* :class:`RealSymmetricEJA`
* :class:`ComplexHermitianEJA`
* :class:`QuaternionHermitianEJA`
+ * :class:`OctonionHermitianEJA`
-Missing from this list is the algebra of three-by-three octononion
-Hermitian matrices, as there is (as of yet) no implementation of the
-octonions in SageMath. In addition to these, we provide two other
-example constructions,
+In addition to these, we provide two other example constructions,
* :class:`HadamardEJA`
* :class:`TrivialEJA`
The Jordan spin algebra is a bilinear form algebra where the bilinear
form is the identity. The Hadamard EJA is simply a Cartesian product
-of one-dimensional spin algebras. And last but not least, the trivial
-EJA is exactly what you think. Cartesian products of these are also
-supported using the usual ``cartesian_product()`` function; as a
-result, we support (up to isomorphism) all Euclidean Jordan algebras
-that don't involve octonions.
+of one-dimensional spin algebras. And last but least, the trivial EJA
+is exactly what you think it is; it could also be obtained by
+constructing a dimension-zero instance of any of the other
+algebras. Cartesian products of these are also supported using the
+usual ``cartesian_product()`` function; as a result, we support (up to
+isomorphism) all Euclidean Jordan algebras.