The function $f$ applied to $x$ is $f\of{x}$. We can group terms
like $a + \qty{b - c}$ or $a + \qty{b - \sqty{c - d}}$. Here's a
set $\set{1,2,3} = \setc{n \in \Nn[1]}{ n \le 3 }$. Here's a pair
- of things $\pair{1}{2}$ or a triple of them
- $\triple{1}{2}{3}$. The Cartesian product of two sets $A$ and $B$
- is $\cartprod{A}{B}$; if we take the product with $C$ as well,
- then we obtain $\cartprodthree{A}{B}{C}$. The direct sum of $V$
- and $W$ is $\directsum{V}{W}$ and the factorial of the number $10$
- is $\factorial{10}$.
+ of things $\pair{1}{2}$ or a triple of them $\triple{1}{2}{3}$,
+ and the factorial of the number $10$ is $\factorial{10}$.
+ The Cartesian product of two sets $A$ and $B$ is
+ $\cartprod{A}{B}$; if we take the product with $C$ as well, then
+ we obtain $\cartprodthree{A}{B}{C}$. The direct sum of $V$ and $W$
+ is $\directsum{V}{W}$. Or three things,
+ $\directsumthree{U}{V}{W}$. How about more things? Like
+ $\directsummany{k=1}{\infty}{V_{k}} \ne
+ \cartprodmany{k=1}{\infty}{V_{k}}$. Those direct sums and
+ cartesian products adapt nicely to display equations:
+ %
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \directsummany{k=1}{\infty}{V_{k}} \ne \cartprodmany{k=1}{\infty}{V_{k}}.
+ \end{equation*}
Here are a few common tuple spaces that should not have a
superscript when that superscript would be one: $\Nn[1]$,
$\Zn[1]$, $\Qn[1]$, $\Rn[1]$, $\Cn[1]$. However, if the
\unionmany{k=1}{\infty}{A_{k}} = \intersectmany{k=1}{\infty}{B_{k}}
- %
{ {#1}_{#2}^{#3}{#4} }
-\providecommand*{\unionmany}[3]{ \binopmany{\cup}{#1}{#2}{#3} }
\providecommand*{\intersectmany}[3]{ \binopmany{\cap}{#1}{#2}{#3} }
+\providecommand*{\cartprodmany}[3]{ \binopmany{\times}{#1}{#2}{#3} }
+\providecommand*{\directsummany}[3]{ \binopmany{\oplus}{#1}{#2}{#3} }
+\providecommand*{\unionmany}[3]{ \binopmany{\cup}{#1}{#2}{#3} }