-- The bang pattern at least on @buffer@ is necessary for
-- performance reasons.
+-- We specify a timeout of fifteen minutes on the 'recv_line'
+-- function, after which we will return to our caller. This should
+-- cause the connection to be dropped, and a new one initiated. The
+-- timeout is in response to observed behavior where the feed
+-- eventually stops transmitting data entirely without closing the
+-- connection.
loop :: Configuration
-> Handle -- ^ Handle to the feed (network connection)
-> [String] -- ^ Current XML document buffer, line-by-line, in reverse
-> IO ()
loop !cfg !h !buffer = do
- line <- recv_line h
- let new_buffer = line : buffer
- -- Use isPrefixOf to avoid line-ending issues. Hopefully they won't
- -- send invalid junk (on the same line) after closing the root
- -- element.
- if "</message>" `isPrefixOf` line
- then do
- -- The buffer is in reverse (newest first) order, though, so we
- -- have to reverse it first. We then concatenate all of its lines
- -- into one big string.
- let document = concat $ reverse new_buffer
- save_document cfg document
- loop cfg h [] -- Empty the buffer before looping again.
- else
- -- Append line to the head of the buffer and loop.
- loop cfg h new_buffer
+ line' <- timeout fifteen_minutes $ recv_line h
+ case line' of
+ -- If we haven't received anything in fifteen minutes, return back
+ -- to the calling function. This should only happen in the case of
+ -- an error, and our caller should be prepared to handle it.
+ Nothing -> do
+ report_warning $ "No data received for 15 minutes."
+ Just line -> do
+ -- If the recv didn't timeout, proceed normally.
+ let new_buffer = line : buffer
+ -- Use isPrefixOf to avoid line-ending issues. Hopefully they won't
+ -- send invalid junk (on the same line) after closing the root
+ -- element.
+ if "</message>" `isPrefixOf` line
+ then do
+ -- The buffer is in reverse (newest first) order, though, so we
+ -- have to reverse it first. We then concatenate all of its lines
+ -- into one big string.
+ let document = concat $ reverse new_buffer
+ save_document cfg document
+ loop cfg h [] -- Empty the buffer before looping again.
+ else
+ -- Append line to the head of the buffer and loop.
+ loop cfg h new_buffer
+ where
+ fifteen_minutes :: Int
+ fifteen_minutes = 15 * 60 * 1000000
-- | Once we're connected to a feed, we need to log in. There's no
-> String -- ^ Hostname to connect to
-> IO ()
connect_and_parse cfg host = do
- report_info $ "Connecting to " ++ host ++ "."
bracket acquire_handle release_handle action
- return ()
five_seconds :: Int
- five_seconds = 5000000
+ five_seconds = 5 * 1000000
+ acquire_handle = do
+ report_info $ "Connecting to " ++ host ++ "."
+ connectTo host (PortNumber 4500)
+ release_handle = \h -> do
+ report_info $ "Closing connection to " ++ host ++ "."
+ hClose h
- acquire_handle = connectTo host (PortNumber 4500)
- release_handle = hClose
action h = do
-- No buffering anywhere.
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
case login_worked of
Nothing -> report_info $ "Login timed out (5 seconds). "
++ "Waiting 5 seconds to reconnect."
+ -- If loop returns (due to its timeout), it will pop out right
+ -- here and the action will terminate causing 'release_handle'
+ -- to trigger.
Just _ -> loop cfg h []