--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | QR factorization via Givens rotations.
+module Linear.QR (
+ givens_rotator,
+ qr )
+import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring ( C )
+import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic ( C )
+import Data.Vector.Fixed ( ifoldl )
+import Data.Vector.Fixed.Cont ( Arity )
+import NumericPrelude hiding ( (*) )
+import Linear.Matrix (
+ Mat(..),
+ (*),
+ (!!!),
+ construct,
+ identity_matrix,
+ transpose )
+-- | Construct a givens rotation matrix that will operate on row @i@
+-- and column @j@. This is done to create zeros in some column of
+-- the target matrix. You must also supply that column's @i@th and
+-- @j@th entries as arguments.
+-- Examples (Watkins, p. 193):
+-- >>> import Linear.Matrix ( Mat2, fromList )
+-- >>> let m = givens_rotator 0 1 1 1 :: Mat2 Double
+-- >>> let m2 = fromList [[1, -1],[1, 1]] :: Mat2 Double
+-- >>> m == (1 / (sqrt 2) :: Double) *> m2
+-- True
+givens_rotator :: forall m a. (Ring.C a, Algebraic.C a, Arity m)
+ => Int -> Int -> a -> a -> Mat m m a
+givens_rotator i j xi xj =
+ construct f
+ where
+ xnorm = sqrt $ xi^2 + xj^2
+ c = xi / xnorm
+ s = xj / xnorm
+ f :: Int -> Int -> a
+ f y z
+ | y == i && z == i = c
+ | y == j && z == j = c
+ | y == i && z == j = negate s
+ | y == j && z == i = s
+ | y == z = fromInteger 1
+ | otherwise = fromInteger 0
+-- | Compute the QR factorization of a matrix (using Givens
+-- rotations). This is accomplished with two folds: the first one
+-- traverses the columns of the matrix from left to right, and the
+-- second traverses the entries of the column from top to
+-- bottom.
+-- The state that is passed through the fold is the current (q,r)
+-- factorization. We keep the pair updated by multiplying @q@ and
+-- @r@ by the new rotator (or its transpose).
+qr :: forall m n a. (Arity m, Arity n, Algebraic.C a, Ring.C a)
+ => Mat m n a -> (Mat m m a, Mat m n a)
+qr matrix =
+ ifoldl col_function initial_qr columns
+ where
+ Mat columns = transpose matrix
+ initial_qr = (identity_matrix, matrix)
+ -- | Process the column and spit out the current QR
+ -- factorization. In the first column, we want to get rotators
+ -- Q12, Q13, Q14,... In the second column, we want rotators Q23,
+ -- Q24, Q25,...
+ col_function (q,r) col_idx col =
+ ifoldl (f col_idx) (q,r) col
+ -- | Process the entries in a column, doing basically the same
+ -- thing as col_dunction does. It updates the QR factorization,
+ -- maybe, and returns the current one.
+ f col_idx (q,r) idx x
+ | idx <= col_idx = (q,r) -- leave it alone.
+ | otherwise =
+ (q*rotator, (transpose rotator)*r)
+ where
+ rotator :: Mat m m a
+ rotator = givens_rotator col_idx idx (r !!! (idx, col_idx)) x