]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - src/Integration/Gaussian.hs
Fix the column matrix 1-norm (it was missing the absolute value).
[numerical-analysis.git] / src / Integration / Gaussian.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 -- | Gaussian quadrature over [-1, 1] using the Legendre polynomials.
6 --
7 module Integration.Gaussian (
8 gaussian,
9 gaussian',
10 jacobi_matrix,
11 nodes_and_weights )
12 where
14 import Algebra.Absolute ( abs )
15 import qualified Algebra.Absolute as Absolute ( C )
16 import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic ( C )
17 import qualified Algebra.Field as Field ( C )
18 import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring ( C )
19 import qualified Algebra.ToRational as ToRational ( C )
20 import Data.Vector.Fixed ( Arity, S )
21 import NumericPrelude hiding ( abs )
23 import Linear.Matrix (
24 Col,
25 Col10,
26 Mat(..),
27 construct,
28 fromList,
29 identity_matrix,
30 map2,
31 row,
32 transpose,
33 zipwith2 )
34 import Linear.QR ( eigenvectors_symmetric )
35 import Normed ( Normed(..) )
38 -- | Compute the Jacobi matrix for the Legendre polynomials over
39 -- [-1,1]. This matrix is derived from the three-term recurrence
40 -- relation which is expressable as a matrix equation. When the
41 -- polynomials are ortho/normal/, its Jacobi matrix should be
42 -- symmetric. But since the Legendre polynomials are not
43 -- ortho/normal/, we have to make a few modifications. The procedure
44 -- is described in Amparo, Gil, and Segura, \"Numerical Methods for
45 -- Special Functions\".
46 --
47 -- Examples:
48 --
49 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Mat2, frobenius_norm )
50 --
51 -- >>> let c = 1/(sqrt 3)
52 -- >>> let expected = fromList [[0,c],[c, 0]] :: Mat2 Double
53 -- >>> let actual = jacobi_matrix :: Mat2 Double
54 -- >>> frobenius_norm (actual - expected) < 1e-14
55 -- True
56 --
57 jacobi_matrix :: forall m a. (Arity m, Algebraic.C a, Ring.C a)
58 => Mat (S m) (S m) a
59 jacobi_matrix =
60 construct lambda
61 where
62 coeff_a :: Int -> a
63 coeff_a n = fromRational' $ (toRational (n + 1))/(toRational (2*n + 1))
65 coeff_c :: Int -> a
66 coeff_c n = fromRational' $ (toRational n)/(toRational (2*n + 1))
68 max2 :: Ord b => b -> b -> b
69 max2 x y = if x >= y then x else y
71 lambda i j
72 | j == i = fromInteger 0
73 | abs (i-j) == 1 =
74 let k = max2 i j
75 in sqrt $ (coeff_a (k-1)) * (coeff_c k)
77 | otherwise = fromInteger 0
81 -- | Compute the nodes/weights for Gaussian quadrature over [-1,1]
82 -- using the Legendre polynomials. The test cases can all be found
83 -- on e.g. Wikipedia.
84 --
85 -- Examples:
86 --
87 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Col2, frobenius_norm )
88 --
89 -- >>> let (ns,ws) = nodes_and_weights 1000 :: (Col2 Double, Col2 Double)
90 -- >>> let c = 1/(sqrt 3)
91 -- >>> let expected_ns = fromList [[-c],[c]] :: Col2 Double
92 -- >>> let expected_ws = fromList [[1],[1]] :: Col2 Double
93 -- >>> frobenius_norm (ns - expected_ns) < 1e-12
94 -- True
95 -- >>> frobenius_norm (ws - expected_ws) < 1e-12
96 -- True
97 --
98 nodes_and_weights :: forall m a.
99 (Arity m, Eq a, Algebraic.C a)
100 => Int
101 -> (Col (S m) a, Col (S m) a)
102 nodes_and_weights iterations =
103 (nodes, weights)
104 where
105 jac = jacobi_matrix
107 -- A shift is needed to make sure the QR algorithm
108 -- converges. Since the roots (and thus eigenvalues) of orthogonal
109 -- polynomials are real and distinct, there does exist a shift
110 -- that will make it work. We guess lambda=1 makes it work.
112 shifted_jac = jac - identity_matrix
113 (shifted_nodes, vecs) = eigenvectors_symmetric iterations shifted_jac
115 ones :: Col (S m) a
116 ones = construct (\_ _ -> fromInteger 1)
118 nodes :: Col (S m) a
119 nodes = shifted_nodes + ones -- unshift the nodes
121 -- Get the first component of each column.
122 first_components = row vecs 0
124 -- Square it and multiply by 2; see the Golub-Welsch paper for
125 -- this magic.
126 weights_row = map2 (\x -> (fromInteger 2)*x^2) first_components
128 weights = transpose $ weights_row
131 -- | Integrate a function over [-1,1] using Gaussian quadrature. This
132 -- is the \"simple\" version of the 'gaussian'' function; here the ten
133 -- nodes and weights are fixed.
134 --
135 -- Examples:
136 --
137 -- >>> let f x = x * (sin x)
138 -- >>> let actual = gaussian f :: Double
139 -- >>> let expected = 0.6023373578795136
140 -- >>> abs (actual - expected) < 1e-12
141 -- True
142 --
143 gaussian :: forall a.
144 (Absolute.C a, Algebraic.C a, ToRational.C a, Field.C a)
145 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function to integrate.
146 -> a
147 gaussian f =
148 gaussian' f nodes weights
149 where
150 coerce = fromRational' . toRational
152 nodes :: Col10 a
153 nodes = fromList $ map (map coerce) node_list
155 node_list :: [[Double]]
156 node_list = [[-0.9739065285171726],
157 [-0.8650633666889886],
158 [-0.6794095682990235],
159 [-0.43339539412924943],
160 [-0.14887433898163027],
161 [0.14887433898163094],
162 [0.4333953941292481],
163 [0.6794095682990247],
164 [0.8650633666889846],
165 [0.9739065285171717]]
167 weights :: Col10 a
168 weights = fromList $ map (map coerce) weight_list
170 weight_list :: [[Double]]
171 weight_list = [[0.06667134430868775],
172 [0.14945134915057925],
173 [0.21908636251598282],
174 [0.26926671930999607],
175 [0.295524224714752],
176 [0.295524224714754],
177 [0.26926671930999635],
178 [0.219086362515982],
179 [0.14945134915058048],
180 [0.06667134430868814]]
184 -- | Integrate a function over [-1,1] using Gaussian quadrature. The
185 -- nodes and the weights must be given (due to the design of the
186 -- library, the number of nodes/weights must be requested at the
187 -- type level so this function couldn't just compute e.g. @n@ of
188 -- them for you).
189 --
190 -- The class constraints on @a@ could be loosened significantly if
191 -- we implemented column sum outside of the 1-norm.
192 --
193 -- Examples:
194 --
195 -- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Col5 )
196 --
197 -- >>> let (ns, ws) = nodes_and_weights 100 :: (Col5 Double, Col5 Double)
198 -- >>> let f x = x * (sin x)
199 -- >>> let actual = gaussian' f ns ws
200 -- >>> let expected = 0.6023373578795136
201 -- >>> abs (actual - expected) < 1e-8
202 -- True
203 --
204 gaussian' :: forall m a.
205 (Arity m, Absolute.C a, Algebraic.C a, ToRational.C a, Ring.C a)
206 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to integrate.
207 -> Col (S m) a -- ^ Column matrix of nodes
208 -> Col (S m) a -- ^ Column matrix of weights
209 -> a
210 gaussian' f nodes weights =
211 -- The one norm is just the sum of the entries, which is what we
212 -- want.
213 norm_p (1::Int) weighted_values
214 where
215 function_values = map2 f nodes
216 weighted_values = zipwith2 (*) weights function_values