import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive ( C )
import qualified Algebra.Algebraic as Algebraic ( C )
import Algebra.Algebraic ( root )
+import qualified Algebra.Field as Field ( C )
import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring ( C )
import qualified Algebra.Module as Module ( C )
import qualified Algebra.RealRing as RealRing ( C )
type Mat4 a = Mat N4 N4 a
type Mat5 a = Mat N5 N5 a
+-- * Type synonyms for 1-by-n row "vectors".
-- | Type synonym for row vectors expressed as 1-by-n matrices.
type Row n a = Mat N1 n a
--- Type synonyms for 1-by-n row "vectors".
type Row1 a = Row N1 a
type Row2 a = Row N2 a
type Row3 a = Row N3 a
type Row4 a = Row N4 a
type Row5 a = Row N5 a
+-- * Type synonyms for n-by-1 column "vectors".
-- | Type synonym for column vectors expressed as n-by-1 matrices.
type Col n a = Mat n N1 a
--- Type synonyms for n-by-1 column "vectors".
type Col1 a = Col N1 a
type Col2 a = Col N2 a
type Col3 a = Col N3 a
is_triangular m = is_upper_triangular m || is_lower_triangular m
--- | Return the (i,j)th minor of m.
+-- | Delete the @i@th row and @j@th column from the matrix. The name
+-- \"preminor\" is made up, but is meant to signify that this is
+-- usually used in the computationof a minor. A minor is simply the
+-- determinant of a preminor in that case.
-- Examples:
-- >>> let m = fromList [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] :: Mat3 Int
--- >>> minor m 0 0 :: Mat2 Int
+-- >>> preminor m 0 0 :: Mat2 Int
-- ((5,6),(8,9))
--- >>> minor m 1 1 :: Mat2 Int
+-- >>> preminor m 1 1 :: Mat2 Int
-- ((1,3),(7,9))
-minor :: (m ~ S r,
- n ~ S t,
- Arity r,
- Arity t)
- => Mat m n a
+preminor :: (Arity m, Arity n)
+ => Mat (S m) (S n) a
-> Int
-> Int
- -> Mat r t a
-minor (Mat rows) i j = m
+ -> Mat m n a
+preminor (Mat rows) i j = m
rows' = delete rows i
m = Mat $ ((flip delete) j) rows'
+-- | Compute the i,jth minor of a @matrix@.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let m1 = fromList [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] :: Mat3 Double
+-- >>> minor m1 1 1
+-- -12.0
+minor :: (Arity m, Determined (Mat m m) a)
+ => Mat (S m) (S m) a
+ -> Int
+ -> Int
+ -> a
+minor matrix i j = determinant (preminor matrix i j)
class (Eq a, Ring.C a) => Determined p a where
determinant :: (p a) -> a
instance (Eq a, Ring.C a) => Determined (Mat (S Z) (S Z)) a where
- determinant (Mat rows) = (V.head . V.head) rows
+ determinant = unscalar
instance (Ord a,
Ring.C a,
m' i j = m !!! (i,j)
- det_minor i j = determinant (minor m i j)
determinant_recursive =
- sum [ (-1)^(toInteger j) NP.* (m' 0 j) NP.* (det_minor 0 j)
+ sum [ (-1)^(toInteger j) NP.* (m' 0 j) NP.* (minor m 0 j)
| j <- [0..(ncols m)-1] ]
if k == i && l == j
then newval
else existing
+-- | Compute the i,jth cofactor of the given @matrix@. This simply
+-- premultiplues the i,jth minor by (-1)^(i+j).
+cofactor :: (Arity m, Determined (Mat m m) a)
+ => Mat (S m) (S m) a
+ -> Int
+ -> Int
+ -> a
+cofactor matrix i j =
+ (-1)^(toInteger i + toInteger j) NP.* (minor matrix i j)
+-- | Compute the inverse of a matrix using cofactor expansion
+-- (generalized Cramer's rule).
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let m1 = fromList [[37,22],[17,54]] :: Mat2 Double
+-- >>> let e1 = [54/1624, -22/1624] :: [Double]
+-- >>> let e2 = [-17/1624, 37/1624] :: [Double]
+-- >>> let expected = fromList [e1, e2] :: Mat2 Double
+-- >>> let actual = inverse m1
+-- >>> frobenius_norm (actual - expected) < 1e-12
+-- True
+inverse :: (Arity m,
+ Determined (Mat (S m) (S m)) a,
+ Determined (Mat m m) a,
+ Field.C a)
+ => Mat (S m) (S m) a
+ -> Mat (S m) (S m) a
+inverse matrix =
+ (1 / (determinant matrix)) *> (transpose $ construct lambda)
+ where
+ lambda i j = cofactor matrix i j