most_sig_bit_different )
-import Data.Word (Word32)
+import Data.Int ( Int32, Int64 )
+import Data.Word ( Word32 )
import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup )
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( (@?=), testCase )
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (
Arbitrary( arbitrary ),
+ Large,
+ Small,
testProperty )
ipv4address_properties =
"IPv4 Address Properties "
- [ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses ]
+ [ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses_x32,
+ prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses_x64 ]
-- QuickCheck properties
-prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses :: TestTree
-prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses =
- testProperty "fromEnum and toEnum are inverses" prop
+-- We have two different tests to show that toEnum and fromEnum are
+-- inverses of one another. This part of the code isn't really
+-- type-safe, because the stupid Enum class insists that we use a
+-- machine 'Int' for our representation. Since IPv4 addresses can
+-- correspond to very large 32-bit integers, there's a possibility
+-- that our math is wrong in 32- but not 64-bits, and vice-versa.
+-- tl;dr we want to ensure that this test passes when the 'Int' type
+-- is both 32-bit and 64-bit.
+-- Generate "Small" 64-bit numbers, because almost all 64-bit integers are
+-- too large to satisfy our predicate (i.e. also be 32-bit integers).
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses_x64 :: TestTree
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses_x64 =
+ testProperty "fromEnum and toEnum are inverses (x64)" prop
- prop :: Int -> Property
+ prop :: (Small Int64) -> Property
prop x =
- (0 <= x) && (x <= 2^(32 :: Integer) - 1) ==>
- fromEnum (toEnum x :: IPv4Address) == x
+ 0 <= x && x <= 2^(32 :: Integer) - 1 ==>
+ fromIntegral (fromEnum (toEnum (fromIntegral x) :: IPv4Address)) == x
+-- According to the QuickCheck documentation, we need the "Large"
+-- modifier to ensure that the test cases are drawn from the entire
+-- range of Int32 values.
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses_x32 :: TestTree
+prop_from_enum_to_enum_inverses_x32 =
+ testProperty "fromEnum and toEnum are inverses (x32)" prop
+ where
+ prop :: (Large Int32) -> Bool
+ prop x =
+ fromIntegral (fromEnum (toEnum (fromIntegral x) :: IPv4Address)) == x
-- HUnit Tests
mk_testaddr :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IPv4Address