--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import Tests.Fixtures
+import SummaryFile1
+import GPS
+import StringUtils
+class IsTypeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testIntegersPassIsInteger(self):
+ """
+ If we take a bunch of integers, is_integer() should
+ return True for all of then, right?
+ """
+ for x in [ '0', '1', '902733', '-2142', '114', '65535', '65536', '-99999999' ]:
+ self.assertTrue(StringUtils.is_integer(x))
+ def testNonIntegersFailIsInteger(self):
+ """
+ Likewise, if we take a bunch of floats or whatever,
+ is_integer() should return False.
+ """
+ for x in [ '0.235', '-0235.021', 'string', GPS.Coordinates() ]:
+ self.assertFalse(StringUtils.is_integer(x))
+ def testFloatsPassIsFloat(self):
+ """
+ Do the same thing we did for is_integer(), only
+ now we check floats to make sure they pass.
+ """
+ # Note that integers can be converted to floats successfully.
+ for x in [ '0.024', '1.024234', '-12.902733',
+ '-2142', '114', '65535', '65536', '-99999999' ]:
+ self.assertTrue(StringUtils.is_float(x))
+ def testNonFloatsFailIsFloat(self):
+ """
+ Pass some strings and other objects to is_float(), and hope
+ that they fail.
+ """
+ for x in [ 'cinnammon0.024', '1.024letters234',
+ 'nothing but string', GPS.Coordinates() ]:
+ self.assertFalse(StringUtils.is_float(x))
+def suite():
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(IsTypeTest))
+ return suite