% Abstract algebraic structures.
% Needed for \operatorname.
% coefficients is the first argument and whose indeterminates (a
% comma-separated list) are the second argumnt.
% Good looking algorithm environments.
% algorithmicx, for the, uh, algorithms.
\algrenewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{/\!/ {#1}}
% Things dealing with arrows in a category. Or functions, basically.
% The preimage of the second argument (a set) under the first (a function).
\newcommand*{\preimage}[2]{ #1^{-1}\of{#2} }
% The gradient of its argument, which should be a function from R^n to
% R (or maybe some other field).
\newcommand*{\gradient}[1]{ \nabla{{#1}} }
% Only the most commonly-used macros. Needed by everything else.
% Needed for \mathbb.
\providecommand*{\intervaloc}[2]{ \left({#1},{#2}\right] } % open-closed
\providecommand*{\intervalco}[2]{ \left[{#1},{#2}\right) } % closed-open
\providecommand*{\intervalcc}[2]{ \left[{#1},{#2}\right] } % closed-closed
% Operations used when dealing with complex numbers.
% The complex conjugate of its argument.
\providecommand*{\compconj}[1]{ \overline{#1} }
% The operator families Z(K), LL(K), etc. can technically be defined on
% sets other than cones, but nobody cares.
\usepackage{amssymb} % \succcurlyeq and friends
% Operations that usually appear in convex optimization.
% Needed for \operatorname.
% The "is a face of" and "is a proper face of" relations.
\newcommand*{\faceof}{ \trianglelefteq }
\newcommand*{\properfaceof}{ \triangleleft }
% Euclidean Jordan algebras.
% The jordan product of its two arguments.
% into its own LaTeX file; we probably wouldn't want to use \circ as
% a (bilinear) algebra multiplication in any other context.
\newcommand*{\jp}[2]{{#1} \circ {#2}}
% Font handling that you probably want to use everywhere.
% Allow arbitrary font sizes (prevents pdflatex warnings).
% Grab the AMS fonts, too, for things like \mathbb.
% Standard operations from linear algebra.
% Needed for \lvert, \rVert, etc. and \operatorname.
% Now declare an orthogonal direct sum in terms of \oplusperp.
\newcommand*{\directsumperp}[2]{ {#1}\oplusperp{#2} }
% x
% \end{tcblisting}
listing options={language=sage,style=sage},%
listing file=sage_listings/#1.listing}}
% Things that fit absolutely nowhere else.
% absolute value, and the meaning of card(X) is clear at once, so we
% prefer the latter.
\newcommand*{\card}[1]{ \operatorname{card} \of{{#1}} }
% Case 2 (x < 0): derp.
% Used below to define pcases. The ``loadonly'' parameter prevents
% a very bad interaction with the beamer document class.
\item \hfill\par\vspace{\singleblskip}
% Unnumbered versions of the mjo-theorem environments.
% The standard corollary, definition, theorem, etc. that we all define
% in every single paper.
% Standard topological operations.
% Needed for \operatorname.
% And the ``boundary of'' operator.
\newcommand*{\boundary}[1]{ \operatorname{bdy}\of{{#1}} }