require 'common/configuration'
require 'common/errors'
require 'common/exit_codes'
-require 'mailshears/postfixadmin_db'
+require 'common/postfixadmin_db'
cfg =
cfg.plugins.each do |plugin_file|
- require "mailshears/plugins/#{plugin_file}"
+ require "rm/plugins/#{plugin_file}"
+cfg.plugins.each do |plugin_file|
+ require "mv/plugins/#{plugin_file}"
--- /dev/null
+module MvPlugin
+ #
+ # Plugins for moving (renaming) accounts.
+ #
+ def mv_domain(from. to)
+ # Rename the given domain.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ def mv_account(from, to)
+ # Rename the given account.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require 'pg'
+require 'common/plugin'
+require 'mv/mv_plugin'
+class AgendavMv
+ include Plugin
+ include MvPlugin
+ def initialize()
+ cfg =
+ @db_host = cfg.agendav_dbhost
+ @db_port = cfg.agendav_dbport
+ @db_opts = cfg.agendav_dbopts
+ @db_tty = cfg.agendav_dbtty
+ @db_name = cfg.agendav_dbname
+ @db_user = cfg.agendav_dbuser
+ @db_pass = cfg.agendav_dbpass
+ end
+ def describe_domain(domain)
+ # AgenDAV doesn't have a concept of domains.
+ return 'N/A'
+ end
+ def describe_account(account)
+ if self.user_exists(account)
+ return "Username: #{account}"
+ else
+ return 'User not found'
+ end
+ end
+ def mv_domain(from, to)
+ # AgenDAV doesn't have a concept of domains.
+ end
+ def mv_account(from, to)
+ sql_queries = ['UPDATE prefs SET username = $1 WHERE username $2;']
+ sql_queries << 'UPDATE shared SET user_from = $1 WHERE user_from = $2;'
+ sql_queries << 'UPDATE shared SET user_which = $1 WHERE user_which = $2;'
+ begin
+ connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host,
+ @db_port,
+ @db_opts,
+ @db_tty,
+ @db_name,
+ @db_user,
+ @db_pass)
+ sql_queries.each do |sql_query|
+ connection.query(sql_query, [to, from])
+ end
+ connection.close()
+ rescue PGError => e
+ # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are.
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ protected;
+ def user_exists(account)
+ ad_users = get_agendav_usernames()
+ return ad_users.include?(account)
+ end
+ def get_agendav_usernames()
+ usernames = []
+ # Just assume PostgreSQL for now.
+ begin
+ connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host,
+ @db_port,
+ @db_opts,
+ @db_tty,
+ @db_name,
+ @db_user,
+ @db_pass)
+ sql_query = '(SELECT username FROM prefs)'
+ sql_query += 'UNION'
+ sql_query += '(SELECT user_from FROM shared);'
+ connection.query(sql_query) do |result|
+ usernames = result.field_values('username')
+ end
+ connection.close()
+ rescue PGError => e
+ # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are.
+ raise
+ end
+ return usernames
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require 'pg'
+require 'common/plugin'
+require 'rm/rm_plugin'
+class DavicalMv
+ #
+ # DAViCal only supports Postgres, so even if we ever are
+ # database-agnostic, this plugin can't be.
+ #
+ include Plugin
+ include MvPlugin
+ def initialize()
+ cfg =
+ @db_host = cfg.davical_dbhost
+ @db_port = cfg.davical_dbport
+ @db_opts = cfg.davical_dbopts
+ @db_tty = cfg.davical_dbtty
+ @db_name = cfg.davical_dbname
+ @db_user = cfg.davical_dbuser
+ @db_pass = cfg.davical_dbpass
+ end
+ def describe_domain(domain)
+ # DAViCal doesn't have a concept of domains.
+ return 'N/A'
+ end
+ def describe_account(account)
+ principal_id = self.get_principal_id(account)
+ if principal_id.nil?
+ return 'User not found'
+ else
+ return "Principal ID: #{principal_id}"
+ end
+ end
+ def mv_domain(from, to)
+ # DAViCal doesn't have a concept of domains.
+ end
+ def mv_account(from, to)
+ # Delete the given username. DAViCal uses foreign keys properly
+ # and only supports postgres, so we let the ON UPDATE CASCADE
+ # trigger handle most of the work.
+ sql_queries = ['UPDATE usr SET username = $1 WHERE username = $2']
+ begin
+ connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host,
+ @db_port,
+ @db_opts,
+ @db_tty,
+ @db_name,
+ @db_user,
+ @db_pass)
+ sql_queries.each do |sql_query|
+ connection.query(sql_query, [to, from])
+ end
+ connection.close()
+ rescue PGError => e
+ # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are.
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ protected;
+ def get_principal_id(account)
+ principal_id = nil
+ begin
+ connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host,
+ @db_port,
+ @db_opts,
+ @db_tty,
+ @db_name,
+ @db_user,
+ @db_pass)
+ sql_query = "SELECT principal.principal_id "
+ sql_query += "FROM (principal INNER JOIN usr "
+ sql_query += " ON principal.user_no = usr.user_no) "
+ sql_query += "WHERE usr.username = $1;"
+ connection.query(sql_query, [account]) do |result|
+ if result.num_tuples > 0
+ principal_id = result[0]['principal_id']
+ end
+ end
+ connection.close()
+ rescue PGError => e
+ # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are.
+ raise
+ end
+ return principal_id
+ end
--- /dev/null
+# Needed for rm_rf.
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'common/filesystem'
+require 'common/mailstore'
+require 'common/plugin'
+require 'mv/mv_plugin'
+class DovecotMailstoreMv < Mailstore
+ include Plugin
+ include MvPlugin
+ def initialize
+ cfg =
+ @domain_root = cfg.mail_root
+ end
+ def describe_domain(domain)
+ begin
+ domain_path = get_domain_path(domain)
+ return domain_path
+ rescue NonexistentDomainError => e
+ return "Doesn't exist: #{e.to_s}"
+ end
+ end
+ def describe_account(account)
+ begin
+ account_path = get_account_path(account)
+ return account_path
+ rescue NonexistentAccountError => e
+ return "Doesn't exist: #{e.to_s}"
+ end
+ end
+ def mv_domain(from, to)
+ from_path = self.get_domain_path(from)
+ to_path = self.get_domain_path(to)
+, to_path)
+ end
+ def mv_account(from, to)
+ from_path = self.get_account_path(from)
+ to_path = self.get_account_path(to)
+, to_path)
+ end
+ protected;
+ def get_domain_path(domain)
+ # Return the filesystem path for the given domain.
+ # That is, the directory where its mail is stored.
+ # Only works if the domain directory exists!
+ domain_path = File.join(@domain_root, domain)
+ if
+ return domain_path
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ def get_account_path(account)
+ # Return the filesystem path of this account's mailbox.
+ # Only works if the account exists!
+ if not account.include?('@')
+ raise"#{account}: Accounts must contain an '@' symbol.")
+ end
+ account_parts = account.split('@')
+ user_part = account_parts[0]
+ domain_part = account_parts[1]
+ begin
+ domain_path = get_domain_path(domain_part)
+ rescue NonexistentDomainError
+ raise
+ end
+ account_path = File.join(domain_path, user_part)
+ if
+ return account_path
+ else
+ raise NonexistentAccountError(account)
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require 'pg'
+require 'common/plugin'
+require 'mv/mv_plugin'
+class RoundcubeDbMv
+ include Plugin
+ include MvPlugin
+ def initialize()
+ cfg =
+ @db_host = cfg.roundcube_dbhost
+ @db_port = cfg.roundcube_dbport
+ @db_opts = cfg.roundcube_dbopts
+ @db_tty = cfg.roundcube_dbtty
+ @db_name = cfg.roundcube_dbname
+ @db_user = cfg.roundcube_dbuser
+ @db_pass = cfg.roundcube_dbpass
+ end
+ def describe_domain(domain)
+ # Roundcube doesn't have a concept of domains.
+ return 'N/A'
+ end
+ def describe_account(account)
+ user_id = self.get_user_id(account)
+ if user_id.nil?
+ return 'User not found'
+ else
+ return "User ID: #{user_id}"
+ end
+ end
+ def mv_domain(from, to)
+ # Roundcube doesn't have a concept of domains.
+ end
+ def mv_account(from, to)
+ sql_queries = ['UPDATE users SET username = $1 WHERE username = $2;']
+ begin
+ connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host,
+ @db_port,
+ @db_opts,
+ @db_tty,
+ @db_name,
+ @db_user,
+ @db_pass)
+ sql_queries.each do |sql_query|
+ connection.query(sql_query, [to, from])
+ end
+ connection.close()
+ rescue PGError => e
+ # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are.
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ protected;
+ def get_user_id(account)
+ user_id = nil
+ begin
+ connection = PGconn.connect(@db_host,
+ @db_port,
+ @db_opts,
+ @db_tty,
+ @db_name,
+ @db_user,
+ @db_pass)
+ sql_query = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = $1;"
+ connection.query(sql_query, [account]) do |result|
+ if result.num_tuples > 0
+ user_id = result[0]['user_id']
+ end
+ end
+ connection.close()
+ rescue PGError => e
+ # Pretend like we're database-agnostic in case we ever are.
+ raise
+ end
+ return user_id
+ end
require 'pg'
require 'common/plugin'
-require 'mailshears/rm_plugin'
+require 'rm/rm_plugin'
class AgendavDb
require 'pg'
require 'common/plugin'
-require 'mailshears/rm_plugin'
+require 'rm/rm_plugin'
class DavicalDb
require 'common/filesystem'
require 'common/mailstore'
require 'common/plugin'
-require 'mailshears/rm_plugin'
+require 'rm/rm_plugin'
class DovecotMailstore < Mailstore
require 'pg'
require 'common/plugin'
-require 'mailshears/rm_plugin'
+require 'rm/rm_plugin'
class RoundcubeDb