--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+# Amavis-logwatch: written and maintained by:
+# Mike "MrC" Cappella <mike (at) cappella (dot) us>
+# http://logreporters.sourceforge.net/
+# Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports regarding this
+# program/module to the email address above. I will respond as quickly
+# as possible. [MrC]
+# Questions regarding the logwatch program itself should be directed to
+# the logwatch project at:
+# http://sourceforge.net/projects/logwatch/support
+### All work since Dec 12, 2006 (logwatch CVS revision 1.28)
+### Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Mike Cappella
+### Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
+### http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+### All modifications and contributions by other persons to
+### this script are assumed to have been donated to the
+### Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
+### and licensing terms. If you want to make contributions
+### under your own copyright or a different license this
+### must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
+### Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
+### contributions. If you have made significant
+### contributions to this script and want to claim
+### copyright please contact logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net.
+# The original amavis logwatch filter was written by
+# Jim O'Halloran <jim @ kendle.com.au>, and has had many contributors over
+# the years.
+# CVS log removed: see Changes file for amavis-logwatch at
+# http://logreporters.sourceforge.net/
+# or included with the standalone amavis-logwatch distribution
+package Logreporters;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings "uninitialized";
+use re 'taint';
+our $Version = '1.51.03';
+our $progname_prefix = 'amavis';
+# Specifies the default configuration file for use in standalone mode.
+my $config_file = "/usr/local/etc/${progname_prefix}-logwatch.conf";
+#MODULE: ../Logreporters/Utils.pm
+package Logreporters::Utils;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use re 'taint';
+use warnings;
+ use Exporter ();
+ $VERSION = '1.003';
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(&formathost &get_percentiles &get_percentiles2 &get_frequencies &commify &unitize
+ &get_usable_sectvars &add_section &begin_section_group &end_section_group
+ &get_version &unique_list);
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw(&gen_test_log);
+use subs qw (@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
+# Formats IP and hostname for even column spacing
+sub formathost($ $) {
+ # $_[0] : hostip
+ # $_[1] : hostname;
+ if (! $Logreporters::Config::Opts{'unknown'} and $_[1] eq 'unknown') {
+ return $_[0];
+ }
+ return sprintf "%-$Logreporters::Config::Opts{'ipaddr_width'}s %s",
+ $_[0] eq '' ? '*unknown' : $_[0],
+ $_[1] eq '' ? '*unknown' : lc $_[1];
+# Add a new section to the end of a section table
+sub add_section($$$$$;$) {
+ my $sref = shift;
+ die "Improperly specified Section entry: $_[0]" if !defined $_[3];
+ my $entry = {
+ CLASS => 'DATA',
+ NAME => $_[0],
+ DETAIL => $_[1],
+ FMT => $_[2],
+ TITLE => $_[3],
+ };
+ $entry->{'DIVISOR'} = $_[4] if defined $_[4];
+ push @$sref, $entry;
+my $group_level = 0;
+# Begin a new section group. Groups can nest.
+sub begin_section_group($;@) {
+ my $sref = shift;
+ my $group_name = shift;
+ my $entry = {
+ NAME => $group_name,
+ LEVEL => ++$group_level,
+ HEADERS => [ @_ ],
+ };
+ push @$sref, $entry;
+# Ends a section group.
+sub end_section_group($;@) {
+ my $sref = shift;
+ my $group_name = shift;
+ my $entry = {
+ NAME => $group_name,
+ LEVEL => --$group_level,
+ FOOTERS => [ @_ ],
+ };
+ push @$sref, $entry;
+# Generate and return a list of section table entries or
+# limiter key names, skipping any formatting entries.
+# If 'namesonly' is set, limiter key names are returned,
+# otherwise an array of section array records is returned.
+sub get_usable_sectvars(\@ $) {
+ my ($sectref,$namesonly) = @_;
+ my (@sect_list, %unique_names);
+ foreach my $sref (@$sectref) {
+ #print "get_usable_sectvars: $sref->{NAME}\n";
+ next unless $sref->{CLASS} eq 'DATA';
+ if ($namesonly) {
+ $unique_names{$sref->{NAME}} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @sect_list, $sref;
+ }
+ }
+ # return list of unique names
+ if ($namesonly) {
+ return keys %unique_names;
+ }
+ return @sect_list;
+# Print program and version info, preceeded by an optional string, and exit.
+sub get_version() {
+ print STDOUT "@_\n" if ($_[0]);
+ print STDOUT "$Logreporters::progname: $Logreporters::Version\n";
+ exit 0;
+# Returns a list of percentile values given a
+# sorted array of numeric values. Uses the formula:
+# r = 1 + (p(n-1)/100) = i + d (Excel method)
+# r = rank
+# p = desired percentile
+# n = number of items
+# i = integer part
+# d = decimal part
+# Arg1 is an array ref to the sorted series
+# Arg2 is a list of percentiles to use
+sub get_percentiles(\@ @) {
+ my ($aref,@plist) = @_;
+ my ($n, $last, $r, $d, $i, @vals, $Yp);
+ $last = $#$aref;
+ $n = $last + 1;
+ #printf "%6d" x $n . "\n", @{$aref};
+ #printf "n: %4d, last: %d\n", $n, $last;
+ foreach my $p (@plist) {
+ $r = 1 + ($p * ($n - 1) / 100.0);
+ $i = int ($r); # integer part
+ # domain: $i = 1 .. n
+ if ($i == $n) {
+ $Yp = $aref->[$last];
+ }
+ elsif ($i == 0) {
+ $Yp = $aref->[0];
+ print "CAN'T HAPPEN: $Yp\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $d = $r - $i; # decimal part
+ #p = Y[i] + d(Y[i+1] - Y[i]), but since we're 0 based, use i=i-1
+ $Yp = $aref->[$i-1] + ($d * ($aref->[$i] - $aref->[$i-1]));
+ }
+ #printf "\np(%6.2f), r: %6.2f, i: %6d, d: %6.2f, Yp: %6d", $p, $r, $i, $d, $Yp;
+ push @vals, $Yp;
+ }
+ return @vals;
+sub get_num_scores($) {
+ my $scoretab_r = shift;
+ my $totalscores = 0;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$scoretab_r; $i += 2) {
+ $totalscores += $scoretab_r->[$i+1]
+ }
+ return $totalscores;
+# scoretab
+# (score1, n1), (score2, n2), ... (scoreN, nN)
+# $i $i+1
+# scores are 0 based (0 = 1st score)
+sub get_nth_score($ $) {
+ my ($scoretab_r, $n) = @_;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $n_cur_scores = 0;
+ #print "Byscore (", .5 * @$scoretab_r, "): "; for (my $i = 0; $i < $#$scoretab_r / 2; $i++) { printf "%9s (%d) ", $scoretab_r->[$i], $scoretab_r->[$i+1]; } ; print "\n";
+ while ($i < $#$scoretab_r) {
+ #print "Samples_seen: $n_cur_scores\n";
+ $n_cur_scores += $scoretab_r->[$i+1];
+ if ($n_cur_scores >= $n) {
+ #printf "range: %s %s %s\n", $i >= 2 ? $scoretab_r->[$i - 2] : '<begin>', $scoretab_r->[$i], $i+2 > $#$scoretab_r ? '<end>' : $scoretab_r->[$i + 2];
+ #printf "n: $n, i: %8d, n_cur_scores: %8d, score: %d x %d hits\n", $i, $n_cur_scores, $scoretab_r->[$i], $scoretab_r->[$i+1];
+ return $scoretab_r->[$i];
+ }
+ $i += 2;
+ }
+ print "returning last score $scoretab_r->[$i]\n";
+ return $scoretab_r->[$i];
+sub get_percentiles2(\@ @) {
+ my ($scoretab_r, @plist) = @_;
+ my ($n, $last, $r, $d, $i, @vals, $Yp);
+ #$last = $#$scoretab_r - 1;
+ $n = get_num_scores($scoretab_r);
+ #printf "\n%6d" x $n . "\n", @{$scoretab_r};
+ #printf "\n\tn: %4d, @$scoretab_r\n", $n;
+ foreach my $p (@plist) {
+ ###print "\nPERCENTILE: $p\n";
+ $r = 1 + ($p * ($n - 1) / 100.0);
+ $i = int ($r); # integer part
+ if ($i == $n) {
+ #print "last:\n";
+ #$Yp = $scoretab_r->[$last];
+ $Yp = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, $n);
+ }
+ elsif ($i == 0) {
+ #$Yp = $scoretab_r->[0];
+ print "1st: CAN'T HAPPEN\n";
+ $Yp = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $d = $r - $i; # decimal part
+ #p = Y[i] + d(Y[i+1] - Y[i]), but since we're 0 based, use i=i-1
+ my $ithvalprev = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, $i);
+ my $ithval = get_nth_score($scoretab_r, $i+1);
+ $Yp = $ithvalprev + ($d * ($ithval - $ithvalprev));
+ }
+ #printf "p(%6.2f), r: %6.2f, i: %6d, d: %6.2f, Yp: %6d\n", $p, $r, $i, $d, $Yp;
+ push @vals, $Yp;
+ }
+ return @vals;
+# Returns a list of frequency distributions given an incrementally sorted
+# set of sorted scores, and an incrementally sorted list of buckets
+# Arg1 is an array ref to the sorted series
+# Arg2 is a list of frequency buckets to use
+sub get_frequencies(\@ @) {
+ my ($aref,@blist) = @_;
+ my @vals = ( 0 ) x (@blist);
+ my @sorted_blist = sort { $a <=> $b } @blist;
+ my $bucket_index = 0;
+OUTER: foreach my $score (@$aref) {
+ #print "Score: $score\n";
+ for my $i ($bucket_index .. @sorted_blist - 1) {
+ #print "\tTrying Bucket[$i]: $sorted_blist[$i]\n";
+ if ($score > $sorted_blist[$i]) {
+ $bucket_index++;
+ }
+ else {
+ #printf "\t\tinto Bucket[%d]\n", $bucket_index;
+ $vals[$bucket_index]++;
+ next OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ #printf "\t\tinto Bucket[%d]\n", $bucket_index - 1;
+ $vals[$bucket_index - 1]++;
+ }
+ return @vals;
+# Inserts commas in numbers for easier readability
+sub commify ($) {
+ return undef if ! defined ($_[0]);
+ my $text = reverse $_[0];
+ $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
+ return scalar reverse $text;
+# Unitize a number, and return appropriate printf formatting string
+sub unitize($ $) {
+ my ($num, $fmt) = @_;
+ my $kilobyte = 2**10;
+ my $megabyte = 2**20;
+ my $gigabyte = 2**30;
+ my $terabyte = 2**40;
+ if ($num >= $terabyte) {
+ $num /= $terabyte;
+ $fmt .= '.3fT';
+ } elsif ($num >= $gigabyte) {
+ $num /= $gigabyte;
+ $fmt .= '.3fG';
+ } elsif ($num >= $megabyte) {
+ $num /= $megabyte;
+ $fmt .= '.3fM';
+ } elsif ($num >= $kilobyte) {
+ $num /= $kilobyte;
+ $fmt .= '.3fK';
+ } else {
+ $fmt .= 'd ';
+ }
+ return ($num, $fmt);
+# Returns a sublist of the supplied list of elements in an unchanged order,
+# where only the first occurrence of each defined element is retained
+# and duplicates removed
+# Borrowed from amavis 2.6.2
+sub unique_list(@) {
+ my ($r) = @_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \@_; # accept list, or a list ref
+ my (%seen);
+ my (@unique) = grep { defined($_) && !$seen{$_}++ } @$r;
+ return @unique;
+# Generate a test maillog file from the '#TD' test data lines
+# The test data file is placed in /var/tmp/maillog.autogen
+# arg1: "postfix" or "amavis"
+# arg2: path to postfix-logwatch or amavis-logwatch from which to read '#TD' data
+# Postfix TD syntax:
+# TD<service><QID>(<count>) log entry
+sub gen_test_log($) {
+ my $scriptpath = shift;
+ my $toolname = $Logreporters::progname_prefix;
+ my $datafile = "/var/tmp/maillog-${toolname}.autogen";
+ die "gen_test_log: invalid toolname $toolname" if ($toolname !~ /^(postfix|amavis)$/);
+ eval {
+ require Sys::Hostname;
+ require Fcntl;
+ } or die "Unable to create test data file: required module(s) not found\n$@";
+ my $syslogtime = localtime;
+ $syslogtime =~ s/^....(.*) \d{4}$/$1/;
+ my ($hostname) = split /\./, Sys::Hostname::hostname();
+ # # avoid -T issues
+ # delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
+ my $flags = &Fcntl::O_CREAT|&Fcntl::O_WRONLY|&Fcntl::O_TRUNC;
+ sysopen(FH, $datafile, $flags) or die "Can't create test data file: $!";
+ print "Generating test log data file from $scriptpath: $datafile\n";
+ my $id;
+ @ARGV = ($scriptpath);
+ if ($toolname eq 'postfix') {
+ my %services = (
+ DEF => 'smtpd',
+ bQ => 'bounce',
+ cN => 'cleanup',
+ cQ => 'cleanup',
+ lQ => 'local',
+ m => 'master',
+ p => 'pickup',
+ pQ => 'pickup',
+ ppQ => 'pipe',
+ pfw => 'postfwd',
+ pg => 'postgrey',
+ pgQ => 'postgrey',
+ ps => 'postsuper',
+ qQ => 'qmgr',
+ s => 'smtp',
+ sQ => 'smtp',
+ sd => 'smtpd',
+ sdN => 'smtpd',
+ sdQ => 'smtpd',
+ spf => 'policy-spf',
+ vN => 'virtual',
+ vQ => 'virtual',
+ );
+ $id = 'postfix/smtp[12345]';
+ while (<>) {
+ if (/^\s*#TD([a-zA-Z]*[NQ]?)(\d+)?(?:\(([^)]+)\))? (.*)$/) {
+ my ($service,$count,$qid,$line) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ #print "SERVICE: %s, QID: %s, COUNT: %s, line: %s\n", $service, $qid, $count, $line;
+ if ($service eq '') {
+ $service = 'DEF';
+ }
+ die ("No such service: \"$service\": line \"$_\"") if (!exists $services{$service});
+ $id = $services{$service} . '[123]';
+ $id = 'postfix/' . $id unless $services{$service} eq 'postgrey';
+ #print "searching for service: \"$service\"\n\tFound $id\n";
+ if ($service =~ /N$/) { $id .= ': NOQUEUE'; }
+ elsif ($service =~ /Q$/) { $id .= $qid ? $qid : ': DEADBEEF'; }
+ $line =~ s/ +/ /g;
+ $line =~ s/^ //g;
+ #print "$syslogtime $hostname $id: \"$line\"\n" x ($count ? $count : 1);
+ print FH "$syslogtime $hostname $id: $line\n" x ($count ? $count : 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { #amavis
+ my %services = (
+ DEF => 'amavis',
+ dcc => 'dccproc',
+ );
+ while (<>) {
+ if (/^\s*#TD([a-z]*)(\d+)? (.*)$/) {
+ my ($service,$count,$line) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if ($service eq '') {
+ $service = 'DEF';
+ }
+ die ("No such service: \"$service\": line \"$_\"") if (!exists $services{$service});
+ $id = $services{$service} . '[123]:';
+ if ($services{$service} eq 'amavis') {
+ $id .= ' (9999-99)';
+ }
+ print FH "$syslogtime $hostname $id $line\n" x ($count ? $count : 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close FH or die "Can't close $datafile: $!";
+#MODULE: ../Logreporters/Config.pm
+package Logreporters::Config;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use re 'taint';
+use warnings;
+ use Exporter ();
+ $VERSION = '1.002';
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(&init_run_mode &add_option &get_options &init_cmdline &get_vars_from_file
+ &process_limiters &process_debug_opts &init_getopts_table_common &zero_opts
+ @Optspec %Opts %Configvars @Limiters %line_styles $fw1 $fw2 $sep1 $sep2
+ );
+use subs @EXPORT;
+our @Optspec = (); # options table used by Getopts
+our %Opts = (); # program-wide options
+our %Configvars = (); # configuration file variables
+our @Limiters;
+# Report separator characters and widths
+our ($fw1,$fw2) = (22, 10);
+our ($sep1,$sep2) = ('=', '-');
+use Getopt::Long;
+ import Logreporters::Utils qw(&get_usable_sectvars);
+our %line_styles = (
+ truncate => 0,
+ wrap => 1,
+ full => 2,
+sub init_run_mode($);
+sub confighash_to_cmdline(\%);
+sub get_vars_from_file(\% $);
+sub process_limiters(\@);
+sub add_option(@);
+sub get_options($);
+sub init_getopts_table_common(@);
+sub set_supplemental_reports($$);
+# debug constants
+sub D_CONFIG () { 1<<0 }
+sub D_ARGS () { 1<<1 }
+sub D_VARS () { 1<<2 }
+sub D_TREE () { 1<<3 }
+sub D_SECT () { 1<<4 }
+sub D_UNMATCHED () { 1<<5 }
+sub D_TEST () { 1<<30 }
+sub D_ALL () { 1<<31 }
+my %debug_words = (
+ config => D_CONFIG,
+ args => D_ARGS,
+ vars => D_VARS,
+ tree => D_TREE,
+ sect => D_SECT,
+ unmatched => D_UNMATCHED,
+ test => D_TEST,
+ all => 0xffffffff,
+# Clears %Opts hash and initializes basic running mode options in
+# %Opts hash by setting keys: 'standalone', 'detail', and 'debug'.
+# Call early.
+sub init_run_mode($) {
+ my $config_file = shift;
+ $Opts{'debug'} = 0;
+ # Logwatch passes a filter's options via environment variables.
+ # When running standalone (w/out logwatch), use command line options
+ $Opts{'standalone'} = exists ($ENV{LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL}) ? 0 : 1;
+ # Show summary section by default
+ $Opts{'summary'} = 1;
+ if ($Opts{'standalone'}) {
+ process_debug_opts($ENV{'LOGREPORTERS_DEBUG'}) if exists ($ENV{'LOGREPORTERS_DEBUG'});
+ }
+ else {
+ $Opts{'detail'} = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'};
+ # XXX
+ #process_debug_opts($ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'}) if exists ($ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'});
+ }
+ # first process --debug, --help, and --version options
+ add_option ('debug=s', sub { process_debug_opts($_[1]); 1});
+ add_option ('version', sub { &Logreporters::Utils::get_version(); 1;});
+ get_options(1);
+ # now process --config_file, so that all config file vars are read first
+ add_option ('config_file|f=s', sub { get_vars_from_file(%Configvars, $_[1]); 1;});
+ get_options(1);
+ # if no config file vars were read
+ if ($Opts{'standalone'} and ! keys(%Configvars) and -f $config_file) {
+ print "Using default config file: $config_file\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
+ get_vars_from_file(%Configvars, $config_file);
+ }
+sub get_options($) {
+ my $pass_through = shift;
+ #$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "*** $_[0]*** options error\n" };
+ # ensure we're called after %Opts is initialized
+ die "get_options: program error: %Opts is emtpy" unless exists $Opts{'debug'};
+ my $p = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
+ if ($pass_through) {
+ $p->configure(qw(pass_through permute));
+ }
+ else {
+ $p->configure(qw(no_pass_through no_permute));
+ }
+ #$p->configure(qw(debug));
+ if ($Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS) {
+ print "\nget_options($pass_through): enter\n";
+ printf "\tARGV(%d): ", scalar @ARGV;
+ print @ARGV, "\n";
+ print "\t$_ ", defined $Opts{$_} ? "=> $Opts{$_}\n" : "\n" foreach sort keys %Opts;
+ }
+ if ($p->getoptions(\%Opts, @Optspec) == 0) {
+ print STDERR "Use ${Logreporters::progname} --help for options\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if ($Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS) {
+ print "\t$_ ", defined $Opts{$_} ? "=> $Opts{$_}\n" : "\n" foreach sort keys %Opts;
+ printf "\tARGV(%d): ", scalar @ARGV;
+ print @ARGV, "\n";
+ print "get_options: exit\n";
+ }
+sub add_option(@) {
+ push @Optspec, @_;
+# untaint string, borrowed from amavisd-new
+sub untaint($) {
+ no re 'taint';
+ my ($str);
+ if (defined($_[0])) {
+ local($1); # avoid Perl taint bug: tainted global $1 propagates taintedness
+ $str = $1 if $_[0] =~ /^(.*)$/;
+ }
+ return $str;
+sub init_getopts_table_common(@) {
+ my @supplemental_reports = @_;
+ print "init_getopts_table_common: enter\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+ add_option ('help', sub { print STDOUT Logreporters::usage(undef); exit 0 });
+ add_option ('gen_test_log=s', sub { Logreporters::Utils::gen_test_log($_[1]); exit 0; });
+ add_option ('detail=i');
+ add_option ('nodetail', sub {
+ # __none__ will set all limiters to 0 in process_limiters
+ # since they are not known (Sections table is not yet built).
+ push @Limiters, '__none__';
+ # 0 = disable supplemental_reports
+ set_supplemental_reports(0, \@supplemental_reports);
+ });
+ add_option ('max_report_width=i');
+ add_option ('summary!');
+ add_option ('show_summary=i', sub { $Opts{'summary'} = $_[1]; 1; });
+ # untaint ipaddr_width for use w/sprintf() in Perl v5.10
+ add_option ('ipaddr_width=i', sub { $Opts{'ipaddr_width'} = untaint ($_[1]); 1; });
+ add_option ('sect_vars!');
+ add_option ('show_sect_vars=i', sub { $Opts{'sect_vars'} = $_[1]; 1; });
+ add_option ('syslog_name=s');
+ add_option ('wrap', sub { $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{$_[0]}; 1; });
+ add_option ('full', sub { $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{$_[0]}; 1; });
+ add_option ('truncate', sub { $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{$_[0]}; 1; });
+ add_option ('line_style=s', sub {
+ my $style = lc($_[1]);
+ my @list = grep (/^$style/, keys %line_styles);
+ if (! @list) {
+ print STDERR "Invalid line_style argument \"$_[1]\"\n";
+ print STDERR "Option line_style argument must be one of \"wrap\", \"full\", or \"truncate\".\n";
+ print STDERR "Use $Logreporters::progname --help for options\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $Opts{'line_style'} = $line_styles{lc($list[0])};
+ 1;
+ });
+ add_option ('limit|l=s', sub {
+ my ($limiter,$lspec) = split(/=/, $_[1]);
+ if (!defined $lspec) {
+ printf STDERR "Limiter \"%s\" requires value (ex. --limit %s=10)\n", $_[1],$_[1];
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ foreach my $val (split(/(?:\s+|\s*,\s*)/, $lspec)) {
+ if ($val !~ /^\d+$/ and
+ $val !~ /^(\d*)\.(\d+)$/ and
+ $val !~ /^::(\d+)$/ and
+ $val !~ /^:(\d+):(\d+)?$/ and
+ $val !~ /^(\d+):(\d+)?:(\d+)?$/)
+ {
+ printf STDERR "Limiter value \"$val\" invalid in \"$limiter=$lspec\"\n";
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ }
+ push @Limiters, lc $_[1];
+ });
+ print "init_getopts_table_common: exit\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+sub get_option_names() {
+ my (@ret, @tmp);
+ foreach (@Optspec) {
+ if (ref($_) eq '') { # process only the option names
+ my $spec = $_;
+ $spec =~ s/=.*$//;
+ $spec =~ s/([^|]+)\!$/$1|no$1/g;
+ @tmp = split /[|]/, $spec;
+ #print "PUSHING: @tmp\n";
+ push @ret, @tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
+# Set values for the configuration variables passed via hashref.
+# Variables are of the form ${progname_prefix}_KEYNAME.
+# Because logwatch lowercases all config file entries, KEYNAME is
+# case-insensitive.
+sub init_cmdline() {
+ my ($href, $configvar, $value, $var);
+ # logwatch passes all config vars via environment variables
+ $href = $Opts{'standalone'} ? \%Configvars : \%ENV;
+ # XXX: this is cheeze: need a list of valid limiters, but since
+ # the Sections table is not built yet, we don't know what is
+ # a limiter and what is an option, as there is no distinction in
+ # variable names in the config file (perhaps this should be changed).
+ my @valid_option_names = get_option_names();
+ die "Options table not yet set" if ! scalar @valid_option_names;
+ print "confighash_to_cmdline: @valid_option_names\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+ my @cmdline = ();
+ while (($configvar, $value) = each %$href) {
+ if ($configvar =~ s/^${Logreporters::progname_prefix}_//o) {
+ # distinguish level limiters from general options
+ # would be easier if limiters had a unique prefix
+ $configvar = lc $configvar;
+ my $ret = grep (/^$configvar$/i, @valid_option_names);
+ if ($ret == 0) {
+ print "\tLIMITER($ret): $configvar = $value\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+ push @cmdline, '-l', "$configvar" . "=$value";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\tOPTION($ret): $configvar = $value\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+ unshift @cmdline, $value if defined ($value);
+ unshift @cmdline, "--$configvar";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unshift @ARGV, @cmdline;
+# Obtains the variables from a logwatch-style .conf file, for use
+# in standalone mode. Returns an ENV-style hash of key/value pairs.
+sub get_vars_from_file(\% $) {
+ my ($href, $file) = @_;
+ my ($var, $val);
+ print "get_vars_from_file: enter: processing file: $file\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
+ my $message = undef;
+ my $ret = stat ($file);
+ if ($ret == 0) { $message = $!; }
+ elsif (! -r _) { $message = "Permission denied"; }
+ elsif ( -d _) { $message = "Is a directory"; }
+ elsif (! -f _) { $message = "Not a regular file"; }
+ if ($message) {
+ print STDERR "Configuration file \"$file\": $message\n";
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ my $prog = $Logreporters::progname_prefix;
+ open FILE, '<', "$file" or die "unable to open configuration file $file: $!";
+ while (<FILE>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore all whitespace lines
+ next if (/^\*/); # ignore logwatch's *Service lines
+ next if (/^\s*#/); # ignore comment lines
+ if (/^\s*\$(${prog}_[^=\s]+)\s*=\s*"?([^"]+)"?$/o) {
+ ($var,$val) = ($1,$2);
+ if ($val =~ /^(?:no|false)$/i) { $val = 0; }
+ elsif ($val =~ /^(?:yes|true)$/i) { $val = 1; }
+ elsif ($val eq '') { $var =~ s/${prog}_/${prog}_no/; $val = undef; }
+ print "\t\"$var\" => \"$val\"\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
+ $href->{$var} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ close FILE or die "failed to close configuration handle for $file: $!";
+ print "get_vars_from_file: exit\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_CONFIG;
+sub process_limiters(\@) {
+ my ($sectref) = @_;
+ my ($limiter, $var, $val, @errors);
+ my @l = get_usable_sectvars(@$sectref, 1);
+ if ($Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS) {
+ print "process_limiters: enter\n";
+ print "\tLIMITERS: @Limiters\n";
+ }
+ while ($limiter = shift @Limiters) {
+ my @matched = ();
+ printf "\t%-30s ",$limiter if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
+ # disable all limiters when limiter is __none__: see 'nodetail' cmdline option
+ if ($limiter eq '__none__') {
+ $Opts{$_} = 0 foreach @l;
+ next;
+ }
+ ($var,$val) = split /=/, $limiter;
+ if ($val eq '') {
+ push @errors, "Limiter \"$var\" requires value (ex. --limit limiter=10)";
+ next;
+ }
+ # try exact match first, then abbreviated match next
+ if (scalar (@matched = grep(/^$var$/, @l)) == 1 or scalar (@matched = grep(/^$var/, @l)) == 1) {
+ $limiter = $matched[0]; # unabbreviate limiter
+ print "MATCH: $var: $limiter => $val\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
+ # XXX move limiters into section hash entry...
+ $Opts{$limiter} = $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ print "matched=", scalar @matched, ": @matched\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
+ push @errors, "Limiter \"$var\" is " . (scalar @matched == 0 ? "invalid" : "ambiguous: @matched");
+ }
+ print "\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;
+ if (@errors) {
+ print STDERR "$_\n" foreach @errors;
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ # Set the default value of 10 for each section if no limiter exists.
+ # This allows output for each section should there be no configuration
+ # file or missing limiter within the configuration file.
+ foreach (@l) {
+ $Opts{$_} = 10 unless exists $Opts{$_};
+ }
+ # Enable collection for each section if a limiter is non-zero.
+ foreach (@l) {
+ #print "L is: $_\n";
+ #print "DETAIL: $Opts{'detail'}, OPTS: $Opts{$_}\n";
+ $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{$_} = (($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) && $Opts{$_}) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ #print "OPTS: \n"; map { print "$_ => $Opts{$_}\n"} keys %Opts;
+ #print "COLLECTING: \n"; map { print "$_ => $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{$_}\n"} keys %Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting;
+# Enable/disable supplemental reports
+# arg1: 0=off, 1=on
+# arg2,...: list of supplemental report keywords
+sub set_supplemental_reports($$) {
+ my ($onoff,$aref) = @_;
+ $Opts{$_} = $onoff foreach (@$aref);
+sub process_debug_opts($) {
+ my $optstring = shift;
+ my @errors = ();
+ foreach (split(/\s*,\s*/, $optstring)) {
+ my $word = lc $_;
+ my @matched = grep (/^$word/, keys %debug_words);
+ if (scalar @matched == 1) {
+ $Opts{'debug'} |= $debug_words{$matched[0]};
+ next;
+ }
+ if (scalar @matched == 0) {
+ push @errors, "Unknown debug keyword \"$word\"";
+ }
+ else { # > 1
+ push @errors, "Ambiguous debug keyword abbreviation \"$word\": (matches: @matched)";
+ }
+ }
+ if (@errors) {
+ print STDERR "$_\n" foreach @errors;
+ print STDERR "Debug keywords: ", join (' ', sort keys %debug_words), "\n";
+ exit 2;
+ }
+# Zero the options controlling level specs and those
+# any others passed via Opts key.
+# Zero the options controlling level specs in the
+# Detailed section, and set all other report options
+# to disabled. This makes it easy via command line to
+# disable the entire summary section, and then re-enable
+# one or more sections for specific reports.
+# eg. progname --nodetail --limit forwarded=2
+sub zero_opts ($ @) {
+ my $sectref = shift;
+ # remaining args: list of Opts keys to zero
+ map { $Opts{$_} = 0; print "zero_opts: $_ => 0\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_VARS;} @_;
+ map { $Opts{$_} = 0 } get_usable_sectvars(@$sectref, 1);
+#MODULE: ../Logreporters/TreeData.pm
+package Logreporters::TreeData;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use re 'taint';
+use warnings;
+no warnings "uninitialized";
+ use Exporter ();
+ $VERSION = '1.001';
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(%Totals %Counts %Collecting $END_KEY);
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw(&printTree &buildTree);
+use subs @EXPORT_OK;
+ import Logreporters::Config qw(%line_styles);
+# Totals and Counts are the log line accumulator hashes.
+# Totals: maintains per-section grand total tallies for use in Summary section
+# Counts: is a multi-level hash, which maintains per-level key totals.
+our (%Totals, %Counts);
+# The Collecting hash determines which sections will be captured in
+# the Counts hash. Counts are collected only if a section is enabled,
+# and this hash obviates the need to test both existence and
+# non-zero-ness of the Opts{'keyname'} (either of which cause capture).
+# XXX The Opts hash could be used ....
+our %Collecting = ();
+sub buildTree(\% $ $ $ $ $);
+sub printTree($ $ $ $ $);
+[ a:b:c, ... ]
+which would be interpreted as follows:
+a = show level a detail
+b = show at most b items at this level
+c = minimun count that will be shown
+sub printTree($ $ $ $ $) {
+ my ($treeref, $lspecsref, $line_style, $max_report_width, $debug) = @_;
+ my ($entry, $line);
+ my $cutlength = $max_report_width - 3;
+ my $topn = 0;
+ foreach $entry (sort bycount @$treeref) {
+ ref($entry) ne "HASH" and die "Unexpected entry in tree: $entry\n";
+ #print "LEVEL: $entry->{LEVEL}, TOTAL: $entry->{TOTAL}, HASH: $entry, DATA: $entry->{DATA}\n";
+ # Once the top N lines have been printed, we're done
+ if ($lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{topn}) {
+ if ($topn++ >= $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{topn} ) {
+ print ' ', ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3), "...\n"
+ unless ($debug) and do {
+ $line = ' ' . ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3) . '...';
+ printf "%-130s L%d: topn reached(%d)\n", $line, $entry->{LEVEL} + 1, $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{topn};
+ };
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Once the item's count falls below the given threshold, we're done at this level
+ # unless a top N is specified, as threshold has lower priority than top N
+ elsif ($lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{threshold}) {
+ if ($entry->{TOTAL} <= $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{threshold}) {
+ print ' ', ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3), "...\n"
+ unless ($debug) and do {
+ $line = ' ' . (' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 3)) . '...';
+ printf "%-130s L%d: threshold reached(%d)\n", $line, $entry->{LEVEL} + 1, $lspecsref->[$entry->{LEVEL}]{threshold};
+ };
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $line = sprintf "%8d%s%s", $entry->{TOTAL}, ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 2), $entry->{DATA};
+ if ($debug) {
+ printf "%-130s %-60s\n", $line, $entry->{DEBUG};
+ }
+ # line_style full, or lines < max_report_width
+ #printf "MAX: $max_report_width, LEN: %d, CUTLEN $cutlength\n", length($line);
+ if ($line_style == $line_styles{'full'} or length($line) <= $max_report_width) {
+ print $line, "\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($line_style == $line_styles{'truncate'}) {
+ print substr ($line,0,$cutlength), '...', "\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($line_style == $line_styles{'wrap'}) {
+ my $leader = ' ' x 8 . ' ' x ($entry->{LEVEL} + 2);
+ print substr ($line, 0, $max_report_width, ''), "\n";
+ while (length($line)) {
+ print $leader, substr ($line, 0, $max_report_width - length($leader), ''), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die ('unexpected line style');
+ }
+ printTree ($entry->{CHILDREF}, $lspecsref, $line_style, $max_report_width, $debug) if (exists $entry->{CHILDREF});
+ }
+my $re_IP_strict = qr/\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d{1,2})\b/;
+# XXX optimize this using packed default sorting. Analysis shows speed isn't an issue though
+sub bycount {
+ # Sort by totals, then IP address if one exists, and finally by data as a string
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "*** PLEASE REPORT:\n*** $_[0]*** Unexpected: \"$a->{DATA}\", \"$b->{DATA}\"\n" };
+ $b->{TOTAL} <=> $a->{TOTAL}
+ ||
+ pack('C4' => $a->{DATA} =~ /^$re_IP_strict/o) cmp pack('C4' => $b->{DATA} =~ /^$re_IP_strict/o)
+ ||
+ $a->{DATA} cmp $b->{DATA}
+# Builds a tree of REC structures from the multi-key %Counts hashes
+# Parameters:
+# Hash: A multi-key hash, with keys being used as category headings, and leaf data
+# being tallies for that set of keys
+# Level: This current recursion level. Call with 0.
+# Returns:
+# Listref: A listref, where each item in the list is a rec record, described as:
+# DATA: a string: a heading, or log data
+# TOTAL: an integer: which is the subtotal of this item's children
+# LEVEL: an integer > 0: representing this entry's level in the tree
+# CHILDREF: a listref: references a list consisting of this node's children
+# Total: The cummulative total of items found for a given invocation
+# Use the special key variable $END_KEY, which is "\a\a" (two ASCII bell's) to end a,
+# nested hash early, or the empty string '' may be used as the last key.
+our $END_KEY = "\a\a";
+sub buildTree(\% $ $ $ $ $) {
+ my ($href, $max_level_section, $levspecref, $max_level_global, $recurs_level, $show_unique, $debug) = @_;
+ my ($subtotal, $childList, $rec);
+ my @treeList = ();
+ my $total = 0;
+ foreach my $item (sort keys %$href) {
+ if (ref($href->{$item}) eq "HASH") {
+ #print " " x ($recurs_level * 4), "HASH: LEVEL $recurs_level: Item: $item, type: \"", ref($href->{$item}), "\"\n";
+ ($subtotal, $childList) = buildTree (%{$href->{$item}}, $max_level_section, $levspecref, $max_level_global, $recurs_level + 1, $debug);
+ if ($recurs_level < $max_level_global and $recurs_level < $max_level_section) {
+ # me + children
+ $rec = {
+ DATA => $item,
+ TOTAL => $subtotal,
+ LEVEL => $recurs_level,
+ CHILDREF => $childList,
+ };
+ if ($debug) {
+ $rec->{DEBUG} = sprintf "L%d: levelspecs: %2d/%2d/%2d/%2d, Count: %10d",
+ $recurs_level + 1, $max_level_global, $max_level_section,
+ $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{topn}, $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{threshold}, $subtotal;
+ }
+ push (@treeList, $rec);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($item ne '' and $item ne $END_KEY and $recurs_level < $max_level_global and $recurs_level < $max_level_section) {
+ $rec = {
+ DATA => $item,
+ TOTAL => $href->{$item},
+ LEVEL => $recurs_level,
+ #CHILDREF => undef,
+ };
+ if ($debug) {
+ $rec->{DEBUG} = sprintf "L%d: levelspecs: %2d/%2d/%2d/%2d, Count: %10d",
+ $recurs_level, $max_level_global, $max_level_section,
+ $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{topn}, $levspecref->[$recurs_level]{threshold}, $href->{$item};
+ }
+ push (@treeList, $rec);
+ }
+ $subtotal = $href->{$item};
+ }
+ $total += $subtotal;
+ }
+ #print " " x ($recurs_level * 4), "LEVEL $recurs_level: Returning from recurs_level $recurs_level\n";
+ return ($total, \@treeList);
+#MODULE: ../Logreporters/Reports.pm
+package Logreporters::Reports;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use re 'taint';
+use warnings;
+no warnings "uninitialized";
+ use Exporter ();
+ $VERSION = '1.002';
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(&inc_unmatched &print_unmatched_report &print_percentiles_report2
+ &print_summary_report &print_detail_report);
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+use subs @EXPORT_OK;
+ import Logreporters::Config qw(%Opts $fw1 $fw2 $sep1 $sep2 &D_UNMATCHED &D_TREE);
+ import Logreporters::Utils qw(&commify &unitize &get_percentiles &get_percentiles2);
+ import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts &buildTree &printTree);
+my (%unmatched_list);
+our $origline; # unmodified log line, for error reporting and debug
+sub inc_unmatched($) {
+ my ($id) = @_;
+ $unmatched_list{$origline}++;
+ print "UNMATCHED($id): \"$origline\"\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_UNMATCHED;
+# Print unmatched lines
+sub print_unmatched_report() {
+ return unless (keys %unmatched_list);
+ print "\n\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
+ foreach my $line (sort {$unmatched_list{$b}<=>$unmatched_list{$a} } keys %unmatched_list) {
+ printf "%8d %s\n", $unmatched_list{$line}, $line;
+ }
+ ****** Summary ********************************************************
+ 2 Miscellaneous warnings
+ 20621 Total messages scanned ---------------- 100.00%
+ 662.993M Total bytes scanned 695,198,092
+ ======== ================================================
+ 19664 Ham ----------------------------------- 95.36%
+ 19630 Clean passed 95.19%
+ 34 Bad header passed 0.16%
+ 942 Spam ---------------------------------- 4.57%
+ 514 Spam blocked 2.49%
+ 428 Spam discarded (no quarantine) 2.08%
+ 15 Malware ------------------------------- 0.07%
+ 15 Malware blocked 0.07%
+ 1978 SpamAssassin bypassed
+ 18 Released from quarantine
+ 1982 Whitelisted
+ 3 Blacklisted
+ 12 MIME error
+ 51 Bad header (debug supplemental)
+ 28 Extra code modules loaded at runtime
+# Prints the Summary report section
+sub print_summary_report (\@) {
+ my ($sections) = @_;
+ my ($keyname,$cur_level);
+ my @lines;
+ my $expand_header_footer = sub {
+ my $line = undef;
+ foreach my $horf (@_) {
+ # print blank line if keyname is newline
+ if ($horf eq "\n") {
+ $line .= "\n";
+ }
+ elsif (my ($sepchar) = ($horf =~ /^(.)$/o)) {
+ $line .= sprintf "%s %s\n", $sepchar x 8, $sepchar x 50;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "print_summary_report: unsupported header or footer type \"$horf\"";
+ }
+ }
+ return $line;
+ };
+ if ($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) {
+ my $header = "****** Summary ";
+ print $header, '*' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - length $header), "\n\n";
+ }
+ my @headers;
+ foreach my $sref (@$sections) {
+ # headers and separators
+ die "Unexpected Section $sref" if (ref($sref) ne 'HASH');
+ # Start of a new section group.
+ # Expand and save headers to output at end of section group.
+ if ($sref->{CLASS} eq 'GROUP_BEGIN') {
+ $cur_level = $sref->{LEVEL};
+ $headers[$cur_level] = &$expand_header_footer(@{$sref->{HEADERS}});
+ }
+ elsif ($sref->{CLASS} eq 'GROUP_END') {
+ my $prev_level = $sref->{LEVEL};
+ # If this section had lines to output, tack on headers and footers,
+ # removing extraneous newlines.
+ if ($lines[$cur_level]) {
+ # squish multiple blank lines
+ if ($headers[$cur_level] and substr($headers[$cur_level],0,1) eq "\n") {
+ if ( ! defined $lines[$prev_level][-1] or $lines[$prev_level][-1] eq "\n") {
+ $headers[$cur_level] =~ s/^\n+//;
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$lines[$prev_level]}, $headers[$cur_level] if $headers[$cur_level];
+ push @{$lines[$prev_level]}, @{$lines[$cur_level]};
+ my $f = &$expand_header_footer(@{$sref->{FOOTERS}});
+ push @{$lines[$prev_level]}, $f if $f;
+ $lines[$cur_level] = undef;
+ }
+ $headers[$cur_level] = undef;
+ $cur_level = $prev_level;
+ }
+ elsif ($sref->{CLASS} eq 'DATA') {
+ # Totals data
+ $keyname = $sref->{NAME};
+ if ($Totals{$keyname} > 0) {
+ my ($numfmt, $desc, $divisor) = ($sref->{FMT}, $sref->{TITLE}, $sref->{DIVISOR});
+ my $fmt = '%8';
+ my $extra = ' %25s';
+ my $total = $Totals{$keyname};
+ # Z format provides unitized or unaltered totals, as appropriate
+ if ($numfmt eq 'Z') {
+ ($total, $fmt) = unitize ($total, $fmt);
+ }
+ else {
+ $fmt .= "$numfmt ";
+ $extra = '';
+ }
+ if ($divisor and $$divisor) {
+ # XXX generalize this
+ if (ref ($desc) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $desc = @$desc[0] . ' ' . @$desc[1] x (42 - 2 - length(@$desc[0]));
+ }
+ push @{$lines[$cur_level]},
+ sprintf "$fmt %-42s %6.2f%%\n", $total, $desc,
+ $$divisor == $Totals{$keyname} ? 100.00 : $Totals{$keyname} * 100 / $$divisor;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{$lines[$cur_level]},
+ sprintf "$fmt %-23s $extra\n", $total, $desc, commify ($Totals{$keyname});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "print_summary_report: unexpected control...";
+ }
+ }
+ print @{$lines[0]};
+ print "\n";
+# Prints the Detail report section
+# Note: side affect; deletes each key in Totals/Counts
+# after printout. Only the first instance of a key in
+# the Section table will result in Detail output.
+sub print_detail_report (\@) {
+ my ($sections) = @_;
+ my $header_printed = 0;
+ return unless (keys %Counts);
+#use Devel::Size qw(size total_size);
+ foreach my $sref ( @$sections ) {
+ next unless $sref->{CLASS} eq 'DATA';
+ # only print detail for this section if DETAIL is enabled
+ # and there is something in $Counts{$keyname}
+ next unless $sref->{DETAIL};
+ next unless exists $Counts{$sref->{NAME}};
+ my $keyname = $sref->{NAME};
+ my $max_level = undef;
+ my $print_this_key = 0;
+ my @levelspecs = ();
+ clear_level_specs($max_level, \@levelspecs);
+ if (exists $Opts{$keyname}) {
+ $max_level = create_level_specs($Opts{$keyname}, $Opts{'detail'}, \@levelspecs);
+ $print_this_key = 1 if ($max_level);
+ }
+ else {
+ $print_this_key = 1;
+ }
+ #print_level_specs($max_level,\@levelspecs);
+ # at detail 5, print level 1, detail 6: level 2, ...
+#print STDERR "building: $keyname\n";
+ my ($count, $treeref) =
+ buildTree (%{$Counts{$keyname}}, defined ($max_level) ? $max_level : 11,
+ \@levelspecs, $Opts{'detail'} - 4, 0, $Opts{'debug'} & D_TREE);
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ if ($print_this_key) {
+ my $desc = $sref->{TITLE};
+ $desc =~ s/^\s+//;
+ if (! $header_printed) {
+ my $header = "****** Detail ($max_level) ";
+ print $header, '*' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - length $header), "\n";
+ $header_printed = 1;
+ }
+ printf "\n%8d %s %s\n", $count, $desc,
+ $Opts{'sect_vars'} ?
+ ('-' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - 18 - length($desc) - length($keyname))) . " [ $keyname ] -" :
+ '-' x ($Opts{'max_report_width'} - 12 - length($desc))
+ }
+ printTree ($treeref, \@levelspecs, $Opts{'line_style'}, $Opts{'max_report_width'},
+ $Opts{'debug'} & D_TREE);
+ }
+#print STDERR "Total size Counts: ", total_size(\%Counts), "\n";
+#print STDERR "Total size Totals: ", total_size(\%Totals), "\n";
+ $treeref = undef;
+ $Totals{$keyname} = undef;
+ delete $Totals{$keyname};
+ delete $Counts{$keyname};
+ }
+ #print "\n";
+Print out a standard percentiles report
+ === Delivery Delays Percentiles ===============================================================
+ 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 98% 100%
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Before qmgr 0.01 0.70 1.40 45483.70 72773.08 81869.54 87327.42 90966.00
+ In qmgr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
+ Conn setup 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85 1.36 1.53 1.63 1.70
+ Transmission 0.03 0.47 0.92 1.61 2.02 2.16 2.24 2.30
+ Total 0.05 1.18 2.30 45486.15 72776.46 81873.23 87331.29 90970.00
+ ===============================================================================================
+ === Postgrey Delays Percentiles ===========================================================
+ 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 98% 100%
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Postgrey 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00 727.00
+ ===========================================================================================
+ tableref:
+ data table: ref to array of arrays, first cell is label, subsequent cells are data
+ title:
+ table's title
+ percentiles_str:
+ string of space or comma separated integers, which are the percentiles
+ calculated and output as table column data
+sub print_percentiles_report2($$$) {
+ my ($tableref, $title, $percentiles_str) = @_;
+ return unless @$tableref;
+ my $myfw2 = $fw2 - 1;
+ my @percents = split /[ ,]/, $percentiles_str;
+ # Calc y label width from the hash's keys. Each key is padded with the
+ # string "#: ", # where # is a single-digit sort index.
+ my $y_label_max_width = 0;
+ for (@$tableref) {
+ $y_label_max_width = length($_->[0]) if (length($_->[0]) > $y_label_max_width);
+ }
+ # Titles row
+ my $col_titles_str = sprintf "%-${y_label_max_width}s" . "%${myfw2}s%%" x @percents , ' ', @percents;
+ my $table_width = length($col_titles_str);
+ # Table header row
+ my $table_header_str = sprintf "%s %s ", $sep1 x 3, $title;
+ $table_header_str .= $sep1 x ($table_width - length($table_header_str));
+ print "\n", $table_header_str;
+ print "\n", $col_titles_str;
+ print "\n", $sep2 x $table_width;
+ my (@p, @coldata, @xformed);
+ foreach (@$tableref) {
+ my ($title, $ref) = ($_->[0], $_->[1]);
+ #xxx my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$_->[1]};
+ my @byscore = ();
+ for my $bucket (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$ref) {
+ #print "Key: $title: Bucket: $bucket = $ref->{$bucket}\n";
+ # pairs: bucket (i.e. key), tally
+ push @byscore, $bucket, $ref->{$bucket};
+ }
+ my @p = get_percentiles2 (@byscore, @percents);
+ printf "\n%-${y_label_max_width}s" . "%${fw2}.2f" x scalar (@p), $title, @p;
+ }
+ foreach (@percents) {
+ #printf "\n%-${y_label_max_width}s" . "%${fw2}.2f" x scalar (@p), substr($title,3), @p;
+ printf "\n%3d%%", $title;
+ foreach my $val (@{shift @xformed}) {
+ my $unit;
+ if ($val > 1000) {
+ $unit = 's';
+ $val /= 1000;
+ }
+ else {
+ $unit = '';
+ }
+ printf "%${fw3}.2f%-2s", $val, $unit;
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $table_width, "\n";
+sub clear_level_specs($ $) {
+ my ($max_level,$lspecsref) = @_;
+ #print "Zeroing $max_level rows of levelspecs\n";
+ $max_level = 0 if (not defined $max_level);
+ for my $x (0..$max_level) {
+ $lspecsref->[$x]{topn} = undef;
+ $lspecsref->[$x]{threshold} = undef;
+ }
+# topn = 0 means don't limit
+# threshold = 0 means no min threshold
+sub create_level_specs($ $ $) {
+ my ($optkey,$gdetail,$lspecref) = @_;
+ return 0 if ($optkey eq "0");
+ my $max_level = $gdetail; # default to global detail level
+ my (@specsP1, @specsP2, @specsP3);
+ #printf "create_level_specs: key: %s => \"%s\", max_level: %d\n", $optkey, $max_level;
+ foreach my $sp (split /[\s,]+/, $optkey) {
+ #print "create_level_specs: SP: \"$sp\"\n";
+ # original level specifier
+ if ($sp =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $max_level = $sp;
+ #print "create_level_specs: max_level set: $max_level\n";
+ }
+ # original level specifier + topn at level 1
+ elsif ($sp =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d+)$/) {
+ if ($1) { $max_level = $1; }
+ else { $max_level = $gdetail; } # top n specified, but no max level
+ # force top N at level 1 (zero based)
+ push @specsP1, { level => 0, topn => $2, threshold => 0 };
+ }
+ # newer level specs
+ elsif ($sp =~ /^::(\d+)$/) {
+ push @specsP3, { level => undef, topn => 0, threshold => $1 };
+ }
+ elsif ($sp =~ /^:(\d+):(\d+)?$/) {
+ push @specsP2, { level => undef, topn => $1, threshold => defined $2 ? $2 : 0 };
+ }
+ elsif ($sp =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)?:(\d+)?$/) {
+ push @specsP1, { level => ($1 > 0 ? $1 - 1 : 0), topn => $2 ? $2 : 0, threshold => $3 ? $3 : 0 };
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "create_level_specs: unexpected levelspec ignored: \"$sp\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #foreach my $sp (@specsP3, @specsP2, @specsP1) {
+ # printf "Sorted specs: L%d, topn: %3d, threshold: %3d\n", $sp->{level}, $sp->{topn}, $sp->{threshold};
+ #}
+ my ($min, $max);
+ foreach my $sp ( @specsP3, @specsP2, @specsP1) {
+ ($min, $max) = (0, $max_level);
+ if (defined $sp->{level}) {
+ $min = $max = $sp->{level};
+ }
+ for my $level ($min..$max) {
+ #printf "create_level_specs: setting L%d, topn: %s, threshold: %s\n", $level, $sp->{topn}, $sp->{threshold};
+ $lspecref->[$level]{topn} = $sp->{topn} if ($sp->{topn});
+ $lspecref->[$level]{threshold} = $sp->{threshold} if ($sp->{threshold});
+ }
+ }
+ return $max_level;
+sub print_level_specs($ $) {
+ my ($max_level,$lspecref) = @_;
+ for my $level (0..$max_level) {
+ printf "LevelSpec Row %d: %3d %3d\n", $level, $lspecref->[$level]{topn}, $lspecref->[$level]{threshold};
+ }
+package Logreporters;
+ import Logreporters::Utils;
+ import Logreporters::Config;
+ import Logreporters::TreeData qw(%Totals %Counts %Collecting printTree buildTree);
+ import Logreporters::Reports;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings "uninitialized";
+use re 'taint';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+our $progname = fileparse($0);
+# the list of supplemental reports available in the Detail section
+my @supplemental_reports = qw(
+ autolearn score_percentiles score_frequencies sarules timings sa_timings startinfo
+# Default values for various options, used if no config file exists,
+# or some option is not set.
+# These are used to reset default values after an option has been
+# disabled (via undef'ing its value). This allows a report to be
+# disabled via config file or --nodetail, but reenabled via subsequent
+# command line option
+my %Defaults = (
+ detail => 10, # report level detail
+ max_report_width => 100, # maximum line width for report output
+ line_style => undef, # lines > max_report_width, 0=truncate,1=wrap,2=full
+ syslog_name => $progname_prefix, # amavis' syslog service name
+ sect_vars => 0, # show section vars in detail report hdrs
+ ipaddr_width => 15, # width for printing ip addresses
+ first_recip_only => 0, # Show only the first recipient, or all
+ autolearn => 1, # show Autolearn report
+ bayes => 1, # show hit Bayesian buckets
+ #p0f => 'all all', # p0f hits report
+ sarules => '20 20', # show SpamAssassin rules hit
+ score_frequencies => '-10 -5 0 5 10 20 30', # buckets shown in spam scores report
+ score_percentiles => '0 50 90 95 98 100', # percentiles shown in spam scores report
+ startinfo => 1, # show amavis startup info
+ timings => 95, # show top N% of the timings report
+ timings_percentiles => '0 5 25 50 75 95 100', # percentiles shown in timing report
+ sa_timings => 95, # show top N% of the SA timings report
+ sa_timings_percentiles => '0 5 25 50 75 95 100', # percentiles shown in SA timing report
+my $usage_str = <<"END_USAGE";
+Usage: $progname [ ARGUMENTS ] [logfile ...]
+ ARGUMENTS can be one or more of options listed below. Later options override earlier ones.
+ Any argument may be abbreviated to an unambiguous length. Input comes from named logfiles,
+ or STDIN.
+ --debug AREAS provide debug output for AREAS
+ --help print usage information
+ --version print program version
+ --config_file FILE, -f FILE use alternate configuration file FILE
+ --syslog_name PATTERN only consider log lines that match
+ syslog service name PATTERN
+ --detail LEVEL print LEVEL levels of detail
+ (default: 10)
+ --nodetail set all detail levels to 0
+ --[no]summary display the summary section
+ --ipaddr_width WIDTH use WIDTH chars for IP addresses in
+ address/hostname pairs
+ --line_style wrap|full|truncate disposition of lines > max_report_width
+ (default: truncate)
+ --full same as --line_style=full
+ --truncate same as --line_style=truncate
+ --wrap same as --line_style=wrap
+ --max_report_width WIDTH limit report width to WIDTH chars
+ (default: 100)
+ --limit L=V, -l L=V set level limiter L with value V
+ --[no]sect_vars [do not] show config file var/cmd line
+ option names in section titles
+ --[no]autolearn show autolearn report
+ --[no]by_ccat_summary include by contents category grouping in summary
+ --[no]first_recip_only show first recipient only, or all recipients
+ --nosarules disable SpamAssassin spam and ham rules hit reports
+ --sarules "S,H" enable SpamAssassin spam and ham rules reports, showing
+ --sarules "default" showing the top S spam and top H ham rules hit (range:
+ 0..., "all", or the keyword "default").
+ --noscore_frequencies disable spam score frequency report
+ --score_frequencies "B1 [B2 ...]" enable spam score frequency report, using buckets
+ --score_frequencies "default" specified with B1 [B2 ...] (range: real numbers), or using their
+ internal default values when the keyword "default" is given
+ --noscore_percentiles disable spam score percentiles report
+ --score_percentiles "P1 [P2 ...]" enable spam score percentiles report, using percentiles
+ --score_percentiles "default" specified with P1 [P2 ...] (range: 0...100), or using their
+ internal default values when the keyword "default" is given
+ --[no]startinfo show latest amavis startup details, if available
+ --nosa_timings disable the SA timings report (same as --sa_timings 0)
+ --sa_timings PERCENT show top PERCENT percent of the SA timings report (range: 0...100)
+ --sa_timings_percentiles "P1 [P2 ...]"
+ set SA timings report percentiles to P1 [P2 ...] (range: 0...100)
+ --notimings disable the timings report (same as --timings 0)
+ --timings PERCENT show top PERCENT percent of the timings report (range: 0...100)
+ --timings_percentiles "P1 [P2 ...]" set timings report percentiles to P1 [P2 ...] (range: 0...100)
+# local prototypes
+sub usage($);
+sub init_getopts_table();
+sub init_defaults();
+sub build_sect_table();
+sub parse_vals($$);
+sub triway_opts($$);
+sub printSpamScorePercentilesReport;
+sub printSpamScoreFrequencyReport;
+sub printAutolearnReport;
+sub printSARulesReport;
+sub printTimingsReport($$$$);
+sub printStartupInfoReport;
+sub strip_trace($);
+sub prioritize_cmdline(@);
+sub create_ignore_list();
+sub check_ignore_list($ \@);
+# lines that match any RE in this list will be ignored.
+# see create_ignore_list();
+my @ignore_list_final = ();
+# The Sections table drives Summary and Detail reports. For each entry in the
+# table, if there is data avaialable, a line will be output in the Summary report.
+# Additionally, a sub-section will be output in the Detail report if both the
+# global --detail, and the section's limiter variable, are sufficiently high (a
+# non-existent section limiter variable is considered to be sufficiently high).
+my @Sections;
+# Initialize main running mode and basic opts
+# Configure the Getopts options table
+# Place configuration file/environment variables onto command line
+# Initialize default values
+# Process command line arguments, 0=no_permute,no_pass_through
+# Build the Section table
+# Run through the list of Limiters, setting the limiters in %Opts.
+# Set collection for any enabled supplemental sections
+foreach (@supplemental_reports) {
+ $Logreporters::TreeData::Collecting{$_} = (($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) && $Opts{$_}) ? 1 : 0;
+# Don't collect SpamScores when not necessary
+$Collecting{'spamscores'} = ($Opts{'detail'} >= 5 && ($Opts{'score_percentiles'} || $Opts{'score_frequencies'})) ? 1 : 0;
+if (! defined $Opts{'line_style'}) {
+ # default line style to full if detail >= 11, or truncate otherwise
+ $Opts{'line_style'} =
+ ($Opts{'detail'} > 10) ? $line_styles{'full'} : $line_styles{'truncate'};
+# Create the list of REs used to match against log lines
+my (%Timings, %TimingsSA, @TimingsTotals, @TimingsSATotals);
+my (%SaveLine, %StartInfo);
+my (%SpamScores, %spamtags, %p0ftags);
+my %ccatmajor_to_sectkey = (
+ 'INFECTED' => 'malware',
+ 'BANNED' => 'bannedname',
+ 'UNCHECKED' => 'unchecked',
+ 'SPAM' => 'spam',
+ 'SPAMMY' => 'spammy',
+ 'BAD-HEADER' => 'badheader',
+ 'OVERSIZED' => 'oversized',
+ 'MTA-BLOCKED' => 'mta',
+ 'CLEAN' => 'clean',
+ 'TEMPFAIL' => 'tempfail',
+ 'OTHER' => 'other',
+my %ccatmajor_to_priority = (
+ 'INFECTED' => 9,
+ 'BANNED' => 8,
+ 'UNCHECKED' => 7,
+ 'SPAM' => 6,
+ 'SPAMMY' => 5,
+ 'BAD-HEADER' => 4,
+ 'OVERSIZED' => 3,
+ 'MTA-BLOCKED' => 2,
+ 'CLEAN' => 1,
+ 'TEMPFAIL' => 0,
+ 'OTHER' => 0,
+# for reports
+my %ccatmajor_to_spamham = (
+ 'INFECTED' => 'malware',
+ 'BANNED' => 'bannedname',
+ 'UNCHECKED' => 'unchecked',
+ 'SPAM' => 'spam',
+ 'SPAMMY' => 'spam',
+ 'BAD-HEADER' => 'ham',
+ 'OVERSIZED' => 'ham',
+ 'MTA-BLOCKED' => 'ham',
+ 'CLEAN' => 'ham',
+ 'TEMPFAIL' => 'ham',
+ 'OTHER' => 'ham',
+my $logline_maxlen = 980;
+# Create the list of REs against which log lines are matched.
+# Lines that match any of the patterns in this list are ignored.
+# Note: This table is created at runtime, due to a Perl bug which
+# I reported as perl bug #56202:
+# http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=56202
+sub create_ignore_list() {
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup_ip_acl/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup_acl/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup_hash/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup_re/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup_ldap/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup_sql_field.* result=[YN]$/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup .* does not match$/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup [[(]/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup => /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^lookup: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^save_info_preliminary/; # log level 4
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^save_info_final/; # log level 4
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sql: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sql_storage: retrying/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sql flush: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sql print/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sql begin transaction/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sql rollback/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^mail_via_sql: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^CALLING SA check$/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^calling SA parse,/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^timer set to \d+/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^query_keys/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^find_or_save_addr: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^header: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^DO_QUARANTINE, /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^DEBUG_ONESHOT: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^TempDir::/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^check_mail_begin_task: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^program: .*?(anomy|altermime|disclaimer).*? said: /; # log_level 2
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^body (?:type|hash): /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^\d+\.From: <.*>, \d+.Mail_From:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^The amavisd daemon is (?:apparently )?not running/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^rw_loop/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^[SL]MTP[><]/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^[SL]MTP response for/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^dsn:/i, # DSN or dsn
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^enqueue: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^write_header: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^banned check: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^child_finish_hook/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^inspect_dsn:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^client IP address unknown/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^final_destiny/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^one_response_for_all/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^headers CLUSTERING/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^notif=/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^\(about to connect/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Original mail size/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^TempDir removal/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Issued a new file name/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^starting banned checks/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^skip admin notification/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^do_notify_and_quarantine - done/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^do_[a-zA-Z]+.* done$/i;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Remote host presents itself as:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^connect_to_ldap/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^connect_to_sql: trying /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^ldap begin_work/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Connecting to LDAP server/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^loaded base policy bank/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^\d+\.From:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Syslog (retries|warnings)/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^smtp connection cache/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^smtp cmd> /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^smtp session/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Ignoring stale PID file/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^mime_decode_preamble/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^doing banned check for/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^open_on_specific_fd/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^reparenting /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Issued a new pseudo part: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^run_command: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^result line from file/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Charging /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^check_for_banned /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Extracting mime components$/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^response to /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^File-type of /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Skip admin notification, /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^run_av: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^string_to_mime_entity /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^ndn_needed=/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sending RCPT TO:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^decode_parts: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^decompose_part: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^setting body type: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^mime_decode_epilogue: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^string_to_mime_entity: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^at the END handler: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Amavis::.* called$/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Amavis::.* close,/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^dkim: /; # XXX provide stats
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^collect banned table/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^collect_results from/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^blocking contents category is/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^running file\(/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Found av scanner/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Found myself/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^mail_via_smtp/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^switch_to_client_time/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^parse_message_id/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^parse_received: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^parse_ip_address_from_received: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^fish_out_ip_from_received: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Waiting for the process \S+ to terminate/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Valid PID file \(younger than sys uptime/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Sending SIG\S+ to amavisd/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Can't send SIG\S+ to process/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^killing process/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^no need to kill process/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^process .* is still alive/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Daemon \[\d+\] terminated by SIG/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^storage and lookups will use .* to SQL/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^idle_proc, /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^switch_to_my_time/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^TempDir::strip: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^rmdir_recursively/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^sending [SL]MTP response/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^prolong_timer/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^process_request:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^exiting process_request/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^post_process_request_hook: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^SMTP session over/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^updating snmp variables/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^best_try_originator_ip/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^mail checking ended: /; # log level 2
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^The amavisd daemon is already running/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^AUTH not needed/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^load: \d+ %, total idle/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^policy protocol: [^=]+=\S+(?:,\S+)*$/; # allow "policy protocol: INVALID ..." later
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^penpals: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Not calling virus scanners, no files to scan in/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^local delivery: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^run_as_subprocess: child process \S*: Broken pipe/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^initializing Mail::SpamAssassin/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Error reading mail header section/; # seems to occur gen. due to perl getline() bug
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^flatten_and_tidy_dir/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^do_7zip: member/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Expanding \S+ archive/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^files_to_scan:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Unzipping p\d+/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^writing mail text to SQL/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^strip_tempdir/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^no parts, file/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^warnsender_with_pass/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^RETURNED FROM SA check/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^mime_traverse: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^do_spam: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^prepare_tempdir: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^check_header: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^skip admin notification/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^do_executable: not a/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Skip spam admin notification, no administrators$/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^skip banned check for/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^is_outgoing /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^NO Disclaimer/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Using \(\S+\) on file/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^no anti-spam code loaded/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^entered child_init_hook/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^body type/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^establish_or_refresh/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^get_body_digest/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^ask_daemon_internal/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Turning AV infection into a spam report, name already accounted for/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Calling virus scanners/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^timer stopped after /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^virus_presence /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^cache entry /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^generate_mail_id /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Load low precedence policybank/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^warm restart on /; # XXX could be placed instartup info
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Signalling a SIGHUP to a running daemon/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Deleting db files /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^address modified \(/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Request: AM\.PDP /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^DSPAM result: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^bind to \//;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^ZMQ enabled: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Inserting header field: X-Amavis-Hold: /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Decoding of .* failed, leaving it unpacked: /;
+ # various forms of "Using ..."
+ # more specific, interesting variants already captured: search "Using"
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Using \(.*\) on dir:/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Using [^:]+: \(built-in interface\)/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/^Using \(.*\): /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/: sleeping for /;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/creating socket by /;
+ # unanchored
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/\bRUSAGE\b/;
+ push @ignore_list_final, qr/: Sending .* to UNIX socket/;
+# Notes:
+# - IN REs, always use /o flag or qr// at end of RE when RE uses unchanging interpolated vars
+# - In REs, email addresses may be empty "<>" - capture using *, not + ( eg. from=<[^>]*> )
+# - See additional notes below, search for "Note:".
+# - XXX indicates change, fix or more thought required
+# Main processing loop
+while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/ +$//;
+ next if $_ eq '';
+ $Logreporters::Reports::origline = $_;
+ if ($Opts{'standalone'}) {
+ next unless s/^[A-Z][a-z]{2} [ \d]\d \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (?:<[^>]+> )?\S+ $Opts{'syslog_name'}(?:\[\d+\])?: (?:\[ID \d+ \w+\.\w+\] )?//o;
+ }
+ my $p1 = $_;
+ my ($p2, $pid);
+ my $action = "blocked"; # default action is blocked if not present in log
+ # For now, ignore the amavis startup timing lines. Need to do this
+ # before stripping out the amavis pid to differentiate these from the
+ # scan timing reports
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^TIMING/);
+ my $linelen = length $p1;
+ # Strip amavis process id-instance id, or release id
+ if (($pid,$p2) = ($p1 =~ /^\(([^)]+)\) (.*)$/ )) {
+ $p1 = $p2;
+ }
+ # Handle continuation lines. Continuation lines should be in order per PID, meaning line1, line2, line3,
+ # but never line3, line1, line2.
+ #
+ # amavis log lines as chopped by sub write_log are exactly 980 characters long starting with '(' as in:
+ # amavis[47061]: (47061-15) SPAM, etc ...
+ # ^ <-----980------------->
+ # but this can be changed in amavis via $logline_maxlen.
+ # There may also be the alert markers (!) and (!!) preceeding any continuation ellipsis.
+ #
+ # ... a continued line ...
+ if ($p1 =~ s/^(\([!]{1,2}\))?\.\.\.//) {
+ if (!exists($SaveLine{$pid})) {
+ my $alert = $1;
+ #printf "Unexpected continue line: \"%s\"\n", $p1;
+ $SaveLine{$pid} = $alert || '';
+ }
+ $SaveLine{$pid} .= $p1;
+ next if $SaveLine{$pid} =~ s/\.\.\.$//; # next if line has more pieces
+ }
+ # this line continues ...
+ if ($p1 =~ /\.\.\.$/ and $linelen == $logline_maxlen) {
+ $p1 =~ s/\.\.\.$//;
+ $SaveLine{$pid} = $p1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (exists($SaveLine{$pid})) {
+ # printf "END OF SaveLine: %s\n", $SaveLine{$pid};
+ $p1 = delete $SaveLine{$pid};
+ }
+ #if (length($p1) > 10000) {
+ # printf "Long log entry %d chars: \"%s\"\n", length($p1), $p1;
+ # next;
+ #}
+ next if (
+ # Place REs here that should ignore log lines otherwise caught below.
+ # Some are located here historically, and need to be checked for candidates
+ # to be relocated to ignore_list_final.
+ ($p1 =~ /^do_ascii/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Checking/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^header_edits_for_quar: /)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Not-Delivered/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^SpamControl/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Perl/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^ESMTP/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(!+\))?(\S+ )?(?:FWD|SEND) from /) # log level 4
+ or ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(!+\))?(\S+ )?(?:ESMTP|FWD|SEND) via /) # log level 4
+ or ($p1 =~ /^tempdir being removed/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^do_notify_and_quar(?:antine)?: .*ccat/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^cached [a-zA-Z0-9]+ /)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^loaded policy bank/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^p\.path/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^virus_scan: /)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Requesting (a |)process rundown after [0-9]+ tasks/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Cached (virus|spam) check expired/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^pr(?:esent|ovid)ing full original message to scanners as/) # log level 2
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Actual message size [0-9]+ B(,| greater than the) declared [0-9]+ B/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^disabling DSN/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Virus ([^,]+ )?matches [^,]+, sender addr ignored/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^release /)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^adding SA score \S+ to existing/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /^Maia:/) # redundant
+ or ($p1 =~ /^AM\.PDP /) # this appears to be always have two spaces
+ # because in amavisd::preprocess_policy_query() when $ampdp is
+ # set, it will pass an unset $attr_ref->{'mail_id'} to do_log(1
+ or ($p1 =~ /^_(?:WARN|DIE):$/) # bug: empty _WARN|_DIE: http://marc.info/?l=amavis-user&m=121725098111422&w=2
+ # non-begin anchored
+ or ($p1 =~ /result: clean$/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /DESTROY called$/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /email\.txt no longer exists, can't re-use it/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /SPAM\.TAG2/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /BAD-HEADER\.TAG2/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /: Connecting to socket/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /broken pipe \(don't worry\), retrying/)
+ or ($p1 =~ /(?:Sending|on dir:) (?:CONT)?SCAN /)
+ );
+ my ($ip, $from, $to, $key,, $reason, $item,
+ $decoder, $scanner, $stage, $sectkey);
+ # Coerce older "INFECTED" quarantined lines into "Blocked INFECTED",
+ # to be processed in the Passed/Blocked section.
+ if ($p1 =~ /^INFECTED.*, quarantine/) {
+ $p1 = 'Blocked ' . $p1;
+ }
+ # SPAM entry occurs at kill level
+ # SPAM-TAG entry occurs at log level 2, when spam header is inserted
+ # log_level >= 2 || (log_level > 2 && syslog_priority=debug)
+ my ($tagtype,$fromto,$isspam,$tags,$tests,$autolearn);
+ # amavisd-new 2.7.0 changes SPAM-TAG to Spam-tag and its log_level to 3
+ if (($tagtype,$fromto,$isspam,$tags,$tests,$autolearn) = ($p1 =~ /^((?i:SPAM(?:-TAG)?)), (.*), (Yes|No), score=[-+x\d.]+(.*) tests=\[([^\]]*)](?:, autolearn=(\w+))?/) or
+ ($tagtype,$fromto,$isspam,$tags,$tests) = ($p1 =~ /^((?i:SPAM(?:-TAG)?)), (.*), (Yes|No), hits=[-+x\d.]+(.*) tests=(.*)(?:, quarantine )?/)) {
+ #TD SPAM, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.com>, Yes, score=17.709 tag=-10 tag2=6.31 kill=6.31 tests=[AWL=-0.678, BAYES_99=4], autolearn=spam, quarantine Cc4+GUJhgpqh (spam-quarantine)
+ #TD SPAM, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Yes, score=21.161 tag=x tag2=8.15 kill=8.15 tests=[BAYES_99=2.5, FORGED_RCVD_HELO=0.135], autolearn=no, quarantine m6lWPoTGJ2O (spam-quarantine)
+ #TD SPAM, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Yes, score=17.887 tag=-10 tag2=6.31 kill=6.31 tests=[BAYES_99=4], autolearn=spam, quarantine VFYjDOVTW4zd (spam-quarantine)
+ #TD SPAM-TAG, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, No, score=-0.069 tagged_above=-10 required=6.31 tests=[BAYES_00=-2.599, FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS=2.53]
+ #TD SPAM-TAG, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, No, score=-1.294 required=8.15 tests=[BAYES_00=-2.599, FROM_LOCAL_HEX=1.305]
+ # pre 2.3.3
+ #TD SPAM-TAG, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Yes, hits=6.159 tagged_above=-999 required=3.4 tests=BAYES_99=3.5, FUZZY_CPILL=0.518, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001, URIBL_WS_SURBL=2.14
+ #TD SPAM, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Yes, hits=8.1 tag1=-999.0 tag2=7.0 kill=7.0 tests=MANGLED_TAKE, UPPERCASE_25_50, quarantine spam-14156-09 (maia-spam-quarantine)
+ $Totals{'tagged'}++ if uc($tagtype) eq 'SPAM-TAG';
+ if ($tests) {
+ my $type = $isspam =~ /^Y/ ? 'Spam' : 'Ham';
+ # Note: A SPAM line may be followed by an almost identical SPAM-TAG line. To avoid double counting,
+ # maintain a list of (abbreviated) SPAM tag lines keyed by pid. Since pid's are recycled,
+ # maintain an approximation of uniqueness by combining several components from the log
+ # line (we can't use the date information, as in logwatch, it is not present).
+ # XXX: It is safe to delete an entry when the final Passed/Block line occurs
+ #TD SPAM, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Yes, score=34.939 tag=x tag2=6.31 kill=6.31 tests=[DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06=1.961], autolearn=disabled
+ #TD SPAM-TAG, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Yes, score=34.939 required=6.31 tests=[DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06=1.961]
+ #TD SPAM, <from@example.com> -> tod@sample.net>, Yes, score=31.565 tag=x tag2=6.9 kill=6.9 tests=[AV:Sanesecurity.Phishing.Bank.2666.UNOFFICIAL=4.1, AV:Sanesecurity.Phishing.Bank.2666.UNOFFICIAL=4.1, BAYES_99=4, DCC_CHECK=4, DIGEST_MULTIPLE=0.001, FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK=3.116, FORGED_OUTLOOK_HTML=0.001, FORGED_OUTLOOK_TAGS=0.001, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001, L_AV_SS_Phish=5, MIME_HTML_ONLY=1.457, NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP=0.001, RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100=2, RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E4_51_100=1.5, RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100=1.5, RAZOR2_CHECK=3, RDNS_NONE=0.1, URIBL_PH_SURBL=1.787] autolearn=spam
+ my $tagstr = $fromto . '/' . $isspam . '/' . $tests;
+ if (uc($tagtype) eq 'SPAM-TAG' and exists $spamtags{$pid}) {
+ next if ($spamtags{$pid} eq $tagstr);
+ }
+ $spamtags{$pid} = $tagstr;
+ #for (split /=[^,]+(?:, +|$)/, $tests)
+ # amavis < 2.6.2 would double list AV names when using
+ # @virus_name_to_spam_score_maps.
+ my @unique_tests = unique_list (split /, +/, $tests);
+ for (@unique_tests) {
+ # skip possible trailing junk ("quarantine, ...") when older non-bracked tests=xxx is used
+ next if ! /[^=]+=[\-.\d]+/;
+ my ($id,$val) = split /=/;
+ if ($id =~ /^BAYES_\d+$/) {
+ $Counts{'bayes'}{$id}++ if ($Collecting{'bayes'});
+ }
+ if ($Opts{'sarules'}) {
+ if ($id eq 'DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME') { $val = 0 }
+ elsif ($id eq 'AWL') { $val = '-' }
+ $Counts{'sarules'}{$type}{sprintf "%6s %s", $val, $id}++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Handled below
+ #autolearn= is available only at ll>=3 or SPAM messages; so ham doesn't naturally occur here
+ # SA 2.5/2.6 : ham/spam/no
+ # SA 3.0+ : ham/spam/no/disabled failed/unavailable
+ #$Counts{'autolearn'}{$type}{$autolearn}++ if ($Opts{'autolearn'});
+ }
+ }
+ # Passed or Blocked
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^(Passed|Blocked)(.*)/) {
+ $action = lcfirst $1;
+ ($p1 = $2) =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $p1 =~ s/^,/CLEAN,/; # canonicalize older log entries
+ #print "P1: \"$p1\"\n";
+ # amavis 20030616p10-5
+ #TD Passed, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Message-ID: <652.44494541@example.com>, Hits: 4.377
+ #TD Passed, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Message-ID: <B5C@example.com>, Hits: -
+ #TD Passed, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine IJHkgliCm2Ia, Message-ID: <20080307140552.16E127641E@example.com>, Hits: 0.633
+ #TD Passed CLEAN, [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Message-ID: <2qxz191@example.com>, mail_id: w4DHD8, Hits: -2.599, size: 3045, queued_as: 2056, 2664 ms
+ #TD Passed CLEAN, [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Message-ID: <2qxz191@example.com>, mail_id: w4DHD8, Hits: -2.541-3, size: 3045, queued_as: 2056, 2664 ms
+ #TD Blocked SPAM, [] [] <bogus@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine: spam-EzEbE9W, Message-ID: <117894@example.com>, mail_id: EzEbE9W, Hits: 6.364, size: 16493, 6292 ms
+ #TD Blocked SPAM, LOCAL [] [] <bogus@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine: spam-EzEbE9W, Message-ID: <110394@example.com>, mail_id: EzEbE9W, Hits: 6.364, size: 16493, 6292 ms
+ #TD Blocked SPAM, [IPv6:2001:630:d0:f102:230:48ff:fe77:96e] [] <joe@example.com> -> <user@sample.net>, quarantine: spam-EzEbE9W, Message-ID: <11780394@example.com>, mail_id: EzEbE9W, Hits: 6.364, size: 16493, 6292 ms
+ #TD Passed SPAMMY, ORIGINATING/MYNETS LOCAL [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to1@sample.net>,<to2@sample.net>, quarantine: spam-EzEbE9W, Message-ID: <11780394@example.com>, mail_id: EzEbE9W, Hits: 6.364, size: 16493, 6292 ms
+ #TD Blocked SPAM, B-BANK/C-BANK/B-BANK [] [] <from@sample.net> -> <to@example.com>, quarantine: spam-EzEbE9W, Message-ID: <11780394@example.com>, mail_id: EzEbE9W, Hits: 6.364, size: 16493, 6292 ms
+ #TD Blocked SPAM, [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine: spam-AV49p5, Message-ID: <1.007@sample.net>, mail_id: AV49p5, Hits: 7.487, size: 27174, 4406 ms
+ #TD Passed SPAM, MYNETS <root@example.com> -> <root@example.com>, quarantine: spam-V3Wq, Message-ID: <220.1B@example.com>, mail_id: V3Wq, Hits: 7, size: 8838, queued_as: C63EC, 18 ms
+ #TD Passed SPAM, <> -> <"fred).flintstone"@domain.tld>, Message-ID: <200801180104.CAA23669@aserver.sub.adomain.tld>, mail_id: 6AzQ1g0l5RgP, Hits: 9.061, size: 5555, queued_as: C1840506CB8, 8766 ms
+ #TD Blocked INFECTED (HTML.Phishing.Bank-43), [] [] <bogus@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <509@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: -, size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Blocked INFECTED (Trojan.Downloader.Small-9993), LOCAL [] [] <bogus@example.net> -> <to@example.com>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <9009@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: -, size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Blocked BANNED (multipart/report | message/partial,.txt), [] [] <> -> <someuser@sample.net>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <509@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: -, size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Blocked BANNED (multipart/report | message/partial,.txt), LOCAL [] [] <> -> <someuser@sample.net>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <509@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: -, size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Blocked BANNED (multipart/mixed | application/octet-stream,.asc,=?iso-8859-1?Q?FTP=5FFile=5F (1)=File(1).reg), [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.us>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <509@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: -, size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Blocked BANNED (multipart/related | application/zip,.zip,card.zip | .exe,.exe-ms,Card.exe), [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine: banned-9OXm4Q3ah, Message-ID: <08517$@from>, mail_id: 9OXm4Q3ah, Hits: -, size: 2366, 3803 ms
+ #TD Passed BAD-HEADER, [] [] <bogus@example.com> -> <someuser@sample.net>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <df@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: 2.54 size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Passed BAD-HEADER, LOCAL [] [] <bogus@example.com> -> <someuser@sample.net>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <df@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: 3.2 size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Passed BAD-HEADER, MYNETS AM.PDP [] [] <bogus@example.com> -> <someuser@sample.net>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <df@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: 1.2 size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Passed BAD-HEADER, ORIGINATING/MYNETS LOCAL [] [] <from@sample.net> -> <to1@sample.net>,<to2@sample.net>,<to3@example.com>, quarantine: virus-SCwJcs, Message-ID: <df@acm.org>, mail_id: SCwJcs, Hits: -, size: 4134, 3721 ms
+ #TD Passed BAD-HEADER, [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine: badh-lxR, Message-ID: <7fm@example.com>, mail_id: lxR, Hits: -2.292, size: 422, queued_as: E3B, 981 ms
+ #TD Passed UNCHECKED, MYNETS LOCAL [] [] <from@sample.net> -> <to@example.com> Message-ID: <002e01c759c7$5de437b0$0a02a8c0@somehost>, mail_id: 7vtR-7BAvHZV, Hits: -, queued_as: B5420C2E10, 6585 ms
+ #TD Blocked MTA-BLOCKED, LOCAL [] [] <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Message-ID: <438548@example.com>, mail_id: tfgTCiyvFw, Hits: -2.54, size: 4895, 31758 ms
+ #TD Blocked OVERSIZED, LOCAL [] [] <f@example.com> -> <t@sample.net>, Message-ID: <435@example.com>, mail_id: tfTivFw, Hits: -2.54, size: 444444895, 31758 ms
+ #TD Blocked OTHER, LOCAL [] [] <f@example.com> -> <t@sample.net>, Message-ID: <435@example.com>, mail_id: tfTivFw, Hits: -2.54, size: 495, 31758 ms
+ #TD Blocked TEMPFAIL, [] [] <user@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>, Message-ID: <200703302301.9f1899470@example.com>, mail_id: bgf52ZCNbPo, Hits: -2.586, 3908 ms
+ #2.3.1
+ #<>,<info@example.com>,Passed,Hits=-3.3,Message-ID=<200506440.1.sample.net>,Size=51458
+ #20030616p10-5
+ #Not-Delivered, <from@example.com> -> <to@localhost>, quarantine spam-ea32770-03, Message-ID: <BAA618FE2CB585@localhost>, Hits: 9.687
+ # malwarepassed, malwareblocked
+ # xxx very old
+ # Virus found - quarantined|
+ #amavisd-new-20030616
+ # INFECTED (JS/IllWill-A), <from@[]> -> <to@sample.net>, quarantine virus-20040811-207-0-03, Message-ID: <0440.5577-101@sample.net>, Hits: -
+ # INFECTED (Exploit.HTML.IFrame, Worm.SomeFool.P), <from@sample.net> -> <to@example.com>,<to2@example.com>, quarantine qiO2ZG4K, Message-ID: <200608.5A5@mail.example.com>, Hits: -
+ #XXX (?:(Passed|Blocked) )?INFECTED \(([^\)]+)\),[A-Z .]*(?: \[($re_IP)\])?(?: \[$re_IP\])* [<(]([^>)]*)[>)] -> [(<]([^(<]+)[)>]/o ))
+ #XXX elsif (($action, $key, $ip, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^(?:Virus found - quarantined|(?:(Passed|Blocked) )?INFECTED) \(([^\)]+)\),[A-Z .]*(?: \[($re_IP)\])?(?: \[$re_IP\])* [<(]([^>)]*)[>)] -> [(<]([^(<]+)[(>]/o ))
+ # the first IP is the envelope sender.
+ if ($p1 !~ /^(CLEAN|SPAM(?:MY)?|INFECTED \(.*?\)|BANNED \(.*?\)|BAD-HEADER(?:-\d)?|UNCHECKED|MTA-BLOCKED|OVERSIZED|OTHER|TEMPFAIL)(?: {[^}]+})?, ([^[]+ )?(?:([^<]+) )?[<(](.*?)[>)] -> ([(<].*?[)>]), (?:.*Hits: ([-+.\d]+))(?:.* size: (\d+))?(?:.* autolearn=(\w+))?/) {
+ inc_unmatched('passblock');
+ next;
+ }
+ my $trigger;
+ my ($ccatmajor, $pbanks, $ips, $from, $reciplist, $hits, $size, $autolearn) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);
+ $Totals{'bytesscanned'} += $size if defined $size;
+ #print "ccatmajor: \"$ccatmajor\", pbanks: \"$pbanks\"\n";
+ if ($ccatmajor =~ /^(INFECTED|BANNED) \((.*)\)$/) {
+ ($ccatmajor, $trigger) = ($1, $2);
+ #print "\tccatmajor: \"$ccatmajor\", trigger: \"$trigger\"\n";
+ }
+ $ccatmajor =~ s/(BAD-HEADER)-\d/$1/; # strip amavis 2.7's [:ccat|minor] BAD-HEADER sub-classification
+ $sectkey = $ccatmajor_to_sectkey{$ccatmajor} . $action;
+ $Totals{$sectkey}++;
+ # Not checked by spamassassin, due to $sa_mail_body_size_limit or @bypass_spam_checks_maps
+ if ($hits eq '-') {
+ # Don't increment sabypassed for INFECTED (SA intentionally not called)
+ unless ($ccatmajor eq 'INFECTED') {
+ # The following order is used, the first condition met decides the outcome:
+ # 1. a virus is detected: mail is considered infected;
+ # 2. contains banned name or type: mail is considered banned;
+ # 3. spam level is above kill level for at least one recipient, or a sender is blacklisted: mail is considered spam;
+ # 4. bad (invalid) headers: mail is considered as having a bad header.
+ $Totals{'sabypassed'}++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Collecting{'spamscores'}) {
+ no re 'taint';
+ if ($hits =~ /^(-?[.\d]+)([-+])([.\d]+)$/) {
+ $hits = eval $1.$2.$3; # untaint $hits, to sum $1 and $3 values
+ }
+ # SA not called for ccats INFECTED and BANNED (Hits: -).
+ # UNCHECKED may have a score, so we can't distinguish Ham from Spam
+ push @{$SpamScores{$ccatmajor_to_spamham{$ccatmajor}}}, $hits;
+ }
+ }
+ # autolearn is available here only if enabled in amavis template
+ if ($autolearn ne '' and $Opts{'autolearn'}) {
+ #if ($autolearn ne '' and ($ccatmajor eq 'SPAM' or $ccatmajor eq 'CLEAN')) {
+ # SA 2.5/2.6 : ham/spam/no
+ # SA 3.0+ : ham/spam/no/disabled/failed/unavailable
+ # printf "INC: autolearn: %s, %s: %d\n", $ccatmajor eq 'SPAM' ? 'Spam' : 'Ham', $autolearn, $Opts{'autolearn'};;
+ # Priorities other than SPAM will be considered HAM for autolearn stats
+ $Counts{'autolearn'}{$ccatmajor eq 'SPAM' ? 'Spam' : 'Ham'}{$autolearn}++;
+ }
+ # p0f fingerprinting
+ if (exists $p0ftags{$pid}) {
+ my ($ip,$score,$os) = split(/\//, $p0ftags{$pid});
+ $Counts{'p0f'}{ucfirst($ccatmajor_to_spamham{$ccatmajor})}{$os}{$ip}++;
+ #print "Deleting p0ftag: $pid\n";
+ delete $p0ftags{$pid};
+ }
+ next unless ($Collecting{$sectkey});
+ # cleanpassed never gets here...
+ # prefer xforward IP if it exists
+ # $ip_a => %a original SMTP session client IP address (empty if unknown, e.g. no XFORWARD)
+ # $ip_e => %e best guess of the originator IP address collected from the Received trace
+ my ($ip_a, $ip_e) = split(/ /, $ips, 2);
+ $ip = $ip_a ? $ip_a : $ip_e;
+ $ip =~ s/[[\]]//g;
+ #print "ip: \"$ip\", ip_a: \"$ip_a\", ip_e: \"$ip_e\", from: \"$from\", reciplist: \"$reciplist\"; hits: \"$hits\"\n";
+ $ip = '*unknown IP' if ($ip eq '');
+ $from = '<>' if ($from eq '');
+ # Show first recipient only, or all
+ my @recips = split /,/, $reciplist;
+ @recips = map { /^<(.+)>$/ } @recips;
+ # show only first recipient
+ $to = lc ($Opts{'first_recip_only'} ? $recips[0] : "@recips");
+ if ($ccatmajor eq 'INFECTED') { # $ccatmajor: INFECTED malwarepassed, malwareblocked
+ $Counts{$sectkey}{$trigger}{$to}{$ip}{$from}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($ccatmajor eq 'BANNED') { # $ccatmajor: BANNED bannednamepassed, bannednameblocked
+ $Counts{$sectkey}{$to}{$trigger}{$ip}{$from}++;
+ } else {
+ # cleanpassed, cleanblocked, spampassed, spamblocked, badheaderpassed, badheaderblocked
+ # uncheckedpassed, uncheckblocked, mtapassed, mtablocked, oversizedpassed, oversizedblocked
+ # otherpassed, otherblocked, tempfailpassed, tempfailblocked
+ $Counts{$sectkey}{$to}{$ip}{$from}++;
+ }
+ # old...
+ #XXX elsif (($action, $item, $ip, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^(?:(Blocked|Passed) )?BANNED (?:name\/type )?\((.+)\),[^[]*(?: \[($re_IP)\])?(?: \[$re_IP\])* [<(]([^>)]*)[>)] -> [(<]([^(<]+)[(>]/o))
+ #XXXX elsif (($action, $ip, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^(?:(Passed|Blocked) )?UNCHECKED,[^[]*(?: \[($re_IP)\])?(?: \[$re_IP\])* [<(]([^>)]*)[>)] -> [(<]([^>)]*)[)>]/o ))
+ #XXX elsif (($action, $ip, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^(?:(Passed|Blocked) )?TEMPFAIL,[^[]*(?: \[($re_IP)\])?(?: \[$re_IP\])* [<(]([^>)]*)[>)] -> [(<]([^>)]*)[)>]/o ))
+ #XXX elsif (($action, $ip, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^(?:(Blocked|Passed) )?BAD-HEADER,[^[]*(?: \[($re_IP)\])?(?: \[$re_IP\])* [(<]([^>)]*)[)>](?: -> [(<]([^>)]+)[)>])[^:]*/o ))
+ # amavis 2.3.1
+ #BAD-HEADER, <> -> <info@example.com>, Message-ID: <200506440.1.sample.net>, Hits=-3.3 tag1=3.0 tag2=7.5 kill=7.5, tests=ALL_TRUSTED=-3.3, []
+ } # end Passed or Blocked
+ # MAIA
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^FAKE SENDER, ([^:]+): ($[^,]+), (.*)$/o) {
+ #TD FAKE SENDER, SPAM:, bogus@example.com
+ $Totals{'fakesender'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'fakesender'});
+ $Counts{'fakesender'}{$1}{$2}{$3}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^p\d+ \d+(?:\/\d+)* Content-Type: ([^,]+)(?:, size: [^,]+, name: (.*))?/) {
+ my ($ts, $name) = ($1, $2);
+ #TD p006 1 Content-Type: multipart/mixed
+ #TD p008 1/1 Content-Type: multipart/signed
+ #TD p001 1/1/1 Content-Type: text/plain, size: 460 B, name:
+ #TD p002 1/1/2 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature, size: 189 B, name:
+ #TD p002 1/2 Content-Type: application/octet-stream, size: 3045836 B, name: abc.pdf
+ next unless ($Collecting{'contenttype'});
+ my ($type, $subtype) = $ts !~ '""' ? split /\//, $ts : ('unspecified', 'unspecified');
+ $name = '' if !defined $name or $name =~ /^\s*$/;
+ $Counts{'contenttype'}{$type}{$subtype}{$name}++;
+ }
+ # LMTP/SMTP connection
+ # NOTE: no longer used. size data now being obtained from Passed/Block line, as size info may not be available here
+ #elsif (my ($size) = ($p1 =~ /^[LS]MTP:(?:\[$re_IP\])?:\d+ [^:]+: [<(](?:.*?)[>)] -> \S+ (?:SIZE=(\d+))?.*?Received: / )) {
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^[LS]MTP:/) {
+ #TD LMTP::10024 /var/spool/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070119T144757-09086: <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net> SIZE=1000 Received: from mail.sample.net ([]) by localhost (mail.sample.net []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with LMTP for <to@sample.net>; Fri, 19 Jan 2007 15:41:45 -0800 (PST)
+ #TD SMTP:[]:10024 /var/spool/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070119T144757-09086: <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>,<recip@sample.net> SIZE=2500000 Received: from mail.sample.net ([]) by localhost (mail.sample.net []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with LMTP for <to@sample.net>; Fri, 19 Jan 2007 15:41:45 -0800 (PST)
+ #TD SMTP::10024 /var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-27-26927: <from@example.com> -> <to@example.net> Received: from localhost ([]) by localhost (example.com []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with SMTP for <to@example.net>; Sat, 7 Jun 2008 23:09:34 +0200 (CEST)
+ #$Totals{'bytesscanned'} += $size if defined $size;
+ }
+ #(\S+) ([^[(]+)(.*)$
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^OS_fingerprint: (\S+) ([-\d.]+) (\S+)(?: ([^[(]+|\[[^]]+\]))?/o) {
+ #TD OS_fingerprint: 29.789 Linux 2.6 (newer, 1) (up: 1812 hrs), (distance 14, link: ethernet/modem)
+ #TD OS_fingerprint: -1.312 MYNETWORKS
+ # Note: safe to delete entry when the final Passed/Block line occurs
+ if ($Collecting{'p0f'}) {
+ my ($genre,$vers) = ($3,$4);
+ #print "p0f:\t$3\t\t$vers\n";
+ if ($genre eq 'Windows') {
+ local($1);
+ $vers = $1 if $vers =~ /^(\S+) /;
+ $genre .= ' ' . $vers;
+ }
+ elsif ($genre eq 'UNKNOWN') {
+ $genre = 'Unknown';
+ }
+ $p0ftags{$pid} = join('/', $1,$2,$genre);
+ #print "Added PID: $pid, $p0ftags{$pid}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( ($reason) = ( $p1 =~ /^BAD HEADER from [^:]+: (.+)$/) or
+ ($reason) = ( $p1 =~ /check_header: \d, (.+)$/)) {
+ # When log_level > 1, provide additional header or MIME violations
+ # amavisd < 2.4.0, log_level >= 1
+ #TD BAD HEADER from <bogus@example.com>: Improper use of control character (char 0D hex) in message header 'Received': Received: example.com[\r]
+ #TD BAD HEADER from <bogus@example.com>: Non-encoded 8-bit data (char F7 hex) in message header 'Subject': Subject: \367\345\370\361 \344\351\351\362\345\365\n
+ #TD BAD HEADER from <bogus@example.com>: MIME error: error: part did not end with expected boundary
+ #TD BAD HEADER from (bulk ) <bogus@bounces@lists.example.com>: Non-encoded 8-bit data (char E6 hex) in message header 'Subject': Subject: spam\\346ham\\n
+ #TD BAD HEADER from (list) <bogus@bounces@lists.example.com>: MIME error: error: part did not end with expected boundary
+ # amavisd >= 2.4.3, log_level >= 2
+ #TD check_header: 2, Non-encoded 8-bit data (char AE hex): Subject: RegionsNet\\256 Online Banking\\n
+ #TD check_header: 2, Non-encoded 8-bit data (char E1 hex): From: "any user" <from\\341k@example.com>\\n
+ #TD check_header: 3, Improper use of control character (char 0D hex): Content-type: text/html; charset=i...
+ #TD check_header: 8, Duplicate header field: "Reply-To"
+ #TD check_header: 8, Duplicate header field: "Subject"
+ #TD check_header: 4, Improper folded header field made up entirely of whitespace (char 09 hex): X-Loop-Detect: 3\\n\\t\\n
+ #TD check_header: 4, Improper folded header field made up entirely of whitespace: Received: ...8 ; Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:41:35 +0100\\n\\t \\n
+ my $subreason;
+ if ($reason =~ /^(.*?) \((char \S+ hex)\)(.*)$/) {
+ $reason = $1;
+ my ($char,$sub) = ($2,$3);
+ $sub =~ s/^in message header '[^:]+': //;
+ $sub =~ s/^: //;
+ $subreason = "$char: $sub";
+ }
+ elsif ($reason =~ /^(Improper folded header field made up entirely of whitespace):? (.*)/) {
+ $reason = $1;
+ $subreason = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ($reason =~ /^(Duplicate header field): "(.+)"$/) {
+ $reason = $1;
+ $subreason = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ($reason =~ /^(MIME error): (?:error: )?(.+)$/) {
+ $reason = $1;
+ $subreason = $2;
+ }
+ $Totals{'badheadersupp'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'badheadersupp'});
+ $Counts{'badheadersupp'}{$reason}{$subreason}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^truncating a message passed to SA at/) {
+ #TD truncating a message passed to SA at 431018 bytes, orig 1875912
+ $Totals{'truncatedmsg'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /: spam level exceeds quarantine cutoff level/ or
+ $p1 =~ /: cutoff, blacklisted/) {
+ #TD do_notify_and_quarantine: spam level exceeds quarantine cutoff level 20
+ #TD do_notify_and_quarantine: cutoff, blacklisted
+ $Totals{'spamdiscarded'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ( $p1 =~ /^spam_scan: (.*)$/) {
+ #if ($1 =~ /^not wasting time on SA, message longer than/ ) {
+ #TD spam_scan: not wasting time on SA, message longer than 409600 bytes: 1326+4115601
+ # this causes duplicate counts, and the subsequent Passed/Blocked log line
+ # will have "Hits: -," whereby sabypassed is incremented.
+ #$Totals{'sabypassed'}++;
+ #}
+ # ignore other spam_scan lines
+ }
+ # WARN:
+ elsif ( ($reason) = ( $p1 =~ /^WARN: MIME::Parser error: (.*)$/ )) {
+ # WARN: MIME::Parser error: unexpected end of header
+ $Totals{'mimeerror'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'mimeerror'});
+ $Counts{'mimeerror'}{$reason}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^WARN: address modified \((\w+)\): <(.*?)> -> <(.*)>$/) {
+ #TD WARN: address modified (sender): <root> -> <root@>
+ #TD WARN: address modified (recip): <root> -> <root@>
+ #TD WARN: address modified (recip): <postmaster> -> <postmaster@>
+ #TD WARN: address modified (recip): <"test@example.com"@> -> <"teszt@example.com">
+ #TD WARN: address modified (sender): <fr\344om@sample.net> -> <"fr\344om"@sample.net>
+ $Totals{'warningaddressmodified'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warningaddressmodified'});
+ $Counts{'warningaddressmodified'}{$1 eq 'sender' ? "Sender address" : "Recipient address"}{"$2 -> $3"}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^NOTICE: (.*)$/) {
+ # uninteresting
+ #TD NOTICE: reconnecting in response to: err=2006, HY000, DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at (eval 71) line 166, <GEN168> line 4.
+ next if ($1 =~ /^Disconnected from SQL server/); # redundant
+ next if ($1 =~ /^do_search: trying again: LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR/);
+ next if ($1 =~ /^reconnecting in response to: /);
+ if ($1 =~ /^Not sending DSN, spam level ([\d.]+ )?exceeds DSN cutoff level/) {
+ #TD NOTICE: Not sending DSN, spam level exceeds DSN cutoff level for all recips, mail intentionally dropped
+ $Totals{'dsnsuppressed'}++;
+ $Counts{'dsnsuppressed'}{'DSN cutoff exceeded'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($1 =~ /^Not sending DSN to believed-to-be-faked sender/) {
+ #TD NOTICE: Not sending DSN to believed-to-be-faked sender <user@example.com>, mail containing VIRUS intentionally dropped
+ $Totals{'dsnsuppressed'}++;
+ $Counts{'dsnsuppressed'}{'Sender likely faked'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($1 =~ /^DSN contains [^;]+; bounce is not bounc[ai]ble, mail intentionally dropped/) {
+ $Totals{'dsnsuppressed'}++;
+ $Counts{'dsnsuppressed'}{'Not bounceable'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($1 =~ /^UNABLE TO SEND DSN to /) {
+ #TD NOTICE: UNABLE TO SEND DSN to <user@example.com>: 554 5.7.1 Failed, id=19838-01, from MTA([]:10025): 554 5.7.1 <user@example.com>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied
+ $Totals{'dsnsuppressed'}++;
+ $Counts{'dsnsuppressed'}{'Unable to send'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($1 =~ /^Skipping (?:bad|extra) output from file\(1\)/) {
+ #TD NOTICE: Skipping extra output from file(1): blah
+ #TD NOTICE: Skipping bad output from file(1) at [1, p002], got: blah
+ $Totals{'fileoutputskipped'}++;
+ }
+ elsif (($p1) = ($1 =~ /^Virus scanning skipped: (.*)$/)) {
+ #TD NOTICE: Virus scanning skipped: Maximum number of files (1500) exceeded at (eval 57) line 1283, <GEN212> line 1501.
+ $Totals{'virusscanskipped'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'virusscanskipped'});
+ $Counts{'virusscanskipped'}{strip_trace($p1)}++;
+ }
+ else {
+ inc_unmatched('NOTICE');
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # INFO:
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^INFO: (.*)$/) {
+ next if ($1 =~ /^unfolded \d+ illegal all-whitespace continuation line/);
+ next if ($1 =~ /^removed bare CR/);
+ if ($1 =~ /^truncat(ed|ing)/) {
+ #TD INFO: truncating long header field (len=2639): X-Spam-Report: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=0A=0A*__1=2E7_SUBJECT=5FENCODED=5FTWICE_Subject=3A_MIME_e?= =?iso-885...
+ #TD INFO: truncated 1 header line(s) longer than 998 characters
+ $Totals{'truncatedheader'}++;
+ } elsif ( $1 =~ /^no existing header field 'Subject', inserting it/) {
+ $Totals{'nosubject'}++;
+ }
+ elsif (my ($savers1, $savers2, $item) = ( $1 =~ /^(?:SA version: ([^,]+), ([^,]+), )?no optional modules: (.+)$/)) {
+ #TD INFO: SA version: 3.1.8, 3.001008, no optional modules: DBD::mysql Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail Error
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ if ($savers1 ne '') {
+ $StartInfo{'sa_version'} = "$savers1 ($savers2)";
+ }
+ foreach my $code (split / /, $item) {
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{'Not loaded'}{$code} = "";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (my ($name) = ( $1 =~ /^(unknown banned table name \S+), .+$/)) {
+ #TD INFO: unknown banned table name 1, recip=r@example.com
+ $Totals{'warning'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warning'});
+ $Counts{'warning'}{ucfirst $name}++;
+ }
+ else {
+ inc_unmatched('INFO');
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( ($action,$reason,$from,$to) = ($p1 =~ /^DSN: NOTIFICATION: Action:([^,]+), ([^,]+), <(.*?)> -> <(.*?)>/)) {
+ #TD DSN: NOTIFICATION: Action:failed, LOCAL 554 Banned, <from@example.net> -> <to@example.com>
+ #TD DSN: NOTIFICATION: Action:delayed, LOCAL 454 Banned, <from@example.com> -> <to@example.net>
+ $Totals{'dsnnotification'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'dsnnotification'});
+ $Counts{'dsnnotification'}{$action}{$reason}{"$from -> $to"}++;
+ }
+ elsif (($item, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^Quarantined message release(?: \([^)]+\))?: ([^ ]+) <(.*?)> -> (.+)$/) or
+ ($item, $from, $to) = ( $p1 =~ /^Quarantine release ([^ ]+): overriding recips <([^>]*)> by (.+)$/)) {
+ #TD Quarantine release arQcr95dNHaW: overriding recips <TO@EXAMPLE.COM> by <to@example.com>
+ #TD Quarantined message release: hiyPJOsD2m9Z <from@sample.net> -> <to@example.com>
+ #TD Quarantined message release: hiyPJOsD2m9Z <> -> <to@recipient.maildir>,<anyone@example.com>
+ # 2.6+
+ #TD Quarantined message release (miscategorized): Iu6+0u1voOA <from@example.com> -> <to@example.net>
+ $Totals{'released'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'released'});
+ $from = '<>' if ($from eq '');
+ $to =~ s/[<>]//g;
+ $Counts{'released'}{"\L$from"}{$to}{$item}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^Quarantine release ([^:]+): missing X-Quarantine-ID$/) {
+ #TD Quarantine release 7ejEBC7MThSc: missing X-Quarantine-ID
+ $Totals{'warningnoquarantineid'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warningnoquarantineid'});
+ $Counts{'warningnoquarantineid'}{$1}++;
+ }
+ elsif ( ($stage,$reason) = ($p1 =~ /^Negative SMTP resp\S* +to ([^:]+): *(.*)$/)) {
+ #TD Negative SMTP response to data-dot (<u@example.com>): 550 5.7.1 Header Spam Rule 4
+ $Totals{'smtpresponse'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'smtpresponse'});
+ $Counts{'smtpresponse'}{'Negative response'}{$stage}{$reason}++;
+ }
+ elsif ( ($stage,$reason) = ($p1 =~ /^smtp resp to ([^:]+): *(.*)$/)) {
+ #TD smtp resp to NOOP (idle 4799.4 s): 421 4.4.2 nops.overtops.org Error: timeout exceeded
+ #TD smtp resp to MAIL (pip): 250 2.1.0 Ok
+ $Totals{'smtpresponse'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'smtpresponse'});
+ $stage =~ s/ [\d.]+ s//;
+ $Counts{'smtpresponse'}{'Response'}{$stage}{$reason}++;
+ }
+ elsif ( ($item) = ($p1 =~ /^response to RCPT TO for <([^>]*)>: "501 Bad address syntax"/)) {
+ #TD response to RCPT TO for <""@example.com>: "501 Bad address syntax"
+ $Totals{'badaddress'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'badaddress'});
+ $Counts{'badaddress'}{$item}++;
+ }
+ # do_unip: archive extraction
+ elsif ($p1 =~ s/^do_unzip: \S+, //) {
+ $Totals{'archiveextract'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'archiveextract'});
+ if ( $p1 =~ s/^\d+ members are encrypted, //) {
+ #TD do_unzip: p003, 4 members are encrypted, none extracted, archive retained
+ $Counts{'archiveextract'}{'Encrypted'}{$p1}++;
+ } elsif ( $p1 =~ /^zero length members, archive retained/) {
+ #TD do_unzip: p002, zero length members, archive retained
+ $Counts{'archiveextract'}{'Empty member'}{''}++;
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ s/^unsupported compr\. method: //) {
+ #TD do_unzip: p003, unsupported compr. method: 99
+ $Counts{'archiveextract'}{'Unsupported compression'}{$p1}++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $Counts{'archiveextract'}{'*unknown'}{$p1}++;
+ }
+ }
+ # do_cabextract: archive extraction
+ elsif ($p1 =~ s/^do_cabextract: //) {
+ #TD do_cabextract: can't parse toc line: File size | Date Time | Name
+ #TD do_cabextract: can't parse toc line: All done, no errors.
+ $Totals{'archiveextract'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'archiveextract'});
+ if ($p1 =~ /^([^:]+):\s*(.*)/) {
+ $Counts{'archiveextract'}{"\u$1"}{$2}++;
+ } else {
+ $Counts{'archiveextract'}{$p1}{''}++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(!\) *)?SA TIMED OUT,/) {
+ $Totals{'satimeout'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^mangling (.*)$/) {
+ $p1 = $1;
+ if ($p1 =~ /^by (.+?) failed: (.+?), mail will pass unmodified$/) {
+ #TD mangling by altermine failed: SomeText, mail will pass unmodified
+ $Totals{'defangerror'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'defangerror'});
+ $Counts{'defangerror'}{$1}{$2}++;
+ }
+ # other mangle message skipped
+ else {
+ #TD mangling YES: 1 (orig: 1), discl_allowed=0, <from@example.com> -> <to@sample.net>
+ #TD mangling by built-in defanger: 1, <user@example.com>
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^DEFANGING MAIL: (.+)$/) {
+ # log_level 1
+ #TD DEFANGING MAIL: WARNING: possible mail bomb, NOT CHECKED FOR VIRUSES:\n Exceeded storage quota 5961070 bytes by d...
+ #TD DEFANGING MAIL: WARNING: bad headers - Improper use of control character (char 0D hex): To: <to@example.com\\r>,\\n\\t<to@example.com>
+ # could use instead...
+ #do_log(1,"mangling by %s (%s) done, new size: %d, orig %d bytes", $actual_mail_mangle, $mail_mangle, $repl_size, $msginfo->msg_size);
+ $Totals{'defanged'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'defanged'});
+ $Counts{'defanged'}{$1}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^PenPalsSavedFromKill [-.\d]+,/) {
+ #TD PenPalsSavedFromKill 8.269-3.160, <ulyanov@steelpro.com.ua> -> <recipient1@recipientdomain.com>
+ $Totals{'penpalsaved'}++;
+ }
+ # I don't know how many variants of time outs there are... I suppose we'll fix as we go
+ elsif (($p1 =~ /^\(!+\)([^ ]*) is taking longer than \d+ s and will be killed/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /^\(!+\)(.*) av-scanner FAILED: timed out/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(!+\))?(.*): timed out/))
+ {
+ #TD (!)/usr/local/bin/uvscan is taking longer than 10 s and will be killed
+ #TD (!!)NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan) av-scanner FAILED: timed out
+ #TD ClamAV-clamd: timed out, retrying (1)
+ #TD (!)Sophie: timed out, retrying (2)
+ $Totals{'avtimeout'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'avtimeout'});
+ $Counts{'avtimeout'}{$1}++;
+ }
+ elsif (($p2) = ($p1 =~ /SMTP shutdown: (.*)$/)) { # log level -1
+ #TD SMTP shutdown: Error writing a SMTP response to the socket: Broken pipe at (eval 49) line 836, <GEN232> line 51.
+ #TD SMTP shutdown: tempdir is to be PRESERVED: /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070704T095350-13145
+ strip_trace($p2);
+ if ($p2 =~ /^tempdir is to be PRESERVED: (.*)\/([^\/]+)$/) {
+ $Totals{'tmppreserved'}++;
+ $Counts{'tmppreserved'}{$1}{$2}++ if ($Collecting{'tmppreserved'});
+ $p2 = "Preserved tempdir in $1";
+ }
+ $Totals{'warningsmtpshutdown'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warningsmtpshutdown'});
+ $Counts{'warningsmtpshutdown'}{ucfirst($p2)}++;
+ }
+ elsif (($p1 =~ /PRESERVING EVIDENCE in (.*)\/([^\/]+)$/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /tempdir is to be PRESERVED: (.*)\/([^\/]+)$/)) {
+ #TD (!)TempDir removal: tempdir is to be PRESERVED: /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20080110T173606-05767
+ # log level -1
+ #TD PRESERVING EVIDENCE in /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070704T111558-14883
+ $Totals{'tmppreserved'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'tmppreserved'});
+ $Counts{'tmppreserved'}{$1}{$2}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^Open relay\? Nonlocal recips but not originating/) {
+ $Totals{'warningsecurity'}++;
+ $Counts{'warningsecurity'}{$p1}++ if ($Collecting{'warningsecurity'});
+ }
+ # keep before general warnings below, so sadiag gets first crack at log
+ # lines beginning with "(!) ...".
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(!+\))?\!?SA (warn|info|error): (.*)$/) {
+ #TD SA warn: FuzzyOcr: Cannot find executable for gocr
+ my ($level,$msg) = ($1,$2);
+ # XXX later, maybe break out stats on FuzzyOcr
+ # skip "image too small" for now
+ if ($msg =~ /^FuzzyOcr: Skipping .+, image too small$/) {
+ #TD SA warn: FuzzyOcr: Skipping ocrad, image too small
+ #TD SA warn: FuzzyOcr: Skipping ocrad-decolorize, image too small
+ #$Counts{'sadiags'}{'fuzzyocr'}{'image too small'}++;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($msg =~ /dns: \[\.\.\.\]/) {
+ #TD SA info: dns: [...] ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION (1 record)
+ next;
+ }
+ # canonicalize some PIDs and IDs
+ elsif ($msg =~ s/^pyzor: \[\d+\] error/pyzor: [<PID>] error/) {
+ #TD SA info: pyzor: [11550] error: TERMINATED, signal 15 (000f)
+ }
+ elsif ($msg =~ /dns: no likely matching queries for id \d+/) {
+ $msg =~ s/\d+/<ID>/;
+ }
+ elsif ($msg =~ /dns: no callback for id \d+/) {
+ $msg =~ s/\d+.*$/<ID>.../;
+ }
+ # report other SA warn's
+ $Totals{'sadiags'}++;
+ next unless ($Collecting{'sadiags'});
+ $Counts{'sadiags'}{ucfirst($level)}{$msg}++;
+ }
+ # catchall for most other warnings
+ elsif (($p1 =~ /^\(!+\)/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /^TROUBLE/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /Can't (?:connect to UNIX|send to) socket/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /: Empty result from /) or
+ ($p1 =~ /: Error reading from socket: Connection reset by peer/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /open\(.*\): Permission denied/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /^_?WARN: /) or
+ ($p1 =~ /Can't send SIG \d+ to process \[\d+\]: Operation not permitted/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /(policy protocol: INVALID(?: AM\.PDP)? ATTRIBUTE LINE: .*)$/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /(DKIM signature verification disabled, corresponding features not available. If not intentional.*)$/)
+ )
+ {
+ #TD (!)loading policy bank "AM.PDP-SOCK": unknown field "0"
+ #TD (!!)policy_server FAILED: SQL quarantine code not enabled at (eval 37) line 306, <GEN6> line 4.
+ #TD (!!)policy_server FAILED: Can't open file /var/spool/amavis/quarantine/spam-CFJYXmeS+FLy: Permission denied at (eval 37) line 330, <GEN28> line 5.
+ #TD ClamAV-clamd: Empty result from /var/run/clamav/clamd, retrying (1)
+ #TDdcc open(/var/dcc/map): Permission denied
+ #TD TROUBLE in check_mail: FAILED: Died at /usr/sbin/amavisd-maia line 2872, <GEN4> line 22.
+ #TD TROUBLE in check_mail: spam_scan FAILED: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at /usr/sbin/amavisd-maia line 3786, <GEN4> line 3036.
+ #TD TROUBLE in process_request: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at (eval 35) line 258, <GEN18> line 3.
+ #TD TROUBLE in process_request: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query at (eval 35) line 258, <GEN3> line 3.
+ #TD TROUBLE in process_request: Can't call method "disconnect" on an undefined value at /usr/sbin/amavisd-maia line 2895, <GEN4> line 22.
+ #TD TROUBLE: recipient not done: <to@example.com> smtp response ...
+ #TD (!!)TROUBLE in process_request: Can't create file /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-98/email.txt: File exists at /usr/local/sbin/amavisd line 4774, <GEN12> line 4.
+ #TD TROUBLE: lookup table is an unknown object: object ...
+ #TD (!) policy protocol: INVALID ATTRIBUTE LINE: /var/spool/courier/tmp/114528/D967099\n
+ #TD (!) policy protocol: INVALID AM.PDP ATTRIBUTE LINE: /var/spool/courier/tmp/114528/D967099\n
+ #TD _WARN: bayes: cannot open bayes databases /var/spool/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes_* R/W: lock failed: Interrupted system call\n
+ $p1 =~ s/^\(!+\)s*//;
+ if ($p1 =~ /^WARN: (Using cpio instead of pax .*)$/) {
+ #TD (!)WARN: Using cpio instead of pax can be a security risk; please add: $pax='pax'; to amavisd.conf and check that the pax(1) utility is available on the system!
+ $Totals{'warningsecurity'}++;
+ $Counts{'warningsecurity'}{$1}++ if ($Collecting{'warningsecurity'});
+ next;
+ }
+ $p1 =~ s/, retrying\s+\(\d+\)$//;
+ strip_trace($p1);
+ # canonicalize variations of the same message
+ $p1 =~ s/^run_av \(([^,]+), built-in i\/f\)/$1/;
+ $p1 =~ s/ av-scanner FAILED: CODE\(0x[^)]+\)/:/;
+ $p1 =~ s/^(.+: Too many retries to talk to \S+) .*/$1/;
+ if (($p1 =~ /(\S+): Can't (?:connect|send) to (?:UNIX )?(.*)$/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /(\S+): (Too many retries to talk to .*)$/))
+ {
+ #TD (!)ClamAV-clamd: Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket: No such file or directory, retrying (2)
+ #TD (!)ClamAV-clamd: Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd: Connection refused, retrying (2)
+ #TD ClamAV-clamd: Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd: Connection refused, retrying (1)
+ #TD ClamAV-clamd: Can't send to socket /var/run/clamav/clamd: Transport endpoint is not connected, retrying (1)
+ #TD Sophie: Can't send to socket /var/run/sophie: Transport endpoint is not connected, retrying (1)
+ #TD (!)run_av (Sophie, built-in i/f): Too many retries to talk to /var/run/sophie (timed out) at (eval 55) line 310, <GEN16> line 16.
+ #TD (!)run_av (ClamAV-clamd, built-in i/f): Too many retries to talk to /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket (Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket: No such file or directory) at (eval 52) line 310.
+ #TD (!!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: CODE(0x804fa08) Too many retries to talk to /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket (Can't connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.socket: No such file or directory) at (eval 52) line 310. at (eval 52) line 511.
+ #TD (!!)Sophie av-scanner FAILED: CODE(0x814fd24) Too many retries to talk to /var/run/sophie (timed out) at (eval 55) line 310, <GEN16> line 16. at (eval 55) line 511, <GEN16> line 16.
+ $Totals{'avconnectfailure'}++;
+ $Counts{'avconnectfailure'}{$1}{ucfirst($2)}++ if ($Collecting{'avconnectfailure'});
+ next;
+ }
+ # simplify or canonicalize variations of the same message
+ $p1 =~ s/^TROUBLE(:| in) //;
+ $p1 =~ s/^_?WARN: //;
+ $p1 =~ s/Can't create file \S+: (.+)$/Can't create file: $1/;
+ $p1 =~ s/Can't send SIG \d+ to process \[\d+\]/Can't send SIG to process/;
+ $Totals{'warning'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warning'});
+ $Counts{'warning'}{$p1}++;
+ }
+ # Begin forced warnings: Keep this code below warning catchall
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^lookup_sql: /) {
+ #TD lookup_sql: 2006, MySQL server has gone away
+ $Totals{'warningsql'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warningsql'});
+ $Counts{'warningsql'}{'SQL died'}++;
+ } elsif (($reason,$item) = ($p1 =~ /^connect_to_sql: ([^']+) '\S+': (.*?)(?: \(\d+\))?$/) or
+ ($item,$reason) = ($p1 =~ /^lookup_sql_field\((.*)\) \(WARN: (no such field in the SQL table)\)/)) {
+ #TD connect_to_sql: unable to connect to DSN 'DBI:mysql:maia:sqlhost1.example.com': Lost connection to MySQL server during query
+ #TD connect_to_sql: unable to connect to DSN 'DBI:mysql:maia:sqlhost2.example.com': Can't connect to MySQL server on 'sqlhost2.example.com' (111)
+ #TD lookup_sql_field(id) (WARN: no such field in the SQL table), "from@example.com" result=undef
+ $Totals{'warningsql'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'warningsql'});
+ $Counts{'warningsql'}{ucfirst("$reason: $item")}++;
+ }
+ # End forced warnings
+ # panic
+ elsif ( ($p2) = ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(!\)\s*)?PANIC, (.*)$/)) {
+ #TD PANIC, PANIC, SA produced a clone process of [19122], TERMINATING CLONE [19123]
+ $Totals{'panic'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'panic'});
+ $Counts{'panic'}{$p2}++;
+ }
+ # fatal
+ elsif ( $p1 =~ /^Requesting process rundown after fatal error$/) {
+ #TD Requesting process rundown after fatal error
+ $Totals{'fatal'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'fatal'});
+ $Counts{'fatal'}{$p1}++;
+ # DCC
+ } elsif (($reason) = ($p1 =~ /^(missing message body; fatal error)/) or
+ ($reason) = ($p1 =~ /^(try to start dccifd)/)) {
+ $Totals{'dccerror'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'dccerror'});
+ $Counts{'dccerror'}{ucfirst($reason)}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^continue not asking DCC \d+ seconds after failure/) {
+ $Totals{'dccerror'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'dccerror'});
+ $Counts{'dccerror'}{'Continue not asking DCC after failure'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^no DCC answer from (\S+) after \d+ ms$/) {
+ $Totals{'dccerror'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'dccerror'});
+ $Counts{'dccerror'}{"No answer from $1"}++;
+ }
+ elsif ( ($reason, $from, $to) = ($p1 =~ /^skip local delivery\((\d+)\): <(.*?)> -> <(.*?)>$/)) {
+ $Totals{'localdeliveryskipped'}++; next unless ($Collecting{'localdeliveryskipped'});
+ $from = '<>' if ($from eq '');
+ $reason = $reason == 1 ? "No localpart" : $reason == 2 ? "Local alias is null" : "Other";
+ $Counts{'localdeliveryskipped'}{$reason}{$from}{$to}++;
+ }
+ # hard and soft whitelisted/blacklisted
+ elsif ($p1 =~ /^wbl: (.*)$/) {
+ # ignore wbl entries, can't think of good way to reliably summarize.
+ # and 'black or whitelisted by all' makes using by-white or -black list
+ # groupings impossible
+ next;
+ $p1 = $1;
+ # TD wbl: black or whitelisted by all recips
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^black or whitelisted/); # not clear how to report this, so skip
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^checking sender/); # ll 4
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^(LDAP) query keys/); # ll 5
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^(LDAP) recip/); # ll 5
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^recip <[^>]*> (?:black|white)listed sender/); # ll 5
+ # lookup order: SQL, LDAP, static
+ if ($p1 =~ s/^\(SQL\) recip <[^>]*>//) {
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^, \S+ matches$/); # ll 5
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^, rid=/); # ll 4
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^ is neutral to sender/); # ll 5
+ next if ($p1 =~ /^ (?:white|black)listed sender </); # ll 5
+ # ll -1
+ #wbl: (SQL) recip <%s> whitelisted sender <%s>, '. unexpected wb field value
+ }
+ #ll2
+ # wbl: (SQL) soft-(white|black)listed (%s) sender <%s> => <%s> (rid=%s)', $val, $sender, $recip, $user_id);
+ # multiple senders: message sender, then "from", etc.
+ #ll2
+ # wbl: soft-(white|black)listed (%s) sender <%s> => <%s>,
+ #TD wbl: whitelisted sender <sender@example.com>
+ #TD wbl: soft-whitelisted (-3) sender <from@example.com> => <to@sample.net>, recip_key="."
+ #TD wbl: whitelisted by user@example.com, but not by all, sender <bounces@example.net>, <user@example.org>
+ # wbl: (whitelisted|blacklisted|black or whitelisted by all recips|(white|black)listed by xxx,yyy,... but not by all) sender %s
+ if ($p1 =~ /^(?:\(SQL\) )?(?:(soft)-)?((?:white|black)listed)(?: \([^)]+\))? sender <([^>]*)>/) {
+ my ($type,$list,$sender) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ $Totals{$list}++; next unless ($Collecting{$list});
+ $type = $type ? 'Soft' : 'Hard' ;
+ my ($localpart, $domainpart) = split (/@/, lc $sender);
+ ($localpart, $domainpart) = ($sender, '*unspecified') if ($domainpart eq '');
+ $Counts{$list}{$type}{$domainpart}{$localpart}++;
+ }
+ else {
+ inc_unmatched('wbl');
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # XXX: WHITELISTED or BLACKLISTED should be caught in SPAM tag above
+ elsif (($p1 =~ /^white_black_list: whitelisted sender/) or
+ ($p1 =~ /.* WHITELISTED/) ) {
+ $Totals{'whitelisted'}++;
+ } elsif (($p1 =~ /^white_black_list: blacklisted sender/) or
+ ( $p1 =~ /.* BLACKLISTED/) ) {
+ $Totals{'blacklisted'}++;
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^Turning AV infection into a spam report: score=([^,]+), (.+)$/) {
+ #TD Turning AV infection into a spam report: score=4.1, AV:Sanesecurity.ScamL.375.UNOFFICIAL=4.1
+ #TD Turning AV infection into a spam report: score=3.4, AV:Sanesecurity.Phishing.Cur.180.UNOFFICIAL=3.1,AV:Sanesecurity.Phishing.Cur.180.UNOFFICIAL=3.4
+ #BAT.Backdoor.Poisonivy.E178-SecuriteInfo.com
+ next unless ($Collecting{'malwaretospam'});
+ #my $score_max = $1;
+ my @list = split (/,/, $2);
+ @list = unique_list(\@list);
+ foreach (@list) {
+ my ($name,$score) = split (/=/,$_);
+ $name =~ s/^AV://;
+ my $type = $name =~ s/\.UNOFFICIAL$// ? 'Unofficial' : 'Official';
+ # strip trailing numeric variant (...Phishing.Cur.863)
+ my $variant = $name =~ s/([.-]\d+)$// ? $1 : '*invariant';
+ $Counts{'malwaretospam'}{$type}{$name}{$variant}{$score}++
+ }
+ # The virus_scan line reports only the one virus name when more than one scanner detects a virus.
+ # Use instead the ask_av and run_av lines (see below)
+ #
+ #} elsif ( my ($malware, $scanners) = ($p1 =~ /virus_scan: \(([^)]+)\), detected by \d+ scanners: (.*)$/ )) {
+ #TD virus_scan: (HTML.Phishing.Bank-43), detected by 1 scanners: ClamAV-clamd
+ #TD virus_scan: (Worm.SomeFool.D, Worm.SomeFool.D), detected by 1 scanners: ClamAV-clamd
+ #TD virus_scan: (Trojan.Downloader.Small-9993), detected by 2 scanners: ClamAV-clamd, NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)
+ # foreach (split /, /, $scanners) {
+ # #$Totals{'malwarebyscanner'}++; # No summary output: redundant w/malwarepassed,malwareblocked}
+ # $Counts{'malwarebyscanner'}{"$_"}{$malware}++;
+ # }
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^(?:ask_av|run_av) (.*)$/) {
+ next unless ($Collecting{'malwarebyscanner'});
+ if (my ($scanner, $name) = ($1 =~ /^\((.+)\):(?: [^:]+)? INFECTED: ([^,]+)/)) {
+ #TD ask_av (ClamAV-clamd): /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070830T070403-13776/parts INFECTED: Email.Malware.Sanesecurity.07082700
+ #TD run_av (NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)): INFECTED: W32/Zhelatin.gen!eml, W32/Zhelatin.gen!eml
+ my $type = $name =~ s/\.UNOFFICIAL$// ? 'Unofficial' : 'Official';
+ my $variant = '';
+ if ($name =~ s/([.-]\d+)$//) { # strip trailing numeric variant (...Phishing.Cur.863)
+ $variant = $1;
+ }
+ $Counts{'malwarebyscanner'}{$scanner}{$type}{$name}{$variant}++;
+ }
+ # currently ignoring other ask_av or run_av lines
+ }
+ # Extra Modules loaded at runtime
+ #TD extra modules loaded after daemonizing/chrooting: Mail/SPF/Query.pm
+ elsif (($item) = ( $p1 =~ /^extra modules loaded(?: after daemonizing(?:\/chrooting)?)?: (.+)$/)) {
+ #TD extra modules loaded: PerlIO.pm, PerlIO/scalar.pm
+ foreach my $code (split /, /, $item) {
+ #TD extra modules loaded: unicore/lib/gc_sc/Digit.pl, unicore/lib/gc_sc/SpacePer.pl
+ # avoid useless reporting of pseudo-modules which can't be pre-loaded once
+ unless ($code =~ m#^unicore/lib/#) {
+ $Totals{'extramodules'}++;
+ $Counts{'extramodules'}{$code}++ if ($Collecting{'extramodules'});
+ }
+ }
+ # Timing report
+ } elsif (my ($total,$report) = ( $p1 =~ /^(?:size: \d+, )?TIMING \[total (\d+) ms(?:, [^]]+)?\] - (.+)$/)) {
+ next if ($report =~ /^got data/); # skip amavis release timing
+ #TD TIMING [total 5808 ms] - SMTP greeting: 5 (0%)0, SMTP LHLO: 1 (0%)0, SMTP pre-MAIL: 2 (0%)0, SMTP pre-DATA-flush: 5 (0%)0, SMTP DATA: 34 (1%)1, check_init: 1 (0%)1
+ # older format, maia mailguard
+ #TD TIMING [total 3795 ms] - SMTP EHLO: 1 (0%), SMTP pre-MAIL: 0 (0%), maia_read_system_config: 1 (0%), maia_get_mysql_size_limit: 0 (0%), SA check: 3556 (94%), rundown: 0 (0%)
+ # v2.8.1
+ # .... size: 3815, TIMING [total 1901 ms, cpu 657 ms] - ...
+ # Timing line is incomplete - let's report it
+ if ($p1 !~ /\d+ \(\d+%\)\d+$/ and $p1 !~ /\d+ \(\d+%\)$/) {
+ inc_unmatched('timing');
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($Opts{'timings'}) {
+ my @pairs = split(/[,:] /, $report);
+ while (my ($key,$value) = @pairs) {
+ #4 (0%)0
+ my ($ms) = ($value =~ /^([\d.]+) /);
+ # maintain a per-test list of timings
+ push @{$Timings{$key}}, $ms;
+ shift @pairs; shift @pairs;
+ }
+ push @TimingsTotals, $total;
+ }
+ } elsif ((($total,$report) = ( $p1 =~ /^TIMING-SA total (\d+) ms - (.+)$/ )) or
+ (($total,$report) = ( $p1 =~ /^TIMING-SA \[total (\d+) ms, cpu \d+ ms\] - (.+)$/ ))) {
+ #TIMING-SA [total 3219 ms, cpu 432 ms] - parse: 6 (0.2%), ext
+ #TD TIMING-SA total 5478 ms - parse: 1.69 (0.0%), extract_message_metadata: 16 (0.3%), get_uri_detail_list: 2 (0.0%), tests_pri_-1000: 25 (0.4%), tests_pri_-950: 0.67 (0.0%), tests_pri_-900: 0.83 (0.0%), tests_pri_-400: 19 (0.3%), check_bayes: 17 (0.3%), tests_pri_0: 5323 (97.2%), check_spf: 12 (0.2%), poll_dns_idle: 0.81 (0.0%), check_dkim_signature: 1.50 (0.0%), check_razo r2: 5022 (91.7%), check_dcc: 192 (3.5%), check_pyzor: 0.02 (0.0%), tests_pri_500: 9 (0.2%), tests_pri_1000: 24 (0.4%), total_awl: 23 (0.4%), check_awl: 10 (0.2%), update_awl: 8 (0.1%), learn: 36 (0.7%), get_report: 1.77 (0.0%)
+ # Timing line is incomplete - let's report it
+ if ($p1 !~ /[\d.]+ \([\d.]+%\)[\d.]+$/ and $p1 !~ /[\d.]+ \([\d.]+%\)$/) {
+ inc_unmatched('timing-sa');
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($Opts{'sa_timings'}) {
+ my @pairs = split(/[,:] /, $report);
+ while (my ($key,$value) = @pairs) {
+ #4 (0%)0
+ my ($ms) = ($value =~ /^([\d.]+) /);
+ # maintain a per-SA test list of timings
+ push @{$TimingsSA{$key}}, $ms;
+ shift @pairs; shift @pairs;
+ }
+ push @TimingsSATotals, $total;
+ }
+ # Bounce killer: 2.6+
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^bounce (.*)$/) {
+ #TD bounce killed, <user@example.com> -> <to@example.net>, from: user@example.com, message-id: <CA8E335-CC-2EFB@example.com>, return-path: <user@example.com>
+ #TD bounce rescued by domain, <user@example.com> -> <to@example.net>, from: user@example.com, message-id: <CA8E335-CC-2EFB@example.com>, return-path: <user@example.com>
+ #TD bounce rescued by originating, <user@example.com> -> <to@example.net>, from: user@example.com, message-id: <CA8E335-CC-2EFB@example.com>, return-path: <user@example.com>
+ #TD bounce rescued by: pen pals disabled, <user@example.com> -> <to@example.net>, from: user@example.com, message-id: <CA8E335-CC-2EFB@example.com>, return-path: <user@example.com>
+ $p2 = $1;
+ if ($p2 =~ /^killed, <(.+?)> -> /) {
+ $Totals{'bouncekilled'}++;
+ $Counts{'bouncekilled'}{$1 eq '' ? '<>' : $1}++ if ($Collecting{'bouncekilled'});
+ }
+ elsif ($p2 =~ /^rescued by ([^,]+), <(.+?)> -> /) {
+ # note: ignores "rescued by: pen pals disabled"
+ $Totals{'bouncerescued'}++;
+ $Counts{'bouncerescued'}{'By ' . $1}{$2 eq '' ? '<>' : $2}++ if ($Collecting{'bouncerescued'});
+ }
+ elsif ($p2 =~ /^unverifiable, <(.+?)> -> /) {
+ # note: ignores "rescued by: pen pals disabled"
+ $Totals{'bounceunverifiable'}++;
+ $Counts{'bounceunverifiable'}{$1 eq '' ? '<>' : $1}++ if ($Collecting{'bounceunverifiable'});
+ }
+ #TD bounce unverifiable, <postmaster@nurturegood.com> -> <dave@davewolloch.com>
+ #TD bounce unverifiable, <> -> <Dave@davewolloch.com>
+ }
+ # Decoders
+ elsif (my ($suffix, $info) = ( $p1 =~ /^Internal decoder for (\.\S*)\s*(?:\(([^)]*)\))?$/)) {
+ #TD Internal decoder for .gz (backup, not used)
+ #TD Internal decoder for .zip
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Decoders'}{'Internal'}{$suffix} = $info;
+ }
+ elsif (($suffix, $decoder) = ( $p1 =~ /^No decoder for\s+(\.\S*)\s*(?:tried:\s+(.*))?$/)) {
+ #TD No decoder for .tnef tried: tnef
+ # older
+ #TD No decoder for .doc
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Decoders'}{'None'}{$suffix} = "tried: " . ($decoder ? $decoder : "unknown");
+ }
+ elsif (($suffix, $decoder) = ( $p1 =~ /^Found decoder for\s+(\.\S*)\s+at\s+(.*)$/)) {
+ #TD Found decoder for .bz2 at /usr/bin/bzip2 -d
+ #TD Found decoder for .bz2 at /usr/bin/7za (backup, not used)
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Decoders'}{'External'}{$suffix} = exists $StartInfo{'Decoders'}{'External'}{$suffix} ?
+ join '; ', $StartInfo{'Decoders'}{'External'}{$suffix}, $decoder : $decoder;
+ }
+ # AV Scanners
+ elsif (my ($tier, $scanner, $location) = ( $p1 =~ /^Found (primary|secondary) av scanner (.+) at (.+)$/)) {
+ #TD Found primary av scanner NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan) at /usr/local/bin/uvscan
+ #TD Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/local/bin/clamscan
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'AVScanner'}{"\u$tier"}{$scanner} = $location;
+ } elsif (($tier, $scanner, $location) = ( $p1 =~ /^No (primary|secondary) av scanner: (.+)$/)) {
+ #TD No primary av scanner: CyberSoft VFind
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'AVScanner'}{"\u$tier (not found)"}{$scanner} = '';
+ } elsif ( (($tier, $scanner) = ( $p1 =~ /^Using internal av scanner code for \(([^)]+)\) (.+)$/)) or
+ (($tier, $scanner) = ( $p1 =~ /^Using (.*) internal av scanner code for (.+)$/))) {
+ #TD Using internal av scanner code for (primary) ClamAV-clamd
+ #TD Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'AVScanner'}{"\u$tier internal"}{$scanner} = '';
+ # (Un)Loaded code, protocols, etc.
+ } elsif (my ($code, $loaded) = ( $p1 =~ /^(\S+)\s+(?:proto? |base |protocol )?\s*(?:code)?\s+((?:NOT )?loaded)$/)) {
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{"\u\L$loaded"}{$code} = "";
+ } elsif (my ($module, $vers) = ( $p1 =~ /^Module (\S+)\s+(.+)$/)) {
+ #TD Module Amavis::Conf 2.086
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{'Loaded'}{$module} = $vers;
+ } elsif (($module, my $families) = ( $p1 =~ /^socket module (\S+),\s+(.+)$/)) {
+ #TD socket module IO::Socket::IP, protocol families available: INET, INET6
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{'Loaded'}{$module} = $families;
+ } elsif (($code, $location) = ( $p1 =~ /^Found \$(\S+)\s+at\s+(.+)$/)) {
+ #TD Found $file at /usr/bin/file
+ #TD Found $uncompress at /usr/bin/gzip -d
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{'Loaded'}{$code} = $location;
+ } elsif (($code, $location) = ( $p1 =~ /^No \$(\S+),\s+not using it/)) {
+ #TD No $dspam, not using it
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{'Not loaded'}{$code} = $location;
+ } elsif (($code, $location) = ( $p1 =~ /^No ext program for\s+([^,]+), (tried: .+)/)) {
+ #TD No ext program for .kmz, tried: 7za, 7z
+ #TD No ext program for .F, tried: unfreeze, freeze -d, melt, fcat
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Code'}{'Not found'}{$code} = $location;
+ } elsif ( $p1 =~ /^starting\.\s+(.+) at \S+ (?:amavisd-new-|Maia Mailguard )([^,]+),/) {
+ #TD starting. /usr/local/sbin/amavisd at mailhost.example.com amavisd-new-2.5.0 (20070423), Unicode aware, LANG="C"
+ #TD starting. /usr/sbin/amavisd-maia at vwsw02.eon.no Maia Mailguard 1.0.2, Unicode aware, LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ %StartInfo = () if !exists $StartInfo{'Logging'};
+ $StartInfo{'ampath'} = $1;
+ $StartInfo{'amversion'} = $2;
+ } elsif ( $p1 =~ /^config files read: (.*)$/) {
+ #TD config files read: /etc/amavisd.conf, /etc/amavisd-overrides.conf
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'Configs'} = "$1";
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^Creating db in ([^;]+); [^,]+, (.*)$/) {
+ #TD Creating db in /var/spool/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.31, libdb 4.4
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'db'} = "$1\t($2)";
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^BerkeleyDB-based Amavis::Cache not available, using memory-based local cache$/) {
+ #TD BerkeleyDB-based Amavis::Cache not available, using memory-based local cache
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'db'} = "BerkeleyDB\t(memory-based cache: Amavis::Cache unavailable)";
+ } elsif (my ($log) = ($p1 =~ /^logging initialized, log (level \d+, (?:STDERR|syslog: \S+))/)) {
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ %StartInfo = (); # first amavis log entry, clear out previous start info
+ $StartInfo{'Logging'} = $log;
+ } elsif (( $p1 =~ /^(:?perl=[^,]*, )?user=([^,]*), EUID: (\d+) [(](\d+)[)];\s+group=([^,]*), EGID: ([\d ]+)[(]([\d ]+)[)]/)) {
+ # uninteresting...
+ #next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ #$StartInfo{'IDs'}{'user'} = $1;
+ #$StartInfo{'IDs'}{'euid'} = $2;
+ #$StartInfo{'IDs'}{'uid'} = $3;
+ #$StartInfo{'IDs'}{'group'} = $4;
+ #$StartInfo{'IDs'}{'egid'} = $5;
+ #$StartInfo{'IDs'}{'gid'} = $6;
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^after_chroot_init: EUID: (\d+) [(](\d+)[)]; +EGID: ([\d ]+)[(]([\d ]+)[)]/) {
+ #TD after_chroot_init: EUID: 999 (999); EGID: 54322 54322 54322 (54322 54322 54322)
+ # uninteresting...
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^SpamAssassin debug facilities: (.*)$/) {
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ $StartInfo{'sa_debug'} = $1;
+ # amavis >= 2.6.3
+ } elsif ($p1 =~ /^SpamAssassin loaded plugins: (.*)$/) {
+ #TD SpamAssassin loaded plugins: AWL, AutoLearnThreshold, Bayes, BodyEval, Check, DCC, DKIM, DNSEval, HTMLEval, HTTPSMismatch, Hashcash, HeaderEval, ImageInfo, MIMEEval, MIMEHeader, Pyzor, Razor2, RelayEval, ReplaceTags, SPF, SpamCop, URIDNSBL, URIDetail, URIEval, VBounce, WLBLEval, WhiteListSubject
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ map { $StartInfo{'SAPlugins'}{'Loaded'}{$_} = '' } split(/, /, $1);
+ } elsif (($p2) = ( $p1 =~ /^Net::Server: (.*)$/ )) {
+ next unless ($Opts{'startinfo'});
+ if ($p2 =~ /^.*starting! pid\((\d+)\)/) {
+ #TD Net::Server: 2007/05/02-11:05:24 Amavis (type Net::Server::PreForkSimple) starting! pid(4405)
+ $StartInfo{'Server'}{'pid'} = $1;
+ } elsif ($p2 =~ /^Binding to UNIX socket file (.*) using/) {
+ #TD Net::Server: Binding to UNIX socket file /var/spool/amavis/amavisd.sock using SOCK_STREAM
+ $StartInfo{'Server'}{'socket'} = $1;
+ } elsif ($p2 =~ /^Binding to TCP port (\d+) on host (.*)$/) {
+ #TD Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10024 on host
+ $StartInfo{'Server'}{'ip'} = "$2:$1";
+ } elsif ($p2 =~ /^Setting ([ug]id) to "([^"]+)"$/) {
+ $StartInfo{'Server'}{$1} = $2;
+ #TD Net::Server: Setting gid to "91 91"
+ #TD Net::Server: Setting uid to "91"
+ }
+ # skip others
+ }
+ # higher debug level or rare messages skipped last
+ elsif (! check_ignore_list ($p1, @ignore_list_final)) {
+ inc_unmatched('final');
+ }
+# Final tabulations, and report printing
+# spamblocked includes spamdiscarded; adjust here
+$Totals{'spamblocked'} -= $Totals{'spamdiscarded'};
+#Totals: Blocked/Passed totals
+$Totals{'totalblocked'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(
+ malwareblocked
+ bannednameblocked
+ uncheckedblocked
+ spamblocked
+ spamdiscarded
+ spammyblocked
+ badheaderblocked
+ oversizedblocked
+ mtablocked
+ cleanblocked
+ tempfailblocked
+ otherblocked
+ ));
+$Totals{'totalpassed'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(
+ malwarepassed
+ bannednamepassed
+ uncheckedpassed
+ spampassed
+ spammypassed
+ badheaderpassed
+ oversizedpassed
+ mtapassed
+ cleanpassed
+ tempfailpassed
+ otherpassed
+ ));
+#Totals: Ham/Spam
+$Totals{'totalmalware'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(malwarepassed malwareblocked));
+$Totals{'totalbanned'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(bannednamepassed bannednameblocked));
+$Totals{'totalunchecked'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(uncheckedpassed uncheckedblocked));
+$Totals{'totalspammy'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(spammypassed spammyblocked));
+$Totals{'totalbadheader'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(badheaderpassed badheaderblocked));
+$Totals{'totaloversized'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(oversizedpassed oversizedblocked));
+$Totals{'totalmta'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(mtapassed mtablocked));
+$Totals{'totalclean'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(cleanpassed cleanblocked));
+$Totals{'totalother'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(tempfailpassed tempfailblocked otherpassed otherblocked));
+$Totals{'totalspam'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(spampassed spamblocked spamdiscarded totalspammy));
+# everything lower priority than SPAMMY is considered HAM
+$Totals{'totalham'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(totalbadheader totaloversized totalmta totalclean));
+$Totals{'totalmsgs'} += $Totals{$_} foreach (
+ qw(totalmalware totalbanned totalunchecked totalspam totalham totalother));
+# Print the summary report if any key has non-zero data.
+# Note: must explicitely check for any non-zero data,
+# as Totals always has some keys extant.
+if ($Opts{'summary'}) {
+ for (keys %Totals) {
+ if ($Totals{$_}) {
+ print_summary_report (@Sections);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+# Print the detailed report, if detail is sufficiently high
+if ($Opts{'detail'} >= 5) {
+ print_detail_report (@Sections);
+ printAutolearnReport;
+ printSpamScorePercentilesReport;
+ printSpamScoreFrequencyReport;
+ printSARulesReport;
+ printTimingsReport("Scan Timing Percentiles", \%Timings, \@TimingsTotals, $Opts{'timings'});
+ printTimingsReport("SA Timing Percentiles", \%TimingsSA, \@TimingsSATotals, 0-$Opts{'sa_timings'});
+ printStartupInfoReport if ($Opts{'detail'} >= 10);
+#use Data::Dumper;
+#print Dumper(\%p0ftags);
+#print Dumper($Counts{'p0f'});
+# Finally, print any unmatched lines
+# Evaluates a given line against the list of ignore patterns.
+sub check_ignore_list($ \@) {
+ my ($line, $listref) = @_;
+ foreach (@$listref) {
+ return 1 if $line =~ /$_/;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Spam score percentiles report
+ ==================================================================================
+ Spam Score Percentiles 0% 50% 90% 95% 98% 100%
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Score Spam (100) 6.650 21.906 34.225 36.664 38.196 42.218
+ Score Ham (1276) -17.979 -2.599 0.428 2.261 3.472 6.298
+ ==================================================================================
+sub printSpamScorePercentilesReport {
+ return unless ($Opts{'score_percentiles'} and keys %SpamScores);
+ #printf "Scores $_ (%d): @{$SpamScores{$_}}\n", scalar @{$SpamScores{$_}} foreach keys %SpamScores;
+ my (@p, @sorted);
+ my @percents = split /[\s,]+/, $Opts{'score_percentiles'};
+ my $myfw2 = $fw2 - 1;
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $fw1, $sep1 x $fw2 x @percents;
+ printf "\n%-${fw1}s" . "%${myfw2}s%%" x @percents , "Spam Score Percentiles", @percents;
+ print "\n", $sep2 x $fw1, $sep2 x $fw2 x @percents;
+ foreach my $ccat (keys %SpamScores) {
+ @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$SpamScores{$ccat}};
+ @p = get_percentiles (@sorted, @percents);
+ printf "\n%-${fw1}s" . "%${fw2}.3f" x scalar (@p), "Score \u$ccat (" . scalar (@sorted) . ')', @p;
+ }
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $fw1, $sep1 x $fw2 x @percents, "\n";
+# Spam score frequency report
+ ======================================================================================================
+ Spam Score Frequency <= -10 <= -5 <= 0 <= 5 <= 10 <= 20 <= 30 > 30
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Hits (1376) 29 168 921 170 29 33 1 25
+ Percent of Hits 2.11% 12.21% 66.93% 12.35% 2.11% 2.40% 0.07% 1.82%
+ ======================================================================================================
+sub printSpamScoreFrequencyReport {
+ return unless ($Opts{'score_frequencies'} and keys %SpamScores);
+ my @scores = ();
+ push @scores, @{$SpamScores{$_}} foreach (keys %SpamScores);
+ my $nscores = scalar @scores;
+ my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @scores;
+ my @buckets = sort { $a <=> $b } split /[\s,]+/, $Opts{'score_frequencies'};
+ push @buckets, $buckets[-1] + 1;
+ #print "Scores: @sorted\n";
+ my @p = get_frequencies (@sorted, @buckets);
+ my @ranges = ( 0 ) x @buckets;
+ my $last = @buckets - 1;
+ $ranges[0] = sprintf "%${fw2}s", " <= $buckets[0]";
+ $ranges[-1] = sprintf "%${fw2}s", " > $buckets[-2]";
+ for my $i (1 .. @buckets - 2) {
+ $ranges[$i] = sprintf "%${fw2}s", " <= $buckets[$i]";
+ }
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $fw1, $sep1 x $fw2 x @buckets;
+ printf "\n%-${fw1}s" . "%-${fw2}s" x @buckets , "Spam Score Frequency", @ranges;
+ print "\n", $sep2 x $fw1, $sep2 x $fw2 x @buckets;
+ printf "\n%-${fw1}s" . "%${fw2}d" x scalar (@p), "Hits ($nscores)", @p;
+ my $myfw2 = $fw2 - 1;
+ printf "\n%-${fw1}s" . "%${myfw2}.2f%%" x scalar (@p), "Percent of Hits", map {($_ / $nscores) * 100.0; } @p;
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $fw1, $sep1 x $fw2 x @buckets, "\n";
+# SpamAssassin rules report
+ ===========================================================================
+ SpamAssassin Rule Hits: Spam
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Rank Hits % Msgs % Spam % Ham Score Rule
+ ---- ---- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----
+ 1 44 81.48% 93.62% 0.00% 1.961 URIBL_BLACK
+ 2 44 81.48% 93.62% 14.29% 0.001 HTML_MESSAGE
+ 3 42 77.78% 89.36% 0.00% 2.857 URIBL_JP_SURBL
+ 4 38 70.37% 80.85% 14.29% 2.896 RCVD_IN_XBL
+ 5 37 68.52% 78.72% 0.00% 2.188 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET
+ ...
+ ===========================================================================
+ ===========================================================================
+ SpamAssassin Rule Hits: Ham
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Rank Hits % Msgs % Spam % Ham Score Rule
+ ---- ---- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----
+ 1 5 9.26% 2.13% 71.43% 0.001 STOX_REPLY_TYPE
+ 2 4 7.41% 0.00% 57.14% -0.001 SPF_PASS
+ 3 4 7.41% 6.38% 57.14% - AWL
+ 4 1 1.85% 0.00% 14.29% 0.303 TVD_RCVD_SINGLE
+ 5 1 1.85% 25.53% 14.29% 0.1 RDNS_DYNAMIC
+ ...
+ ===========================================================================
+sub printSARulesReport {
+ return unless (keys %{$Counts{'sarules'}});
+ our $maxlen = 0;
+ sub getSAHitsReport($ $) {
+ my ($type, $topn) = @_;
+ my $i = 1;
+ my @report = ();
+ return if ($topn eq '0'); # topn can be numeric, or the string "all"
+ for (sort { $Counts{'sarules'}{$type}{$b} <=> $Counts{'sarules'}{$type}{$a} } keys %{$Counts{'sarules'}{$type}}) {
+ # only show top n lines; all when topn is "all"
+ if ($topn ne 'all' and $i > $topn) {
+ push @report, "...\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ my $n = $Counts{'sarules'}{$type}{$_};
+ my $nham = $Counts{'sarules'}{'Ham'}{$_};
+ my $nspam = $Counts{'sarules'}{'Spam'}{$_};
+ # rank, count, % msgs, % spam, % ham
+ push @report, sprintf "%4d %8d %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %s\n",
+ $i++,
+ $n,
+ $Totals{'totalmsgs'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $n / $Totals{'totalmsgs'},
+ $Totals{'totalspam'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nspam / $Totals{'totalspam'},
+ $Totals{'totalham'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nham / $Totals{'totalham'},
+ $_;
+ my $len = length($report[-1]) - 1;
+ $maxlen = $len if ($len > $maxlen);
+ }
+ if (scalar @report) {
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ print "SpamAssassin Rule Hits: $type\n";
+ print $sep2 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ print "Rank Hits % Msgs % Spam % Ham Score Rule\n";
+ print "---- ---- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----\n";
+ print @report;
+ print $sep1 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($def_limit_spam, $def_limit_ham) = split /[\s,]+/, $Defaults{'sarules'};
+ my ($limit_spam, $limit_ham) = split /[\s,]+/, $Opts{'sarules'};
+ $limit_spam = $def_limit_spam if $limit_spam eq '';
+ $limit_ham = $def_limit_ham if $limit_ham eq '';
+ getSAHitsReport('Spam', $limit_spam);
+ getSAHitsReport('Ham', $limit_ham);
+# Autolearn report, only available if enabled in amavis $log_templ template
+ ======================================================================
+ Autolearn Msgs Spam Ham % Msgs % Spam % Ham
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Spam 36 36 0 66.67% 76.60% 0.00%
+ Ham 2 0 2 3.70% 0.00% 28.57%
+ No 7 4 3 12.96% 8.51% 42.86%
+ Disabled 6 6 0 11.11% 12.77% 0.00%
+ Failed 2 1 1 3.70% 2.13% 14.29%
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Totals 53 47 6 98.15% 100.00% 85.71%
+ ======================================================================
+sub printAutolearnReport {
+ #print "printAutolearnReport:\n" if ($Opts{'debug'});
+ return unless (keys %{$Counts{'autolearn'}});
+ our $maxlen = 0;
+ our ($nhamtotal, $nspamtotal);
+ sub getAutolearnReport($) {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my @report = ();
+ # SA 2.5/2.6 : ham/spam/no
+ # SA 3.0+ : ham/spam/no/disabled/failed/unavailable
+ for (qw(spam ham no disabled failed unavailable)) {
+ next unless (exists $Counts{'autolearn'}{'Spam'}{$_} or exists $Counts{'autolearn'}{'Ham'}{$_});
+ #print "printAutolearnReport: type: $_\n" if ($Opts{'debug'});
+ my $nham = exists $Counts{'autolearn'}{'Ham'}{$_} ? $Counts{'autolearn'}{'Ham'}{$_} : 0;
+ my $nspam = exists $Counts{'autolearn'}{'Spam'}{$_} ? $Counts{'autolearn'}{'Spam'}{$_} : 0;
+ my $nboth = $nham + $nspam;
+ $nhamtotal += $nham; $nspamtotal += $nspam;
+ # type, nspam, nham, % msgs, % spam, % ham
+ push @report, sprintf "%-13s %9d %9d %9d %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%%\n",
+ ucfirst $_,
+ $nspam + $nham,
+ $nspam,
+ $nham,
+ $Totals{'totalmsgs'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nboth / $Totals{'totalmsgs'},
+ $Totals{'totalspam'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nspam / $Totals{'totalspam'},
+ $Totals{'totalham'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nham / $Totals{'totalham'};
+ my $len = length($report[-1]) - 1;
+ $maxlen = $len if ($len > $maxlen);
+ }
+ return @report;
+ }
+ my @report_spam = getAutolearnReport('Spam');
+ if (scalar @report_spam) {
+ print "\n", $sep1 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ print "Autolearn Msgs Spam Ham % Msgs % Spam % Ham\n";
+ print $sep2 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ print @report_spam;
+ print $sep2 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ printf "%-13s %9d %9d %9d %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%%\n",
+ 'Totals',
+ $nspamtotal + $nhamtotal,
+ $nspamtotal,
+ $nhamtotal,
+ $Totals{'totalmsgs'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * ($nspamtotal + $nhamtotal) / $Totals{'totalmsgs'},
+ $Totals{'totalspam'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nspamtotal / $Totals{'totalspam'},
+ $Totals{'totalham'} == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * $nhamtotal / $Totals{'totalham'};
+ print $sep1 x $maxlen, "\n";
+ }
+# Timings percentiles report, used for amavis message scanning and spamassassin timings
+ ========================================================================================================================
+ Scan Timing Percentiles % Time Total (ms) 0% 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% 100%
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AV-scan-2 (3) 69.23% 7209.00 2392.00 2393.50 2399.50 2407.00 2408.50 2409.70 2410.00
+ SA check (2) 19.74% 2056.00 942.00 950.60 985.00 1028.00 1071.00 1105.40 1114.00
+ SMTP DATA (3) 5.49% 572.00 189.00 189.20 190.00 191.00 191.50 191.90 192.00
+ AV-scan-1 (3) 0.82% 85.00 11.00 12.60 19.00 27.00 37.00 45.00 47.00
+ ...
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Total 10413.00 2771.00 2867.10 3251.50 3732.00 3821.00 3892.20 3910.00
+ ========================================================================================================================
+ ========================================================================================================================
+ SA Timing Percentiles % Time Total (ms) 0% 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% 100%
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tests_pri_0 (1) 97.17% 5323.00 5323.00 5323.00 5323.00 5323.00 5323.00 5323.00 5323.00
+ check_razor2 (1) 91.68% 5022.00 5022.00 5022.00 5022.00 5022.00 5022.00 5022.00 5022.00
+ check_dcc (1) 3.50% 192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00 192.00
+ learn (1) 0.66% 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00
+ tests_pri_-1000 (1) 0.46% 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
+ ...
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Total 5478.00 5478.00 5478.00 5478.00 5478.00 5478.00 5478.00 5478.00
+ ========================================================================================================================
+sub printTimingsReport($$$$) {
+ my ($title, $timingsref, $totalsref, $cutoff) = @_;
+ my @tkeys = keys %$timingsref;
+ return unless scalar @tkeys;
+ my (@p, @sorted, %perkey_totals, @col_subtotals);
+ my ($pcnt,$max_pcnt,$max_rows,$time_total_actual,$time_total_hypo,$subtotal_pcnt);
+ my @percents = split /[\s,]+/, $Opts{'timings_percentiles'};
+ my $header_footer = $sep1 x 50 . ($sep1 x 10) x @percents;
+ my $header_end = $sep2 x 50 . ($sep2 x 10) x @percents;
+ my $title_width = '-28';
+ print "\n$header_footer\n";
+ printf "%${title_width}s %6s %13s" ." %8s%%" x @percents , $title, "% Time", "Total (ms)", @percents;
+ print "\n$header_end\n";
+ # Sum the total time for each timing key
+ foreach my $key (@tkeys) {
+ foreach my $timeval (@{$$timingsref{$key}}) {
+ $perkey_totals{$key} += $timeval;
+ }
+ }
+ # Sum total time spent scanning
+ map {$time_total_actual += $_} @$totalsref;
+ # cutoff value used to limit the number of rows of output
+ # positive cutoff is a percentage of cummulative time
+ # negative cutoff limits number of rows
+ if ($cutoff >= 0) {
+ $max_pcnt = $cutoff != 100 ? $cutoff : 150; # 150% avoids roundoff errors
+ }
+ else {
+ $max_rows = -$cutoff;
+ }
+ my $rows = 0;
+ # sort each timing key's values, required to compute the list of percentiles
+ for (sort { $perkey_totals{$b} <=> $perkey_totals{$a} } @tkeys) {
+ last if (($max_rows and $rows >= $max_rows) or ($max_pcnt and $subtotal_pcnt >= $max_pcnt));
+ $pcnt = ($perkey_totals{$_} / $time_total_actual) * 100,
+ @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$$timingsref{$_}};
+ @p = get_percentiles (@sorted, @percents);
+ $subtotal_pcnt += $pcnt;
+ printf "%${title_width}s %6.2f%% %13.2f" . " %9.2f" x scalar (@p) . "\n",
+ $_ . ' (' . scalar(@{$$timingsref{$_}}) . ')', # key ( number of elements )
+ $pcnt, # percent of total time
+ #$perkey_totals{$_} / 1000, # total time for this test
+ $perkey_totals{$_}, # total time for this test
+ #map {$_ / 1000} @p; # list of percentiles
+ @p; # list of percentiles
+ $rows++;
+ }
+ print "...\n" if ($rows != scalar @tkeys);
+ print "$header_end\n";
+ # actual total time as reported by amavis
+ @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @$totalsref;
+ @p = get_percentiles (@sorted, @percents);
+ printf "%${title_width}s %13.2f" . " %9.2f" x scalar (@p) . "\n",
+ 'Total',
+ #$time_total_actual / 1000,
+ $time_total_actual,
+ #map {$_ / 1000} @p;
+ @p;
+ print "$header_footer\n";
+# Most recent startup info report
+sub printStartupInfoReport {
+ return unless (keys %StartInfo);
+ sub print2col($ $) {
+ my ($label,$val) = @_;
+ printf "%-50s %s\n", $label, $val;
+ }
+ print "\nAmavis Startup\n";
+ print2col (" Amavis", $StartInfo{'ampath'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'ampath'});
+ print2col (" Version", $StartInfo{'amversion'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'amversion'});
+ print2col (" PID", $StartInfo{'Server'}{'pid'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Server'}{'pid'});
+ print2col (" Socket", $StartInfo{'Server'}{'socket'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Server'}{'socket'});
+ print2col (" TCP port", $StartInfo{'Server'}{'ip'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Server'}{'ip'});
+ print2col (" UID", $StartInfo{'Server'}{'uid'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Server'}{'uid'});
+ print2col (" GID", $StartInfo{'Server'}{'gid'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Server'}{'gid'});
+ print2col (" Logging", $StartInfo{'Logging'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Logging'});
+ print2col (" Configuration Files", $StartInfo{'Configs'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'Configs'});
+ print2col (" SpamAssassin", $StartInfo{'sa_version'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'sa_version'});
+ print2col (" SpamAssassin Debug Facilities", $StartInfo{'sa_debug'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'sa_debug'});
+ print2col (" Database", $StartInfo{'db'}) if (exists $StartInfo{'db'});
+ #if (keys %{$StartInfo{'IDs'}}) {
+ # print " Process startup user/group:\n";
+ # print " User: $StartInfo{'IDs'}{'user'}, EUID: $StartInfo{'IDs'}{'euid'}, UID: $StartInfo{'IDs'}{'uid'}\n";
+ # print " Group: $StartInfo{'IDs'}{'group'}, EGID: $StartInfo{'IDs'}{'egid'}, GID: $StartInfo{'IDs'}{'gid'}\n";
+ #}
+ sub print_modules ($ $) {
+ my ($key, $label) = @_;
+ print " $label\n";
+ foreach (sort keys %{$StartInfo{$key}}) {
+ print " $_\n";
+ foreach my $module (sort keys %{$StartInfo{$key}{$_}}) {
+ if ($StartInfo{$key}{$_}{$module}) {
+ print2col (" " . $module, $StartInfo{$key}{$_}{$module});
+ }
+ else {
+ print2col (" " . $module, "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ print_modules('AVScanner', 'Antivirus scanners');
+ print_modules('Code', 'Code, modules and external programs');
+ print_modules('Decoders', 'Decoders');
+ print_modules('SAPlugins', 'SpamAssassin plugins');
+# Initialize the Getopts option list. Requires the Section table to
+# be built already.
+sub init_getopts_table() {
+ print "init_getopts_table: enter\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+ init_getopts_table_common(@supplemental_reports);
+ add_option ('first_recip_only!');
+ add_option ('show_first_recip_only=i', sub { $Opts{'first_recip_only'} = $_[1]; 1;});
+ add_option ('startinfo!');
+ add_option ('show_startinfo=i', sub { $Opts{'startinfo'} = $_[1]; 1; });
+ add_option ('by_ccat_summary!');
+ add_option ('show_by_ccat_summary=i', sub { $Opts{'by_ccat_summary'} = $_[1]; 1; });
+ add_option ('noscore_percentiles', \&triway_opts);
+ add_option ('score_percentiles=s', \&triway_opts);
+ add_option ('noscore_frequencies', \&triway_opts);
+ add_option ('score_frequencies=s', \&triway_opts);
+ add_option ('nosa_timings', sub { $Opts{'sa_timings'} = 0; 1; });
+ add_option ('sa_timings=i');
+ add_option ('sa_timings_percentiles=s');
+ add_option ('notimings', sub { $Opts{'timings'} = 0; 1; });
+ add_option ('timings=i');
+ add_option ('timings_percentiles=s');
+ add_option ('nosarules', \&triway_opts);
+ add_option ('sarules=s', \&triway_opts);
+ #add_option ('nop0f', \&triway_opts);
+ #add_option ('p0f=s', \&triway_opts);
+ add_option ('autolearn!');
+ add_option ('show_autolearn=i', sub { $Opts{'autolearn'} = $_[1]; 1; });
+# Builds the entire @Section table used for data collection
+# Each Section entry has as many as six fields:
+# 1. Section array reference
+# 2. Key to %Counts, %Totals accumulator hashes, and %Collecting hash
+# 3. Output in Detail report? (must also a %Counts accumulator)
+# 4. Numeric output format specifier for Summary report
+# 5. Section title for Summary and Detail reports
+# 6. A hash to a divisor used to calculate the percentage of a total for that key
+# Use begin_section_group/end_section_group to create groupings around sections.
+# Sections can be freely reordered if desired, but maintain proper group nesting.
+sub build_sect_table() {
+ print "build_sect_table: enter\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_SECT;
+ my $S = \@Sections;
+ # References to these are used in the Sections table below; we'll predeclare them.
+ $Totals{'totalmsgs'} = 0;
+ # Place configuration and critical errors first
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'warnings');
+ add_section ($S, 'fatal', 1, 'd', '*Fatal');
+ add_section ($S, 'panic', 1, 'd', '*Panic');
+ add_section ($S, 'warningsecurity', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Security risk');
+ add_section ($S, 'avtimeout', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Virus scanner timeout');
+ add_section ($S, 'avconnectfailure', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Virus scanner connection failure');
+ add_section ($S, 'warningsmtpshutdown', 1, 'd', '*Warning: SMTP shutdown');
+ add_section ($S, 'warningsql', 1, 'd', '*Warning: SQL problem');
+ add_section ($S, 'warningaddressmodified', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Email address modified');
+ add_section ($S, 'warningnoquarantineid', 1, 'd', '*Warning: Message missing X-Quarantine-ID header');
+ add_section ($S, 'warning', 1, 'd', 'Miscellaneous warnings');
+ end_section_group ($S, 'warnings');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'scanned', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalmsgs', 0, 'd', [ 'Total messages scanned', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'bytesscanned', 0, 'Z', 'Total bytes scanned'); # Z means print scaled as in 1k, 1m, etc.
+ end_section_group ($S, 'scanned', $sep1);
+ # Blocked / Passed
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'passblock', "\n");
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'blocked', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalblocked', 0, 'd', [ 'Blocked', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'malwareblocked', 1, 'd', ' Malware blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'bannednameblocked', 1, 'd', ' Banned name blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'uncheckedblocked', 1, 'd', ' Unchecked blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spamblocked', 1, 'd', ' Spam blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spamdiscarded', 0, 'd', ' Spam discarded (no quarantine)', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spammyblocked', 1, 'd', ' Spammy blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'badheaderblocked', 1, 'd', ' Bad header blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'oversizedblocked', 1, 'd', ' Oversized blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'mtablocked', 1, 'd', ' MTA blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'cleanblocked', 1, 'd', ' Clean blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'tempfailblocked', 1, 'd', ' Tempfail blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'otherblocked', 1, 'd', ' Other blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'blocked');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'passed', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalpassed', 0, 'd', [ 'Passed', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'malwarepassed', 1, 'd', ' Malware passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'bannednamepassed', 1, 'd', ' Banned name passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'uncheckedpassed', 1, 'd', ' Unchecked passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spampassed', 1, 'd', ' Spam passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spammypassed', 1, 'd', ' Spammy passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'badheaderpassed', 1, 'd', ' Bad header passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'oversizedpassed', 1, 'd', ' Oversized passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'mtapassed', 1, 'd', ' MTA passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'cleanpassed', 1, 'd', ' Clean passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'tempfailpassed', 1, 'd', ' Tempfail passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'otherpassed', 1, 'd', ' Other passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'passed');
+ end_section_group ($S, 'passblock', $sep1);
+ if ($Opts{'by_ccat_summary'}) {
+ # begin level 1 group
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'by_ccat', "\n");
+ # begin level 2 groupings
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'malware', "\n"); # level 2
+ add_section ($S, 'totalmalware', 0, 'd', [ 'Malware', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'malwarepassed', 0, 'd', ' Malware passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'malwareblocked', 0, 'd', ' Malware blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'malware');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'banned', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalbanned', 0, 'd', [ 'Banned', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'bannednamepassed', 0, 'd', ' Banned file passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'bannednameblocked', 0, 'd', ' Banned file blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'banned');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'unchecked', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalunchecked', 0, 'd', [ 'Unchecked', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'uncheckedpassed', 0, 'd', ' Unchecked passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'uncheckedblocked', 0, 'd', ' Unchecked blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'unchecked');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'spam', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalspam', 0, 'd', [ 'Spam', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spammypassed', 0, 'd', ' Spammy passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spammyblocked', 0, 'd', ' Spammy blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spampassed', 0, 'd', ' Spam passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spamblocked', 0, 'd', ' Spam blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'spamdiscarded', 0, 'd', ' Spam discarded (no quarantine)', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'spam');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'ham', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalham', 0, 'd', [ 'Ham', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'badheaderpassed', 0, 'd', ' Bad header passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'badheaderblocked', 0, 'd', ' Bad header blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'oversizedpassed', 0, 'd', ' Oversized passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'oversizedblocked', 0, 'd', ' Oversized blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'mtapassed', 0, 'd', ' MTA passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'mtablocked', 0, 'd', ' MTA blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'cleanpassed', 0, 'd', ' Clean passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'cleanblocked', 0, 'd', ' Clean blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'ham');
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'other', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'totalother', 0, 'd', [ 'Other', '-' ], \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'tempfailpassed', 0, 'd', ' Tempfail passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'tempfailblocked', 0, 'd', ' Tempfail blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'otherpassed', 0, 'd', ' Other passed', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ add_section ($S, 'otherblocked', 0, 'd', ' Other blocked', \$Totals{'totalmsgs'});
+ end_section_group ($S, 'other');
+ # end level 2 groupings
+ # end level 1 group
+ end_section_group ($S, 'by_ccat', $sep1);
+ }
+ begin_section_group ($S, 'misc', "\n");
+ add_section ($S, 'virusscanskipped', 1, 'd', 'Virus scan skipped');
+ add_section ($S, 'sabypassed', 0, 'd', 'SpamAssassin bypassed');
+ add_section ($S, 'satimeout', 0, 'd', 'SpamAssassin timeout');
+ add_section ($S, 'released', 1, 'd', 'Released from quarantine');
+ add_section ($S, 'defanged', 1, 'd', 'Defanged');
+ add_section ($S, 'truncatedheader', 0, 'd', 'Truncated headers > 998 characters');
+ add_section ($S, 'truncatedmsg', 0, 'd', 'Truncated message passed to SpamAssassin');
+ add_section ($S, 'tagged', 0, 'd', 'Spam tagged');
+ add_section ($S, 'smtpresponse', 1, 'd', 'SMTP response');
+ add_section ($S, 'badaddress', 1, 'd', 'Bad address syntax');
+ add_section ($S, 'fakesender', 1, 'd', 'Fake sender');
+ add_section ($S, 'archiveextract', 1, 'd', 'Archive extraction problem');
+ add_section ($S, 'dsnsuppressed', 1, 'd', 'DSN suppressed');
+ add_section ($S, 'dsnnotification', 1, 'd', 'DSN notification (debug supplemental)');
+ add_section ($S, 'bouncekilled', 1, 'd', 'Bounce killed');
+ add_section ($S, 'bouncerescued', 1, 'd', 'Bounce rescued');
+ add_section ($S, 'bounceunverifiable', 1, 'd', 'Bounce unverifiable');
+ add_section ($S, 'nosubject', 0, 'd', 'Subject header inserted');
+ add_section ($S, 'whitelisted', 1, 'd', 'Whitelisted');
+ add_section ($S, 'blacklisted', 1, 'd', 'Blacklisted');
+ add_section ($S, 'penpalsaved', 1, 'd', 'Penpals saved from kill');
+ add_section ($S, 'tmppreserved', 1, 'd', 'Preserved temporary directory');
+ add_section ($S, 'dccerror', 1, 'd', 'DCC error');
+ add_section ($S, 'mimeerror', 1, 'd', 'MIME error');
+ add_section ($S, 'defangerror', 1, 'd', 'Defang error');
+ add_section ($S, 'badheadersupp', 1, 'd', 'Bad header (debug supplemental)');
+ add_section ($S, 'fileoutputskipped', 0, 'd', 'File(1) output skipped');
+ add_section ($S, 'localdeliveryskipped', 1, 'd', 'Local delivery skipped');
+ add_section ($S, 'extramodules', 1, 'd', 'Extra code modules loaded at runtime');
+ add_section ($S, 'malwarebyscanner', 1, 'd', 'Malware by scanner');
+ add_section ($S, 'malwaretospam', 1, 'd', 'Malware to spam conversion');
+ add_section ($S, 'contenttype', 1, 'd', 'Content types');
+ add_section ($S, 'bayes', 1, 'd', 'Bayes probability');
+ add_section ($S, 'p0f', 1, 'd', 'p0f fingerprint');
+ add_section ($S, 'sadiags', 1, 'd', 'SpamAssassin diagnostics');
+ end_section_group ($S, 'misc');
+ print "build_sect_table: exit\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_SECT;
+# XXX create array of defaults for detail <5, 5-9, >10
+sub init_defaults() {
+ map { $Opts{$_} = $Defaults{$_} unless exists $Opts{$_} } keys %Defaults;
+ if (! $Opts{'standalone'}) {
+ # LOGWATCH these take affect if no env present (eg. nothing in conf file)
+ # 0 to 4 nostartinfo, notimings, nosarules, score_frequencies=0, score_percentiles=0, noautolearn
+ # 5 to 9 nostartinfo, timings=95, sarules = 20 20, score_frequencies=defaults, score_percentiles=defaults, autolearn
+ # 10 + startinfo, timings=100, sarules = all all score_frequencies=defaults, score_percentiles=defaults, autolearn
+ if ($Opts{'detail'} < 5) { # detail 0 to 4, disable all supplimental reports
+ $Opts{'autolearn'} = 0;
+ #$Opts{'p0f'} = 0;
+ $Opts{'timings'} = 0;
+ $Opts{'sa_timings'} = 0;
+ $Opts{'sarules'} = 0;
+ $Opts{'startinfo'} = 0;
+ $Opts{'score_frequencies'} = '';
+ $Opts{'score_percentiles'} = '';
+ }
+ elsif ($Opts{'detail'} < 10) { # detail 5 to 9, disable startinfo report
+ $Opts{'startinfo'} = 0;
+ }
+ else { # detail 10 and up, full reports
+ #$Opts{'p0f'} = 'all all';
+ $Opts{'timings'} = 100;
+ $Opts{'sa_timings'} = 100;
+ $Opts{'sarules'} = 'all all';
+ }
+ }
+# Return a usage string, built from:
+# arg1 +
+# $usage_str +
+# a string built from each usable entry in the @Sections table.
+sub usage($) {
+ my $ret = "";
+ $ret = "@_\n" if ($_[0]);
+ $ret .= $usage_str;
+ my ($name, $desc);
+ foreach my $sect (get_usable_sectvars(@Sections, 0)) {
+ $name = lc $sect->{NAME};
+ $desc = $sect->{TITLE};
+ $ret .= sprintf " --%-38s%s\n", "$name" . ' LEVEL', "$desc";
+ }
+ $ret .= "\n";
+ return $ret;
+sub strip_trace($) {
+ # at (eval 37) line 306, <GEN6> line 4.
+ # at /usr/sbin/amavisd-maia line 2895, <GEN4> line 22.
+ #$_[0] =~ s/ at \(.+\) line \d+(?:, \<GEN\d+\> line \d+)?\.$//;
+ #$_[0] =~ s/ at (\S+) line \d+(?:, \<GEN\d+\> line \d+)?\.$/: $1/;
+ while ($_[0] =~ s/ at (?:\(eval \d+\)|\S+) line \d+(?:, \<GEN\d+\> line \d+)?\.//) {
+ ;
+ }
+ #print "strip_trace: \"$_[0]\"\n";
+ return $_[0];
+# Getopt helper, sets an option in Opts hash to one of three
+# values: its default, the specified value, or 0 if the option
+# was the "no" prefixed variant.
+sub triway_opts ($ $) {
+ my ($opt,$val) = @_;
+ print "triway_opts: OPT: $opt, VAL: $val\n" if $Opts{'debug'} & D_ARGS;
+ die "Option \"--${opt}\" requires an argument" if ($val =~ /^--/);
+ if ($opt =~ s/^no//i) {
+ $Opts{$opt} = 0;
+ } elsif ('default' =~ /^${val}$/i) {
+ $Opts{$opt} = $Defaults{$opt};
+ }
+ else {
+ $Opts{$opt} = $val;
+ }
+# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et