]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - spline3.git/blob - src/Misc.hs
util/view-mri-data.py: minor tweaks
[spline3.git] / src / Misc.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
3 -- | The Misc module contains helper functions that seem out of place
4 -- anywhere else.
5 --
6 module Misc (
7 all_equal,
8 disjoint,
9 factorial,
10 flatten,
11 misc_properties,
12 misc_tests,
13 transpose_xz )
14 where
16 import qualified Data.Vector as V ( Vector, elem, empty, filter )
17 import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
18 import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( Assertion, assertEqual, testCase )
19 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( Property, (==>), testProperty )
22 -- | The standard factorial function. See
23 -- <http://www.willamette.edu/~fruehr/haskell/evolution.html> for
24 -- possible improvements.
25 --
26 -- Examples:
27 --
28 -- >>> factorial 0
29 -- 1
30 --
31 -- >>> factorial 4
32 -- 24
33 --
34 factorial :: Int -> Int
35 factorial !n =
36 go 1 n
37 where
38 go :: Int -> Int -> Int
39 go !acc !i
40 | i <= 1 = acc
41 | otherwise = go (acc * i) (i - 1)
43 -- | Takes a three-dimensional list, and flattens it into a
44 -- one-dimensional one.
45 --
46 -- Examples:
47 --
48 -- >>> flatten [ [[1,2], [3,4]], [[5,6], [7,8]] ]
49 -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
50 --
51 flatten :: [[[a]]] -> [a]
52 flatten xs = concat $ concat xs
55 -- | Switch the x and z dimensions of a three-dimensional list.
56 transpose_xz :: [[[a]]] -> [[[a]]]
57 transpose_xz [] = []
58 transpose_xz [[]] = [[]]
59 transpose_xz [[[]]] = [[[]]]
60 transpose_xz m =
61 [[[ m !! x !! y !! z | x <- [0..xsize]]
62 | y <- [0..ysize]]
63 | z <- [0..zsize]]
64 where
65 zsize = (length m) - 1
66 ysize = length (head m) - 1
67 xsize = length (head $ head m) - 1
69 -- | Takes a list, and returns True if its elements are pairwise
70 -- equal. Returns False otherwise.
71 --
72 -- Only used in tests.
73 --
74 all_equal :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
75 all_equal [] = True -- Vacuously
76 all_equal (x:xs) = all (== x) xs
80 -- | Returns 'True' if the vectors xs and ys are disjoint, 'False'
81 -- otherwise.
82 --
83 -- Examples:
84 --
85 -- >>> let xs = Data.Vector.fromList [1,2,3]
86 -- >>> let ys = Data.Vector.fromList [4,5,6]
87 -- >>> disjoint xs ys
88 -- True
89 --
90 -- >>> let ys = Data.Vector.fromList [3,4,5]
91 -- >>> disjoint xs ys
92 -- False
93 --
94 -- Only used in tests.
95 --
96 disjoint :: (Eq a) => V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> Bool
97 disjoint xs ys =
98 intersect xs ys == V.empty
99 where
100 intersect :: (Eq a) => V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
101 intersect ws zs =
102 V.filter (`V.elem` zs) ws
104 prop_factorial_greater :: Int -> Property
105 prop_factorial_greater n =
106 n <= 20 ==> factorial n >= n
109 test_flatten1 :: Assertion
110 test_flatten1 =
111 assertEqual "flatten actually works" expected_list actual_list
112 where
113 target = [[[1::Int]], [[2, 3]]]
114 expected_list = [1, 2, 3] :: [Int]
115 actual_list = flatten target
118 misc_tests :: TestTree
119 misc_tests =
120 testGroup "Misc tests" [
121 testCase "flatten (1)" test_flatten1 ]
124 misc_properties :: TestTree
125 misc_properties =
126 testGroup "Misc properties" [
127 testProperty "factorial greater" prop_factorial_greater ]