ACTUAL=$(getfacl --omit-header "${TARGET}")
+# If we call apply-default-acl on a single file that does not exist,
+# we get the expected error.
+ACTUAL=$( ${BIN} test/nonexistent 2>&1 )
+EXPECTED="${BIN}: test/nonexistent: no such file or directory"
+# Same as the previous test, but with --recursive.
+ACTUAL=$( ${BIN} --recursive test/nonexistent 2>&1 )
+EXPECTED="${BIN}: test/nonexistent: no such file or directory"
+# If we call apply-default-acl on more than one file, it should report any
+# that don't exist (but proceed to operate on the others).
+touch "${DUMMY1}" "${DUMMY2}"
+ACTUAL=$( ${BIN} "${DUMMY1}" test/nonexistent "${DUMMY2}" 2>&1 )
+EXPECTED="${BIN}: test/nonexistent: no such file or directory"