Reduce the number of test cases to 500 to prevent exhaustion.
import Prelude hiding (LT)
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
-- This test checks the rotation works as expected.
prop_c_tilde_2100_rotation_correct :: Cube -> Bool
prop_c_tilde_2100_rotation_correct cube =
- expr1 == expr2
+ expr1 ~= expr2
t0 = tetrahedron cube 0
t6 = tetrahedron cube 6
-- even meaningful!
prop_c_tilde_2100_correct :: Cube -> Bool
prop_c_tilde_2100_correct cube =
- c t6 2 1 0 0 == expected
+ c t6 2 1 0 0 ~= expected
t0 = tetrahedron cube 0
t6 = tetrahedron cube 6
let empty_test_opts = mempty :: TestOptions
let my_test_opts = empty_test_opts {
- topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just 1000
+ topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just 500
let empty_runner_opts = mempty :: RunnerOptions