dom_string *attr;
dom_exception exc;
+ /* We store the result of svgtiny_parse_style_inline() in
+ * inline_sheet, and that function returns NULL on error; in
+ * particular you do not need to css_stylesheet_destroy() the
+ * result if it is NULL. We initialize inline_sheet to NULL to
+ * retain the same semantics. */
+ css_stylesheet *inline_sheet = NULL;
exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, state->interned_fill, &attr);
if (exc == DOM_NO_ERR && attr != NULL) {
svgtiny_parse_color(attr, &state->fill, &state->fill_grad, state);
exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, state->interned_style, &attr);
if (exc == DOM_NO_ERR && attr != NULL) {
+ /* First parse the style attribute into a libcss stylesheet
+ in case any of its properties are known to libcss. */
+ inline_sheet = svgtiny_parse_style_inline(
+ (uint8_t *)dom_string_data(attr),
+ dom_string_byte_length(attr));
+ /* Parse any other properties "by hand" until they can
+ be supported in libcss. */
char *style = strndup(dom_string_data(attr),
const char *s;
+ if (inline_sheet != NULL) {
+ css_stylesheet_destroy(inline_sheet);
+ }