go ((x0,x1):rest) y0 f = y1 : (go rest y1 f)
y1 = eulers_method1 x0 y0 f (x1 - x0)
+-- | Perform as many iterations of Euler's method over the interval
+-- [$x0$, $xN$] as is necessary for the given step size $h$. The
+-- number of subintervals `n` will be calculated automatically. A
+-- list of y-values will be returned.
+-- The implementation simply computes `n` from the length of the
+-- interval and the given $h$, and then calls 'eulers_method'.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let x0 = 0.0
+-- >>> let xN = 1.0
+-- >>> let y0 = 1.0
+-- >>> let f x y = y
+-- >>> let ys = eulers_method x0 xN y0 f 10
+-- >>> let ys' = eulers_methodH x0 xN y0 f 0.1
+-- >>> ys == ys'
+-- True
+eulers_methodH :: (RealFrac a, RealFrac b)
+ => a -- ^ x0, the initial point
+ -> b -- ^ y0, the initial value at x0
+ -> a -- ^ xN, the terminal point
+ -> (a -> b -> b) -- ^ The function f(x,y)
+ -> a -- ^ h, the step size.
+ -> [b]
+eulers_methodH x0 y0 xN f h =
+ eulers_method x0 y0 xN f n
+ where
+ n = floor $ (xN - x0) / h