-- * WARNING: these are private but exported to silence warnings
- ScoreGameConstructor(..),
- ScoreGameTeamConstructor(..),
- ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeamConstructor(..) )
+ ScoreGameConstructor(..) )
-- System imports.
+import Control.Monad ( join )
import Data.Data ( Data )
import Data.Time ( UTCTime )
import Data.Tuple.Curry ( uncurryN )
import Database.Groundhog (
- insert,
import Database.Groundhog.Generic ( runDbConn )
import Database.Groundhog.Sqlite ( withSqliteConn )
import Database.Groundhog.TH (
- defaultCodegenConfig,
mkPersist )
import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
- xpPair,
import TSN.DbImport ( DbImport(..), ImportResult(..), run_dbmigrate )
import TSN.Location ( Location(..), pickle_location )
import TSN.Picklers ( xp_time_stamp )
-import TSN.XmlImport ( XmlImport(..), XmlImportFk(..) )
+import TSN.Team ( Team(..), HTeam(..), VTeam(..) )
+import TSN.XmlImport ( XmlImport(..), XmlImportFkTeams(..) )
import Xml (
- FromXmlFk(..),
+ FromXmlFkTeams(..),
dtd = "scoresxml.dtd"
---- DB/XML Data types
+-- * DB/XML Data types
-- * Score / Message
Score {
db_xml_file_id :: Int,
db_heading :: String,
- db_game_id :: Int,
- db_schedule_id :: Int,
+ db_game_id :: Maybe Int, -- ^ We've seen an empty one
+ db_schedule_id :: Maybe Int, -- ^ We've seen an empty one
db_tsnupdate :: Maybe Bool,
db_category :: String,
db_sport :: String,
- db_season_type :: String,
+ db_season_type :: Maybe String, -- ^ We've seen an empty one
db_time_stamp :: UTCTime }
Message {
xml_xml_file_id :: Int,
xml_heading :: String,
- xml_game_id :: Int,
- xml_schedule_id :: Int,
+ xml_game_id :: Maybe Int, -- ^ We've seen an empty one
+ xml_schedule_id :: Maybe Int, -- ^ We've seen an empty one
xml_tsnupdate :: Maybe Bool,
xml_category :: String,
xml_sport :: String,
xml_locations :: [Location],
- xml_season_type :: String,
+ xml_season_type :: Maybe String, -- ^ We've seen an empty one
xml_game :: ScoreGameXml,
xml_time_stamp :: UTCTime }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ScoreGameStatus =
ScoreGameStatus {
db_status_numeral :: Int,
- db_status_type :: String, -- ^ These are probably only one-character long,
- -- but they all take the same amount of space
- -- in Postgres.
+ db_status_type :: Maybe String, -- ^ These are probably only one-character,
+ -- long, but they all take the same
+ -- amount of space in Postgres.
db_status_text :: String }
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
data ScoreGame =
ScoreGame {
db_scores_id :: DefaultKey Score,
- db_vscore :: Int,
- db_hscore :: Int,
+ db_away_team_id :: DefaultKey Team,
+ db_home_team_id :: DefaultKey Team,
+ db_away_team_score :: Int,
+ db_home_team_score :: Int,
+ db_away_team_pitcher :: Maybe String, -- ^ Found in the child \<vteam\>
+ db_home_team_pitcher :: Maybe String, -- ^ Found in the child \<hteam\>
db_time_r :: Maybe String, -- ^ Time remaining, the format is uncertain.
db_status :: ScoreGameStatus,
db_notes :: Maybe String }
data ScoreGameXml =
ScoreGameXml {
- xml_vteam :: ScoreGameVTeam,
- xml_hteam :: ScoreGameHTeam,
- xml_vscore :: Int,
- xml_hscore :: Int,
+ xml_vteam :: VTeamXml,
+ xml_hteam :: HTeamXml,
+ xml_away_team_score :: Int,
+ xml_home_team_score :: Int,
xml_time_r :: Maybe String, -- ^ Time remaining, the format is uncertain.
xml_status :: ScoreGameStatus,
xml_notes :: Maybe String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | Pseudo-accessor to get the 'ScoreGameTeam' out of 'xml_vteam'.
-vteam :: ScoreGameXml -> ScoreGameTeam
-vteam g = let (ScoreGameVTeam t) = xml_vteam g in t
--- | Pseudo-accessor to get the 'ScoreGameTeam' out of 'xml_hteam'.
-hteam :: ScoreGameXml -> ScoreGameTeam
-hteam g = let (ScoreGameHTeam t) = xml_hteam g in t
instance ToDb ScoreGameXml where
-- | The database representation of a 'ScoreGameXml' is a
type Parent ScoreGameXml = Score
-instance FromXmlFk ScoreGameXml where
- from_xml_fk fk ScoreGameXml{..} =
+instance FromXmlFkTeams ScoreGameXml where
+ -- | To create a 'ScoreGame' from a 'ScoreGameXml', we need three
+ -- foreign keys: the parent message, and the away/home teams.
+ --
+ from_xml_fk_teams fk fk_away fk_home ScoreGameXml{..} =
ScoreGame {
db_scores_id = fk,
- db_vscore = xml_vscore,
- db_hscore = xml_hscore,
+ db_away_team_id = fk_away,
+ db_home_team_id = fk_home,
+ db_away_team_score = xml_away_team_score,
+ db_home_team_score = xml_home_team_score,
+ db_away_team_pitcher = (xml_vpitcher $ xml_vteam),
+ db_home_team_pitcher = (xml_hpitcher $ xml_hteam),
db_time_r = xml_time_r,
db_status = xml_status,
db_notes = xml_notes }
-- | This lets us import the database representation 'ScoreGameXml'
-- directly.
-instance XmlImportFk ScoreGameXml
+instance XmlImportFkTeams ScoreGameXml
--- * ScoreGameTeam
+-- * Score_Location
--- | A team that appears in a 'ScoreGame'. This is meant to represent
--- both home and away teams.
+-- | Join each 'Score' with its 'Location's. Database-only. We use a
+-- join table because the locations are kept unique but there are
+-- multiple locations per 'Score'.
-data ScoreGameTeam =
- ScoreGameTeam {
- team_id :: String,
- team_name :: String }
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Score_Location =
+ Score_Location
+ (DefaultKey Score)
+ (DefaultKey Location)
--- | A wrapper around 'ScoreGameTeam' that lets us distinguish between
--- home and away teams. See also 'ScoreGameHTeam'.
+-- * HTeamXml / VTeamXml
+-- | XML Representation of a home team. This document type is unusual
+-- in that the \<hteam\> elements can have a pitcher attribute
+-- attached to them. We still want to maintain the underlying 'Team'
+-- representation, so we say that a home team is a 'Team' and
+-- (maybe) a pitcher.
-newtype ScoreGameVTeam =
- ScoreGameVTeam ScoreGameTeam
+data HTeamXml =
+ HTeamXml {
+ xml_ht :: HTeam,
+ xml_hpitcher :: Maybe String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance ToDb HTeamXml where
+ -- | The database analogue of a 'HTeamXml' is its 'Team'.
+ type Db HTeamXml = Team
+instance FromXml HTeamXml where
+ -- | The conversion from XML to database is simply the 'Team' accessor.
+ --
+ from_xml = hteam . xml_ht
--- | A wrapper around 'ScoreGameTeam' that lets us distinguish between
--- home and away teams. See also 'ScoreGameVTeam'.
+-- | Allow import of the XML representation directly, without
+-- requiring a manual conversion to the database type first.
-newtype ScoreGameHTeam =
- ScoreGameHTeam ScoreGameTeam
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance XmlImport HTeamXml
--- * ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam
--- | Join a 'ScoreGame' with its home/away teams. Database-only. We
--- use a join table because the teams are kept unique. The first
--- argument is the game id, the second argument is the visiting team
--- (vteam) id, and the last argument is the home team (hteam) id.
+-- | XML Representation of an away team. This document type is unusual
+-- in that the \<hteam\> elements can have a pitcher attribute
+-- attached to them. We still want to maintain the underlying 'Team'
+-- representation, so we say that an away team is a 'Team' and
+-- (maybe) a pitcher.
-data ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam =
- ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam
- (DefaultKey ScoreGame) -- game id
- (DefaultKey ScoreGameTeam) -- vteam id
- (DefaultKey ScoreGameTeam) -- hteam id
+data VTeamXml =
+ VTeamXml {
+ xml_vt :: VTeam,
+ xml_vpitcher :: Maybe String }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance ToDb VTeamXml where
+ -- | The database analogue of a 'VTeamXml' is its 'Team'.
+ type Db VTeamXml = Team
--- * Score_Location
+instance FromXml VTeamXml where
+ -- | The conversion from XML to database is simply the 'Team' accessor.
+ --
+ from_xml = vteam . xml_vt
--- | Join each 'Score' with its 'Location's. Database-only. We
--- use a join table because the locations are kept unique.
+-- | Allow import of the XML representation directly, without
+-- requiring a manual conversion to the database type first.
-data Score_Location =
- Score_Location
- (DefaultKey Score)
- (DefaultKey Location)
+instance XmlImport VTeamXml
dbmigrate _ =
run_dbmigrate $ do
migrate (undefined :: Location)
+ migrate (undefined :: Team)
migrate (undefined :: Score)
migrate (undefined :: ScoreGame)
- migrate (undefined :: ScoreGameTeam)
- migrate (undefined :: ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam)
migrate (undefined :: Score_Location)
dbimport m = do
-- and insert them.
mapM_ (insert_ . Score_Location msg_id) location_ids
- -- Insert the game and its hteam/vteam, noting the IDs.
- game_id <- insert_xml_fk msg_id (xml_game m)
- vteam_id <- insert (vteam $ xml_game m)
- hteam_id <- insert (hteam $ xml_game m)
+ -- Insert the hteam/vteams, noting the IDs.
+ vteam_id <- insert_xml_or_select (xml_vteam $ xml_game m)
+ hteam_id <- insert_xml_or_select (xml_hteam $ xml_game m)
- -- Finally add a 'ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam' mapping the
- -- aforementioned game to its hteam/vteam.
- insert_ $ ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam game_id vteam_id hteam_id
+ -- Now use those along with the msg_id to construct the game.
+ insert_xml_fk_teams_ msg_id vteam_id hteam_id (xml_game m)
return ImportSucceeded
--- These types don't have special XML representations or field name
--- collisions so we use the defaultCodegenConfig and give their
--- fields nice simple names.
-mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog|
-- entity: ScoreGameTeam
- dbName: scores_games_teams
- constructors:
- - name: ScoreGameTeam
- uniques:
- - name: unique_scores_games_team
- type: constraint
- fields: [team_id]
-- These types have fields with e.g. db_ and xml_ prefixes, so we
-- use our own codegen to peel those off before naming the columns.
- name: db_status_text
dbName: status_text
- entity: ScoreGame
dbName: scores_games
- { name: status_type, dbName: status_type }
- { name: status_text, dbName: status_text }
-- entity: ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam
- dbName: scores_games__scores_games_teams
- constructors:
- - name: ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam
- fields:
- - name: scoreGame_ScoreGameTeam0 # Default created by mkNormalFieldName
- dbName: scores_games_id
- reference:
- onDelete: cascade
- - name: scoreGame_ScoreGameTeam1 # Default created by mkNormalFieldName
- dbName: scores_games_teams_vteam_id
- reference:
- onDelete: cascade
- - name: scoreGame_ScoreGameTeam2 # Default created by mkNormalFieldName
- dbName: scores_games_teams_hteam_id
- reference:
- onDelete: cascade
- entity: Score_Location
dbName: scores__locations
xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
xp11Tuple (xpElem "XML_File_ID" xpInt)
(xpElem "heading" xpText)
- (xpElem "game_id" xpInt)
- (xpElem "schedule_id" xpInt)
+ (xpElem "game_id" (xpOption xpInt))
+ (xpElem "schedule_id" (xpOption xpInt))
(xpOption $ xpElem "tsnupdate" xpPrim)
(xpElem "category" xpText)
(xpElem "sport" xpText)
(xpList pickle_location)
- (xpElem "seasontype" xpText)
+ (xpElem "seasontype" (xpOption xpText))
(xpElem "time_stamp" xp_time_stamp)
xpElem "status" $
xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
xpTriple (xpAttr "numeral" xpInt)
- (xpAttr "type" xpText)
+ (xpOption $ xpAttr "type" xpText)
from_tuple = uncurryN ScoreGameStatus
from_tuple = uncurryN ScoreGameXml
to_tuple ScoreGameXml{..} = (xml_vteam,
- xml_vscore,
- xml_hscore,
+ xml_away_team_score,
+ xml_home_team_score,
--- | Convert a 'ScoreGameVTeam' to/from \<vteam\>.
+-- | Convert a 'VTeamXml' to/from \<vteam\>. The team names
+-- always seem to be present here, but in the shared representation,
+-- they're optional (because they show up blank elsewhere). So, we
+-- pretend they're optional.
-pickle_vteam :: PU ScoreGameVTeam
+-- The \"pitcher\" attribute is a little bit funny. Usually, when
+-- there's no pitcher, the attribute itself is missing. But once in
+-- a blue moon, it will be present with no text. We want to treat
+-- both cases the same, so what we really parse is a Maybe (Maybe
+-- String), and then use the monad 'join' to collapse it into a single
+-- Maybe.
+pickle_vteam :: PU VTeamXml
pickle_vteam =
xpElem "vteam" $
xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
- xpPair (xpAttr "id" xpText)
- xpText
+ xpTriple (xpAttr "id" xpText)
+ (xpOption $ xpAttr "pitcher" (xpOption xpText))
+ (xpOption xpText) -- Team name
- from_tuple = ScoreGameVTeam . uncurry ScoreGameTeam
- to_tuple (ScoreGameVTeam ScoreGameTeam{..}) = (team_id, team_name)
+ from_tuple (x,y,z) = VTeamXml (VTeam (Team x Nothing z)) (join y)
+ to_tuple (VTeamXml (VTeam t) Nothing) = (team_id t, Nothing, name t)
+ to_tuple (VTeamXml (VTeam t) jvp) = (team_id t, Just jvp, name t)
--- | Convert a 'ScoreGameVTeam' to/from \<hteam\>. Identical to
--- 'pickle_vteam' modulo the \"h\" and \"v\".
+-- | Convert a 'HTeamXml' to/from \<hteam\>. Identical to 'pickle_vteam'
+-- modulo the \"h\" and \"v\". The team names always seem to be
+-- present here, but in the shared representation, they're optional
+-- (because they show up blank elsewhere). So, we pretend they're
+-- optional.
+-- The \"pitcher\" attribute is a little bit funny. Usually, when
+-- there's no pitcher, the attribute itself is missing. But once in
+-- a blue moon, it will be present with no text. We want to treat
+-- both cases the same, so what we really parse is a Maybe (Maybe
+-- String), and then use the monad 'join' to collapse it into a single
+-- Maybe.
-pickle_hteam :: PU ScoreGameHTeam
+pickle_hteam :: PU HTeamXml
pickle_hteam =
xpElem "hteam" $
xpWrap (from_tuple, to_tuple) $
- xpPair (xpAttr "id" xpText)
- xpText
+ xpTriple (xpAttr "id" xpText)
+ (xpOption $ xpAttr "pitcher" (xpOption xpText))
+ (xpOption xpText) -- Team name
- from_tuple = ScoreGameHTeam . uncurry ScoreGameTeam
- to_tuple (ScoreGameHTeam ScoreGameTeam{..}) = (team_id, team_name)
+ from_tuple (x,y,z)= HTeamXml (HTeam (Team x Nothing z)) (join y)
+ to_tuple (HTeamXml (HTeam t) Nothing) = (team_id t, Nothing, name t)
+ to_tuple (HTeamXml (HTeam t) jhp) = (team_id t, Just jhp, name t)
---- Tasty tests
+-- * Tasty tests
-- | A list of all tests for this module.
check "pickle composed with unpickle is the identity (no locations)"
- "test/xml/scoresxml-no-locations.xml" ]
+ "test/xml/scoresxml-no-locations.xml",
+ check "pickle composed with unpickle is the identity (pitcher, no type)"
+ "test/xml/scoresxml-pitcher-no-type.xml"]
check desc path = testCase desc $ do
(expected, actual) <- pickle_unpickle pickle_message path
check "unpickling succeeds (no locations)"
- "test/xml/scoresxml-no-locations.xml" ]
+ "test/xml/scoresxml-no-locations.xml",
+ check "unpickling succeeds (pitcher, no type)"
+ "test/xml/scoresxml-pitcher-no-type.xml" ]
check desc path = testCase desc $ do
actual <- unpickleable path pickle_message
check "unpickling succeeds (no locations)"
- 2 -- 2 teams, 0 locations
+ 2, -- 2 teams, 0 locations
+ check "unpickling succeeds (pitcher, no type)"
+ "test/xml/scoresxml-pitcher-no-type.xml"
+ 3 -- 2 teams, 1 location
check desc path expected = testCase desc $ do
score <- unsafe_unpickle path pickle_message
let a = undefined :: Location
- let b = undefined :: Score
- let c = undefined :: ScoreGame
- let d = undefined :: ScoreGameTeam
- let e = undefined :: ScoreGame_ScoreGameTeam
- let f = undefined :: Score_Location
+ let b = undefined :: Team
+ let c = undefined :: Score
+ let d = undefined :: ScoreGame
+ let e = undefined :: Score_Location
actual <- withSqliteConn ":memory:" $ runDbConn $ do
runMigration silentMigrationLogger $ do
migrate a
migrate c
migrate d
migrate e
- migrate f
_ <- dbimport score
-- No idea how 'delete' works, so do this instead.
- deleteAll b
+ deleteAll c
count_a <- countAll a
count_b <- countAll b
count_c <- countAll c
count_d <- countAll d
count_e <- countAll e
- count_f <- countAll f
return $ sum [count_a, count_b, count_c,
- count_d, count_e, count_f ]
+ count_d, count_e ]
actual @?= expected