.PHONY : test publish_doc doc src_html hlint
-lwn-epub: src/*.hs
+# There's onlt one '$' in the awk script, but we have to double-money
+# it for make.
+PN := $(shell grep 'name:' *.cabal | awk '{ print $$2 }')
+BIN := dist/build/$(PN)/$(PN)
+$(BIN): src/*.hs
runghc Setup.hs clean
runghc Setup.hs configure --user --flags=${FLAGS}
runghc Setup.hs build
--executables \
- runghc -i"src" test/TestSuite.hs
+dist/build/autogen: $(BIN)
+test: dist/build/autogen
+ runghc -i"src" -i"dist/build/autogen" test/TestSuite.hs
import System.IO.UTF8 (readFile)
+import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertEqual)
+import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~))
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import CommandLine (show_help)
import Configuration (Cfg(..), get_cfg)
import LWN.Page
-import LWN.URI (is_lwn_url, make_absolute_url)
+import LWN.URI (is_lwn_url, make_absolute_url, make_https)
import Misc (contains)
case make_absolute_url "current" of
Nothing -> s
Just ac -> ac
- abs_s =
- case make_absolute_url s of
+ abs_article =
+ case make_absolute_url ("Articles/" ++ s) of
Nothing -> s
Just as -> as
check_cases :: String
- | is_lwn_url s = s
+ | is_lwn_url s = make_https s
| s `contains` "current" = abs_current
- | s =~ "^[0-9]+$" = abs_s
+ | s =~ "^[0-9]+$" = abs_article
| otherwise = s -- Give up
main :: IO ()
Nothing -> do
_ <- show_help
return ()
+test_current_article_path :: Assertion
+test_current_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/current"
+ actual <- real_article_path "current"
+ assertEqual "Current article path constructed" expected actual
+test_numbered_article_path :: Assertion
+test_numbered_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/69"
+ actual <- real_article_path "69" -- I'm twelve
+ assertEqual "Numbered article path constructed" expected actual
+test_full_article_path :: Assertion
+test_full_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ actual <- real_article_path "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ assertEqual "Full article path left alone" expected actual
+test_non_https_article_path :: Assertion
+test_non_https_article_path = do
+ let expected = "https://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ actual <- real_article_path "http://lwn.net/Articles/502979/"
+ assertEqual "Non-https URL made https" expected actual
+main_tests :: Test
+main_tests =
+ testGroup "Main Tests" [
+ testCase "Current article path constructed" test_current_article_path,
+ testCase "Numbered article path constructed" test_numbered_article_path,
+ testCase "Full article path left alone" test_full_article_path,
+ testCase "Non-https URL made https" test_non_https_article_path ]
\ No newline at end of file