]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - numerical-analysis.git/blob - Roots/Simple.hs
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[numerical-analysis.git] / Roots / Simple.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
3 -- | The Roots.Simple module contains root-finding algorithms. That
4 -- is, procedures to (numerically) find solutions to the equation,
5 --
6 -- > f(x) = 0
7 --
8 -- where f is assumed to be continuous on the interval of interest.
9 --
11 module Roots.Simple
12 where
14 import Data.List (find)
16 import Normed
18 import qualified Roots.Fast as F
20 import NumericPrelude hiding (abs)
21 import Algebra.Absolute (abs)
22 import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive
23 import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic
24 import qualified Algebra.Field as Field
25 import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField
26 import qualified Algebra.RealRing as RealRing
28 -- | Does the (continuous) function @f@ have a root on the interval
29 -- [a,b]? If f(a) <] 0 and f(b) ]> 0, we know that there's a root in
30 -- [a,b] by the intermediate value theorem. Likewise when f(a) >= 0
31 -- and f(b) <= 0.
32 --
33 -- Examples:
34 --
35 -- >>> let f x = x**3
36 -- >>> has_root f (-1) 1 Nothing
37 -- True
38 --
39 -- This fails if we don't specify an @epsilon@, because cos(-2) ==
40 -- cos(2) doesn't imply that there's a root on [-2,2].
41 --
42 -- >>> has_root cos (-2) 2 Nothing
43 -- False
44 -- >>> has_root cos (-2) 2 (Just 0.001)
45 -- True
46 --
47 has_root :: (RealField.C a, RealRing.C b)
48 => (a -> b) -- ^ The function @f@
49 -> a -- ^ The \"left\" endpoint, @a@
50 -> a -- ^ The \"right\" endpoint, @b@
51 -> Maybe a -- ^ The size of the smallest subinterval
52 -- we'll examine, @epsilon@
53 -> Bool
54 has_root f a b epsilon =
55 F.has_root f a b epsilon Nothing Nothing
58 -- | We are given a function @f@ and an interval [a,b]. The bisection
59 -- method checks finds a root by splitting [a,b] in half repeatedly.
60 --
61 -- If one is found within some prescribed tolerance @epsilon@, it is
62 -- returned. Otherwise, the interval [a,b] is split into two
63 -- subintervals [a,c] and [c,b] of equal length which are then both
64 -- checked via the same process.
65 --
66 -- Returns 'Just' the value x for which f(x) == 0 if one is found,
67 -- or Nothing if one of the preconditions is violated.
68 --
69 -- Examples:
70 --
71 -- >>> bisect cos 1 2 0.001
72 -- Just 1.5712890625
73 --
74 -- >>> bisect sin (-1) 1 0.001
75 -- Just 0.0
76 --
77 bisect :: (RealField.C a, RealRing.C b)
78 => (a -> b) -- ^ The function @f@ whose root we seek
79 -> a -- ^ The \"left\" endpoint of the interval, @a@
80 -> a -- ^ The \"right\" endpoint of the interval, @b@
81 -> a -- ^ The tolerance, @epsilon@
82 -> Maybe a
83 bisect f a b epsilon =
84 F.bisect f a b epsilon Nothing Nothing
87 -- | Find a fixed point of the function @f@ with the search starting
88 -- at x0. We delegate to the version that returns the number of
89 -- iterations and simply discard the number of iterations.
90 --
91 fixed_point :: (Normed a, Additive.C a, Algebraic.C b, RealField.C b)
92 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
93 -> b -- ^ The tolerance, @epsilon@.
94 -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
95 -> a -- ^ The fixed point.
96 fixed_point f epsilon x0 =
97 snd $ F.fixed_point_with_iterations f epsilon x0
100 -- | Return the number of iterations required to find a fixed point of
101 -- the function @f@ with the search starting at x0 and tolerance
102 -- @epsilon@. We delegate to the version that returns the number of
103 -- iterations and simply discard the fixed point.
104 fixed_point_iteration_count :: (Normed a,
105 Additive.C a,
106 RealField.C b,
107 Algebraic.C b)
108 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
109 -> b -- ^ The tolerance, @epsilon@.
110 -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
111 -> Int -- ^ The fixed point.
112 fixed_point_iteration_count f epsilon x0 =
113 fst $ F.fixed_point_with_iterations f epsilon x0
116 -- | Returns a list of ratios,
117 --
118 -- ||x^{*} - x_{n+1}|| / ||x^{*} - x_{n}||^{p}
119 --
120 -- of fixed point iterations for the function @f@ with initial guess
121 -- @x0@ and @p@ some positive power.
122 --
123 -- This is used to determine the rate of convergence.
124 --
125 fixed_point_error_ratios :: (Normed a,
126 Additive.C a,
127 RealField.C b,
128 Algebraic.C b)
129 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
130 -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
131 -> a -- ^ The true solution, @x_star@.
132 -> Integer -- ^ The power @p@.
133 -> [b] -- ^ The resulting sequence of x_{n}.
134 fixed_point_error_ratios f x0 x_star p =
135 zipWith (/) en_plus_one en_exp
136 where
137 xn = F.fixed_point_iterations f x0
138 en = map (\x -> norm (x_star - x)) xn
139 en_plus_one = tail en
140 en_exp = map (^p) en
144 -- | The sequence x_{n} of values obtained by applying Newton's method
145 -- on the function @f@ and initial guess @x0@.
146 --
147 -- Examples:
148 --
149 -- Atkinson, p. 60.
150 -- >>> let f x = x^6 - x - 1
151 -- >>> let f' x = 6*x^5 - 1
152 -- >>> tail $ take 4 $ newton_iterations f f' 2
153 -- [1.6806282722513088,1.4307389882390624,1.2549709561094362]
154 --
155 newton_iterations :: (Field.C a)
156 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ whose root we seek
157 -> (a -> a) -- ^ The derivative of @f@
158 -> a -- ^ Initial guess, x-naught
159 -> [a]
160 newton_iterations f f' x0 =
161 iterate next x0
162 where
163 next xn =
164 xn - ( (f xn) / (f' xn) )
167 -- | Use Newton's method to find a root of @f@ near the initial guess
168 -- @x0@. If your guess is bad, this will recurse forever!
169 --
170 -- Examples:
171 --
172 -- Atkinson, p. 60.
173 --
174 -- >>> let f x = x^6 - x - 1
175 -- >>> let f' x = 6*x^5 - 1
176 -- >>> let Just root = newtons_method f f' (1/1000000) 2
177 -- >>> root
178 -- 1.1347241385002211
179 -- >>> abs (f root) < 1/100000
180 -- True
181 --
182 -- >>> import Data.Number.BigFloat
183 -- >>> let eps = 1/(10^20) :: BigFloat Prec50
184 -- >>> let Just root = newtons_method f f' eps 2
185 -- >>> root
186 -- 1.13472413840151949260544605450647284028100785303643e0
187 -- >>> abs (f root) < eps
188 -- True
189 --
190 newtons_method :: (RealField.C a)
191 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ whose root we seek
192 -> (a -> a) -- ^ The derivative of @f@
193 -> a -- ^ The tolerance epsilon
194 -> a -- ^ Initial guess, x-naught
195 -> Maybe a
196 newtons_method f f' epsilon x0 =
197 find (\x -> abs (f x) < epsilon) x_n
198 where
199 x_n = newton_iterations f f' x0
202 -- | Takes a function @f@ of two arguments and repeatedly applies @f@
203 -- to the previous two values. Returns a list containing all
204 -- generated values, f(x0, x1), f(x1, x2), f(x2, x3)...
205 --
206 -- Examples:
207 --
208 -- >>> let fibs = iterate2 (+) 0 1
209 -- >>> take 15 fibs
210 -- [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377]
211 --
212 iterate2 :: (a -> a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@
213 -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@
214 -> a -- ^ The second value, @x1@
215 -> [a] -- ^ The result list, [x0, x1, ...]
216 iterate2 f x0 x1 =
217 x0 : x1 : (go x0 x1)
218 where
219 go prev2 prev1 =
220 let next = f prev2 prev1 in
221 next : go prev1 next
224 -- | The sequence x_{n} of values obtained by applying the secant
225 -- method on the function @f@ and initial guesses @x0@, @x1@.
226 --
227 -- The recursion more or less implements a two-parameter 'iterate',
228 -- although one list is passed to the next iteration (as opposed to
229 -- one function argument, with iterate). At each step, we peel the
230 -- first two elements off the list and then compute/append elements
231 -- three, four... onto the end of the list.
232 --
233 -- Examples:
234 --
235 -- Atkinson, p. 67.
236 -- >>> let f x = x^6 - x - 1
237 -- >>> take 4 $ secant_iterations f 2 1
238 -- [2.0,1.0,1.0161290322580645,1.190577768676638]
239 --
240 secant_iterations :: (Field.C a)
241 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ whose root we seek
242 -> a -- ^ Initial guess, x-naught
243 -> a -- ^ Second initial guess, x-one
244 -> [a]
245 secant_iterations f x0 x1 =
246 iterate2 g x0 x1
247 where
248 g prev2 prev1 =
249 let x_change = prev1 - prev2
250 y_change = (f prev1) - (f prev2)
251 in
252 (prev1 - (f prev1 * (x_change / y_change)))
255 -- | Use the secant method to find a root of @f@ near the initial guesses
256 -- @x0@ and @x1@. If your guesses are bad, this will recurse forever!
257 --
258 -- Examples:
259 --
260 -- Atkinson, p. 67.
261 -- >>> let f x = x^6 - x - 1
262 -- >>> let Just root = secant_method f (1/10^9) 2 1
263 -- >>> root
264 -- 1.1347241384015196
265 -- >>> abs (f root) < (1/10^9)
266 -- True
267 --
268 secant_method :: (RealField.C a)
269 => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ whose root we seek
270 -> a -- ^ The tolerance epsilon
271 -> a -- ^ Initial guess, x-naught
272 -> a -- ^ Second initial guess, x-one
273 -> Maybe a
274 secant_method f epsilon x0 x1
275 = find (\x -> abs (f x) < epsilon) x_n
276 where
277 x_n = secant_iterations f x0 x1