Fail with ImportUnsupported instead of an error when we encounter the second type of weatherxml.
Update the man page with a mention of the unsupported weatherxml handling.
Remove a TODO.
Add tests for the unsupported weather document and its underlying function.
2. Write a test for test/xml/Odds_XML-long-import.xml once it no
longer takes 10 minutes to import (Postgres only?).
-3. Return ImportUnsupported for the second type of weatherxml (see man
- page).
-4. We have DTDs but no sample XML for the following SportInfo types,
+3. We have DTDs but no sample XML for the following SportInfo types,
which have therefore been left unimplmented for now:
* Cbask_Indv_No_Avg_XML.dtd
* NFLYardsXML.dtd
* NFL_PuntingLeaders_XML.dtd
-5. The following DTD types were handled (in some form) by the old
+4. The following DTD types were handled (in some form) by the old
FeedGrabber. They are not yet handled by htsn-import (some may not
be valid):
* WNBA_Individual_Stats_XML
* WNBATeamScheduleXML
-6. Consolidate all of the make_game_time functions which take a
+5. Consolidate all of the make_game_time functions which take a
date/time and produce a combined time.
-7. Move the News/Scores Locations into TSN.Locations.
+6. Move the News/Scores Locations into TSN.Locations.
-8. Regenerate the News/Scores dbschema diagrams.
+7. Regenerate the News/Scores dbschema diagrams.
-9. Re-test import of News/Scores samples.
+8. Re-test import of News/Scores samples.
contained within <listing>. While it would be possible to parse both,
it would greatly complicate things. The first form is more common, so
that's all we support for now. An example is provided as
+We are however able to identify the second type. When one is
+encountered, an informational message (that it is unsupported) will be
+printed. If the \fI\-\-remove\fR flag is used, the file will be
+deleted. This prevents documents that we know we can't import from
+building up.
pickle_message )
import qualified TSN.XML.Scores as Scores ( dtd, pickle_message )
import qualified TSN.XML.SportInfo as SportInfo ( dtds, parse_xml )
-import qualified TSN.XML.Weather as Weather ( dtd, pickle_message )
+import qualified TSN.XML.Weather as Weather ( dtd, is_type1, pickle_message )
import Xml ( DtdName(..), parse_opts )
| dtd == Scores.dtd = go Scores.pickle_message
-- SportInfo and GameInfo appear last in the guards
- | dtd == Weather.dtd = go Weather.pickle_message
+ | dtd == Weather.dtd =
+ if Weather.is_type1 xml
+ then go Weather.pickle_message
+ else do
+ -- We want these to "succeed" so that they're deleted.
+ -- We already know we can't parse them.
+ let msg = "Unsupported weatherxml.dtd type (" ++ path ++ ")"
+ return $ ImportUnsupported msg
| dtd `elem` GameInfo.dtds = do
let either_m = GameInfo.parse_xml dtd xml
module TSN.XML.Weather (
+ is_type1,
-- * Tests
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
+ XmlTree,
+ (/>),
+ hasName,
+ readDocument,
+ runLA,
+ runX,
+ parse_opts,
unsafe_unpickle )
+-- | There are two different types of documents that claim to be
+-- \"weatherxml.dtd\". The first, more common type has listings
+-- within forecasts. The second type has forecasts within
+-- listings. Clearly we can't parse both of these using the same
+-- parser!
+-- For now we're simply punting on the issue and refusing to parse
+-- the second type. This will check the given @xmltree@ to see if
+-- there are any forecasts contained within listings. If there are,
+-- then it's the second type that we don't know what to do with.
+is_type1 :: XmlTree -> Bool
+is_type1 xmltree =
+ case elements of
+ [] -> True
+ _ -> False
+ where
+ parse :: XmlTree -> [XmlTree]
+ parse = runLA $ hasName "/"
+ /> hasName "message"
+ /> hasName "listing"
+ /> hasName "forecast"
+ elements = parse xmltree
instance DbImport Message where
dbmigrate _ =
run_dbmigrate $ do
"Weather tests"
[ test_on_delete_cascade,
- test_unpickle_succeeds ]
+ test_unpickle_succeeds,
+ test_types_detected_correctly ]
-- | If we unpickle something and then pickle it, we should wind up
return $ count_a + count_b + count_c + count_d
let expected = 0
actual @?= expected
+test_types_detected_correctly :: TestTree
+test_types_detected_correctly =
+ testGroup "weatherxml types detected correctly" $
+ [ check "test/xml/weatherxml.xml"
+ "first type detected correctly"
+ True,
+ check "test/xml/weatherxml-detailed.xml"
+ "first type detected correctly (detailed)"
+ True,
+ check "test/xml/weatherxml-type2.xml"
+ "second type detected correctly"
+ False ]
+ where
+ unsafe_get_xmltree :: String -> IO XmlTree
+ unsafe_get_xmltree path =
+ fmap head $ runX $ readDocument parse_opts path
+ check path desc expected = testCase desc $ do
+ xmltree <- unsafe_get_xmltree path
+ let actual = is_type1 xmltree
+ actual @?= expected
>>>= 0
# We note the number of XML files that we have. There's one extra
-# Heartbeat.xml that doesn't really count.
+# Heartbeat.xml that doesn't really count, and a weatherxml that
+# isn't really supposed to import.
find ./test/xml -maxdepth 1 -name '*.xml' | wc -l
>>>= 0
# Run the imports again; we should get complaints about the duplicate
--- /dev/null
+# The second type (see the man page) of weatherxml is unsupported, but
+# we don't want to consider it an error when we encounter one, because
+# we want to delete it.
+# The real output contains escape characters so we use a regexp to get
+# a pretty good idea of what it says.
+./dist/build/htsn-import/htsn-import test/xml/weatherxml-type2.xml
+>>> /Unsupported weatherxml\.dtd type \(test\/xml\/weatherxml-type2.xml\)/
+>>>= 0