module Roots.Fast
+import Data.List (find)
+import Vector
has_root :: (Fractional a, Ord a, Ord b, Num b)
=> (a -> b) -- ^ The function @f@
-> a -- ^ The \"left\" endpoint, @a@
Just v -> v
c = (a + b) / 2
+-- | Iterate the function @f@ with the initial guess @x0@ in hopes of
+-- finding a fixed point.
+fixed_point_iterations :: (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
+ -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
+ -> [a] -- ^ The resulting sequence of x_{n}.
+fixed_point_iterations f x0 =
+ iterate f x0
+-- | Find a fixed point of the function @f@ with the search starting
+-- at x0. This will find the first element in the chain f(x0),
+-- f(f(x0)),... such that the magnitude of the difference between it
+-- and the next element is less than epsilon.
+-- We also return the number of iterations required.
+fixed_point_with_iterations :: (Vector a, RealFrac b)
+ => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
+ -> b -- ^ The tolerance, @epsilon@.
+ -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
+ -> (Int, a) -- ^ The (iterations, fixed point) pair
+fixed_point_with_iterations f epsilon x0 =
+ (fst winning_pair)
+ where
+ xn = fixed_point_iterations f x0
+ xn_plus_one = tail xn
+ abs_diff v w = norm (v - w)
+ -- The nth entry in this list is the absolute value of x_{n} -
+ -- x_{n+1}.
+ differences = zipWith abs_diff xn xn_plus_one
+ -- This produces the list [(n, xn)] so that we can determine
+ -- the number of iterations required.
+ numbered_xn = zip [0..] xn
+ -- A list of pairs, (xn, |x_{n} - x_{n+1}|).
+ pairs = zip numbered_xn differences
+ -- The pair (xn, |x_{n} - x_{n+1}|) with
+ -- |x_{n} - x_{n+1}| < epsilon. The pattern match on 'Just' is
+ -- "safe" since the list is infinite. We'll succeed or loop
+ -- forever.
+ Just winning_pair = find (\(_, diff) -> diff < epsilon) pairs
-fixed_point_iterations :: (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
- -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
- -> [a] -- ^ The resulting sequence of x_{n}.
-fixed_point_iterations f x0 =
- iterate f x0
-- | Find a fixed point of the function @f@ with the search starting
--- at x0. This will find the first element in the chain f(x0),
--- f(f(x0)),... such that the magnitude of the difference between it
--- and the next element is less than epsilon.
+-- at x0. We delegate to the version that returns the number of
+-- iterations and simply discard the number of iterations.
-fixed_point :: (Num a, Vector a, RealFrac b)
+fixed_point :: (Vector a, RealFrac b)
=> (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
-> b -- ^ The tolerance, @epsilon@.
-> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
-> a -- ^ The fixed point.
fixed_point f epsilon x0 =
- fst winning_pair
- where
- xn = fixed_point_iterations f x0
- xn_plus_one = tail $ fixed_point_iterations f x0
+ snd $ F.fixed_point_with_iterations f epsilon x0
- abs_diff v w = norm (v - w)
- -- The nth entry in this list is the absolute value of x_{n} -
- -- x_{n+1}.
- differences = zipWith abs_diff xn xn_plus_one
+-- | Return the number of iterations required to find a fixed point of
+-- the function @f@ with the search starting at x0 and tolerance
+-- @epsilon@. We delegate to the version that returns the number of
+-- iterations and simply discard the fixed point.
+fixed_point_iteration_count :: (Vector a, RealFrac b)
+ => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
+ -> b -- ^ The tolerance, @epsilon@.
+ -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
+ -> Int -- ^ The fixed point.
+fixed_point_iteration_count f epsilon x0 =
+ fst $ F.fixed_point_with_iterations f epsilon x0
- -- A list of pairs, (xn, |x_{n} - x_{n+1}|).
- pairs = zip xn differences
- -- The pair (xn, |x_{n} - x_{n+1}|) with
- -- |x_{n} - x_{n+1}| < epsilon. The pattern match on 'Just' is
- -- "safe" since the list is infinite. We'll succeed or loop
- -- forever.
- Just winning_pair = find (\(_, diff) -> diff < epsilon) pairs
+-- | Returns a list of ratios,
+-- ||x^{*} - x_{n+1}|| / ||x^{*} - x_{n}||^{p}
+-- of fixed point iterations for the function @f@ with initial guess
+-- @x0@ and @p@ some positive power.
+-- This is used to determine the rate of convergence.
+fixed_point_error_ratios :: (Vector a, RealFrac b)
+ => (a -> a) -- ^ The function @f@ to iterate.
+ -> a -- ^ The initial value @x0@.
+ -> a -- ^ The true solution, @x_star@.
+ -> Integer -- ^ The power @p@.
+ -> [b] -- ^ The resulting sequence of x_{n}.
+fixed_point_error_ratios f x0 x_star p =
+ zipWith (/) en_plus_one en_exp
+ where
+ xn = F.fixed_point_iterations f x0
+ en = map (\x -> norm (x_star - x)) xn
+ en_plus_one = tail en
+ en_exp = map (^p) en