lowerCaseSuffixNamingStyle )
+strip_leading_underscore :: String -> String
+strip_leading_underscore ('_' : rest) = rest
+strip_leading_underscore s = s
-- | The lowercase naming style for database entities, provided by
-- Groundhog. Makes a better starting point than the default.
-- underscores. So, foo_bar_baz would get mapped to bar_baz in the
-- database.
--- Examples:
+-- Leading underscores are ignored, as those are used to hide unused
+-- field warnings.
+-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> tsn_db_field_namer "herp" "derp" 0 "xml_player_name" 0
-- "player_name"
+-- >>> tsn_db_field_namer "herp" "derp" 0 "db_player_name" 0
+-- "player_name"
+-- >>> tsn_db_field_namer "herp" "derp" 0 "_db_player_name" 0
+-- "player_name"
tsn_db_field_namer :: String -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> String
tsn_db_field_namer _ _ _ fieldname _ =
- (join "_") . tail . (split "_") $ fieldname
+ (join "_") . tail . (split "_") $ strip_leading_underscore fieldname
-- | An expression field name creator. \"Expression\" in the context
-- and update statement. We take the field name (from a record type)
-- as an argument and capitalize the first letter of each word.
--- Examples:
+-- Leading underscores are ignored, as those are used to hide unused
+-- field warnings.
+-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> tsn_expr_field_namer "herp" "derp" 0 "foo_bar" 0
-- "Foo_Bar"
+-- >>> tsn_expr_field_namer "herp" "derp" 0 "_foo_bar" 0
+-- "Foo_Bar"
tsn_expr_field_namer :: String -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> String
tsn_expr_field_namer _ _ _ fieldname _ =
- (join "_") . (map capitalize) . (split "_") $ fieldname
+ (join "_") . (map capitalize) . (split "_") $
+ strip_leading_underscore fieldname
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (c:cs) = (toUpper c : cs)