-- function at the grid points, which are distance h from one
-- another in each direction (x,y,z).
data Grid = Grid { h :: Double, -- MUST BE GREATER THAN ZERO!
- function_values :: Values3D }
+ function_values :: Values3D,
+ cube_grid :: CubeGrid }
deriving (Eq, Show)
make_grid :: Double -> Values3D -> Grid
make_grid grid_size values
| grid_size <= 0 = error "grid size must be positive"
- | otherwise = Grid grid_size values
+ | otherwise = Grid grid_size values (cubes grid_size values)
-- | Creates an empty grid with grid size 1.
empty_grid :: Grid
-empty_grid = Grid 1 empty3d
+empty_grid = make_grid 1 empty3d
-- | Returns a three-dimensional array of cubes centered on the grid
--- points of g with the appropriate 'FunctionValues'.
-cubes :: Grid -> CubeGrid
-cubes g
+-- points (h*i, h*j, h*k) with the appropriate 'FunctionValues'.
+cubes :: Double -> Values3D -> CubeGrid
+cubes delta fvs
= array (lbounds, ubounds)
[ ((i,j,k), cube_ijk)
| i <- [0..xmax],
j <- [0..ymax],
k <- [0..zmax],
- let delta = h g,
let tet_vol = (1/24)*(delta^(3::Int)),
let cube_ijk =
Cube delta i j k (make_values fvs i j k) tet_vol]
zmax = zsize - 1
lbounds = (0, 0, 0)
ubounds = (xmax, ymax, zmax)
- fvs = function_values g
(xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs
| j >= ysize = error "j >= ysize in cube_at"
| k < 0 = error "k < 0 in cube_at"
| k >= zsize = error "k >= zsize in cube_at"
- | otherwise = (cubes g) ! (i,j,k)
+ | otherwise = (cube_grid g) ! (i,j,k)
fvs = function_values g
(xsize, ysize, zsize) = dims fvs