Added a new Veoh class, along with a couple of tests and one fixture file (of video details data).
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright Michael Orlitzky
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+require 'src/website'
+# Needed to download the page, which is in turn
+# needed because it contains the video (redirect) URL.
+require 'net/http'
+require 'uri'
+class Veoh < Website
+ VALID_VEOH_URL_REGEX = /^(http:\/\/)?(www\.)?veoh\.com\/videos\/([[:alnum:]]+)$/
+ def self.owns_url?(url)
+ return url =~ VALID_VEOH_URL_REGEX
+ end
+ def get_video_url(url)
+ # First, figure out the video id from the URL.
+ # Then, use the video id to construct the video details URL.
+ # Get the video details page, and parse the redirect
+ # URL from it. Now, I guess we *could* retrieve the video
+ # id from the redirect, but for now we're going to rely
+ # on our HTTP library to follow the redirect for us and
+ # save us a step.
+ video_id = parse_video_id(url)
+ details_url = "{video_id}/details"
+ details_data = get_page_data(details_url)
+ redirect_url = parse_redirect_url(details_data)
+ # Being slightly explicit about what we're doing here...
+ video_url = redirect_url
+ return video_url
+ end
+ protected;
+ def parse_video_id(url)
+ video_id_regex = /[[:alnum:]]+$/
+ matches = video_id_regex.match(url)
+ video_id = matches[0] if not matches.nil?
+ return video_id
+ end
+ # The main video page has the "video" URL buried
+ # in some javascript parameters.
+ def parse_redirect_url(page_data)
+ redirect_url_regex = /fullPreviewHashPath=\"(.*?)\"/
+ matches = redirect_url_regex.match(page_data)
+ redirect_url = matches[1] if not (matches.nil? || matches.length < 1)
+ return redirect_url
+ end
+ def get_page_data(url)
+ uri = URI.parse(url)
+ response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
+ http.get(uri.path)
+ end
+ return response.body
+ end
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+<videos offset="0" items="1" numItems="1" title="" guid="958c15f1-421c-44f9-8e71-eb0d8dd622c5" >\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+<video videoId="801204"\r
+ uploadToken=""\r
+ permalinkId="v801204yMZ8BWcC"\r
+ extension=".avi"\r
+ length="22 min 5 sec"\r
+ size="177805312"\r
+ releaseHash=""\r
+ tags="christmas tv funhouse christmas day comedy central"\r
+ tagsCommaSeparated=" christmas, tv funhouse, christmas day, comedy central"\r
+ category="Movies & TV"\r
+ previewHash="7b55b0e3fef09c5599ba2ab3d6a270c3dc9c0a0d"\r
+ fullPreviewHashPath="" \r
+ fullPreviewToken=""\r
+ previewHashLow="7b55b0e3fef09c5599ba2ab3d6a270c3dc9c0a0d"\r
+ fullPreviewHashLowPath="" \r
+ fullPreviewTokenLow=""\r
+ highResImage="media-v801204yMZ8BWcC1184584929.jpg"\r
+ fullHighResImagePath=""\r
+ medResImage="thumb-v801204yMZ8BWcC-24.jpg"\r
+ fullMedResImagePath=""\r
+ username="marvelocity"\r
+ views="1287"\r
+ rating="3.67"\r
+ numRatingVotes="3"\r
+ description="Episode 3 - Christmas Day"\r
+ title="TV Funhouse - 3 - Christmas Day"\r
+ dateAdded="2007-07-16 08:36:00"\r
+ age="11 months ago"\r
+ primaryCollectionPermalink=""\r
+ primaryCollectionTitle=""\r
+ primaryCollectionThumb=""\r
+ allowEmbedding="true"\r
+ premium="false"\r
+ paidContent="false" \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ portable="false" \r
+ ipodLink="" \r
+ showStreamingAd="1"\r
+ showCompanionAd="false"\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ houseAdDetailsUrl=""\r
+ houseAdPlacement="-1"\r
+ geoRestrictions=""\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ flashHash=""\r
+ flashExtension=""\r
+ flashPieceHashFile=""\r
+ flashUrlRoot=""\r
+ \r
+ originalHash="ba231020e2bc45cc292cb9b2748c2b3d7d418753"\r
+ origExtension=".avi" \r
+ originalPieceHashFile=""\r
+ originalUrlRoot=""\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ contentRating="2"\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ licenseId=""\r
+ licenseName=""\r
+ licenseType=""\r
+ licenseExpires=""\r
+ licensePrice=""\r
+ licenseDuration=""\r
+ licenseTimeUnits=""\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ aowPublisherName=""\r
+ aowPermalink=""\r
+ aowEmbedCode=""\r
+ aowGuideVideoId=""\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ isExternalMedia="false"\r
+ isDotComPlayable="true"\r
+ isTvPlayable="true"\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
require 'test/howcast_test'
require 'test/infoq_test'
require 'test/redtube_test'
+require 'test/veoh_test'
require 'test/website_test'
require 'test/youporn_test'
--- /dev/null
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'src/websites/veoh'
+class VeohTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_parse_video_id
+ v =
+ video_id = v.send('parse_video_id', '')
+ assert_equal('v801204yMZ8BWcC', video_id)
+ end
+ def test_parse_redirect_url
+ v =
+ details_data = nil
+'test/fixtures/veoh/details_data-v801204yMZ8BWcC.xml') do |f|
+ details_data =
+ end
+ actual_result = v.send('parse_redirect_url', details_data)
+ expected_result = ''
+ assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
+ end
+ def test_owns_veoh_urls
+ assert(Veoh.owns_url?(''))
+ end