xml_time_stamp :: UTCTime }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToDb Message where
+ -- | The database analogue of a 'Message' is a 'AutoRacingSchedule'.
+ --
type Db Message = AutoRacingSchedule
+-- | The 'FromXml' instance for 'Message' is required for the
+-- 'XmlImport' instance.
instance FromXml Message where
+ -- | To convert a 'Message' to an 'AutoRacingSchedule', we just drop
+ -- the 'xml_listings'.
+ --
from_xml Message{..} =
AutoRacingSchedule {
db_xml_file_id = xml_xml_file_id,
db_complete_through = xml_complete_through,
db_time_stamp = xml_time_stamp }
+-- | This allows us to insert the XML representation 'Message'
+-- directly.
instance XmlImport Message
-- \<Message\>. We combine the race date/time into a single
-- race_time, drop the race results list, and add a foreign key to
-- our parent.
data AutoRacingScheduleListing =
AutoRacingScheduleListing {
db_auto_racing_schedules_id :: DefaultKey AutoRacingSchedule,
db_track_length :: String -- ^ Sometimes the word "miles" shows up.
-- | XML representation of a \<Listing\> contained within a
-- \<message\>.
xml_location :: String,
xml_tv_listing :: Maybe String,
xml_laps :: Int,
- xml_track_length :: String, -- ^ Sometimes the word \"miles\" shows up.
+ xml_track_length :: String, -- ^ Sometimes the word \"miles\" shows up,
+ -- so we can't do the right thing and use
+ -- a 'Double'.
xml_race_results :: [AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResult] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Pseudo-accessor to get the race result listings out of a
--- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml'.
+-- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml'. A poor man's lens.
result_listings :: AutoRacingScheduleListingXml
-> [AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml]
result_listings = (concatMap xml_race_result_listing) . xml_race_results
instance ToDb AutoRacingScheduleListingXml where
+ -- | The database analogue of an 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml' is
+ -- an 'AutoRacingScheduleListing'.
+ --
type Db AutoRacingScheduleListingXml = AutoRacingScheduleListing
instance FromXmlFk AutoRacingScheduleListingXml where
+ -- | Each 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml' is contained in (i.e. has a
+ -- foreign key to) a 'AutoRacingSchedule'.
+ --
type Parent AutoRacingScheduleListingXml = AutoRacingSchedule
+ -- | To convert an 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml' to an
+ -- 'AutoRacingScheduleListing', we add the foreign key and drop
+ -- the 'xml_race_results'. We also mash the date/time together
+ -- into one field.
+ --
from_xml_fk fk AutoRacingScheduleListingXml{..} =
AutoRacingScheduleListing {
db_auto_racing_schedules_id = fk,
db_laps = xml_laps,
db_track_length = xml_track_length }
- -- Take the day part from one, the time from the other.
+ -- | Make the database \"race time\" from the XML
+ -- date/time. Simply take the day part from one and the time
+ -- from the other.
+ --
make_race_time d Nothing = d
make_race_time d (Just t) = UTCTime (utctDay d) (utctDayTime t)
+-- | This allows us to insert the XML representation
+-- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml' directly.
instance XmlImportFk AutoRacingScheduleListingXml
-- * AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResult
-- | The XML representation of \<message\> -> \<Listing\> ->
[AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- * AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing /
-- AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml
+-- Sorry about the names yo.
+-- | Database representation of \<RaceResultListing\> within
+-- \<RaceResults\> within \<Listing\> within... \<message\>!
data AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing =
AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing {
db_auto_racing_schedules_listings_id ::
db_driver_id :: Int,
db_name :: String,
db_leading_laps :: Int,
- db_listing_laps :: Int, -- Avoid clash with race's "laps" field.
- db_earnings :: String, -- Should be an int, but they use commas.
+ db_listing_laps :: Int, -- ^ Avoid clash with race's \"laps\" field.
+ db_earnings :: String, -- ^ This should be an Int, but can have commas.
db_status :: String }
+-- | XML Representation of an
+-- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing'.
data AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml =
AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml {
xml_finish_position :: Int,
xml_driver_id :: Int,
xml_name :: String,
xml_leading_laps :: Int,
- xml_listing_laps :: Int, -- Avoid clash with race's "laps" field.
- xml_earnings :: String, -- Should be an int, but they use commas.
+ xml_listing_laps :: Int, -- ^ Avoid clash with race's \"laps\" field.
+ xml_earnings :: String, -- ^ Should be an 'Int', but can have commas.
xml_status :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToDb AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml where
+ -- | The database representation of an
+ -- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml' is an
+ -- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing'.
+ --
type Db AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml =
instance FromXmlFk AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml where
+ -- | Each 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml'
+ -- is contained in (i.e. has a foreign key to) an
+ -- 'AutoRacingScheduleListing'. We skip the intermediate
+ -- \<RaceResults\>.
+ --
type Parent AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml =
+ -- | To convert an
+ -- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml' to an
+ -- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing', we just
+ -- add the foreign key to the parent 'AutoRacingScheduleListing'.
+ --
from_xml_fk fk AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml{..} =
AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing {
db_auto_racing_schedules_listings_id = fk,
db_earnings = xml_earnings,
db_status = xml_earnings }
+-- | This allows us to insert the XML representation
+-- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml'
+-- directly.
instance XmlImportFk AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml
--- Database stuff.
migrate (undefined
:: AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListing)
+ -- | We insert the message, then use its ID to insert the listings,
+ -- using their IDs to insert the race result listings.
+ --
dbimport m = do
msg_id <- insert_xml m
xml_time_stamp m)
+-- | Convert an 'AutoRacingScheduleListingXml' to/from XML.
pickle_listing :: PU AutoRacingScheduleListingXml
pickle_listing =
xpElem "Listing" $
xml_track_length m,
xml_race_results m)
+-- | Convert an 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResult' to/from XML.
pickle_race_results :: PU AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResult
pickle_race_results =
xpElem "RaceResults" $
to_result = AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResult
from_result = xml_race_result_listing
+-- | Convert an
+-- 'AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml' to/from
+-- XML.
pickle_race_results_listing ::
PU AutoRacingScheduleListingRaceResultRaceResultListingXml
pickle_race_results_listing =