example.pdf: example.tex example.bbl ... $(MJOTEXPATHS)
-If you're not planning on publishing your document, great, you're
-done. If you are, you probably also want to create a "dist" target
-that will bundle all of your nonstandard TeX libraries along with the
-code for your document.
+If you're planning on publishing your document, then you probably also
+want to create a "dist" target that will bundle all of your
+nonstandard TeX libraries along with the code for your document.
A full makefile example is provided in the repository.
+If you're not planning on publishing your document, then you can save
+yourself some trouble and just \usepackage{mjotex}. That will ignore
+any changes to the mjotex library, but hey, YOLO.
% Only the most commonly-used macros. Needed by everything else.
% Place the argument in matching left/right parntheses.
-\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\of}{ \lparen }{ \rparen }
+\providecommand*{\of}[1]{ \left( {#1} \right) }
% Group terms using parentheses.
-\newcommand*{\qty}[1]{ \left\lparen {#1} \right\rparen }
+\providecommand*{\qty}[1]{ \left( {#1} \right) }
% Create a set from the given elements
-\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\set}{ \lbrace }{ \rbrace }
+\providecommand*{\set}[1]{ \left\lbrace {#1} \right\rbrace }
% A set comprehension, where the ``such that...'' bar is added
% automatically. The bar was chosen over a colon to avoid ambiguity
% with the L : V -> V notation. We can't leverage \set here because \middle
% needs \left and \right present.
-\newcommand*{\setc}[2]{ \left\lbrace {#1}\ \middle|\ {#2} \right\rbrace }
+\providecommand*{\setc}[2]{ \left\lbrace {#1}\ \middle|\ {#2} \right\rbrace }
% A pair of things.
-\DeclarePairedDelimiterX{\pair}[2]{ \lparen }{ \rparen}{ {#1}, {#2} }
+\providecommand*{\pair}[2]{ \left( {#1}, {#2} \right) }
% The inner product between its two arguments.
-\DeclarePairedDelimiterX{\ip}[2]{ \langle }{ \rangle}{ {#1}, {#2} }
+\newcommand*{\ip}[2]{ \langle {#1}, {#2} \rangle }
% The tensor product of its two arguments.
\newcommand*{\tp}[2]{ {#1} \otimes {#2} }
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