Bump version to 0.1.3.
name: hath
-version: 0.1.2
+version: 0.1.3
cabal-version: >= 1.8
author: Michael Orlitzky
maintainer: Michael Orlitzky <michael@orlitzky.com>
base >= 4.6 && < 4.7,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
cmdargs == 0.10.*,
- dns == 1.*,
- HUnit == 1.2.*,
- QuickCheck == 2.6.*,
+ dns >= 1.2,
MissingH == 1.2.*,
parallel-io == 0.3.*,
+ QuickCheck == 2.7.*,
split == 0.2.*,
- test-framework == 0.8.*,
- test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*,
- test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*
+ tasty == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-hunit == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-quickcheck == 0.8.*
base >= 4.6 && < 4.7,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
cmdargs == 0.10.*,
- dns == 1.*,
- HUnit == 1.2.*,
- QuickCheck == 2.6.*,
+ dns >= 1.2,
MissingH == 1.2.*,
parallel-io == 0.3.*,
+ QuickCheck == 2.7.*,
split == 0.2.*,
- test-framework == 0.8.*,
- test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*,
- test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*
+ tasty == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-hunit == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-quickcheck == 0.8.*
-- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.
base >= 4.6 && < 4.7,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
cmdargs == 0.10.*,
- dns == 1.*,
- HUnit == 1.2.*,
- QuickCheck == 2.6.*,
+ dns >= 1.2,
MissingH == 1.2.*,
parallel-io == 0.3.*,
process == 1.1.*,
+ QuickCheck == 2.7.*,
split == 0.2.*,
- test-framework == 0.8.*,
- test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*,
- test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*
+ tasty == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-hunit == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-quickcheck == 0.8.*
-- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.
base >= 4.6 && < 4.7,
bytestring == 0.10.*,
cmdargs == 0.10.*,
- dns == 1.*,
- HUnit == 1.2.*,
- QuickCheck == 2.6.*,
+ dns >= 1.2,
MissingH == 1.2.*,
parallel-io == 0.3.*,
process == 1.1.*,
+ QuickCheck == 2.7.*,
split == 0.2.*,
- test-framework == 0.8.*,
- test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*,
- test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*
+ tasty == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-hunit == 0.8.*,
+ tasty-quickcheck == 0.8.*
-- It's not entirely clear to me why I have to reproduce all of this.
-import Test.QuickCheck (
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
- elements
- )
+ elements )
data Bit = Zero | One
- prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves,
- prop_contains_proper_intransitive
) where
import Data.List (nubBy)
import Data.List.Split (splitOneOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe)
-import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)
-import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
-import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, (==>))
+import Test.QuickCheck ( Gen ) -- Not re-exported by tasty
+import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
+ Arbitrary(..),
+ Property,
+ (==>),
+ testProperty )
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Bit as B (Bit(..))
enumerate cidr = [(min_host cidr)..(max_host cidr)]
-- Test lists.
-cidr_tests :: Test
+cidr_tests :: TestTree
cidr_tests =
testGroup "CIDR Tests" [
test_combine_all3 ]
-cidr_properties :: Test
+cidr_properties :: TestTree
cidr_properties =
testGroup "CIDR Properties" [
- testProperty
- "All CIDRs contain themselves"
- testProperty
- "contains_proper is intransitive"
- prop_contains_proper_intransitive
- ]
+ prop_contains_proper_antisymmetric ]
-- HUnit Tests
-test_enumerate :: Test
+test_enumerate :: TestTree
test_enumerate =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc expected actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " is enumerated correctly"
oct1 = toEnum 192
expected = [addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4]
actual = enumerate $ read ""
-test_min_host1 :: Test
+test_min_host1 :: TestTree
test_min_host1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual desc
- expected
- actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "The minimum host in is"
actual = show $ min_host (read "")
expected = ""
-test_max_host1 :: Test
+test_max_host1 :: TestTree
test_max_host1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual desc
- expected
- actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "The maximum host in is"
actual = show $ max_host (read "")
expected = ""
-test_equality1 :: Test
+test_equality1 :: TestTree
test_equality1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- True
- (cidr1 == cidr1)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " equals itself"
- cidr1 = read "" :: Cidr
+ actual = read "" :: Cidr
+ expected = read "" :: Cidr
-test_contains1 :: Test
+test_contains1 :: TestTree
test_contains1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- True
- (cidr1 `contains` cidr2)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " contains"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = True
+ actual = cidr1 `contains` cidr2
-test_contains2 :: Test
+test_contains2 :: TestTree
test_contains2 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- True
- (cidr1 `contains` cidr1)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " contains itself"
cidr1 = read ""
+ expected = True
+ actual = cidr1 `contains` cidr1
-test_contains_proper1 :: Test
+test_contains_proper1 :: TestTree
test_contains_proper1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- True
- (cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr2)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " contains properly"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = True
+ actual = cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr2
-test_contains_proper2 :: Test
+test_contains_proper2 :: TestTree
test_contains_proper2 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- False
- (cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr1)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " does not contain itself properly"
cidr1 = read ""
+ expected = False
+ actual = cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr1
-test_adjacent1 :: Test
+test_adjacent1 :: TestTree
test_adjacent1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- True
- (cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " is adjacent to"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = True
+ actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
-test_adjacent2 :: Test
+test_adjacent2 :: TestTree
test_adjacent2 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- False
- (cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " is not adjacent to"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = False
+ actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
-test_adjacent3 :: Test
+test_adjacent3 :: TestTree
test_adjacent3 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- False
- (cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " is not adjacent to"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = False
+ actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
-test_adjacent4 :: Test
+test_adjacent4 :: TestTree
test_adjacent4 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- False
- (cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " is not adjacent to"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = False
+ actual = cidr1 `adjacent` cidr2
-test_combine_contained1 :: Test
+test_combine_contained1 :: TestTree
test_combine_contained1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- expected_cidrs
- (combine_contained test_cidrs)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = ",, and combine to"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
cidr3 = read ""
- expected_cidrs = [cidr1]
test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr2, cidr3]
+ expected = [cidr1]
+ actual = combine_contained test_cidrs
-test_combine_contained2 :: Test
+test_combine_contained2 :: TestTree
test_combine_contained2 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- [cidr1, cidr2]
- (combine_contained [cidr1, cidr2])
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " does not contain"
cidr1 = read ""
cidr2 = read ""
+ expected = [cidr1, cidr2]
+ actual = combine_contained [cidr1, cidr2]
-test_combine_all1 :: Test
+test_combine_all1 :: TestTree
test_combine_all1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- expected_cidrs
- (combine_all test_cidrs)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " is adjacent to "
++ "and contains"
cidr3 = read ""
cidr4 = read ""
cidr5 = read ""
- expected_cidrs = [read ""]
test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr2, cidr3, cidr4, cidr5]
+ expected = [read ""]
+ actual = combine_all test_cidrs
-test_combine_all2 :: Test
+test_combine_all2 :: TestTree
test_combine_all2 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- expected_cidrs
- (combine_all test_cidrs)
- where
- desc = " combines with itself recursively"
- cidr1 = read ""
- expected_cidrs = [cidr1]
- test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr1, cidr1, cidr1, cidr1]
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
+ where
+ desc = " combines with itself recursively"
+ cidr1 = read ""
+ test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr1, cidr1, cidr1, cidr1]
+ expected = [cidr1]
+ actual = combine_all test_cidrs
-test_combine_all3 :: Test
+test_combine_all3 :: TestTree
test_combine_all3 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual
- desc
- expected_cidrs
- (combine_all test_cidrs)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = ",,, and "
++ " get combined into"
cidr2 = read ""
cidr3 = read ""
cidr4 = read ""
- expected_cidrs = [read ""]
test_cidrs = [cidr1, cidr2, cidr3, cidr4]
+ expected = [read ""]
+ actual = combine_all test_cidrs
-- QuickCheck Tests
-prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves :: Cidr -> Bool
-prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves cidr1 = cidr1 `contains` cidr1
+prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves :: TestTree
+prop_all_cidrs_contain_themselves =
+ testProperty "All CIDRs contain themselves" prop
+ where
+ prop :: Cidr -> Bool
+ prop cidr1 = cidr1 `contains` cidr1
-- If cidr1 properly contains cidr2, then by definition cidr2
-- does not properly contain cidr1.
-prop_contains_proper_intransitive :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
-prop_contains_proper_intransitive cidr1 cidr2 =
- (cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr2) ==>
- (not (cidr2 `contains_proper` cidr1))
+prop_contains_proper_antisymmetric :: TestTree
+prop_contains_proper_antisymmetric =
+ testProperty "CIDR proper containment is an antisymmetric relation" prop
+ where
+ prop :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Property
+ prop cidr1 cidr2 =
+ (cidr1 `contains_proper` cidr2) ==>
+ (not (cidr2 `contains_proper` cidr1))
most_sig_bit_different )
-import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)
-import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
-import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, (==>))
+import Test.QuickCheck ( Gen ) -- Not re-exported by tasty
+import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
+ Arbitrary(..),
+ Property,
+ (==>),
+ testProperty )
import Maskable (Maskable(..))
import Maskbits (Maskbits(..))
-- Test lists.
-ipv4address_tests :: Test
+ipv4address_tests :: TestTree
ipv4address_tests =
testGroup "IPv4 Address Tests" [
test_to_enum ]
-ipv4address_properties :: Test
+ipv4address_properties :: TestTree
ipv4address_properties =
"IPv4 Address Properties "
- [ testProperty
- "fromEnum/toEnum are inverses"
- prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses ]
+ [ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses ]
-- QuickCheck properties
-prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: Int -> Property
-prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses x =
- (0 <= x) && (x <= 2^(32 :: Integer) - 1) ==>
- fromEnum (toEnum x :: IPv4Address) == x
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: TestTree
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses =
+ testProperty "fromEnum and toEnum are inverses" prop
+ where
+ prop :: Int -> Property
+ prop x =
+ (0 <= x) && (x <= 2^(32 :: Integer) - 1) ==>
+ fromEnum (toEnum x :: IPv4Address) == x
-- HUnit Tests
mk_testaddr :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IPv4Address
oct3 = toEnum c
oct4 = toEnum d
-test_minBound :: Test
+test_minBound :: TestTree
test_minBound =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc expected actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "minBound should be"
expected = mk_testaddr 0 0 0 0
actual = minBound :: IPv4Address
-test_maxBound :: Test
+test_maxBound :: TestTree
test_maxBound =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc expected actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "maxBound should be"
expected = mk_testaddr 255 255 255 255
actual = maxBound :: IPv4Address
-test_enum :: Test
+test_enum :: TestTree
test_enum =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc expected actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "enumerating a /24 gives the correct addresses"
expected = ["192.168.0." ++ (show x) | x <- [0..255::Int] ]
ub = mk_testaddr 192 168 0 255
actual = map show [lb..ub]
-test_most_sig_bit_different1 :: Test
+test_most_sig_bit_different1 :: TestTree
test_most_sig_bit_different1 =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc
- TwentyFour
- bit
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " and differ in bit 24"
addr1 = mk_testaddr 10 1 1 0
addr2 = (mk_testaddr 10 1 0 0)
- bit = most_sig_bit_different addr1 addr2
+ expected = TwentyFour
+ actual = most_sig_bit_different addr1 addr2
-test_most_sig_bit_different2 :: Test
+test_most_sig_bit_different2 :: TestTree
test_most_sig_bit_different2 =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc
- TwentyThree
- bit
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " and differ in bit 23"
addr1 = mk_testaddr 10 1 2 0
addr2 = mk_testaddr 10 1 1 0
- bit = most_sig_bit_different addr1 addr2
+ expected = TwentyThree
+ actual = most_sig_bit_different addr1 addr2
-test_to_enum :: Test
+test_to_enum :: TestTree
test_to_enum =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc expected actual
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = " in base-10 is 3232235520"
expected = mk_testaddr 192 168 0 0
import Data.List ((\\), intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing)
import Data.String.Utils (splitWs)
+import Network.DNS.Types ( DNSError (NameError) )
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
space = BS.pack " "
results =
case eds of
+ -- NameError simply means "not found" so we output nothing.
+ Left NameError -> ""
Left err -> "ERROR (" ++ (show err) ++ ")"
Right ds -> BS.unpack $ BS.intercalate space ds
module Maskbits(
- Maskbits(..),
- )
+ Maskbits(..) )
-import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), elements)
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary(..), elements )
-- | A type representing the number of bits in a CIDR netmask.
module Octet (
- octet_tests,
- )
+ octet_tests )
-import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)
-import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
-import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
-import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, (==>))
+import Test.QuickCheck ( Gen ) -- Not re-exported by tasty
+import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
+ Arbitrary(..),
+ Property,
+ (==>),
+ testProperty )
import Bit as B (Bit(..))
import Maskable (Maskable(..))
-- Test lists.
-octet_tests :: Test
+octet_tests :: TestTree
octet_tests =
testGroup "Octet Tests" [
test_octet_mask2 ]
-octet_properties :: Test
+octet_properties :: TestTree
octet_properties =
"Octet Properties "
- [ testProperty
- "fromEnum/toEnum are inverses"
- prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses,
- testProperty
- "read/show are inverses"
- prop_read_show_inverses ]
+ [ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses,
+ prop_read_show_inverses ]
-- QuickCheck properties
-prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: Int -> Property
-prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses x =
- (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==>
- fromEnum (toEnum x :: Octet) == x
-prop_read_show_inverses :: Int -> Property
-prop_read_show_inverses x =
- (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==> x' == x
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: TestTree
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses =
+ testProperty "fromEnum and toEnum are inverses" prop
- oct :: Octet
- oct = read $ show x
+ prop :: Int -> Property
+ prop x =
+ (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==>
+ fromEnum (toEnum x :: Octet) == x
+prop_read_show_inverses :: TestTree
+prop_read_show_inverses =
+ testProperty "read and show are inverses" prop
+ where
+ prop :: Int -> Property
+ prop x = (0 <= x) && (x <= 255) ==> x' == x
+ where
+ oct :: Octet
+ oct = read $ show x
+ x' :: Int
+ x' = read $ show oct
- x' :: Int
- x' = read $ show oct
-- HUnit Tests
-test_octet_from_int1 :: Test
+test_octet_from_int1 :: TestTree
test_octet_from_int1 =
- testCase desc $ assertEqual desc oct1 oct2
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "octet_from_int 128 should parse as 10000000"
- oct1 = Octet B.One B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero
- oct2 = toEnum 128
+ expected = Octet B.One B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero B.Zero
+ actual = toEnum 128
-test_octet_mask1 :: Test
+test_octet_mask1 :: TestTree
test_octet_mask1 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual desc oct2 (apply_mask oct1 Four B.Zero)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "The network bits of 255/4 should equal 240"
- oct1 = toEnum 255
- oct2 = toEnum 240 :: Octet
+ expected = toEnum 240 :: Octet
+ actual = apply_mask (toEnum 255) Four B.Zero
-test_octet_mask2 :: Test
+test_octet_mask2 :: TestTree
test_octet_mask2 =
- testCase desc $
- assertEqual desc oct2 (apply_mask oct1 Maskbits.One B.Zero)
+ testCase desc $ actual @?= expected
desc = "The network bits of 255/1 should equal 128"
- oct1 = toEnum 255
- oct2 = toEnum 128 :: Octet
+ expected = toEnum 128 :: Octet
+ actual = apply_mask (toEnum 255) Maskbits.One B.Zero
-{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-import Data.Monoid (mempty)
-import Test.Framework (
- Test,
- defaultMainWithOpts )
-import Test.Framework.Options
-import Test.Framework.Runners.Options
+import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, defaultMain, localOption, testGroup )
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( QuickCheckTests(..), QuickCheckMaxRatio(..) )
+import Cidr ( cidr_properties, cidr_tests )
+import IPv4Address ( ipv4address_properties, ipv4address_tests )
+import Octet ( octet_properties, octet_tests )
-import Cidr (
- cidr_properties,
- cidr_tests )
-import IPv4Address (
- ipv4address_properties,
- ipv4address_tests )
-import Octet (
- octet_properties,
- octet_tests )
-tests :: [Test.Framework.Test]
-tests = [ cidr_properties,
+tests :: TestTree
+tests = testGroup "All Tests" [
+ cidr_properties,
octet_tests ]
+-- TODO: Run 5000 generated tests, we have a large space.
main :: IO ()
-main = do
- let empty_test_opts = mempty :: TestOptions
- let my_test_opts = empty_test_opts {
- --
- -- Increase to 5000 when,
- -- https://github.com/batterseapower/test-framework/issues/34
- -- is fixed.
- --
- topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just 1000
- }
- let empty_runner_opts = mempty :: RunnerOptions
- let my_runner_opts = empty_runner_opts {
- ropt_test_options = Just my_test_opts
- }
- defaultMainWithOpts tests my_runner_opts
+main =
+ defaultMain $
+ localOption (QuickCheckTests 5000) $
+ localOption (QuickCheckMaxRatio 50) tests