- from_intervals )
+ from_intervals,
+ list_plot' )
import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive ( C )
+import qualified Algebra.Field as Field ( C )
import Control.Arrow ( first )
+import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
+import Misc ( partition )
import NumericPrelude
import qualified Prelude as P
f :: (a,a) -> Predicate a
f (x1,x2) x = x1 <= x && x <= x2
+-- | Plot a piecewise function over an interval @(x0,x1)@ using
+-- 'evaluate''. Return the result a list of @(x,y)@ tuples.
+-- Examples:
+-- >>> let p1 = ((-1,0), \x -> -x) :: ((Double,Double), Double->Double)
+-- >>> let p2 = ((0,1), \x -> x) :: ((Double,Double), Double->Double)
+-- >>> let ivs = [p1, p2]
+-- >>> let pw = from_intervals ivs
+-- >>> list_plot' pw (-2) 2 4
+-- [(-2.0,0.0),(-1.0,1.0),(0.0,-0.0),(1.0,1.0),(2.0,0.0)]
+list_plot' :: (Additive.C a, Field.C a)
+ => Piecewise a
+ -> a
+ -> a
+ -> Int
+ -> [(a,a)]
+list_plot' pw x0 x1 subintervals =
+ [ (x, evaluate' pw x) | x <- nodes ]
+ where
+ nodes = x0 : (map snd $ partition subintervals x0 x1)