module TSN.Picklers (
+ xp_gamedate,
xp_time )
from_date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale format
+-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime from a weather forecast's gamedate. Example
+-- input looks like,
+-- \<forecast gamedate=\"Monday, December 30th\"\>
+-- When unpickling we get rid of the suffixes \"st\", \"nd\", \"rd\", and
+-- \"th\". During pickling, we add them back based on the last digit
+-- of the date.
+xp_gamedate :: PU UTCTime
+xp_gamedate =
+ (to_gamedate, from_gamedate) `xpWrapMaybe` xpText
+ where
+ format = "%A, %B %-d"
+ to_gamedate :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
+ to_gamedate s =
+ parseTime defaultTimeLocale format s'
+ where
+ s' = case (reverse s) of
+ (c2:c1:cs) -> let suffix = c1:(c2:[])
+ in
+ case suffix of
+ "st" -> reverse cs
+ "nd" -> reverse cs
+ "rd" -> reverse cs
+ "th" -> reverse cs
+ _ -> s -- Unknown suffix, leave it alone.
+ _ -> s -- The String is less than two characters long,
+ -- leave it alone.
+ from_gamedate :: UTCTime -> String
+ from_gamedate d = s ++ (suffix s)
+ where
+ s = formatTime defaultTimeLocale format d
+ suffix :: String -> String
+ suffix cs =
+ case (reverse cs) of
+ [] -> []
+ ('1':_) -> "st"
+ ('2':_) -> "nd"
+ ('3':_) -> "rd"
+ _ -> "th"
-- | (Un)pickle a UTCTime without the date portion.
xp_time :: PU UTCTime