zsize = (length m) - 1
ysize = length (head m) - 1
- xsize = (length $ head $ head m) - 1
+ xsize = length (head $ head m) - 1
-- | Takes a list, and returns True if its elements are pairwise
-- equal. Returns False otherwise.
-- values. See example one in the paper.
trilinear_c0_t0_coefficient_tests :: Test.Framework.Test
trilinear_c0_t0_coefficient_tests =
- testGroup "trilinear c0 t0 coefficients" $
+ testGroup "trilinear c0 t0 coefficients"
[testCase "c0030 is correct" test_trilinear_c0030,
testCase "c0003 is correct" test_trilinear_c0003,
testCase "c0021 is correct" test_trilinear_c0021,