) where
+import Data.List (nubBy)
import IPv4Address
import ListUtils
import Maskable
show cidr = (show (ipv4address cidr)) ++ "/" ++ (show (maskbits cidr))
+-- Two CIDR ranges are equivalent if they have the same network bits
+-- and the masks are the same.
+equivalent :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
+equivalent Cidr.None Cidr.None = True
+equivalent Cidr.None _ = False
+equivalent _ Cidr.None = False
+equivalent (Cidr addr1 mbits1) (Cidr addr2 mbits2) =
+ (mbits1 == mbits2) && ((apply_mask addr1 mbits1) == (apply_mask addr2 mbits2))
-- Returns the mask portion of a CIDR address. That is, everything
-- after the trailing slash.
maskbits_from_cidr_string :: String -> Maskbits
redundant cidrlist cidr = any ((flip contains_proper) cidr) cidrlist
--- We want to get rid of all the Cidrs that are properly contained
--- in some other Cidr.
+-- First, we look at all possible pairs of cidrs, and combine the
+-- adjacent ones in to a new list. Then, we concatenate that list with
+-- the original one, and filter out all of the redundancies. If two
+-- adjacent Cidrs are combined into a larger one, they will be removed
+-- in the second step since the larger Cidr must contain the smaller
+-- two.
combine_all :: [Cidr] -> [Cidr]
combine_all cidrs =
+ combine_contained unique_cidrs
+ where
+ unique_cidrs = nubBy equivalent valid_cidr_combinations
+ valid_cidr_combinations = filter (/= Cidr.None) cidr_combinations
+ cidr_combinations =
+ cidrs ++ [ (combine_adjacent x y) | x <- cidrs, y <- cidrs ]
+-- Take a list of CIDR ranges and filter out all of the ones that are
+-- contained entirelt within some other range in the list.
+combine_contained :: [Cidr] -> [Cidr]
+combine_contained cidrs =
filter (not . (redundant cidrs)) cidrs
+-- If the two Cidrs are not adjacent, return Cidr.None. Otherwise,
+-- decrement the maskbits of cidr1 and return that; it will contain
+-- both cidr1 and cidr2.
+combine_adjacent :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Cidr
+combine_adjacent cidr1 cidr2
+ | not (adjacent cidr1 cidr2) = Cidr.None
+ | (maskbits cidr1 == Zero) = Cidr.None
+ | otherwise = cidr1 { maskbits = decrement (maskbits cidr1) }
-- Determine whether or not two CIDR ranges are adjacent. If two
-- ranges lie consecutively within the IP space, they can be
-- combined. For example, and are adjacent,