Use epatch_user instead of a custom patch directory.
-Hash: SHA512
AUX 1.05-errno.patch 238 RMD160 b479d8c16dd8fe7206cba19125dd8866c2584301 SHA1 f23206f3ffc1a8aa6768fdb2ef588012c17eaa79 SHA256 40e01efac08e95bf87b46e2d86378b0a60c234c64080b7f42039178ac6de61af
AUX CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries-ipv6.patch 10049 RMD160 9154f495cfc5eebcb6617b8fa65ee0bea0cbbf80 SHA1 0461b199c048c6b94b659280d04a4f537cdb9c04 SHA256 56c7db6c5bed3200e1f6e4995018c96158085f2f7169c7b148c7c034ddff8111
AUX CVE2008-4392_0001-dnscache-merge-similar-outgoing-queries.patch 9914 RMD160 c416dd6575819cfd40ef0d306ccb14d34a5afc90 SHA1 8dd3ce7758d3a97cafbe6a60ea83f48e916f496d SHA256 b5e030e96ed98d96d36c39e3466e04d98d39c5f1c7e94254ea3da5e99381eed6
AUX tinydns-setup 3212 RMD160 1cda8eaa07ff559342b13b3d90025b83517a4ed4 SHA1 a357391397cd04e462803921357ffc1730c8aab9 SHA256 2d4e144e5408793f1d5ffa23abc510a04e449a6306965c1a35fb8956a419696f
DIST djbdns-1.05-test23.diff.bz2 18480 RMD160 33037f2a41abb49c305f3efec4402c6965c8b8b8 SHA1 34251597d211ff00791cb6546e8ef60d75ce5477 SHA256 e702f47b4a4c77fe5cec474a8219a072cfaaee07282650b7e0dd322ed82e8f33
DIST djbdns-1.05.tar.gz 85648 RMD160 a832cbfd93e4ccec6a565492a4ee0b3c1b4b68ed SHA1 2efdb3a039d0c548f40936aa9cb30829e0ce8c3d SHA256 3ccd826a02f3cde39be088e1fc6aed9fd57756b8f970de5dc99fcd2d92536b48
-EBUILD djbdns-1.05-r23.ebuild 3688 RMD160 ca17b8df6da21a9b43568225d23833a4e42a45bf SHA1 014bffb4e1f18b8aa9301ae57572864fe37f19aa SHA256 89144b7f749856a5cff64e13f8c856f8382e2d473733d10874f6669fdb24600a
-EBUILD djbdns-1.05-r24.ebuild 3883 RMD160 42d53dc90c59cecb6378c7442b3f95a454463945 SHA1 9bd23aae6ea006965b283dfb5246468866cce405 SHA256 56329adc9b92658def3101bae259c8f847f7e6a3a4391938aa5ad53f6648d87f
-EBUILD djbdns-1.05-r25.ebuild 3954 RMD160 98bfbe59bed1b86a8a97b7e0d14ffa4fe9e35b60 SHA1 53529314890684bbb53039b9f646e809b704228a SHA256 2cd02d012f9fa37b3cc176ca2242021c0232246736a61e30154821cacd7cd13d
+EBUILD djbdns-1.05-r23.ebuild 3375 RMD160 b1fdbbdc90afd79878f8191424ab0dc7b2ab339b SHA1 d14b30e795b31224e83ca0197215e342cc42b0d4 SHA256 761aa4ccaa653c80e78526aa61a168f035483190e62907f408a07e5c75e177da
+EBUILD djbdns-1.05-r24.ebuild 3570 RMD160 644bd3f8823ef094bbcc2c2ea7d28519db3da208 SHA1 ce6b5139400e0833caadfd6d306533504ee73381 SHA256 3892c64805df436759afc48bb72640fa5118403aebd12754a22a6a9dd34c9fa1
+EBUILD djbdns-1.05-r25.ebuild 3641 RMD160 0f5c9fb9cf4543c85f109b7496f10140b3eb2c20 SHA1 206965cfaa2b2ae92616052849d33725f3a5a84d SHA256 c1d45839176f2e29bdf13df3dbf11089b23f3809f72004dac077b97c57da432a
MISC ChangeLog 20420 RMD160 b7e4b6a054109d29d16cd577c2f61ea20e28f5dc SHA1 a53379b9e0eee7b83a30b83a37d7115f24494f78 SHA256 184fbb106f385884f9c5ce0252130b2e55ce818768b191156d65711530fd4883
MISC metadata.xml 409 RMD160 7b69b690876c3e5f44ca61381a7d757b64907978 SHA1 bb4b744ec4c5ae17e26ae313b206a1bfdb2be3db SHA256 50dabe586f27b034bb8b11d38ea34ed030dcaa73221d1498859fabb914f651f0
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
cd "${S}"
- elog 'Several patches have been dropped from this djbdns ebuild revision.'
- elog 'Please use the DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR variable to specify a directory'
- elog 'of custom patches.'
+ elog 'Several patches have been dropped from this ebuild.'
+ elog 'Please place custom patches in,'
+ elog
+ elog ' /etc/portage/patches/net-dns/djbdns'
elog 'Some of them can be found at or'
- elog ''
+ elog ''
epatch \
if use ipv6; then
elog "At present dnstrace does NOT support IPv6. It will"\
- "be compiled without IPv6 support."
+ "be compiled without IPv6 support."
cp -pR "${S}" "${S}-noipv6"
# Careful -- >=test21 of the IPv6 patch includes the errno patch
epatch "${DISTDIR}/${P}-${IPV6_PATCH}.diff.bz2"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-errno.patch"
- if [[ -n "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}" && -d "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}" ]]
- then
- echo
- ewarn "You enabled custom patches from ${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}."
- ewarn "Be warned that you won't get any support when using "
- ewarn "this feature. You're on your own from now!"
- echo
- ebeep
- cd "${S}" && epatch "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}/"*
- fi
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch_user
src_compile() {
src_prepare() {
- elog 'Several patches have been dropped from this djbdns ebuild revision.'
- elog 'Please use the DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR variable to specify a directory'
- elog 'of custom patches.'
+ elog 'Several patches have been dropped from this ebuild.'
+ elog 'Please place custom patches in,'
+ elog
+ elog ' /etc/portage/patches/net-dns/djbdns'
elog 'Some of them can be found at or'
- elog ''
+ elog ''
epatch \
if use ipv6; then
elog "At present dnstrace does NOT support IPv6. It will"\
- "be compiled without IPv6 support."
+ "be compiled without IPv6 support."
cp -pR "${S}" "${S}-noipv6"
# Careful -- >=test21 of the IPv6 patch includes the errno patch
epatch "${DISTDIR}/${P}-${IPV6_PATCH}.diff.bz2"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-errno.patch"
- if [[ -n "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}" && -d "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}" ]]
- then
- echo
- ewarn "You enabled custom patches from ${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}."
- ewarn "Be warned that you won't get any support when using "
- ewarn "this feature. You're on your own from now!"
- echo
- ebeep
- cd "${S}" && epatch "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}/"*
- fi
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch_user
src_compile() {
src_prepare() {
- elog 'Several patches have been dropped from this djbdns ebuild revision.'
- elog 'Please use the DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR variable to specify a directory'
- elog 'of custom patches.'
+ elog 'Several patches have been dropped from this ebuild.'
+ elog 'Please place custom patches in,'
+ elog
+ elog ' /etc/portage/patches/net-dns/djbdns'
elog 'Some of them can be found at or'
- elog ''
+ elog ''
epatch \
if use ipv6; then
elog "At present dnstrace does NOT support IPv6. It will"\
- "be compiled without IPv6 support."
+ "be compiled without IPv6 support."
cp -pR "${S}" "${S}-noipv6"
# Careful -- >=test21 of the IPv6 patch includes the errno patch
epatch "${DISTDIR}/${P}-${IPV6_PATCH}.diff.bz2"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-errno.patch"
- if [[ -n "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}" && -d "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}" ]]
- then
- echo
- ewarn "You enabled custom patches from ${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}."
- ewarn "Be warned that you won't get any support when using "
- ewarn "this feature. You're on your own from now!"
- echo
- ebeep
- cd "${S}" && epatch "${DJBDNS_PATCH_DIR}/"*
- fi
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch_user
src_compile() {