--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- | Definition of and instances for the ConnectionString type.
+module ConnectionString (
+ ConnectionString(..) )
+-- DC is needed only for the DCT.Configured instance of String.
+import qualified Data.Configurator as DC()
+import qualified Data.Configurator.Types as DCT (
+ Configured,
+ Value( String ),
+ convert )
+import Data.Data (Data)
+import System.Console.CmdArgs.Default (Default(..))
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+-- | A newtype around a string that allows us to give a more
+-- appropriate default value for a connection string.
+newtype ConnectionString =
+ ConnectionString { get_connection_string :: String }
+ deriving (Data, Show, Typeable)
+instance Default ConnectionString where
+ -- | This default is appropriate for SQLite databases which require
+ -- no authentication and live entirely in a file (or in this case,
+ -- memory).
+ def = ConnectionString ":memory:"
+instance DCT.Configured ConnectionString where
+ -- | This allows us to read a ConnectionString out of a Configurator
+ -- config file. By default Configurator wouldn't know what to do,
+ -- so we have to tell it that we expect a DCT.String, and if one
+ -- exists, to apply the ConnectionString constructor to it.
+ convert s@(DCT.String _) =
+ fmap ConnectionString (convert_string s)
+ where
+ convert_string :: DCT.Value -> Maybe String
+ convert_string = DCT.convert
+ -- If we read anything other than a DCT.String out of the file, fail.
+ convert _ = Nothing
+{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Main
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&), arr, returnA )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )
-import Database.Groundhog.Core ( PersistEntity )
-import Database.Groundhog.Sqlite (
+import Database.Groundhog (
- runDbConn,
- runMigration,
+ runMigration )
+import Database.Groundhog.Core ( PersistEntity )
+import Database.Groundhog.Generic ( runDbConn )
+import Database.Groundhog.Sqlite (
withSqliteConn )
-import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
+import Database.Groundhog.Postgresql (
+ withPostgresqlConn )
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import System.Console.CmdArgs ( def )
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode (ExitFailure) )
yes )
+import Backend ( Backend(..) )
import CommandLine ( get_args )
import Configuration ( Configuration(..), merge_optional )
-import ExitCodes (
- exit_no_connection_string,
- exit_no_xml_files )
+import ConnectionString ( ConnectionString(..) )
+import ExitCodes ( exit_no_xml_files )
import Network.Services.TSN.Logging ( init_logging )
import qualified OptionalConfiguration as OC (
- OptionalConfiguration ( connection_string, xml_files ),
+ OptionalConfiguration ( xml_files ),
from_rc )
import Network.Services.TSN.Report (
withValidate no ]
--- | We put the 'XmlTree' argument last so that it's easy to eta
--- reduce all of the import_foo functions that call this.
+-- | We put the 'Configuration' and 'XmlTree' arguments last so that
+-- it's easy to eta reduce all of the import_foo functions that call
+-- this.
import_generic :: (XmlPickler a, PersistEntity b)
=> b -- ^ Dummy Listing instance needed for 'migrate'
-> (a -> [b]) -- ^ listings getter
+ -> Configuration
-> XmlTree
-> IO (Maybe Int) -- ^ Return the number of records inserted.
-import_generic dummy g xml =
- withSqliteConn "foo.sqlite3" $ runDbConn $ do
- runMigration defaultMigrationLogger $ do
- migrate dummy
- let root_element = unpickleDoc xpickle xml
- case root_element of
- Nothing -> do
- let msg = "Could not unpickle document in import_generic."
- liftIO $ report_error msg
- return Nothing
- Just elt -> do
- ids <- mapM (\l -> insert l) (g elt)
- return $ Just (length ids)
+import_generic dummy g cfg xml
+ | backend cfg == Postgres = withPostgresqlConn cs go
+ | otherwise = withSqliteConn cs go
+ where
+ -- | Pull the real connection String out of the configuration.
+ cs :: String
+ cs = get_connection_string $ connection_string cfg
+ -- Needs NoMonomorphismRestriction to be allowed to return
+ -- different types in the two cases above.
+ go = runDbConn $ do
+ runMigration defaultMigrationLogger $ migrate dummy
+ let root_element = unpickleDoc xpickle xml
+ case root_element of
+ Nothing -> do
+ let msg = "Could not unpickle document in import_generic."
+ liftIO $ report_error msg
+ return Nothing
+ Just elt -> do
+ ids <- mapM insert (g elt)
+ return $ Just (length ids)
-- | Import TSN.Injuries from an 'XmlTree'.
-import_injuries :: XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Int)
+import_injuries :: Configuration -> XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Int)
import_injuries =
(undefined :: Injuries.Listing)
-- | Import TSN.InjuriesDetail from an 'XmlTree'.
-import_injuries_detail :: XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Int)
+import_injuries_detail :: Configuration -> XmlTree -> IO (Maybe Int)
import_injuries_detail =
(undefined :: InjuriesDetail.PlayerListing)
( (concatMap InjuriesDetail.player_listings) . InjuriesDetail.listings)
-import_file :: FilePath -> IO ()
-import_file path = do
+import_file :: Configuration -> FilePath -> IO ()
+import_file cfg path = do
results <- catchIOError
(\e -> do
-- big one outside of the list.
parse_and_import :: IO [Maybe Int]
parse_and_import =
- (runX $ readA >>> (doctypeA &&& returnA) >>> (arr import_with_dtd))
+ runX (readA >>> (doctypeA &&& returnA) >>> (arr import_with_dtd))
-- determine which function to call on the 'XmlTree'.
import_with_dtd :: (String, XmlTree) -> IO (Maybe Int)
import_with_dtd (dtd,xml)
- | dtd == "injuriesxml.dtd" = import_injuries xml
- | dtd == "Injuries_Detail_XML.dtd" = import_injuries_detail xml
+ | dtd == "injuriesxml.dtd" = import_injuries cfg xml
+ | dtd == "Injuries_Detail_XML.dtd" = import_injuries_detail cfg xml
| otherwise = do
report_info $ "Unrecognized DTD in " ++ path ++ ": " ++ dtd ++ "."
return Nothing
report_error "No XML files given."
exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_xml_files)
- -- There's a default connection string, namely the empty string, but
- -- it's not much use to us. So we make sure that we were given
- -- something explicitly.
- when (isNothing (OC.connection_string opt_config)) $ do
- report_error "No connection string supplied."
- exitWith (ExitFailure exit_no_connection_string)
-- We don't do this in parallel (for now?) to keep the error
-- messages nice and linear.
- mapM_ import_file (OC.xml_files opt_config)
+ mapM_ (import_file cfg) (OC.xml_files opt_config)