data OptionalConfiguration =
OptionalConfiguration {
- both :: Maybe Bool,
database :: Maybe String,
detail :: Maybe Bool,
host :: Maybe String,
- Nothing
-- | Combine @cfg1@ and @cfg2@, giving precedence to @cfg2@.
cfg1 `mappend` cfg2 =
- (merge_maybes (both cfg1) (both cfg2))
(merge_maybes (database cfg1) (database cfg2))
(merge_maybes (detail cfg1) (detail cfg2))
(merge_maybes (host cfg1) (host cfg2))
let user_config_path = home </> ".mailbox-countrc"
cfg <- DC.load [ DC.Optional global_config_path,
DC.Optional user_config_path ]
- cfg_both <- DC.lookup cfg "both"
cfg_database <- DC.lookup cfg "database"
cfg_detail <- DC.lookup cfg "detail"
cfg_host <- DC.lookup cfg "host"
cfg_username <- DC.lookup cfg "username"
return $ OptionalConfiguration
- cfg_both
report_tests )
-import Data.List ( foldl' )
+import Data.List ( foldl', maximumBy )
import qualified Data.Map as Map ( Map, alter, empty, foldl, mapWithKey )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.String.Utils ( join )
-- | A wrapper around a (domain, count) pair to keep things type-safe.
-data DomainCount = DomainCount Domain Count
-instance Show DomainCount where
- -- | Display a DomainCount in the form \"domain: count\".
- --
- -- Examples:
- --
- -- >>> let dc = DomainCount "example.com" 100
- -- >>> show dc
- -- "example.com: 100"
- --
- show (DomainCount domain count) = domain ++ ": " ++ (show count)
+data DomainCount =
+ DomainCount Domain Count
+ deriving (Show)
-- | A wrapper around a (domain, user) pair to keep things type-safe.
data DomainUser =
-- >>> import Database.HDBC ( iToSql, toSql )
-- >>> list_to_domain_count [toSql "example.com", iToSql 100]
--- Just example.com: 100
+-- Just (DomainCount "example.com" 100)
-- >>> list_to_domain_count [toSql "example.com"]
-- Nothing
+-- | Pad each count on the left with spaces so that they start on the
+-- same column. The 'Int' argument is the length of the longest
+-- domain name with which this one will be aligned, so when you take
+-- into consideration the colon and subsequent space, the count will
+-- be placed in column @longest_length + 3@.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let dc = DomainCount "example.com" 20
+-- >>> format_domain_count 20 dc
+-- "example.com: 20"
+format_domain_count :: Int -> DomainCount -> String
+format_domain_count longest_length (DomainCount d c) =
+ d ++ ": " ++ (replicate num_spaces ' ') ++ (show c)
+ where
+ num_spaces = longest_length - length d
summary_header :: String
summary_header = "Summary (number of mailboxes per domain)\n" ++
list_rows <- quickQuery conn query []
let maybe_domain_counts = map list_to_domain_count list_rows
let domain_counts = catMaybes maybe_domain_counts
- let report_lines = summary_header : (map show domain_counts)
+ let n = longest_dc_length domain_counts
+ let formatted_domain_counts = map (format_domain_count n) domain_counts
+ let report_lines = summary_header : formatted_domain_counts
return $ join "\n" report_lines
+ -- | Compare two 'DomainCount's by the length of their domain. The
+ -- one with the longest domain is \"bigger\".
+ compare_dcs_by_length :: DomainCount -> DomainCount -> Ordering
+ compare_dcs_by_length (DomainCount x _) (DomainCount y _) =
+ compare (length x) (length y)
+ -- | Find the length of the 'DomainCount' in the list that has the
+ -- longest domain. We need to know this in order to pad the
+ -- counts on the left by the correct number of spaces.
+ longest_dc_length :: [DomainCount] -> Int
+ longest_dc_length dcs =
+ let (DomainCount d _) = longest in length d
+ where
+ longest = maximumBy compare_dcs_by_length dcs
query = "SELECT domain,COUNT(username) " ++
"FROM mailbox " ++
"GROUP BY domain "++
format_domain domain users =
(join "\n" (domain_header : indented_users)) ++ "\n"
- domain_header = "\n" ++ domain ++ ":"
+ count = length users
+ domain_header = "\n" ++ domain ++ " (" ++ (show count) ++ ")" ++ ":"
indented_users = map (" " ++) users
-report_both :: IConnection a => a -> IO String
-report_both conn = do
- rs <- report_summary conn
- rd <- report_detail conn
- return (rs ++ rd)
-report :: IConnection a => a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO String
-report conn do_both do_detail =
- if do_both
- then (report_both conn)
- else if do_detail then (report_detail conn) else (report_summary conn)
+report :: IConnection a => a -> Bool -> IO String
+report conn do_detail =
+ if do_detail
+ then report_detail conn
+ else report_summary conn
desc = "Summary report looks like it should"
expected = summary_header ++
"\n" ++
- "example.com: 3\n" ++
- "example.net: 2\n" ++
- "example.org: 1"
+ "example.com: 3\n" ++
+ "example.invalid: 1\n" ++
+ "example.net: 2\n" ++
+ "example.org: 1"
test_detail_report :: TestTree
desc = "Detail report looks like it should"
expected = detail_header ++
"\n" ++
- "example.com:\n" ++
+ "example.com (3):\n" ++
" user1\n" ++
" user3\n" ++
" user5\n" ++
"\n" ++
- "example.net:\n" ++
+ "example.invalid (1):\n" ++
+ " user7\n" ++
+ "\n" ++
+ "example.net (2):\n" ++
" user2\n" ++
" user4\n" ++
"\n" ++
- "example.org:\n" ++
+ "example.org (1):\n" ++
" user6\n"