*$/$1/;
4730 =cut
4731 $warning =~ s/^(TLS library problem: )\d+:(error:.*)$/$1$2/;
4732 $warning =~ s/^(network_biopair_interop: error reading) \d+ bytes(.*)$/$1$2/;
4734 1 TLS library problem: 10212:error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher...
4735 1 TLS library problem: 10217:error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher...
4736 1 network_biopair_interop: error reading 1102 bytes from the network: Connection reset by peer
4737 1 network_biopair_interop: error reading 1120 bytes from the network: Connection reset by peer
4738 =cut
4741 $Totals{'warningsother'}++; return unless ($Collecting{'warningsother'});
4742 $Counts{'warningsother'}{$warning}++;
4743 }
4744 }
4746 # Handles postfix/postfix-script lines
4747 #
4748 sub postfix_script($) {
4749 my $line = shift;
4751 return if ($line =~ /^the Postfix mail system is running: PID: /o);
4753 if ($line =~ /^starting the Postfix mail system/o) {
4754 $Totals{'postfixstart'}++;
4755 }
4756 elsif ($line =~ /^stopping the Postfix mail system/o) {
4757 $Totals{'postfixstop'}++;
4758 }
4759 elsif ($line =~ /^refreshing the Postfix mail system/o) {
4760 $Totals{'postfixrefresh'}++;
4761 }
4762 elsif ($line =~ /^waiting for the Postfix mail system to terminate/o) {
4763 $Totals{'postfixwaiting'}++;
4764 }
4765 elsif (! in_ignore_list ($line)) {
4766 inc_unmatched('postfix_script');
4767 }
4768 }
4770 # Clean up a server's reply, to give some uniformity to reports
4771 #
4772 sub cleanhostreply($ $ $ $) {
4773 my ($hostreply,$relay,$recip,$domain) = @_;
4775 my $fmtdhost = '';
4776 my ($r1, $r2, $dsn, $msg, $host, $event);
4778 return ('Accepted', '*unknown') if $hostreply =~ /^25\d/o;
4780 # Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=example.com type=MX: Host not found...
4781 if ($hostreply =~ /^Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=([^:]+): Host not found/o) {
4782 return ('Host not found', $1);
4783 }
4785 if (($host,$dsn,$r1) = ($hostreply =~ /host (\S+) said: ($re_DSN)[\- :]*"?(.*)"?$/o)) {
4786 # Strip recipient address from host's reply - we already have it in $recip.
4787 $r1 =~ s/[<(]?\Q$recip\E[>)]?\W*//ig;
4789 # Strip and capture "in reply to XYZ command" from host's reply
4790 if ($r1 =~ s/\s*[(]?(?:in reply to (.*) command)[)]?//o) {
4791 $r2 = ": $1";
4792 }
4793 $r1 =~ s/^Recipient address rejected: //o;
4794 # Canonicalize numerous forms of "recipient unknown"
4795 if ( $r1 =~ /^user unknown/i
4796 or $r1 =~ /^unknown user/i
4797 or $r1 =~ /^unknown recipient address/i
4798 or $r1 =~ /^invalid recipient/i
4799 or $r1 =~ /^recipient unknown/i
4800 or $r1 =~ /^sorry, no mailbox here by that name/i
4801 or $r1 =~ /^User is unknown/
4802 or $r1 =~ /^User not known/
4803 or $r1 =~ /^MAILBOX NOT FOUND/
4804 or $r1 =~ /^Recipient Rejected: No account by that name here/
4805 or $r1 =~ /^Recipient does not exist here/
4806 or $r1 =~ /The email account that you tried to reach does not exist./ # Google's long mess
4807 or $r1 =~ /(?:no such user|user unknown)/i
4808 )
4809 {
4810 $r1 = 'Unknown recipient';
4811 }
4812 elsif ($r1 =~ /greylisted/oi) {
4813 $r1 = 'Recipient greylisted';
4814 }
4815 elsif ($r1 =~ /^Message temporarily deferred - (\d\.\d+\.\d+)\. Please refer to (.+)$/o) {
4816 # Yahoo: 421 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.51. Please refer to http://... (in reply to end of DATA command))
4817 $dsn = "$dsn $1"; $r1 = "see $2";
4818 }
4819 elsif ($r1 =~ /^Resources temporarily not available - Please try again later \[#(\d\.\d+\.\d+)\]\.$/o) {
4820 #Yahoo 451 Resources temporarily not available - Please try again later [#4.16.5].
4821 $dsn = "$dsn $1"; $r1 = "resources not available";
4822 }
4823 elsif ($r1 =~ /^Message temporarily deferred - (\[\d+\])/o) {
4824 # Yahoo: 451 Message temporarily deferred - [160]
4825 $dsn = "$dsn $1"; $r1 = '';
4826 }
4827 }
4829 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^connect to (\S+): (.*)$/o) {
4830 $host = $1; $r1 = $2; $r1 =~ s/server refused to talk to me/refused/;
4831 }
4833 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^host (\S+) refused to talk to me: (.*)$/o) {
4834 $host = $1; $msg = $2;
4835 #Yahoo: '421 Message from ( temporarily deferred - 4.16.50. Please refer to http://...
4836 if ($msg =~ /^(\d+) Message from \([^)]+\) temporarily deferred - (\d\.\d+\.\d+)\. Please refer to (.+)$/) {
4837 $dsn = "$1 $2"; $msg = "see $3";
4838 }
4840 $r1 = $msg;
4841 }
4842 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^(delivery temporarily suspended): connect to (\S+): (.*)$/o) {
4843 $host = $2; $r1 = join(': ', $1, $3);
4844 }
4845 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^(delivery temporarily suspended: conversation) with (\S+) (.*)$/o) {
4846 # delivery temporarily suspended: conversation with example.com[] timed out while receiving the initial server greeting)
4847 $host = $2; $r1 = join(' ', $1, $3);
4848 }
4849 elsif (($event,$host,$r1) = ($hostreply =~ /^(lost connection|conversation) with (\S+) (.*)$/o)) {
4850 $r1 = join(' ',$event,$r1);
4851 }
4852 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^(.*: \S+maildrop: Unable to create a dot-lock) at .*$/o) {
4853 $r1 = $1;
4854 }
4855 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^mail for (\S+) loops back to myself/o) {
4856 $host = $1; $r1 = 'mailer loop';
4857 }
4858 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^unable to find primary relay for (\S+)$/o) {
4859 $host = $1; $r1 = 'no relay found';
4860 }
4861 elsif ($hostreply =~ /^message size \d+ exceeds size limit \d+ of server (\S+)\s*$/o) {
4862 $host = $1; $r1 = 'message too big';
4863 }
4864 else {
4865 $r1 = $hostreply;
4866 }
4868 $r1 =~ s/for name=\Q$domain\E //ig;
4870 if ($host eq '') {
4871 if ($relay =~ /([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\]/) {
4872 $fmtdhost = formathost($2,$1);
4873 }
4874 else {
4875 $fmtdhost = '*unknown';
4876 }
4877 }
4878 elsif ($host =~ /^([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\]/) {
4879 $fmtdhost = formathost($2,$1);
4880 }
4881 else {
4882 $fmtdhost = $host;
4883 }
4885 return (($dsn ? "$dsn " : '' ) . "\u$r1$r2", $fmtdhost);
4886 }
4888 # Strip and return from, to, proto, and helo information from a log line
4889 # From is set to the empty envelope sender <> as necessary, and To is
4890 # always lowercased.
4891 #
4892 # Note: modifies its input for efficiency
4893 #
4894 sub strip_ftph($) {
4895 my ($helo, $proto, $to, $from);
4896 $helo = ($_[0] =~ s/\s+helo=<(.*?)>\s*$//) == 1 ? $1 : '*unavailable';
4897 $proto = ($_[0] =~ s/\s+proto=(\S+)\s*$//) == 1 ? $1 : '*unavailable';
4898 $to = ($_[0] =~ s/\s+to=<(.*?)>\s*$//) == 1 ? (lc($1) || '<>') : '*unavailable';
4899 $from = ($_[0] =~ s/\s+from=<(.*?)>\s*$//) == 1 ? ( $1 || '<>') : '*unavailable';
4901 return ($from,$to,$proto,$helo);
4902 }
4904 # Initialize the Getopts option list. Requires the Section table to
4905 # be built already.
4906 #
4907 sub init_getopts_table() {
4908 print "init_getopts_table: enter\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & Logreporters::D_ARGS;
4910 init_getopts_table_common(@supplemental_reports);
4912 add_option ('recipient_delimiter=s');
4913 add_option ('delays!');
4914 add_option ('show_delays=i', sub { $Opts{'delays'} = $_[1]; 1; });
4915 add_option ('delays_percentiles=s');
4916 add_option ('reject_reply_patterns=s');
4917 add_option ('ignore_services=s');
4918 add_option ('postgrey_delays!');
4919 add_option ('postgrey_show_delays=i', sub { $Opts{'postgrey_delays'} = $_[1]; 1; });
4920 add_option ('postgrey_delays_percentiles=s');
4921 add_option ('unknown!', sub { $Opts{'unknown'} = $_[1]; 1; });
4922 add_option ('show_unknown=i', sub { $Opts{'unknown'} = $_[1]; 1; });
4923 add_option ('enable_long_queue_ids=i', sub { $Opts{'long_queue_ids'} = $_[1]; 1; });
4924 add_option ('long_queue_ids!');
4926 =pod
4927 # aliases and backwards compatibility
4928 add_option ('msgsdeferred=s', \$Opts{'deferred'});
4929 add_option ('msgsdelivered=s', \$Opts{'delivered'});
4930 add_option ('msgssent=s', \$Opts{'sent'});
4931 add_option ('msgssentlmtp=s', \$Opts{'sentlmtp'});
4932 add_option ('msgsforwarded=s', \$Opts{'forwarded'});
4933 add_option ('msgsresent=s', \$Opts{'resent'});
4934 add_option ('warn=s', \$Opts{'warned'});
4935 add_option ('held=s', \$Opts{'hold'});
4936 =cut
4937 }
4939 # Builds the entire @Section table used for data collection
4940 #
4941 # Each Section entry has as many as six fields:
4942 #
4943 # 1. Section array reference
4944 # 2. Key to %Counts, %Totals accumulator hashes, and %Collecting hash
4945 # 3. Output in Detail report? (must also a %Counts accumulator)
4946 # 4. Numeric output format specifier for Summary report
4947 # 5. Section title for Summary and Detail reports
4948 # 6. A hash to a divisor used to calculate the percentage of a total for that key
4949 #
4950 # Use begin_section_group/end_section_group to create groupings around sections.
4951 #
4952 # Sections can be freely reordered if desired, but maintain proper group nesting.
4953 #
4954 #
4955 # The reject* entries of this table are dynamic, in that they are built based
4956 # upon the value of $Opts{'reject_reply_patterns'}, which can be specified by
4957 # either command line or configuration file. This allows various flavors, of
4958 # reject sections based on SMTP reply code (eg. 421 45x, 5xx, etc.). Instead
4959 # of creating special sections for each reject variant, the primary key of each
4960 # reject section could have been the SMTP reply code. However, this would
4961 # require special-case processing to distinguish 4xx temporary rejects from 5xx
4962 # permanent rejects in various Totals{'totalrejects*'} counts, and in the
4963 # Totals{'totalrejects'} tally.
4964 #
4965 # Sections can be freely reordered if desired.
4966 sub build_sect_table() {
4967 if ($Opts{'debug'} & Logreporters::D_SECT) {
4968 print "build_sect_table: enter\n";
4969 print "\treject patterns: $Opts{'reject_reply_patterns'}\n";
4970 }
4971 my $S = \@Sections;
4973 # References to these are used in the Sections table below; we'll predeclare them.
4974 $Totals{'totalrejects'} = 0;
4975 $Totals{'totalrejectswarn'} = 0;
4976 $Totals{'totalacceptplusreject'} = 0;
4978 # Configuration and critical errors appear first
4981 begin_section_group ($S, 'warnings');
4982 add_section ($S, 'panicerror', 1, 'd', '*Panic: General panic');
4983 add_section ($S, 'fatalfiletoobig', 0, 'd', '*Fatal: Message file too big');
4984 add_section ($S, 'fatalconfigerror', 1, 'd', '*Fatal: Configuration error');
4985 add_section ($S, 'fatalerror', 1, 'd', '*Fatal: General fatal');
4986 add_section ($S, 'error', 1, 'd', '*Error: General error');
4987 add_section ($S, 'processlimit', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Process limit reached, clients may delay');
4988 add_section ($S, 'warnfiletoobig', 0, 'd', '*Warning: Queue file size limit exceeded');
4989 add_section ($S, 'warninsufficientspace', 0, 'd', '*Warning: Insufficient system storage error');
4990 add_section ($S, 'warnconfigerror', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Server configuration error');
4991 add_section ($S, 'queuewriteerror', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Error writing queue file');
4992 add_section ($S, 'messagewriteerror', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Error writing message file');
4993 add_section ($S, 'databasegeneration', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Database is older than source file');
4994 add_section ($S, 'mailerloop', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Mailer loop');
4995 add_section ($S, 'startuperror', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Startup error');
4996 add_section ($S, 'mapproblem', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Map lookup problem');
4997 add_section ($S, 'attrerror', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Error reading attribute data');
4998 add_section ($S, 'anvil', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Anvil limit reached');
4999 add_section ($S, 'processexit', 1, 'd', 'Process exited');
5000 add_section ($S, 'hold', 1, 'd', 'Placed on hold');
5001 add_section ($S, 'communicationerror', 1, 'd', 'Postfix communications error');
5002 add_section ($S, 'saslauthfail', 1, 'd', 'SASL authentication failed');
5003 add_section ($S, 'ldaperror', 1, 'd', 'LDAP error');
5004 add_section ($S, 'warningsother', 1, 'd', 'Miscellaneous warnings');
5005 add_section ($S, 'totalrejectswarn', 0, 'd', 'Reject warnings (warn_if_reject)');
5006 end_section_group ($S, 'warnings');
5008 begin_section_group ($S, 'bytes', "\n");
5009 add_section ($S, 'bytesaccepted', 0, 'Z', 'Bytes accepted '); # Z means print scaled as in 1k, 1m, etc.
5010 add_section ($S, 'bytessentsmtp', 0, 'Z', 'Bytes sent via SMTP');
5011 add_section ($S, 'bytessentlmtp', 0, 'Z', 'Bytes sent via LMTP');
5012 add_section ($S, 'bytesdelivered', 0, 'Z', 'Bytes delivered');
5013 add_section ($S, 'bytesforwarded', 0, 'Z', 'Bytes forwarded');
5014 end_section_group ($S, 'bytes', $sep1);
5016 begin_section_group ($S, 'acceptreject', "\n");
5017 begin_section_group ($S, 'acceptreject2', "\n");
5018 add_section ($S, 'msgsaccepted', 0, 'd', 'Accepted', \$Totals{'totalacceptplusreject'});
5019 add_section ($S, 'totalrejects', 0, 'd', 'Rejected', \$Totals{'totalacceptplusreject'});
5020 end_section_group ($S, 'acceptreject2', $sep2);
5021 add_section ($S, 'totalacceptplusreject', 0, 'd', 'Total', \$Totals{'totalacceptplusreject'});
5022 end_section_group ($S, 'acceptreject', $sep1);
5024 # The various Reject sections are built dynamically based upon a
5025 # list of reject reply keys, which are user-configured via
5026 # $Opts{'reject_reply_patterns'}
5027 @RejectPats = ();
5028 foreach my $rejpat (split /[ ,]/, $Opts{'reject_reply_patterns'}) {
5029 if ($rejpat !~ /^(warn|[45][\d.]{2})$/io) {
5030 print STDERR usage "Invalid pattern \"$rejpat\" in reject_reply_patterns";
5031 exit (2);
5032 }
5033 if (grep (/\Q$rejpat\E/, @RejectPats) == 0) {
5034 push @RejectPats, $rejpat
5035 }
5036 else {
5037 print STDERR "Ignoring duplicate pattern \"$rejpat\" in reject_reply_patterns\n";
5038 }
5039 }
5040 @RejectKeys = @RejectPats;
5041 for (@RejectKeys) {
5042 s/\./x/g;
5043 }
5045 print "\tRejectPat: \"@RejectPats\", RejectKeys: \"@RejectKeys\"\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & Logreporters::D_SECT;
5047 # Add reject variants
5048 foreach my $key (@RejectKeys) {
5049 $key = lc($key);
5050 my $keyuc = ucfirst($key);
5051 my $totalsref = \$Totals{'totalrejects' . $key};
5052 print "\t reject key: $key\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & Logreporters::D_SECT;
5054 begin_section_group ($S, 'rejects', "\n");
5055 begin_section_group ($S, 'rejects2', "\n");
5056 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectrelay', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject relay denied', $totalsref);
5057 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejecthelo', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject HELO/EHLO', $totalsref);
5058 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectdata', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject DATA', $totalsref);
5059 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectunknownuser', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject unknown user', $totalsref);
5060 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectrecip', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject recipient address', $totalsref);
5061 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectsender', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject sender address', $totalsref);
5062 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectclient', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject client host', $totalsref);
5063 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectunknownclient', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject unknown client host', $totalsref);
5064 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectunknownreverseclient', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject unknown reverse client host', $totalsref);
5065 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectunverifiedclient', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject unverified client host', $totalsref);
5066 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectrbl', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject RBL', $totalsref);
5067 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectheader', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject header', $totalsref);
5068 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectbody', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject body', $totalsref);
5069 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectcontent', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject content', $totalsref);
5070 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectsize', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject message size', $totalsref);
5071 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectmilter', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject milter', $totalsref);
5072 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectproxy', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject proxy', $totalsref);
5073 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectinsufficientspace', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject insufficient space', $totalsref);
5074 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectconfigerror', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject server config error', $totalsref);
5075 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectverify', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject VRFY', $totalsref);
5076 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectetrn', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject ETRN', $totalsref);
5077 add_section ($S, $key . 'rejectlookupfailure', 1, 'd', $keyuc . ' Reject temporary lookup failure', $totalsref);
5078 end_section_group ($S, 'rejects2', $sep2);
5079 add_section ($S, 'totalrejects' . $key, 0, 'd', "Total $keyuc Rejects", $totalsref);
5080 end_section_group ($S, 'rejects', $sep1);
5082 $Totals{'totalrejects' . $key} = 0;
5083 }
5085 begin_section_group ($S, 'byiprejects', "\n");
5086 add_section ($S, 'byiprejects', 1, 'd', 'Reject by IP');
5087 end_section_group ($S, 'byiprejects');
5089 begin_section_group ($S, 'general1', "\n");
5090 add_section ($S, 'connectioninbound', 1, 'd', 'Connections');
5091 add_section ($S, 'connectionlostinbound', 1, 'd', 'Connections lost (inbound)');
5092 add_section ($S, 'connectionlostoutbound', 1, 'd', 'Connections lost (outbound)');
5093 add_section ($S, 'disconnection', 0, 'd', 'Disconnections');
5094 add_section ($S, 'removedfromqueue', 0, 'd', 'Removed from queue');
5095 add_section ($S, 'delivered', 1, 'd', 'Delivered');
5096 add_section ($S, 'sent', 1, 'd', 'Sent via SMTP');
5097 add_section ($S, 'sentlmtp', 1, 'd', 'Sent via LMTP');
5098 add_section ($S, 'forwarded', 1, 'd', 'Forwarded');
5099 add_section ($S, 'resent', 0, 'd', 'Resent');
5100 add_section ($S, 'deferred', 1, 'd', 'Deferred');
5101 add_section ($S, 'deferrals', 1, 'd', 'Deferrals');
5102 add_section ($S, 'bouncelocal', 1, 'd', 'Bounced (local)');
5103 add_section ($S, 'bounceremote', 1, 'd', 'Bounced (remote)');
5104 add_section ($S, 'bouncefailed', 1, 'd', 'Bounce failure');
5105 add_section ($S, 'postscreen', 1, 'd', 'Postscreen');
5106 add_section ($S, 'dnsblog', 1, 'd', 'DNSBL log');
5108 add_section ($S, 'envelopesenders', 1, 'd', 'Envelope senders');
5109 add_section ($S, 'envelopesenderdomains', 1, 'd', 'Envelope sender domains');
5111 add_section ($S, 'bcced', 1, 'd', 'BCCed');
5112 add_section ($S, 'filtered', 1, 'd', 'Filtered');
5113 add_section ($S, 'redirected', 1, 'd', 'Redirected');
5114 add_section ($S, 'discarded', 1, 'd', 'Discarded');
5115 add_section ($S, 'prepended', 1, 'd', 'Prepended');
5116 add_section ($S, 'replaced', 1, 'd', 'Replaced');
5117 add_section ($S, 'warned', 1, 'd', 'Warned');
5119 add_section ($S, 'requeued', 0, 'd', 'Requeued messages');
5120 add_section ($S, 'returnedtosender', 1, 'd', 'Expired and returned to sender');
5121 add_section ($S, 'notificationsent', 1, 'd', 'Notifications sent');
5123 add_section ($S, 'policyspf', 1, 'd', 'Policy SPF');
5124 add_section ($S, 'policydweight', 1, 'd', 'Policyd-weight');
5125 add_section ($S, 'postfwd', 1, 'd', 'Postfwd');
5126 add_section ($S, 'postgrey', 1, 'd', 'Postgrey');
5127 end_section_group ($S, 'general1');
5129 begin_section_group ($S, 'general2', "\n");
5130 add_section ($S, 'connecttofailure', 1, 'd', 'Connection failures (outbound)');
5131 add_section ($S, 'timeoutinbound', 1, 'd', 'Timeouts (inbound)');
5132 add_section ($S, 'heloerror', 1, 'd', 'HELO/EHLO conversations errors');
5133 add_section ($S, 'illegaladdrsyntax', 1, 'd', 'Illegal address syntax in SMTP command');
5134 add_section ($S, 'released', 0, 'd', 'Released from hold');
5135 add_section ($S, 'rblerror', 1, 'd', 'RBL lookup errors');
5136 add_section ($S, 'dnserror', 1, 'd', 'DNS lookup errors');
5137 add_section ($S, 'numerichostname', 1, 'd', 'Numeric hostname');
5138 add_section ($S, 'smtpconversationerror', 1, 'd', 'SMTP dialog errors');
5139 add_section ($S, 'hostnameverification', 1, 'd', 'Hostname verification errors (FCRDNS)');
5140 add_section ($S, 'hostnamevalidationerror', 1, 'd', 'Hostname validation errors');
5141 add_section ($S, 'smtpprotocolviolation', 1, 'd', 'SMTP protocol violations');
5142 add_section ($S, 'deliverable', 1, 'd', 'Deliverable (address verification)');
5143 add_section ($S, 'undeliverable', 1, 'd', 'Undeliverable (address verification)');
5144 add_section ($S, 'tablechanged', 0, 'd', 'Restarts due to lookup table change');
5145 add_section ($S, 'pixworkaround', 1, 'd', 'PIX workaround enabled');
5146 add_section ($S, 'tlsserverconnect', 1, 'd', 'TLS connections (server)');
5147 add_section ($S, 'tlsclientconnect', 1, 'd', 'TLS connections (client)');
5148 add_section ($S, 'saslauth', 1, 'd', 'SASL authenticated messages');
5149 add_section ($S, 'tlsunverified', 1, 'd', 'TLS certificate unverified');
5150 add_section ($S, 'tlsoffered', 1, 'd', 'Host offered TLS');
5151 end_section_group ($S, 'general2');
5153 begin_section_group ($S, 'postfixstate', "\n");
5154 add_section ($S, 'postfixstart', 0, 'd', 'Postfix start');
5155 add_section ($S, 'postfixstop', 0, 'd', 'Postfix stop');
5156 add_section ($S, 'postfixrefresh', 0, 'd', 'Postfix refresh');
5157 add_section ($S, 'postfixwaiting', 0, 'd', 'Postfix waiting to terminate');
5158 end_section_group ($S, 'postfixstate');
5161 if ($Opts{'debug'} & Logreporters::D_SECT) {
5162 print "\tSection table\n";
5163 printf "\t\t%s\n", (ref($_) eq 'HASH' ? $_->{NAME} : $_) foreach @Sections;
5164 print "build_sect_table: exit\n"
5165 }
5166 }
5168 # XXX create array of defaults for detail <5, 5-9, >10
5169 sub init_defaults() {
5170 map { $Opts{$_} = $Defaults{$_} unless exists $Opts{$_} } keys %Defaults;
5171 if (! $Opts{'standalone'}) {
5173 # these take affect if no env present (eg. nothing in conf file)
5174 # 0 to 4 nodelays
5176 if ($Opts{'detail'} < 5) { # detail 0 to 4, disable all supplimental reports
5177 $Opts{'delays'} = 0;
5178 $Opts{'postgrey_delays'} = 0;
5179 }
5180 }
5181 }
5184 # XXX ensure something is matched?
5185 # XXX cache values so we don't have to substitute X for . each time
5186 #match $dsn against list for best fit
5187 sub get_reject_key($) {
5188 my $reply = shift;
5189 my $replyorig = $reply;
5190 ($reply) = split / /, $reply;
5191 for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#RejectPats; $i++) {
5192 # we'll allow extended DSNs to match (eg. 5.7.1 will match 5..)
5193 if ($reply =~ /^$RejectPats[$i]/) { # no /o here, pattern varies
5194 return $RejectKeys[$i];
5195 }
5196 }
5198 return;
5199 }
5201 # Replace bare reject limiters with specific reject limiters
5202 # based on reject_reply_patterns
5203 #
5204 sub expand_bare_reject_limiters()
5205 {
5206 # don't reorder the list of limiters. This breaks --nodetail followed by a
5207 # bare reject such as --limit rejectrbl=10. Reordering is no longer necessary
5208 # since process_limiters was instituted and using the special __none__ pseudo-
5209 # limiter to indicate the position at which --nodefailt was found on the command
5210 # line.
5211 # my ($limiter, @reject_limiters, @non_reject_limiters);
5212 my ($limiter, @new_list);
5214 # XXX check if limiter matches just one in rejectclasses
5215 while ($limiter = shift @Limiters) {
5216 if ($limiter =~ /^reject[^_]/) {
5217 foreach my $reply_code (@RejectKeys) {
5218 printf "bare_reject: \L$reply_code$limiter\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & Logreporters::D_VARS;
5219 #push @reject_limiters, lc($reply_code) . $limiter;
5220 push @new_list, lc($reply_code) . $limiter;
5221 }
5222 }
5223 elsif ($limiter =~ /^(?:[45]\.\.|Warn)reject[^_]/) {
5224 $limiter =~ s/^([45])\.\./$1xx/;
5225 #push @reject_limiters, lc $limiter;
5226 push @new_list, lc $limiter;
5227 }
5228 else {
5229 #push @non_reject_limiters, $limiter;
5230 push @new_list, $limiter;
5231 }
5232 }
5233 #@Limiters = (@reject_limiters, @non_reject_limiters);
5234 @Limiters = @new_list;
5235 }
5238 # Return a usage string, built from:
5239 # arg1 +
5240 # $usage_str +
5241 # a string built from each usable entry in the @Sections table.
5242 # reject patterns are special cased to minimize the number of
5243 # command line options presented.
5244 #
5245 sub usage($) {
5246 my $ret = "";
5247 $ret = "@_\n" if ($_[0]);
5249 $ret .= $usage_str;
5250 my ($name, $desc, %reject_types);
5251 foreach my $sect (get_usable_sectvars(@Sections, 0)) {
5253 if (my ($code,$rej) = ($sect->{NAME} =~ /^(...|warn)(reject.*)$/oi)) {
5254 $rej = lc $rej;
5255 next if (exists $reject_types{$rej});
5256 $reject_types{$rej}++;
5257 $name = '[###]' . $rej;
5258 $desc = '###' . substr($sect->{TITLE}, length($code));
5259 }
5260 else {
5261 $name = lc $sect->{NAME};
5262 $desc = $sect->{TITLE};
5263 }
5264 $ret .= sprintf " --%-38s%s\n", "$name" . ' LEVEL', "$desc";
5265 }
5266 $ret .= "\n";
5267 return $ret;
5268 }
5270 1;
5272 # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et