-module LWN.Article
+module LWN.Article (
+ Article(..),
+ Byline(..),
+ Title(..),
+ BodyHtml(..),
+ article_tests,
+ real_article_path
+ )
-import XHTML
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual)
+import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
+import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~))
+import LWN.URI (
+ add_trailing_slash,
+ is_lwn_url,
+ try_make_absolute_url,
+ make_https)
+import LWN.XHTML (XHTML, to_xhtml)
newtype Title = Title { getTitle :: String }
newtype Byline = Byline { getByline :: Maybe String }
(to_xhtml t) ++
(to_xhtml bl) ++
(to_xhtml b)
+-- | Convert the given article to either a URL or a filesystem
+-- path. If the given article exists on the filesystem, we assume
+-- it's a file. Otherwise, we check to see if it's a URL. Failing
+-- that, we try to construct a URL from what we're given and do our
+-- best.
+real_article_path :: String -> IO String
+real_article_path path = do
+ is_file <- doesFileExist path
+ return $ if is_file then path else add_trailing_slash check_cases
+ where
+ abs_current = try_make_absolute_url ("/" ++ path)
+ abs_article = try_make_absolute_url ("Articles/" ++ path)
+ check_cases :: String
+ check_cases
+ | is_lwn_url path = make_https path
+ | isPrefixOf "current" path = abs_current
+ | path =~ "^[0-9]+$" = abs_article
+ | otherwise = path -- Give up
+test_current_article_path :: Assertion
+test_current_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/current/"
+ actual <- real_article_path "current"
+ assertEqual "Current article path constructed" expected actual
+test_current_bigpage_article_path :: Assertion
+test_current_bigpage_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/current/bigpage"
+ actual <- real_article_path "current/bigpage"
+ assertEqual "Current bigpage article path constructed" expected actual
+test_numbered_article_path :: Assertion
+test_numbered_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/69/"
+ actual <- real_article_path "69" -- I'm twelve
+ assertEqual "Numbered article path constructed" expected actual
+test_full_article_path :: Assertion
+test_full_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ actual <- real_article_path "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ assertEqual "Full article path left alone" expected actual
+test_non_https_article_path :: Assertion
+test_non_https_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ actual <- real_article_path "http://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ assertEqual "Non-https URL made https" expected actual
+article_tests :: Test
+article_tests =
+ testGroup "Article Tests" [
+ testCase "Current article path constructed" test_current_article_path,
+ testCase
+ "Current bigpage article path constructed"
+ test_current_bigpage_article_path,
+ testCase "Numbered article path constructed" test_numbered_article_path,
+ testCase "Full article path left alone" test_full_article_path,
+ testCase "Non-https URL made https" test_non_https_article_path ]
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (hPut)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map (Map, empty, insert)
import Network.Curl (
- URLString,
import System.IO (hClose, hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.IO.Temp (openBinaryTempFile, openTempFile)
-import LWN.URI (filename)
+import LWN.URI (URL, filename)
-login_url :: URLString
+login_url :: URL
login_url = "https://lwn.net/login"
username_field :: String
hClose out_handle -- We just want to create it for now.
return out_path
-get_page :: Maybe FilePath -> URLString -> IO (Either String String)
+get_page :: Maybe FilePath -> URL -> IO (Either String String)
get_page cookie_file url =
withCurlDo $ do
-- Create a curl instance.
-- We need to be able to parse the filename out of the URL
-- so that when we stick our image in the document, the reader
-- knows that type (jpg, png, etc.) it is.
-save_image :: URLString -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+save_image :: URL -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
save_image url = do
it_exists <- doesFileExist url
if it_exists then do
Right bs -> do
B.hPut out_handle bs
return $ Just out_path
+-- | Map absolute image URLs to local system file paths where the
+-- image referenced by the URL is stored.
+type ImageMap = Map.Map URL FilePath
+download_image_urls :: [URL] -> IO ImageMap
+download_image_urls image_urls = do
+ files <- mapM save_image image_urls
+ let pairs = zip image_urls files
+ return $ foldl my_insert empty_map pairs
+ where
+ empty_map = Map.empty :: ImageMap
+ my_insert :: ImageMap -> (URL, Maybe FilePath) -> ImageMap
+ my_insert dict (_, Nothing) = dict
+ my_insert dict (k, Just v) = Map.insert k v dict
module LWN.Page
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hFlush)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B (ByteString, hPut)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual)
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
-import Text.Pandoc
+import Text.Pandoc (
+ defaultParserState,
+ defaultWriterOptions,
+ readHtml,
+ writeEPUB,
+ writerEPUBMetadata)
import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
- when
- )
+ when)
import Text.HandsomeSoup (css, parseHtml)
import LWN.Article
-import LWN.HTTP (save_image)
+import LWN.HTTP (ImageMap, download_image_urls)
import LWN.URI (URL, try_make_absolute_url)
+import LWN.XHTML (XHTML, to_xhtml)
import Misc (contains)
-import XHTML
--- Map absolute image URLs to local system file paths where the image
--- referenced by the URL is stored.
-type ImageMap = Map.Map URL FilePath
-download_image_urls :: [URL] -> IO ImageMap
-download_image_urls image_urls = do
- files <- mapM save_image image_urls
- let pairs = zip image_urls files
- return $ foldl my_insert empty_map pairs
- where
- empty_map = Map.empty :: ImageMap
- my_insert :: ImageMap -> (URL, Maybe FilePath) -> ImageMap
- my_insert dict (_, Nothing) = dict
- my_insert dict (k, Just v) = Map.insert k v dict
-- Should be called *after* preprocessing.
download_images :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IO ImageMap
--- /dev/null
+module LWN.XHTML (
+ parse_lwn,
+ to_xhtml
+ )
+import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
+ IOStateArrow,
+ SysConfigList,
+ XmlTree,
+ no,
+ readString,
+ withParseHTML,
+ withValidate,
+ withWarnings,
+ yes
+ )
+class XHTML a where
+ to_xhtml :: a -> String
+-- | Options used when parsing HTML.
+my_read_opts :: SysConfigList
+my_read_opts = [ withValidate no,
+ withParseHTML yes,
+ withWarnings no ]
+-- | My version of HandsomeSoup's parseHTML.
+parse_lwn :: String -> IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
+parse_lwn = readString my_read_opts
module Main
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
- stdout
- )
+ stdout)
import System.IO.UTF8 (readFile)
-import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual)
-import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
-import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~))
import Text.XML.HXT.Core (
- SysConfigList,
- XmlTree,
- no,
- readString,
- withParseHTML,
- withValidate,
- withWarnings,
- yes
- )
+ XmlTree)
import CommandLine (show_help)
import Configuration (Cfg(..), get_cfg, use_account)
+import LWN.Article (real_article_path)
import LWN.HTTP (get_page, log_in, make_cookie_jar)
import LWN.Page (epublish, parse)
-import LWN.URI (
- add_trailing_slash,
- is_lwn_url,
- try_make_absolute_url,
- make_https)
-my_read_opts :: SysConfigList
-my_read_opts = [ withValidate no,
- withParseHTML yes,
- withWarnings no ]
+import LWN.XHTML (parse_lwn)
--- | My version of HandsomeSoup's parseHTML.
-my_read :: String -> IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
-my_read = readString my_read_opts
-- | Try to parse the given article using HXT. We try a few different
case is_file of
True -> do
contents <- readFile my_article
- return $ Just $ my_read contents
+ return $ Just $ parse_lwn contents
False -> do
-- Download the URL and try to parse it.
if use_account cfg then do
let msg = "Failed to retrieve page. " ++ err
hPutStrLn stderr msg
return Nothing
- Right h -> return $ Just $ my_read h
+ Right h -> return $ Just $ parse_lwn h
else do
html <- get_page Nothing my_article
case html of
let msg = "Failed to retrieve page. " ++ err
hPutStrLn stderr msg
return Nothing
- Right h -> return $ Just $ my_read h
+ Right h -> return $ Just $ parse_lwn h
-- | If we're given an empty path, return a handle to
-- 'stdout'. Otherwise, open the given file and return a read/write
openBinaryFile path WriteMode
--- | Convert the given article to either a URL or a filesystem
--- path. If the given article exists on the filesystem, we assume
--- it's a file. Otherwise, we check to see if it's a URL. Failing
--- that, we try to construct a URL from what we're given and do our
--- best.
-real_article_path :: String -> IO String
-real_article_path path = do
- is_file <- doesFileExist path
- return $ if is_file then path else add_trailing_slash check_cases
- where
- abs_current = try_make_absolute_url ("/" ++ path)
- abs_article = try_make_absolute_url ("Articles/" ++ path)
- check_cases :: String
- check_cases
- | is_lwn_url path = make_https path
- | isPrefixOf "current" path = abs_current
- | path =~ "^[0-9]+$" = abs_article
- | otherwise = path -- Give up
main :: IO ()
main = do
cfg <- get_cfg
Nothing -> do
_ <- show_help
return ()
-test_current_article_path :: Assertion
-test_current_article_path = do
- let expected = "https://lwn.net/current/"
- actual <- real_article_path "current"
- assertEqual "Current article path constructed" expected actual
-test_current_bigpage_article_path :: Assertion
-test_current_bigpage_article_path = do
- let expected = "https://lwn.net/current/bigpage"
- actual <- real_article_path "current/bigpage"
- assertEqual "Current bigpage article path constructed" expected actual
-test_numbered_article_path :: Assertion
-test_numbered_article_path = do
- let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/69/"
- actual <- real_article_path "69" -- I'm twelve
- assertEqual "Numbered article path constructed" expected actual
-test_full_article_path :: Assertion
-test_full_article_path = do
- let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
- actual <- real_article_path "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
- assertEqual "Full article path left alone" expected actual
-test_non_https_article_path :: Assertion
-test_non_https_article_path = do
- let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
- actual <- real_article_path "http://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
- assertEqual "Non-https URL made https" expected actual
-main_tests :: Test
-main_tests =
- testGroup "Main Tests" [
- testCase "Current article path constructed" test_current_article_path,
- testCase
- "Current bigpage article path constructed"
- test_current_bigpage_article_path,
- testCase "Numbered article path constructed" test_numbered_article_path,
- testCase "Full article path left alone" test_full_article_path,
- testCase "Non-https URL made https" test_non_https_article_path ]
+++ /dev/null
-module XHTML
-class XHTML a where
- to_xhtml :: a -> String
import Test.Framework.Providers.API (TestName)
import Test.HUnit
-import Main (main_tests)
+import LWN.Article (article_tests)
import LWN.Page (page_tests)
import LWN.URI (uri_tests)
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: [Test.Framework.Test]
-tests = [ main_tests,
+tests = [ article_tests,
uri_tests ]