Replace a few custom functions with library ones.
Allow input CIDRs to be separated by any whitespace, not just newlines.
Split the exit codes out into their own module.
Remove now-unused ListUtils modules.
Update deps in cabal file.
Add a man page.
--- /dev/null
+.TH hath 1
+hath \- Manipulate network blocks in CIDR notation
+\fBhath\fR [\fBregexed|reduced|duped|diffed\fR] [\fB\-h\fR] [\fB-i \fIFILE\fR] \fI<input>\fR
+The \fIinput\fR (default: stdin) should be a list of CIDR blocks,
+separated by whitespace. Empty lines will be ignored, but otherwise,
+malformed entries will cause an error to be displayed.
+Hath is a Haskell program for working with network blocks in CIDR
+notation. When dealing with blocks of network addresses, there are a
+few things that one usually wants to do with them:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Create a regular expression matching the CIDR block(s). This is
+because grep will throw up if you feed it CIDR.
+.IP \[bu]
+Combine small blocks into larger ones. For example, if you have two
+consecutive /24s, they might combine into a larger /23.
+.IP \[bu]
+View the result of block combination in a useful way.
+Hath does just that. It takes as its input (via stdin, or a file with
+the -i parameter) a list of CIDR blocks.
+Hath currently has four modes:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+This computes a (Perl-compatible) regular expression matching
+the input CIDR blocks. It's the default mode of operation.
+.B $ hath <<< \(dq10.0.0.0/24\(dq
+.IP \[bu]
+This combines small blocks into larger ones where possible, and
+eliminates redundant blocks. The output should be equivalent to
+the input, though.
+.B $ hath reduced <<< \(dq10.0.0.0/24\(dq
+.IP \[bu]
+Shows only the blocks that would be removed by reduce; that is, it
+shows the ones that would get combined into larger blocks or are
+simply redundant.
+.B $ hath duped <<< \(dq10.0.0.0/24\(dq
+.IP \[bu]
+Shows what would change if you used reduce. Uses diff-like
+.B $ hath diffed <<< \(dq10.0.0.0/24\(dq
+Each of the modes also supports a present-tense flavor; the following
+are equivalent to their counterparts: \fBregex\fR, \fBreduce\fR,
+\fBdupe\fR, \fBdiff\fR.
+.IP \fB\-\-input\fR,\ \fB\-i\fR
+Specify the input file containing a list of CIDRs, rather than using
+stdin (the default).
base == 4.*,
HUnit == 1.2.*,
QuickCheck == 2.6.*,
+ MissingH == 1.2.*,
+ split == 0.2.*,
test-framework == 0.8.*,
test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*,
test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*
- -funbox-strict-fields
- -fexcess-precision
- -fno-spec-constr-count
base == 4.*,
HUnit == 1.2.*,
QuickCheck == 2.6.*,
+ MissingH == 1.2.*,
+ split == 0.2.*,
test-framework == 0.8.*,
test-framework-hunit == 0.3.*,
test-framework-quickcheck2 == 0.3.*
- -funbox-strict-fields
- -fexcess-precision
- -fno-spec-constr-count
bit_to_int One = 1
-- | If we are passed a '0' or '1', convert it
--- appropriately. Otherwise, default to Nothing.
+-- appropriately. Otherwise, return Nothing.
bit_from_char :: Char -> Maybe Bit
bit_from_char '0' = Just Zero
bit_from_char '1' = Just One
+-- | The CIDR modules contains most of the functions used for working
+-- with the CIDR type.
module Cidr
( Cidr(..),
) where
import Data.List (nubBy)
+import Data.List.Split (splitOneOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust)
import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)
import qualified Bit as B
import IPv4Address
-import ListUtils
import Maskable
import Maskbits
import Octet
cidr1 == cidr2 = (cidr1 `equivalent` cidr2)
--- Two CIDR ranges are equivalent if they have the same network bits
--- and the masks are the same.
+-- | Two CIDR ranges are equivalent if they have the same network bits
+-- and the masks are the same.
equivalent :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
equivalent (Cidr addr1 mbits1) (Cidr addr2 mbits2) =
(mbits1 == mbits2) && ((apply_mask addr1 mbits1 B.Zero) == (apply_mask addr2 mbits2 B.Zero))
--- Returns the mask portion of a CIDR address. That is, everything
--- after the trailing slash.
+-- | Returns the mask portion of a CIDR address. That is, everything
+-- after the trailing slash.
maskbits_from_cidr_string :: String -> Maybe Maskbits
maskbits_from_cidr_string s
| length partlist == 2 = maskbits_from_string (partlist !! 1)
| otherwise = Nothing
- partlist = (splitWith (`elem` "/") s)
+ partlist = splitOneOf "/" s
-- | Takes an IP address String in CIDR notation, and returns a list
-- of its octets (as Ints).
octets_from_cidr_string :: String -> [Octet]
octets_from_cidr_string s =
- catMaybes $ map octet_from_string (take 4 (splitWith (`elem` "./") s))
+ catMaybes $ map octet_from_string (take 4 (splitOneOf "./" s))
-- | Return Nothing if we can't parse both maskbits and octets from
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the minimum valid IPv4 address contained
+-- within it.
min_host :: Cidr -> IPv4Address
min_host (Cidr addr mask) = apply_mask addr mask B.Zero
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the maximum valid IPv4 address contained
+-- within it.
max_host :: Cidr -> IPv4Address
max_host (Cidr addr mask) = apply_mask addr mask B.One
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the first octet of the minimum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
min_octet1 :: Cidr -> Octet
min_octet1 cidr = octet1 (min_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the second octet of the minimum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
min_octet2 :: Cidr -> Octet
min_octet2 cidr = octet2 (min_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the third octet of the minimum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
min_octet3 :: Cidr -> Octet
min_octet3 cidr = octet3 (min_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the fourth octet of the minimum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
min_octet4 :: Cidr -> Octet
min_octet4 cidr = octet4 (min_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the first octet of the maximum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
max_octet1 :: Cidr -> Octet
max_octet1 cidr = octet1 (max_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the second octet of the maximum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
max_octet2 :: Cidr -> Octet
max_octet2 cidr = octet2 (max_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the third octet of the maximum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
max_octet3 :: Cidr -> Octet
max_octet3 cidr = octet3 (max_host cidr)
+-- | Given a CIDR, return the fourth octet of the maximum valid IPv4
+-- address contained within it.
max_octet4 :: Cidr -> Octet
max_octet4 cidr = octet4 (max_host cidr)
addr2masked = apply_mask addr2 mbits1 B.Zero
+-- | Contains but is not equal to.
contains_proper :: Cidr -> Cidr -> Bool
contains_proper cidr1 cidr2 =
(cidr1 `contains` cidr2) && (not (cidr2 `contains` cidr1))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
--- Dark magic.
+-- | Lowercase an entire string.
lowercase :: String -> String
lowercase = map toLower
--- The application currently has four modes. The default, Regex, will
--- compute a regular expression matching the input CIDRs. Reduce, on
--- the other hand, will combine any redundant/adjacent CIDR blocks
--- into one. Dupe will show you what would be removed by Reduce, and
--- Diff will show both additions and deletions in a diff-like format.
+-- | The application currently has four modes. The default, Regex,
+-- will compute a regular expression matching the input
+-- CIDRs. Reduce, on the other hand, will combine any
+-- redundant/adjacent CIDR blocks into one. Dupe will show you what
+-- would be removed by Reduce, and Diff will show both additions and
+-- deletions in a diff-like format.
data Mode = Regex | Reduce | Dupe | Diff
--- A record containing values for all available options.
+-- | A record containing values for all available options.
data Options = Options { opt_help :: Bool,
opt_input :: IO String }
--- This constructs an instance of Options, with each of its members
--- set to default values.
+-- | This constructs an instance of Options, with each of its members
+-- set to default values.
default_options :: Options
default_options = Options { opt_help = False,
opt_input = getContents }
--- The options list that we construct associates a function with each
--- option. This function is responsible for updating an Options record
--- with the appropriate value.
+-- | The options list that we construct associates a function with
+-- each option. This function is responsible for updating an Options
+-- record with the appropriate value.
--- For more information and an example of this idiom, see,
+-- For more information and an example of this idiom, see,
options :: [OptDescr (Options -> IO Options)]
options =
- [ Option ['h'][] (NoArg set_help) "Prints this help message.",
- Option ['i'][] (ReqArg set_input "FILE") "Read FILE instead of stdin." ]
+ [ Option ['h']["help"] (NoArg set_help) "Prints this help message.",
+ Option ['i']["input"] (ReqArg set_input "FILE") "Read FILE instead of stdin." ]
--- Takes an Options as an argument, and sets its opt_help member to
--- True.
+-- | Takes an Options as an argument, and sets its opt_help member to
+-- True.
set_help :: Options -> IO Options
set_help opts = do
return opts { opt_help = True }
--- If the input file option is set, this function will update the
--- passed Options record with a new function for opt_input. The
--- default opt_input is to read from stdin, but if this option is set,
--- we replace that with readFile.
+-- | If the input file option is set, this function will update the
+-- passed Options record with a new function for opt_input. The
+-- default opt_input is to read from stdin, but if this option is
+-- set, we replace that with readFile.
set_input :: String -> Options -> IO Options
set_input arg opts = do
return opts { opt_input = readFile arg }
--- The usage header
+-- | The usage header.
usage :: String
-usage = "Usage: hath [regexed|reduced|duped|diffed] [-h] [-i FILE]"
+usage = "Usage: hath [regexed|reduced|duped|diffed] [-h] [-i FILE] <input>"
--- The usage header, and all available flags (as generated by GetOpt)
+-- | The usage header, and all available flags (as generated by GetOpt).
help_text :: String
help_text = usageInfo usage options
--- Return a list of options.
+-- | Return a list of options.
parse_options :: IO Options
parse_options = do
argv <- getArgs
return opts
--- Return the mode if one was given.
+-- | Return the mode if one was given.
parse_mode :: IO Mode
parse_mode = do
argv <- getArgs
--- Return a list of errors.
+-- | Return a list of errors.
parse_errors :: IO [String]
parse_errors = do
argv <- getArgs
--- Is the help option set?
+-- | Is the help option set?
help_set :: IO Bool
help_set = do
opts <- parse_options
return (opt_help opts)
--- Return our input function, getContents by default, or readFile if
--- the input file option was set.
+-- | Return our input function, getContents by default, or readFile if
+-- the input file option was set.
input_function :: IO (IO String)
input_function = do
opts <- parse_options
--- /dev/null
+-- | Some exit codes, used in the ExitFailure constructor.
+module ExitCodes
+-- | One of the CIDRs is invalid (malformed, not a CIDR at all, etc).
+exit_invalid_cidr :: Int
+exit_invalid_cidr = 1
+-- | We were unable to parse the command-line arguments.
+exit_args_parse_failed :: Int
+exit_args_parse_failed = 2
+++ /dev/null
-module ListUtils
-( pad_left_to,
- pad_right_to,
- splitWith
-) where
--- Stolen from ByteString. Splits a list at each element satisfying
--- the predicate p.
-splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
-splitWith p xs =
- ys : case zs of
- [] -> []
- _:ws -> splitWith p ws
- where (ys,zs) = break p xs
--- Pads a list (on the left) to length len by prepending pad_elem.
-pad_left_to :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
-pad_left_to len pad_elem xs =
- if (length xs) >= len then
- xs
- else
- (replicate padcount pad_elem) ++ xs
- where
- padcount = len - (length xs)
--- Pads a list (on the right) to length len by appending pad_elem.
-pad_right_to :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
-pad_right_to len pad_elem xs =
- if (length xs) >= len then
- xs
- else
- xs ++ (replicate padcount pad_elem)
- where
- padcount = len - (length xs)
+import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List ((\\), intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing)
+import Data.String.Utils (splitWs)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
+import ExitCodes
import Octet
--- Some exit codes, used in the ExitFailure constructor.
-exit_invalid_cidr :: Int
-exit_invalid_cidr = 1
-exit_args_parse_failed :: Int
-exit_args_parse_failed = 2
--- A regular expression that matches a non-address character.
+-- | A regular expression that matches a non-address character.
non_addr_char :: String
non_addr_char = "[^\\.0-9]"
--- Add non_addr_chars on either side of the given String. This
--- prevents (for example) the regex '' from matching
--- ''.
+-- | Add non_addr_chars on either side of the given String. This
+-- prevents (for example) the regex '' from matching
+-- ''.
addr_barrier :: String -> String
addr_barrier x = non_addr_char ++ x ++ non_addr_char
--- The magic happens here. We take a CIDR String as an argument, and
--- return the equivalent regular expression. We do this as follows:
+-- | The magic happens here. We take a CIDR String as an argument, and
+-- return the equivalent regular expression. We do this as follows:
--- 1. Compute the minimum possible value of each octet.
--- 2. Compute the maximum possible value of each octet.
--- 3. Generate a regex matching every value between those min and
--- max values.
--- 4. Join the regexes from step 3 with regexes matching periods.
--- 5. Stick an address boundary on either side of the result.
---cidr_to_regex :: String -> String
+-- 1. Compute the minimum possible value of each octet.
+-- 2. Compute the maximum possible value of each octet.
+-- 3. Generate a regex matching every value between those min and
+-- max values.
+-- 4. Join the regexes from step 3 with regexes matching periods.
+-- 5. Stick an address boundary on either side of the result.
cidr_to_regex :: Cidr.Cidr -> String
cidr_to_regex cidr =
addr_barrier (intercalate "\\." [range1, range2, range3, range4])
--- Take a list of Strings, and return a regular expression matching
--- any of them.
+-- | Take a list of Strings, and return a regular expression matching
+-- any of them.
alternate :: [String] -> String
alternate terms = "(" ++ (concat (intersperse "|" terms)) ++ ")"
--- Take two Ints as parameters, and return a regex matching any
--- integer between them (inclusive).
+-- | Take two Ints as parameters, and return a regex matching any
+-- integer between them (inclusive).
numeric_range :: Int -> Int -> String
numeric_range x y =
alternate (map show [lower..upper])
-- First, check for any errors that occurred while parsing
-- the command line options.
errors <- CommandLine.parse_errors
- if not (null errors)
- then do
- hPutStrLn stderr (concat errors)
- putStrLn CommandLine.help_text
- exitWith (ExitFailure exit_args_parse_failed)
- else do -- Nothing
+ when ((not . null) errors) $ do
+ hPutStrLn stderr (concat errors)
+ putStrLn CommandLine.help_text
+ exitWith (ExitFailure exit_args_parse_failed)
-- Next, check to see if the 'help' option was passed to the
-- program. If it was, display the help, and exit successfully.
help_opt_set <- CommandLine.help_set
- if help_opt_set
- then do
- putStrLn CommandLine.help_text
- exitWith ExitSuccess
- else do -- Nothing
+ when help_opt_set $ do
+ putStrLn CommandLine.help_text
+ exitWith ExitSuccess
-- The input function we receive here should know what to read.
inputfunc <- (CommandLine.input_function)
input <- inputfunc
- let cidr_strings = lines input
+ let cidr_strings = splitWs input
let cidrs = map cidr_from_string cidr_strings
- if (any isNothing cidrs)
- then do
- putStrLn "Error: not valid CIDR notation."
- exitWith (ExitFailure exit_invalid_cidr)
- else do -- Nothing
+ when (any isNothing cidrs) $ do
+ putStrLn "Error: not valid CIDR notation."
+ exitWith (ExitFailure exit_invalid_cidr)
-- Filter out only the valid ones.
let valid_cidrs = catMaybes cidrs
import Test.QuickCheck
--- A type representing the number of bits in a CIDR netmask.
+-- | A type representing the number of bits in a CIDR netmask.
data Maskbits =
| One
maskbits_from_int 32 = Just ThirtyTwo
maskbits_from_int _ = Nothing
+-- | Convert a String to Maskbits, if possible.
maskbits_from_string :: String -> Maybe Maskbits
maskbits_from_string s =
case (reads s :: [(Int, String)]) of
+-- | Maskbits are just natural numbers, this returns the previous one.
decrement :: Maskbits -> Maskbits
decrement Zero = Zero
decrement One = Zero