]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - numerical-analysis.cabal
numerical-analysis.cabal,doc: relicense to AGPL-3.0+
[numerical-analysis.git] / numerical-analysis.cabal
1 name: numerical-analysis
2 version: 0.0.0
3 cabal-version: >= 1.8
4 author: Michael Orlitzky
5 maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
6 license: GPL-3
7 license-file: doc/LICENSE
8 bug-reports: mailto:michael@orlitzky.com
9 build-type: Simple
10 category: Text
11 synopsis:
12 A library of numerical analysis functions.
13 description:
14 Haskell implementations of algorithms from numerical
15 analysis. Includes fixed arbitrary-length vectors and
16 arbitrary-precision real numbers where possible.
17 data-files: makefile
19 library
20 exposed-modules:
21 BigFloat
22 FEM.R1
23 FEM.R1.Example1
24 Integration.Gaussian,
25 Integration.Simpson,
26 Integration.Trapezoid,
27 Linear.Iteration,
28 Linear.Matrix,
29 Linear.QR,
30 Linear.System,
31 Linear.Vector,
32 Misc,
33 Naturals,
34 Normed,
36 Piecewise,
37 Polynomials.Orthogonal,
38 Roots.Simple,
39 Roots.Fast
41 build-depends:
42 base >= 3 && < 5,
43 fixed-vector == 0.8.*,
44 numbers == 3000.2.*,
45 numeric-prelude == 0.4.*
47 hs-source-dirs:
48 src/
50 ghc-options:
51 -Wall
52 -fwarn-hi-shadowing
53 -fwarn-missing-signatures
54 -fwarn-name-shadowing
55 -fwarn-orphans
56 -fwarn-type-defaults
57 -fwarn-tabs
58 -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates
59 -fwarn-monomorphism-restriction
60 -fwarn-unused-do-bind
61 -rtsopts
62 -threaded
63 -O2
64 -optc-O3
65 -optc-march=native
68 test-suite doctests
69 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
70 hs-source-dirs: test
71 main-is: Doctests.hs
72 build-depends:
73 base >= 3 && < 5,
74 -- Additional test dependencies.
75 doctest == 0.*,
76 filemanip == 0.3.6.*
78 -- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.
79 ghc-options:
80 -rtsopts
81 -threaded
82 -funbox-strict-fields
83 -fexcess-precision
84 -fno-spec-constr-count
85 -O2
86 -optc-O3
87 -optc-march=native
90 source-repository head
91 type: git
92 location: http://michael.orlitzky.com/git/numerical-analysis.git
93 branch: master