]> gitweb.michael.orlitzky.com - dead/htsn-import.git/blob - DbImport.hs
[dead/htsn-import.git] / DbImport.hs
1 -- | Definition of the DbImport typeclass.
2 --
3 -- When we parse an XML tree, there are two functions that we would
4 -- like to call on the result independent of its type. First, we
5 -- would like to be able to run the database migrations for that
6 -- type. The migrations are kept separate from insertion because, at
7 -- some later point, it make make sense to disable automatic
8 -- migrations.
9 --
10 -- Next we want to import the thing.
11 --
12 -- Neither of these should depend on the type -- we should just be
13 -- able to call 'dbmigrate' followed by 'dbimport' on the
14 -- datastructure and have the right thing happen. That is the
15 -- purpose of the 'DbImport' typeclass. It allows the XML types to
16 -- define their own \"migrate me\" and \"insert me\" functions that
17 -- the rest of the application doesn't have to care about.
18 --
19 module TSN.DbImport (
20 DbImport(..),
21 ImportResult(..),
22 run_dbmigrate )
23 where
25 -- System imports
26 import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
27 import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO( liftIO ) )
28 import qualified Data.Map as Map ( elems )
29 import Database.Groundhog ( executeRaw )
30 import Database.Groundhog.Core ( NamedMigrations )
31 import Database.Groundhog.Generic (
32 createMigration,
33 getQueries,
34 mergeMigrations )
35 import Database.Groundhog.Core ( Migration, PersistBackend )
36 import Network.Services.TSN.Report ( report_info )
39 -- | The type that will be returned from every file import attempt.
40 --
41 data ImportResult =
42 ImportFailed String -- ^ Failure with an error message.
44 | ImportSkipped String -- ^ We processed the file, but didn't import it.
45 -- The reason is contained in the second field.
47 | ImportSucceeded -- ^ We did import records.
49 | ImportUnsupported String -- ^ We didn't know how to process this file.
50 -- The second field should contain info.
53 -- | Instances of this type know how to run their own database
54 -- migrations and insert themselves into a database.
55 --
56 class DbImport a where
57 -- | Import an instance of type @a@.
58 dbimport :: (PersistBackend m) => a -> m ImportResult
60 -- | This must migrate *all* stuffs that can potentially be
61 -- created/used by the type @a@.
62 dbmigrate :: (MonadIO m, PersistBackend m) => a -> m ()
65 -- | A migration runner that will use our normal info reporting
66 -- mechanism. The top-level code was stolen from 'runMigration' in
67 -- "Data.Groundhog.Generic" and the 'execute_pretty' code was stolen
68 -- from 'executeMigration'' in the same module.
69 --
70 run_dbmigrate :: (MonadIO m, PersistBackend m) => Migration m -> m ()
71 run_dbmigrate migration = createMigration migration >>= execute_pretty
72 where
73 execute_pretty :: (PersistBackend m, MonadIO m) => NamedMigrations -> m ()
74 execute_pretty m = do
75 let migs = getQueries False $ mergeMigrations $ Map.elems m
76 case migs of
77 Left errs -> fail $ unlines errs
78 Right qs -> forM_ qs $ \q -> do
79 liftIO $ report_info ("Migration: " ++ q ++ ";")
80 executeRaw False q []