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[dunshire.git] / doc / README.rst
1 Overview
2 --------
4 Dunshire is a `CVXOPT <http://cvxopt.org/>`_-based library for solving
5 linear (cone) games. The notion of a symmetric linear (cone) game was
6 introduced by Gowda and Ravindran [GowdaRav]_, and extended by
7 Orlitzky to asymmetric cones with two interior points.
9 The state-of-the-art is that only symmetric games can be solved
10 efficiently, and thus the linear games supported by Dunshire are a
11 bastard of the two: the cones are symmetric, but the players get to
12 choose two interior points.
14 In this game, we have two players who are competing for a "payoff."
15 There is a symmetric cone :math:`K`, a linear transformation :math:`L`
16 on the space in which :math:`K` lives, and two points :math:`e_{1}`
17 and :math:`e_{2}` in the interior of :math:`K`. The players make their
18 "moves" by choosing points from two strategy sets. Player one chooses
19 an :math:`\bar{x}` from
21 .. math::
22 \Delta_{1} =
23 \left\lbrace
24 x \in K\ \middle|\ \left\langle x,e_{2} \right\rangle = 1
25 \right\rbrace
27 and player two chooses a :math:`\bar{y}` from
29 .. math::
30 \Delta_{2} &=
31 \left\lbrace
32 y \in K\ \middle|\ \left\langle y,e_{1} \right\rangle = 1
33 \right\rbrace.
35 That ends the turn, and player one is paid :math:`\left\langle
36 L\left(\bar{x}\right),\bar{y}\right\rangle` out of player two's
37 pocket. As is usual to assume in game theory, we suppose that player
38 one wants to maximize his worst-case payoff, and that player two wants
39 to minimize his worst-case *payout*. In other words, player one wants
40 to solve the optimization problem,
42 .. math::
43 \text{find }
44 \underset{x \in \Delta_{1}}{\max}\
45 \underset{y\in \Delta_{2}}{\min}\
46 \left\langle L\left(x\right),y \right\rangle
48 while player two tries to (simultaneously) solve a similar problem,
50 .. math::
51 \text{find }
52 \underset{y\in \Delta_{2}}{\min}\
53 \underset{x \in \Delta_{1}}{\max}\
54 \left\langle L\left(x\right),y \right\rangle.
56 There is at least one pair :math:`\left(\bar{x},\bar{y}\right)` that
57 solves these problems optimally, and Dunshire can find it. The optimal
58 payoff, called *the value of the game*, is unique. At the moment, the
59 symmetric cone :math:`K` can be either the nonnegative orthant or the
60 Lorentz "ice cream" cone in :math:`\mathbb{R}^{n}`. Here are two of
61 the simplest possible examples, showing off the ability to solve a
62 game over both of those cones.
64 First, we use the nonnegative orthant in :math:`\mathbb{R}^{2}`:
66 >>> from dunshire import *
67 >>> K = NonnegativeOrthant(2)
68 >>> L = [[1,0],[0,1]]
69 >>> e1 = [1,1]
70 >>> e2 = e1
71 >>> G = SymmetricLinearGame(L,K,e1,e2)
72 >>> print(G.solution())
73 Game value: 0.5000000
74 Player 1 optimal:
75 [0.5000000]
76 [0.5000000]
77 Player 2 optimal:
78 [0.5000000]
79 [0.5000000]
81 Next we try the Lorentz ice-cream cone in :math:`\mathbb{R}^{2}`:
83 >>> from dunshire import *
84 >>> K = IceCream(2)
85 >>> L = [[1,0],[0,1]]
86 >>> e1 = [1,1]
87 >>> e2 = e1
88 >>> G = SymmetricLinearGame(L,K,e1,e2)
89 >>> print(G.solution())
90 Game value: 0.5000000
91 Player 1 optimal:
92 [0.5000000]
93 [0.5000000]
94 Player 2 optimal:
95 [0.5000000]
96 [0.5000000]
98 (The answer when :math:`L`, :math:`e_{1}`, and :math:`e_{2}` are so
99 simple is independent of the cone.)
101 Requirements
102 ------------
104 The only requirement is the CVXOPT library, available for most Linux
105 distributions. Dunshire is targeted at python-3.x, but python-2.x will
106 probably work too.
108 Background
109 ----------
111 A linear game is a generalization of a two-person zero-sum matrix game
112 [Karlin]_. Classically, such a game involves a matrix :math:`A \in
113 \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}` and a set (the unit simplex) of "strategies"
114 :math:`\Delta = \operatorname{conv}\left( \left\lbrace e_{1}, e_{2},
115 \ldots, e_{n} \right\} \right)` from which two players are free to
116 choose. If the players choose :math:`x,y \in \Delta` respectively,
117 then the game is played by evaluating :math:`y^{T}Ax` as the "payoff"
118 to the first player. His payoff comes from the second player, so that
119 their total sums to zero.
121 Each player will try to maximize his payoff in this scenario,
122 or—what is equivalent—try to minimize the payoff of his
123 opponent. In fact, the existence of optimal strategies is
124 guaranteed [Karlin]_ for both players. The *value* of the
125 matrix game :math:`A` is the payoff resulting from optimal play,
127 .. math::
128 v\left(A\right)
129 =
130 \underset{x \in \Delta}{\max}\
131 \underset{y\in \Delta}{\min}
132 \left( y^{T}Ax \right)
133 =
134 \underset{y \in \Delta}{\min}\
135 \underset{x \in \Delta}{\max}
136 \left( y^{T}Ax \right).
138 The payoff to the first player in this case is
139 :math:`v\left(A\right)`. Corresponding to :math:`v\left(A\right)` is an
140 optimal strategy pair :math:`\left(\bar{x}, \bar{y}\right) \in \Delta
141 \times \Delta` such that
143 .. math::
144 \bar{y}^{T}Ax
145 \le
146 v\left(A\right)
147 =
148 \bar{y}^{T}A\bar{x}
149 \le
150 y^{T}A\bar{x}
151 \text{ for all } \left(x,y\right) \in \Delta \times \Delta.
153 The relationship between :math:`A`, :math:`\bar{x}`, :math:`\bar{y}`,
154 and :math:`v\left(A\right)` has been studied extensively [Kaplansky]_
155 [Raghavan]_. Gowda and Ravindran [GowdaRav]_ were motivated by these
156 results to ask if the matrix :math:`A` can be replaced by a linear
157 transformation :math:`L`, and whether or not the unit simplex
158 :math:`\Delta` can be replaced by a more general set—a base of a
159 symmetric cone. In fact, one can go all the way to asymmetric (but
160 still proper) cones. But, since Dunshire can only handle the symmetric
161 case, we will pretend from now on that our cones need to be
162 symmetric. This simplifies some definitions.
164 What is a linear game?
165 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
167 In the classical setting, the interpretation of the strategies as
168 probabilities results in a strategy set :math:`\Delta \subseteq
169 \mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}` that is compact, convex, and does not contain the
170 origin. Moreover, any nonzero :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}` is a
171 unique positive multiple :math:`x = \lambda b` of some :math:`b \in
172 \Delta`. Several existence and uniqueness results are predicated on
173 those properties.
175 **Definition.** Suppose that :math:`K` is a cone and :math:`B
176 \subseteq K` does not contain the origin. If any nonzero :math:`x \in
177 K` can be uniquely represented :math:`x = \lambda b` where
178 :math:`\lambda > 0` and :math:`b \in B`, then :math:`B` is a *base*
179 of :math:`K`.
181 The set :math:`\Delta` is a compact convex base for the proper cone
182 :math:`\mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}`. Every :math:`x \in \Delta` also has
183 entries that sum to unity, which can be abbreviated by the condition
184 :math:`\left\langle x,\mathbf{1} \right\rangle = 1` where
185 :math:`\mathbf{1} = \left(1,1,\ldots,1\right)^{T}` happens to lie in
186 the interior of :math:`\mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}`. In fact, the two
187 conditions :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}` and :math:`\left\langle
188 x,\mathbf{1} \right\rangle = 1` define :math:`\Delta`. This is no
189 coincidence; whenever :math:`K` is a symmetric cone and :math:`e_{2}
190 \in \operatorname{int}\left(K\right)`, the set :math:`\left\lbrace x
191 \in K \ \middle|\ \left\langle x,e_{2} \right\rangle = 1
192 \right\rbrace` is a compact convex base of :math:`K`. This motivates a
193 generalization where :math:`\mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}` is replaced by a
194 symmetric cone.
196 **Definition.** Let :math:`V` be a finite-dimensional real Hilbert
197 space. A *linear game* in :math:`V` is a tuple
198 :math:`\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right)` where :math:`L : V \rightarrow V`
199 is linear, the set :math:`K` is a symmetric cone in :math:`V`, and the
200 points :math:`e_{1}` and :math:`e_{2}` belong to
201 :math:`\operatorname{int}\left(K\right)`.
203 **Definition.** The strategy sets for our linear game are
205 .. math::
206 \begin{aligned}
207 \Delta_{1}\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right) &=
208 \left\lbrace
209 x \in K\ \middle|\ \left\langle x,e_{2} \right\rangle = 1
210 \right\rbrace\\
211 \Delta_{2}\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right) &=
212 \left\lbrace
213 y \in K\ \middle|\ \left\langle y,e_{1} \right\rangle = 1
214 \right\rbrace.
215 \end{aligned}
217 Since :math:`e_{1},e_{2} \in \operatorname{int}\left(K\right)`, these
218 are bases for :math:`K`. We will usually omit the arguments and write
219 :math:`\Delta_{i}` to mean :math:`\Delta_{i}\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right)`.
221 To play the game :math:`\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right)`, the first
222 player chooses an :math:`x \in \Delta_{1}`, and the second player
223 independently chooses a :math:`y \in \Delta_{2}`. This completes the
224 turn, and the payoffs are determined by applying the payoff operator
225 :math:`\left(x,y\right) \mapsto \left\langle L\left(x\right), y
226 \right\rangle`. The payoff to the first player is :math:`\left\langle
227 L\left(x\right), y \right\rangle`, and since we want the game to be
228 zero-sum, the payoff to the second player is :math:`-\left\langle
229 L\left(x\right), y \right\rangle`.
231 The payoff operator is continuous in both arguments because it is
232 bilinear and the ambient space is finite-dimensional. We constructed
233 the strategy sets :math:`\Delta_{1}` and :math:`\Delta_{2}` to be
234 compact and convex; as a result, Karlin's [Karlin]_ general min-max
235 Theorem 1.5.1, guarantees the existence of optimal strategies for both
236 players.
238 **Definition.** A pair :math:`\left(\bar{x},\bar{y}\right) \in
239 \Delta_{1} \times \Delta_{2}` is an *optimal pair* for the game
240 :math:`\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right)` if it satisfies the *saddle-point
241 inequality*,
243 .. math::
244 \left\langle L\left(x\right),\bar{y} \right\rangle
245 \le
246 \left\langle L\left( \bar{x}\right), \bar{y} \right\rangle
247 \le
248 \left\langle L\left(\bar{x}\right),y \right\rangle
249 \text{ for all }
250 \left(x,y\right) \in \Delta_{1} \times \Delta_{2}.
252 At an optimal pair, neither player can unilaterally increase his
253 payoff by changing his strategy. The value :math:`\left\langle L
254 \left( \bar{x} \right) , \bar{y} \right\rangle` is unique (by the same
255 min-max theorem); it is shared by all optimal pairs. There exists at
256 least one optimal pair :math:`\left(\bar{x},\bar{y}\right)` of the
257 game :math:`\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right)` and its *value* is
258 :math:`v\left(L,K,e_{1},e_{2}\right) = \left\langle
259 L\left(\bar{x}\right), \bar{y} \right\rangle`.
261 Thanks to Karlin [Karlin]_, we have an equivalent characterization of
262 a game's value that does not require us to have a particular optimal
263 pair in mind,
265 .. math::
266 v\left( L,K,e_{1},e_{2} \right)
267 =
268 \underset{x \in \Delta_{1}}{\max}\
269 \underset{y\in \Delta_{2}}{\min}\
270 \left\langle L\left(x\right),y \right\rangle
271 =
272 \underset{y\in \Delta_{2}}{\min}\
273 \underset{x \in \Delta_{1}}{\max}\
274 \left\langle L\left(x\right),y \right\rangle.
276 Linear games reduce to two-person zero-sum matrix games in the
277 right setting.
279 **Example.** If :math:`K = \mathbb{R}^{n}_{+}` in :math:`V =
280 \mathbb{R}^{n}` and :math:`e_{1} = e_{2} =
281 \left(1,1,\ldots,1\right)^{T} \in \operatorname{int}\left(K\right)`,
282 then :math:`\Delta_{1} = \Delta_{2} = \Delta`. For any :math:`L \in
283 \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}`, the linear game :math:`\left(
284 L,K,e_{2},e_{2} \right)` is a two-person zero-sum matrix game. Its
285 payoff is :math:`\left(x,y\right) \mapsto y^{T}Lx`, and its value is
287 .. math::
288 v\left( L,K,e_{1},e_{2} \right)
289 =
290 \underset{x \in \Delta}{\max}\
291 \underset{y\in \Delta}{\min}\
292 \left( y^{T}Lx \right)
293 =
294 \underset{y\in \Delta}{\min}\
295 \underset{x \in \Delta}{\max}\
296 \left( y^{T}Lx \right).
299 References
300 ----------
302 .. [GowdaRav] M. S. Gowda and G. Ravindran. On the game-theoretic
303 value of a linear transformation relative to a self-dual cone. Linear
304 Algebra and its Applications, 469:440-463, 2015.
306 .. [Kaplansky] I. Kaplansky. A contribution to von Neumann’s theory of
307 games. Annals of Mathematics, 46(3):474-479, 1945.
309 .. [Karlin] S. Karlin. Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games,
310 Programming, and Economics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
311 Reading, Massachusetts, 1959.
313 .. [Raghavan] T. Raghavan. Completely mixed games and M-matrices. Linear
314 Algebra and its Applications, 21:35-45, 1978.