#!/usr/bin/ruby -wU # # mailshears, to prune your mail garden # # Load all of our lib/ code. require 'mailshears' # Define a usage string using the program name. program_name = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) # Defaults mode_name = 'prune' mode = :prune # Before doing anything else, check for "-h" and "--help" in the args, # because those should cause us to dump usage info and bail out. if ARGV.include?('-h') or ARGV.include?('--help') then puts "Usage: #{UserInterface.usage(program_name)}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::SUCCESS) end # If a mode was supplied, it should be in ARGV[0]. if ARGV.length() > 0 mode_names = ['prune', 'rm', 'mv'] if mode_names.include?(ARGV.first().downcase()) then # Peel the mode name off the head of the list. mode_name = ARGV.shift() end end # Determine the mode from its name. if mode_name == 'rm' then mode = :rm elsif mode_name == 'mv' then mode = :mv end # Since we removed the mode name (if it existed) from ARGV, what # remains should be the required arguments. Figure out if we have the # wrong number of arguments, and store the associated error message in # args_error_message if necessary. args_error_message = nil if mode == :prune and ARGV.length() != 0 then args_error_message = "ERROR: prune mode takes no additional arguments." elsif mode == :rm and ARGV.length() < 1 then args_error_message = "ERROR: rm mode takes two or more user arguments." elsif mode == :mv and ARGV.length() != 2 then args_error_message = "ERROR: mv mode takes exactly two user arguments." end # If we got the wrong number of arguments, we'll have an error message # here. Report it and exit with a failure code. if not args_error_message.nil? then STDERR.puts args_error_message puts "Usage: #{UserInterface.usage(program_name)}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::BAD_COMMAND_LINE) end # Load each of the plugins that we'll need. cfg = Configuration.new() cfg.plugins.each do |plugin_file| require "#{mode_name}/plugins/#{plugin_file}" end # And the runners. require "#{mode_name}/#{mode_name}_runner" require "#{mode_name}/#{mode_name}_dummy_runner" # Now we figure out which plugin module to use based on our mode. plugin_module = nil if mode == :rm then plugin_module = RmPlugin elsif mode == :mv then plugin_module = MvPlugin else # Safe, catch-all default plugin_module = PrunePlugin end # Parse the remaining arguments as User/Domain objects. If we get some # other argument that isn't one of those, it's an error. parsed_args = [] ARGV.each do |arg| begin u = User.new(arg) parsed_args << u rescue InvalidUserError begin d = Domain.new(arg) parsed_args << d rescue InvalidDomainError STDERR.puts "ERROR: invalid user/domain argument #{arg}" Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::BAD_COMMAND_LINE) end end end # Buffer the output so that we can avoid printing the informational # header when no plugins produce output. require 'stringio' output_buffer = StringIO.new() $stdout = output_buffer begin plugin_module.run(cfg, *parsed_args) ensure # Now restore stdout, and print the header plus whatever the plugins # produced (if they produced anything). If they didn't produce any # output, then we avoid printing the header. # # This gets wrapped in an "ensure" block because otherwise, if # plugin_module.run() crashes, the traceback will get stored in # output_buffer and never get printed. $stdout = STDOUT if output_buffer.size > 0 then puts UserInterface.make_header(program_name, plugin_module.to_s()) puts output_buffer.string() end end # If we made it here without crashing, well that sounds pretty # successful to me. Kernel.exit(ExitCodes::SUCCESS)