- zoom
+ zoom,
+ zoom_chunk
cube = find_containing_cube g p
t = find_containing_tetrahedron cube p
f = polynomial t
zoom :: Grid -> ScaleFactor -> Values3D
zoom g scale_factor
| xsize == 0 || ysize == 0 || zsize == 0 = empty3d
+{-# INLINE zoom_chunk_lookup #-}
+zoom_chunk_lookup :: Grid -> ScaleFactor -> a -> (R.DIM3 -> Double)
+zoom_chunk_lookup g scale_factor _ =
+ zoom_chunk_result g scale_factor
+{-# INLINE zoom_chunk_result #-}
+zoom_chunk_result :: Grid -> ScaleFactor -> R.DIM3 -> Double
+zoom_chunk_result g (sfx, sfy, sfz) (R.Z R.:. m R.:. n R.:. o)
+ | m /= 1 = 0 -- We're going to drop these anyway.
+ | otherwise = f p
+ where
+ offset = (h g)/2
+ sfx' = fromIntegral sfx
+ sfy' = fromIntegral sfy
+ sfz' = fromIntegral sfz
+ m' = (fromIntegral m) / sfx' - offset
+ n' = (fromIntegral n) / sfy' - offset
+ o' = (fromIntegral o) / sfz' - offset
+ p = (m', n', o') :: Point
+ cube = find_containing_cube g p
+ t = find_containing_tetrahedron cube p
+ f = polynomial t
+zoom_chunk :: Grid -> ScaleFactor -> Values3D
+zoom_chunk g scale_factor
+ | xsize == 0 || ysize == 0 || zsize == 0 = empty3d
+ | otherwise =
+ R.force $ R.unsafeTraverse arr transExtent (zoom_chunk_lookup g scale_factor)
+ where
+ arr = function_values g
+ (xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims arr
+ transExtent = zoom_shape scale_factor
-- | Check all coefficients of tetrahedron0 belonging to the cube
-- centered on (1,1,1) with a grid constructed from the trilinear
-- values. See example one in the paper.
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
-import qualified Data.Array.Repa.IO.BMP as R (writeComponentsToBMP)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import Grid (make_grid, zoom)
+import Grid (make_grid, zoom, zoom_chunk)
import MRI
-import Values (drop_z, zoom_shape)
+in_file :: FilePath
+in_file = "./data/mri.bin"
main :: IO ()
-main = do
+main = main2d_chunk
+main2d_chunk :: IO ()
+main2d_chunk = do
(s:_) <- getArgs
let scale = read s :: Int
let zoom_factor = (1, scale, scale)
let arrSlice = z_slice3 50 arrInv
let dbl_data = fromIntegral arrSlice
let g = make_grid 1 dbl_data
- let output = zoom g zoom_factor
- let arrBrack = bracket_array output
- print $ "arrBrack extent:" ++ (show $ R.extent arrBrack)
- let arrBrack' = z_slice 1 arrBrack
- print $ "arrBrack' extent:" ++ (show $ R.extent arrBrack')
- let mri_slice2d = drop_z $ zoom_shape zoom_factor mri_slice3d
- let colors = values_to_colors $ R.reshape mri_slice2d
- $ fromIntegral arrBrack'
- let routput = (\(red, _, _) -> red) colors
- let goutput = (\(_, green, _) -> green) colors
- let boutput = (\(_, _, blue) -> blue) colors
- R.writeComponentsToBMP out_file routput goutput boutput
+ let output = zoom_chunk g zoom_factor
+ write_values_chunk_to_bitmap output out_file
-in_file :: FilePath
-in_file = "./data/mri.bin"
main3d :: IO ()
main3d = do
let word16_output = bracket_array output
write_word16s out_file word16_output
main2d :: IO ()
main2d = do
(s:_) <- getArgs
let dbl_data = fromIntegral arrSlice'
let g = make_grid 1 dbl_data
let output = zoom g zoom_factor
- let arrBrack = bracket_array output
- let mri_slice2d = drop_z $ zoom_shape zoom_factor mri_slice3d
- let colors = values_to_colors $ R.reshape mri_slice2d
- $ fromIntegral arrBrack
- let routput = (\(red, _, _) -> red) colors
- let goutput = (\(_, green, _) -> green) colors
- let boutput = (\(_, _, blue) -> blue) colors
- R.writeComponentsToBMP out_file routput goutput boutput
+ write_values_slice_to_bitmap (z_slice 0 output) out_file