data Status = Status { status_id :: Integer,
created_at :: String,
text :: String,
- user :: User }
+ user :: User,
+ reply :: Bool,
+ retweet :: Bool }
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |Given some XML content, create a 'Status' from it.
-status_from_content :: Content i -> (Maybe Status)
+status_from_content :: Content i -> Maybe Status
status_from_content content =
if (length status_ids) == 0
|| (length created_ats) == 0
|| (length texts) == 0
|| (length users) == 0
+ || (length retweeteds) == 0
- else
- case first_status_id of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- (Just status_id_data) ->
- case first_created_at of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- (Just created_at_data) ->
- case first_user of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- (Just user_object) ->
- case (reads status_id_data :: [(Integer, String)]) of
- [] -> Nothing
- parseresult:_ -> Just (Status (fst parseresult) created_at_data all_text user_object)
+ else do
+ first_status_id <- get_char_data (status_ids !! 0)
+ integer_status_id <- parse_status_id first_status_id
+ first_created_at <- get_char_data (created_ats !! 0)
+ first_user <- user_from_content (users !! 0)
+ first_retweeted <- get_char_data (retweeteds !! 0)
+ let is_reply = case (length reply_to_status_ids) of
+ 0 -> False
+ _ -> True
+ let is_retweet = case first_retweeted of
+ "true" -> True
+ _ -> False
+ return (Status
+ integer_status_id
+ first_created_at
+ all_text
+ first_user
+ is_reply
+ is_retweet)
status_ids = (unique_id content)
- first_status_id = get_char_data (status_ids !! 0)
created_ats = (status_created_at content)
- first_created_at = get_char_data (created_ats !! 0)
texts = (status_text content)
- all_text = concat $ catMaybes (map get_char_data texts)
users = (status_user content)
- first_user = user_from_content (users !! 0)
+ retweeteds = (status_retweeted content)
+ reply_to_status_ids = (status_reply_to_status_id content)
+ all_text = concat $ catMaybes (map get_char_data texts)
+ parse_status_id :: String -> Maybe Integer
+ parse_status_id s =
+ case (reads s) of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ parseresult:_ -> Just (fst parseresult)
-- |Takes an XML String as an argument, and returns the
-- status that was parsed from it. Should only be used
test_parse_usernames :: Test
test_parse_usernames =
- TestCase $ assertEqual "All usernames are parsed." expected_usernames actual_usernames
+ TestCase $
+ assertEqual
+ "All usernames are parsed."
+ expected_usernames
+ actual_usernames
dummy_user = User { screen_name = "nobody" }
dummy_status = Status { status_id = 1,
created_at = "never",
text = "Hypothesis: @donsbot and @bonus500 are two personalities belonging to the same person.",
- user = dummy_user }
+ user = dummy_user,
+ reply = False,
+ retweet = False
+ }
actual_usernames = parse_usernames_from_status dummy_status
expected_usernames = ["donsbot", "bonus500"]