## over the interval [0,1]. It is assumed that the function `f` is at
## least continuous on [0,1].
+ ## INPUTS:
+ ##
+ ## * ``integerN`` - An integer representing the number of subintervals
+ ## we should use to approximate `u`.
+ ##
+ ## * ``f`` - The function on the right hand side of the poisson
+ ## equation.
+ ##
+ ##
+ ## * u - The function `u` that approximately solves -u_xx(x) = f(x).
+ ##
+ [xs,h] = partition(integerN, 0, 1);
+ ## We cannot evaluate u_xx at the endpoints because our
+ ## differentiation algorithm relies on the points directly to the left
+ ## and right of `x`.
+ differentiable_points = xs(2:end-1)
+ ## Prepend and append a zero row to f(xs).
+ ## Oh, and negate the whole thing (see the formula).
+ F = - cat(2, 0, f(differentiable_points), 0)
+ ## These are the coefficient vectors for the u(x0) and u(xn)
+ ## constraints. There should be N zeros and a single 1.
+ the_rest_zeros = zeros(1, integerN);
+ u_x0_coeffs = cat(2, 1, the_rest_zeros);
+ u_x4_coeffs = cat(2, the_rest_zeros, 1);
+ ## Start with the u(x0) row.
+ A = u_x0_coeffs;
+ for x = differentiable_points
+ ## Append each row obtained from the forward Euler method to A.
+ u_row = forward_euler(2, xs, x);
+ A = cat(1, A, u_row);
+ end
+ ## Finally, append the last row for x4.
+ A = cat(1, A, u_x4_coeffs);
+ ## Solve the system. This gives us the value of u(x) at xs.
+ U = A \ F';
- [xs,h] = partition(integerN, a, b);
+ plot(xs,U)