:set -isrc
-- Load everything.
-:l src/Roots/Simple.hs src/Aliases.hs src/TwoTuple.hs src/Integration/Simpson.hs src/Integration/Trapezoid.hs
+:load src/Aliases.hs
+ src/Integration/Simpson.hs
+ src/Integration/Trapezoid.hs
+ src/Misc.hs
+ src/ODE/IVP.hs
+ src/Roots/Simple.hs
+ src/TwoTuple.hs
-- Just for convenience.
import Data.Number.BigFloat
import Aliases
-import TwoTuple
import Integration.Simpson
import Integration.Trapezoid
+import Misc
+import ODE.IVP
+import Roots.Simple
+import TwoTuple
-- Use a calmer prompt.
:set prompt "numerical-analysis> "
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | Numerical solution of the initial value problem,
+-- y'(x) = f(x, y(x))
+-- y'(x0) = y0
+-- for x in [x0, xN].
+module ODE.IVP
+import Misc (partition)
+-- | A single iteration of Euler's method over the interval
+-- [$x0$, $x0$+$h$].
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let x0 = 0.0
+-- >>> let y0 = 1.0
+-- >>> let h = 1.0
+-- >>> let f x y = y
+-- >>> eulers_method1 x0 y0 f h
+-- 2.0
+eulers_method1 :: (RealFrac a, RealFrac b)
+ => a -- ^ x0, the initial point
+ -> b -- ^ y0, the initial value at x0
+ -> (a -> b -> b) -- ^ The function f(x,y)
+ -> a -- ^ The step size h.
+ -> b
+eulers_method1 x0 y0 f h =
+ y0 + h'*y'
+ where
+ h' = fromRational $ toRational h
+ y' = (f x0 y0)
+-- | Perform $n$ iterations of Euler's method over the interval [$x0$,
+-- $xN$]. The step size `h` will be calculated automatically. A list
+-- of y-values will be returned.
+-- The explicit 'forall' in the type signature allows us to refer
+-- back to the type variables 'a' and 'b' in the 'where' clause.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let x0 = 0.0
+-- >>> let xN = 1.0
+-- >>> let y0 = 1.0
+-- >>> let f x y = y
+-- >>> let ys = eulers_method x0 xN y0 f 10000
+-- >>> let yN = head $ reverse ys
+-- >>> abs ((exp 1) - yN) < 1/10^3
+-- True
+eulers_method :: forall a b c. (RealFrac a, RealFrac b, Integral c)
+ => a -- ^ x0, the initial point
+ -> b -- ^ y0, the initial value at x0
+ -> a -- ^ xN, the terminal point
+ -> (a -> b -> b) -- ^ The function f(x,y)
+ -> c -- ^ n, the number of intervals to use.
+ -> [b]
+eulers_method x0 y0 xN f n =
+ go xs y0 f
+ where
+ xs = partition n x0 xN
+ -- The 'go' function actually does all the work. It takes a list
+ -- of intervals [(x0,x1), (x1, x2)...] and peels off the first
+ -- one. It then runs the single-step Euler's method on that
+ -- interval, and afterwards recurses down the rest of the list.
+ go :: [(a,a)] -> b -> (a -> b -> b) -> [b]
+ go [] _ _ = []
+ go ((x0,x1):rest) y0 f = y1 : (go rest y1 f)
+ where
+ y1 = eulers_method1 x0 y0 f (x1 - x0)